Conspiracy as a drug?

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Conspiracy as a drug?

Postby Masato » Fri Dec 07, 2018 7:12 pm

Hey all

So I was talking with someone the other day who was describing the plight of alcoholics. He explained that the problem is that such folk slowly need more and more in order to get their fix. When 2 drinks was enough, soon it won’t be and they will need 3 or 4 to achieve the same result.

For some reason when he said this, I immediately thought of conspiracy hunters, and a possible motivation why some people become obsessed with or even possibly addicted to conspiracy info. I was certainly there for a time.

And, like with booze, whatever ‘kick’ they get from it, they will need continually deeper and crazier conspiracies to get their fix. When one day some simple provable conspiracies were enough, maybe with time those will no longer suffice and bigger ones are needed. Eventually they will need to enter the realms of reptilians and flat earth to get the same results. Who knows where they will need to go after that when their ‘tolerance’ goes up again

I can’t think of how exactly conspiracy hunting might give a person whatever high or endorphins or whatever to make it comparable to drugs, but it dawned on me for an instant that the pattern might be somehow the same.

Just a thought.

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Postby Rambo John J » Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:20 pm

everything in Moderation...including Moderation

For me if the facts are there or there are simply too many "concidences/links" related to an event/conspiracy...then it interests me and draws a red flag, deserves scrutiny, and draws doubt.

So many Coincidence Theorists "debunking" stuff that deserves scrutiny nowadays

I don't get much of a rush or reward from seeking truth and reading between the lines of Mainstream Media...I just get a bit sad that the brainwash is working so well on so many.

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Postby Redneck » Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:30 am

I liken it more to being addicted to information rather than a harmful drug.

Let's face it, the vast majority of conspiracies that were popular 30-40 years ago have almost all come true, or at least to have been proven to have been onto something.

I'm not talking about Aliens, or Flat Earth or Moon Landings, or any of the more extreme stuff, which is also in the minority of most CT'ers. But the warnings about the NWO and a One world Government, One World race, and One World Currency are rapidly being proven in front of our eyes. These are agendas that were being written about by the elite in their own books and journals, and then others started to warn us about it a few years later.

If you want to go out on a fringe and say that the Sandy Hook shooter was an Alien who killed people because they were hiding the truth about the Flat Earth, then yes, you are probabaly equal to an alcoholic, or a chronic gamer, or a crack head.

But for the most of us, I do not think it applies.

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Postby Masato » Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:55 pm

^ good post, glad to see you around again Redneck. Always quality

Even for the more level-headed conspiracy hunters, I still find the question of motivation intriguing. 'Addicted to information' could take many forms. Geography, history, physics, astronomy, - a host of topics rich with info to devour. Why do some personalities gravitate towards conspiracy information specifically?

Why do some people (myself included) become somewhat obsessed with tracking and understanding the behavior of an elite class? With identifying great lies or evils?

After 911 I admittedly went kind of crazy for this, perhaps it is a reaction to trauma? Can the sudden realization that the myth of Presidents and Authority and Wolf Fucking Blitzer is a fairytale make people a bit crazy? Maybe its just a matter of experiencing this flip, a shattering of one's paradigm of reality, and then naturally having an uncontrollable urge to re-assess and re-construct one's whole reality?

Maybe its the paranoia that comes with seeing the reality of how much propaganda actually exists, and a self-defense instinct to purge and defend one's self from it?

I think another element that might motivate some is a sense of justice or something... many people first exposed to conspiracy truths often feel compelled to yell it from the rooftops and get the truth out and save the world, as if doing so might actually be able to change it. Could the feeling of trying to save the world create endorphins or something that would make people 'addicted'?

Another reason I see sometimes is pure ego. Some folks want to feel they are smarter than everyone else, so whatever info they can acquire that is outside the mainstream status-quo, the more superior they feel. I've seen some people who are so high on their conspiracy 'knowledge', that they literally walk around seeing everyone else as being idiots. They despise everyone for being so dumb, and not knowing the truth, but THEY have the truth and so it gives them superhero-esque identities. What better way to feel smart than to assume everyone else is dumb, etc

Others perhaps its pure fantasy - an escape from reality. Maybe for some folks, the real world is too grim to deal with for one reason or another, and its just way more fun to get lost in a world of elite occult alien secret history and fantasy? I think this is so. I know love a good yarn and enjoy suspending disbelief sometimes to go down a crazy rabbit hole. I like to pride myself however on a learned ability to come back again though, and draw my own lines between real truth-seeking and entertainment.

All in all I just find it a fascinating phenomenon, and trying to understand myself but also I feel a real curiosity to try to understand conspiracy mentalities in general, even the ones who go right off the rails. Maybe I can help people, or maybe when/if conspiracy truths actually start to seep into mainstream consciousness, perhaps we will need a better understanding and cooler heads to be able to listen to those who know their shit but appear crazy.

I don't know, just thoughts. I find it interesting.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:53 pm

Redneck wrote:I liken it more to being addicted to information rather than a harmful drug.

Let's face it, the vast majority of conspiracies that were popular 30-40 years ago have almost all come true, or at least to have been proven to have been onto something.

I'm not talking about Aliens, or Flat Earth or Moon Landings, or any of the more extreme stuff, which is also in the minority of most CT'ers. But the warnings about the NWO and a One world Government, One World race, and One World Currency are rapidly being proven in front of our eyes. These are agendas that were being written about by the elite in their own books and journals, and then others started to warn us about it a few years later.

If you want to go out on a fringe and say that the Sandy Hook shooter was an Alien who killed people because they were hiding the truth about the Flat Earth, then yes, you are probabaly equal to an alcoholic, or a chronic gamer, or a crack head.

But for the most of us, I do not think it applies.

- I see theyre more like trying to solve a puzzle? LIke for some guys its more of a game of collectiing riddles!
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Postby Masato » Sun Dec 23, 2018 4:18 pm

Edge Guerrero wrote:
Redneck wrote:I liken it more to being addicted to information rather than a harmful drug.

Let's face it, the vast majority of conspiracies that were popular 30-40 years ago have almost all come true, or at least to have been proven to have been onto something.

I'm not talking about Aliens, or Flat Earth or Moon Landings, or any of the more extreme stuff, which is also in the minority of most CT'ers. But the warnings about the NWO and a One world Government, One World race, and One World Currency are rapidly being proven in front of our eyes. These are agendas that were being written about by the elite in their own books and journals, and then others started to warn us about it a few years later.

If you want to go out on a fringe and say that the Sandy Hook shooter was an Alien who killed people because they were hiding the truth about the Flat Earth, then yes, you are probabaly equal to an alcoholic, or a chronic gamer, or a crack head.

But for the most of us, I do not think it applies.

- I see theyre more like trying to solve a puzzle? LIke for some guys its more of a game of collecting riddles!

This is a great thought!

And very true, sometimes it seems like we're all solving a case, a puzzle that sometimes seems like it is on the verge of being solved it can be exciting from this perspective too.

Dangerous however imo to get over-faithful with our 'solutions' though, in my experience the whole picture is always more vast than we can realize, no one can ever understand the whole puzzle and any 'solution' is likely limited no matter how well made. If we get too excited about solving it we have to construct a hurried paradigm where all new information must be skewed to fit it. It becomes a belief system, EYism etc

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Postby Masato » Sun Dec 23, 2018 4:28 pm

Was think more about this yesterday and came to a dawning realization. At least for me, I think a great deal of it is a simple innate hatred of authority.

I have always been somewhat anti-authority, even as a kid I rarely respected my teachers as they wanted me to, was always attracted to rebellious music without even realizing it, had issues with cops etc. Some folk are drawn to oppose the status quo, I think in some there is an instinct that there is something wrong about it, something false or deceptive about it.

Conspiracy hunting from this perspective could be seen as a fight for one's own freedom, to understand who rules over you, to 'know your enemy' so to speak so that you can possibly wriggle free of its tentacles. A desire to free humanity, to uncover truth from a veil of lies. "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery' as our man Bob Marley sang.

Sad to say, with age I find these sort of hopes, goals & ideals to be increasingly youthful and idealistic, and I don't feel such a 'tipping point' is as within our grasp as I once did, but maybe I'm just getting cynical lol

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