Bolton Nixes Syria Withdrawl

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Bolton Nixes Syria Withdrawl

Postby Masato » Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:06 pm

What do you make of this?

Trump announces total withdrawl of troops from Syria, now Super-NeoCon-Zionist Master John Bolton nixes the decision on a moment's call.

For those who don't know John Bolton, do a bit of research on him, IMHO he is a major player in directing US Foreign (Military) Policy and has been for a long time. Way above Trump.

Keep in mind this is a NY Times article, so beware the spin but the story is still telling of a lot imo:

Bolton Puts Conditions on Syria Withdrawal, Suggesting a Delay of Months or Years ... tw-nytimes


WASHINGTON — President Trump’s national security adviser, John R. Bolton, rolled back on Sunday Mr. Trump’s decision to rapidly withdraw from Syria, laying out conditions for a pullout that could leave American forces there for months or even years.

Mr. Bolton, making a visit to Israel, told reporters that American forces would remain in Syria until the last remnants of the Islamic State were defeated and Turkey provided guarantees that it would not strike Kurdish forces allied with the United States. He and other top White House advisers have led a behind-the-scenes effort to slow Mr. Trump’s order and reassure allies, including Israel.

“We don’t think the Turks ought to undertake military action that’s not fully coordinated with and agreed to by the United States, at a minimum so they don’t endanger our troops,” Mr. Bolton said in Jerusalem, where he was traveling ahead of a visit Tuesday to Turkey.

Mr. Bolton’s comments inserted into Mr. Trump’s strategy something the president had omitted when he announced on Dec. 19 that the United States would depart within 30 days: any conditions that must be met before the pullout.

The remarks also reflected the disarray that has surrounded the president’s decision, which took his staff and foreign allies by surprise and drew objections from the Pentagon that it was logistically impossible and strategically unwise. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis resigned within hours of the announcement, and the Pentagon chief of staff, Kevin M. Sweeney, said on Saturday evening that he was also leaving.

Middle East|Bolton Puts Conditions on Syria Withdrawal, Suggesting a Delay of Months or Years

Bolton Puts Conditions on Syria Withdrawal, Suggesting a Delay of Months or Years
The national security adviser, John R. Bolton, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in Jerusalem on Sunday.CreditKobi Gideon/Israeli Government Press Office
The national security adviser, John R. Bolton, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in Jerusalem on Sunday.CreditCreditKobi Gideon/Israeli Government Press Office

By David E. Sanger, Noah Weiland and Eric Schmitt

Jan. 6, 2019

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s national security adviser, John R. Bolton, rolled back on Sunday Mr. Trump’s decision to rapidly withdraw from Syria, laying out conditions for a pullout that could leave American forces there for months or even years.

Mr. Bolton, making a visit to Israel, told reporters that American forces would remain in Syria until the last remnants of the Islamic State were defeated and Turkey provided guarantees that it would not strike Kurdish forces allied with the United States. He and other top White House advisers have led a behind-the-scenes effort to slow Mr. Trump’s order and reassure allies, including Israel.

“We don’t think the Turks ought to undertake military action that’s not fully coordinated with and agreed to by the United States, at a minimum so they don’t endanger our troops,” Mr. Bolton said in Jerusalem, where he was traveling ahead of a visit Tuesday to Turkey.

Mr. Bolton’s comments inserted into Mr. Trump’s strategy something the president had omitted when he announced on Dec. 19 that the United States would depart within 30 days: any conditions that must be met before the pullout.


The remarks also reflected the disarray that has surrounded the president’s decision, which took his staff and foreign allies by surprise and drew objections from the Pentagon that it was logistically impossible and strategically unwise. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis resigned within hours of the announcement, and the Pentagon chief of staff, Kevin M. Sweeney, said on Saturday evening that he was also leaving.

While Mr. Bolton said on Sunday that he expected American forces to eventually leave northeastern Syria, where most of the 2,000 troops in the country are based for the mission against the Islamic State, he began to lay out an argument for keeping some troops at a garrison in the southeast that is used to monitor the flow of Iranian arms and soldiers. In September, three months before Mr. Trump’s announcement, Mr. Bolton had declared that the United States would remain in Syria as long as Iranians were on the ground there.

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Asked on CBS News’s “Face the Nation” if Mr. Bolton’s comments amounted to an admission that Mr. Trump had made a mistake, Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who at times has been one of the president’s staunchest supporters, said, “This is the reality setting in that you’ve got to plan this out.”

Mr. Graham, who described the dangers of making the announcement first and then considering the longer-term implications, added, “The president is slowing down and is re-evaluating his policies in light of those three objectives: Don’t let Iran get the oil fields, don’t let the Turks slaughter the Kurds, and don’t let ISIS come back.”

The move to reverse course on Mr. Trump’s promised swift withdrawal picked up in recent days, even as Mr. Bolton worked to avoid openly confronting the president the way Mr. Mattis did. On Friday, in a background briefing for reporters about a forthcoming trip to the Middle East by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a senior State Department official said there was no fixed timetable for the American withdrawal.


Asked about the shifting timeline on Sunday as he left the White House for meetings about border security at Camp David, Mr. Trump told reporters that he had “never said we were doing it that quickly.” In a video on the evening of his announcement in December, he had said that “our boys, our young women, our men — they’re all coming back, and they’re coming back now,” though he later extended that to four months.

Now, the four-month schedule appears highly in doubt. The conditions Mr. Bolton described, including the complete defeat of the Islamic State and the guarantees from Turkey, could easily stretch out.

Mr. Bolton will meet on Tuesday with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, who argued to Mr. Trump in a phone call last month that the Islamic State had been defeated, and that American troops were therefore no longer needed to aid Kurdish fighters. Turkey considers the Kurdish forces a terrorist body bent on carving out a separate nation.

Before the Turkey visit, Mr. Bolton was expected to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel over dinner on Sunday evening. Mr. Netanyahu has also been concerned about the American plan, for fear it will leave a vacuum and embolden Iran.

In Jerusalem, Mr. Bolton described the conditions as “policy decisions that we need to implement,” and he said a timeline for a withdrawal would be necessary only once those stipulations were met. He said that Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, would negotiate with Turkish officials this week over the protection of the Kurdish fighters.

Mr. Bolton’s comments seemed to expand on a classified memo he wrote to cabinet officials on Dec. 24 that outlined a strategy for Turkish troops to replace the roughly 2,000 American troops conducting counterterrorism operations against the Islamic State in northeastern Syria, according to two Defense Department officials.

Mr. Bolton’s memo came after Mr. Trump and Mr. Erdogan spoke by phone on Dec. 23. After that conversation, Mr. Trump tweeted: “I just had a long and productive call with President @RT_Erdogan of Turkey. We discussed ISIS, our mutual involvement in Syria, & the slow & highly coordinated pullout of U.S. troops from the area. After many years they are coming home.”

Mr. Bolton also wrote in the memo, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal, that the administration’s objectives in Syria remained consistent. Those goals have included routing the Islamic State from its last enclaves in the Middle Euphrates River Valley, ousting Iranian-commanded forces and pursuing a diplomatic resolution to the country’s civil war.

Pentagon officials almost immediately expressed skepticism that the Turkish military, which has struggled to carry out limited operations along its border with Syria in the past two years, could execute expansive counterterrorism operations deeper into Syria, toward the border with Iraq. Moreover, American military planners said any Turkish movements into northeastern Syria would lead to clashes with the Syrian Kurdish-Arab coalition known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, or S.D.F.

The Pentagon’s skepticism about the plan only heightened in recent days when in response to Mr. Bolton’s memo, Turkish authorities asked the United States for significant military support, including airstrikes, logistics and transportation. Three Defense Department officials said that despite Mr. Bolton’s memo, there had been no planning for any turnover of counterterrorism operations to the Turks.

In the meantime, American forces are beginning the preparations for a withdrawal from northeastern Syria, even as the timetable has become increasingly fluid.

After meeting in Iraq on Dec. 26 with Lt. Gen. Paul LaCamera, the top American commander in Iraq and Syria, Mr. Trump agreed to increase the time for the drawdown from 30 days to four months. That would provide enough time to decide where else in the region to move the huge amounts of military equipment, how much, if any, would remain behind with Kurdish-Arab allies, and what might be disabled to avoid falling into the hands of the Syrian government or its Russian and Iranian allies.

While Mr. Bolton said on Sunday that he expected American forces to eventually leave northeastern Syria, where most of the 2,000 troops in the country are based for the mission against the Islamic State, he began to lay out an argument for keeping some troops at a garrison in the southeast that is used to monitor the flow of Iranian arms and soldiers. In September, three months before Mr. Trump’s announcement, Mr. Bolton had declared that the United States would remain in Syria as long as Iranians were on the ground there.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:08 pm

IMO the stupid haircut and mustache is a disguise. This is a bad mofo





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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:11 pm

Trump Adviser Bolton Says U.S. Withdrawal From Syria Is Conditional On Defeat Of ISIS

This decision by Bolton is 2-fold: 1 on the US side, and the other on Israeli side. The move is being used to ramp up MORE action in the region, not less.

Complete reversal of language to fuck with public perception.

Evil. ... t-of-isis/

U.S. Nationwide Safety Marketing consultant John Bolton (left) and Israeli Top Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake fingers throughout a joint commentary to the media apply their assembly, in Jerusalem on Sunday:

With the White Space dealing with grievance over President Trump’s choice to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria, Nationwide Safety Adviser John Bolton on Sunday stated the drawdown will probably be conditioned at the defeat of the Islamic State and the security of Kurdish allies.

“There are targets that we need to do so situation the withdrawal,” Bolton advised newshounds in Jerusalem, the place he was once touring to soothe considerations over the troop pullback. “The timetable flows from the coverage selections that we want to put into effect.”

Bolton is anticipated to inform Israeli Top Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that troops will stay at a base in Syria to counter Iranian job, consistent with a senior U.S. management reliable who spoke with NPR’s Daniel Estrin.

Talking from the White Space, President Trump additionally stated on Sunday that the withdrawal could be contingent at the defeat of ultimate Islamic State forces.

“We may not be in the end pulled out till ISIS is long past,” Trump stated ahead of departing for Camp David.

The remarks constitute a departure from the president’s previous statements in regards to the timeline for U.S. involvement in Syria.

“Our boys, our younger girls, our males, they are all coming again, and they are coming again now,” Trump stated in a video declaring victory over ISIS on Dec. 19, as studies started to floor that he would withdraw troops from each Syria and Afghanistan.

That announcement was once met with grievance from contributors of each events, and was once adopted via two high-profile resignations: Protection Secretary Jim Mattis and Brett McGurk, the U.S. envoy to the coalition preventing the Islamic State.

Mattis became in his letter of resignation the next day, mentioning the president’s proper to have a secretary of protection “whose perspectives are higher aligned with yours.” McGurk introduced his resignation a number of days later.

“The hot choice via the president got here as a surprise and was once an entire reversal of coverage that was once articulated to us,” McGurk wrote in an e-mail to colleagues bought via The New York Occasions. “It left our coalition companions perplexed and our preventing companions bewildered.”

Bolton stated that the U.S. would proceed negotiations with Turkish officers to protected coverage for Kurdish allies within the northeastern a part of Syria.

Syrian Kurds, who’ve fought ISIS along American forces, worry an assault from Turkey when the U.S. withdraws. Whilst the U.S. has trusted Kurdish forces, referred to as the YPG, within the struggle towards ISIS, Turkey considers the crowd an offshoot of the Kurdistan Staff’ Birthday party, or PKK. That crew has been categorised as a 15 may organization via each the U.S. and Turkey.

After Trump introduced his withdrawal plan, Turkey started to deploy army cars and troops with reference to a northwest Syrian the city that it has lengthy sought to seize, Bloomberg studies.

Bolton has advised Kurdish allies to not search coverage from Russia or Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s govt.

“I believe they know who their pals are,” he stated.
White House Orders Pentagon To Pull U.S. Troops From Syria

Combating along Arab and Kurdish forces, American troops were in large part a hit in pushing again the Islamic State and stabilizing the rustic, since getting into Syria in 2014. However Pentagon officers say about 2 % of the crowd’s self-proclaimed caliphate stays within the nation.

NPR’s Greg Myre reported in December on Trump’s coverage in Syria:

He has necessarily carried on with President Obama’s coverage in Syria, introduced in 2014, when ISIS was once at its top, and outlined via an competitive bombing marketing campaign and a small choice of U.S. forces who paintings with the Kurds and different U.S. companions. The U.S. has an estimated 2,000 troops in Syria, most commonly within the northeast.

Dismantling ISIS has been the most important fulfillment, and has come at a a ways cheaper price in comparison to different U.S. army engagements within the area.

How Is The World Reacting To Trump's Decision To Withdraw From Syria?

Critics of the Syria withdrawal, together with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who’s most often an in depth best friend of the president, have stated a handy guide a rough withdrawal could be a mistake, partially as a result of it might depart the area susceptible to a conceivable ISIS resurgence.

The president supplied no company timetable on Sunday for a pullback, merely telling newshounds, “It is going briefly.” Further main points are anticipated to be mentioned on Monday, when Bolton travels to Turkey for talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:14 pm





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Postby Redneck » Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:54 am

I think it's a game.

Trump announced the withdrawal to force the hand of the Deep State. It caused the Neo-Con Mattis to quit because Trump over rode him.

Trump knew that the Deep state would respond but if they blatantly opposed his action then they would look like the ones pushing for war.

Captain Kangaroo comes along with a compromise of sorts, to say that he supports Trump, but that they need to get all their ducks in a row before completely pulling out.

I think Trump covers this strategy in his book The Art of the Deal, go hard with your first offer but be prepared to accept a compromise if it's the best result you can achieve.


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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Sat Jan 12, 2019 8:58 am

US Military Announces Start of Syria Pullout

Convoy of US vehicles withdraws into Iraq

Jason Ditz Posted on January 11, 2019Categories NewsTags Pentgon, Syria ... a-pullout/

The US military has announced that the process of withdrawing the estimated 2,000 US troops in Syria has officially begun. They say there will be no specifics reported on numbers or timelines because of “operational security.”

This follows a week of speculation about the process, and comes just a day after Pentagon officials said that there had been no changes to the timeline, despite John Bolton’s weekend talk of making the pullout “conditional.”

And while the military isn’t giving any specifics, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is. The observatory reported that a convoy of US armored vehicles was the first of the pullout, and was seen leaving the town of Rmeilan into neighboring Iraq.

That the process of withdrawing from Syria involves driving into Iraq, and the US troops are all on the side of Syria closest to the Iraq border, it once again raises questions of why the pullout is expected to take months, instead of the few hours such a trip would take.
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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:17 pm

Bolton’s Radical Reshaping Plan for Mideast Included “Mind Boggling” Strikes on Iran, Syria, and Iraq

Bolton’s willingness to bring Syria and Iraq into the fray along with Iran betrays the fact that he is not just seeking regime change in individual countries but seeking to remake the Middle East as a whole. ... aq/253826/

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Tue Jan 15, 2019 10:19 pm

Masato wrote:Bolton’s Radical Reshaping Plan for Mideast Included “Mind Boggling” Strikes on Iran, Syria, and Iraq

Bolton’s willingness to bring Syria and Iraq into the fray along with Iran betrays the fact that he is not just seeking regime change in individual countries but seeking to remake the Middle East as a whole. ... aq/253826/

Despite being a gentile, Bolton is a card carrying chicken hawk He's neocon trash from the GW Bush foreign policy school.
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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:40 pm

el rey del mambo

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:04 am

Four US troops were injured in this collision with a Russian vehicle in Eastern Syria.

Russia is finally now crossing the Euphrates and setting up operations in Syrian Mesopotamia.

el rey del mambo

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