Zionism Thread

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Re: Zionism Thread

Postby Canuckster » Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:07 pm

Inch by. Inch
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:26 pm

Israel demands correction from Sanders: it killed only 532 Palestinian children in summer 2014

https://mondoweiss.net/2016/04/israel-d ... mmer-2014/

Science, Space and Technology Minister Ophir Akunis said on Saturday that US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders should apologize to Israel for misstating the number of Palestinian casualties during the 2014 war with Gaza.

“Sanders has spread horrible lies against the State of Israel and he needs to apologize as soon as possible,” Akunis said… “We cannot interfere in the internal elections of the United States, but when there is libelous misinformation being spread against Israel, we need to react and stand firm on the truth and the facts.”

On MSNBC Friday, Sanders amended his comments to say that Israel had killed over 2,000 civilians in Gaza. “It turns out that, according to the United Nations, over 2,000 civilians were killed.”

The number is actually closer to 1486, including 532 children, according to Khelil Bouarrouj at the Institute for Palestine Studies’ site Palestine Square, Bouarrouj says that Sanders’s original 10,000 number is a good tally of casualties in that operation and is also not far off as a count of killings over a 15 year period.

his claim was likely an honest confusion: 10,626 is the number of Palestinians that were injured in [Operation Protective Edge of 2014], according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah while 1,486 Palestinian civilians, including 532 children, were killed, according to UNOCHA (the UN agency in charge of humanitarian affairs).

lol, how dare he get the numbers wrong! All is well now, nothing to see here. :?

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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:17 pm


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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:26 pm

Apparently, these are the picks for Biden's team:
Have not confirmed


Don't know how old this is:

People who get worked up about this stuff sometimes make indirect connections in order to classify people as Jewish/Israeli/Zionist, be aware of this but at the same time the point remains imo

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Postby Masato » Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:47 pm

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:07 pm

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 17, 2021 6:41 pm

‘Finished with the bluffing’: Jewish National Fund goes public with its aid to settlers

A recent JNF decision to publicly fund projects in the West Bank makes its role in Israeli settler colonialism clear. Will its international supporters stand by the organization?

https://mondoweiss.net/2021/03/finished ... -settlers/

For decades, Jews around the world have cherished the Jewish National Fund’s supposedly “charitable” work buying and managing land in Israel. Generations of Jewish children have been encouraged to drop pennies into its iconic blue collection boxes.

The Fund is held in similar high esteem by western governments, which typically subsidize their citizens’ donations to the JNF by treating them as tax exempt. Meanwhile, international agencies seek out its advice on environmental and sustainability issues.

But a vote last month by the JNF’s board threatens to unmask the Zionist charity, even to its most faithful supporters. For the first time, the organization has agreed to publicly allocate funds to expand Israel’s illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.

$12 million set aside
The JNF has initially set aside nearly $12 million for what it describes as “land purchases” in the occupied West Bank. In reality, the JNF will be funding the confiscation and takeover of Palestinian lands by Israel’s occupation authorities.

According to reports, the JNF may ultimately funnel hundreds of millions of dollars from its reserves into the West Bank in a bid to more than double the size of the settler population there – from at least 450,000 to one million Jews. [https://www.axios.com/jewish-national-fund-expand-west-bank-settlements-e88ee22c-230e-4ed1-a3cf-ad60d0d8785d.html ]

Analysts have noted that the KKL-JNF – as the organization is known in Israel – is being rapidly reinvented as a “bank” for right-wing politicians. They want to use its enormous reserves to entrench the government’s de facto annexation policy by helping the settlers tighten their hold on the West Bank.

Collusion in war crimes
Worried about how this will look outside Israel, and the threat it could pose to the JNF’s fundraising activities overseas, five of the JNF’s 32 board members have demanded that the decision be rescinded.

They are pinning their hopes on a follow-up meeting, after Israel’s March 23 election, when the board will vote on whether the JNF changes its declared policy and operates openly inside the West Bank.

Unless the decision can be overturned, donors to the JNF – as well as foreign governments that bestow charitable status on the Fund – will be directly and visibly colluding in the development of the settlements and the further erosion of prospects for a Palestinian state.

Significantly, such collusion will be occurring immediately after the International Criminal Court in the Hague announced last month an investigation into potential Israeli war crimes that include its building and expansion of settlements.

Public money laundered
The JNF’s decision is a dramatic indication of how ultra-nationalists allied to Benjamin Netanyahu’s government have co-opted Zionism’s most venerable international organization.

Till now, the JNF in Israel has been careful to veil its involvement in the settlements to avoid both alienating more liberal American Jews and endangering its overseas charitable status by openly flouting international law. Instead it has hidden its operations inside the West Bank behind a subsidiary called Himanuta.

But that approach has changed since the JNF’s new chairman, Avraham Duvdevani, took office in October. He previously headed the World Zionist Organization, whose settlement division has been the main vehicle by which Israeli governments have laundered public money to expand the settlements, often in breach of Israel’s own laws.

‘Land theft division’
An editorial in the liberal Israeli daily Haaretz in 2017 labelled the WZO settlement division, then under Duvdevani, as “the land theft division”, following a series of investigations by the paper.

As well as financing settlements on territory seized by the Israeli state in violation of international law, the WZO has transferred lands to the settlers that even Israel’s occupation authorities recognize as belonging to private Palestinian land-owners. On those lands, the WZO has helped to establish what are officially termed “unauthorized outposts”.

These fledgling settlements are home to the most extreme and violent settlers, who are often behind attacks on Palestinian farmers intended to drive them off their land. The Israeli state has used the WZO as a means to veil its own role channeling money into these “outposts”.

Haaretz concluded: “The [WZO] Settlement Division is acting like a publicly funded crime organization.”

Greenwashing plans
Now Duvdevani appears to be encouraging the JNF to mimic the WZO in publicly funding the same lawless settlement practices.

To placate donors, the JNF is reported to be planning to greenwash its activities in the West Bank by characterizing them as involving “education, forestation and environmental protection” – echoing similar deceptions it perpetuates inside Israel.

There, the JNF has planted hundreds of forests over the lands of Palestinian refugees to prevent them from ever returning home, after they were ethnically cleansed by Israel in 1948, during events Palestinians call the Nakba, or Catastrophe.

Other JNF forestation programs have been weaponized against a section of Israel’s own citizens – a large minority of 1.8 million Palestinians who avoided expulsion in 1948.

In collusion with the government, the JNF has forced Palestinian villagers, like those of al-Araqib in the Naqab (Negev), off their land by planting trees in place of their homes, or the JNF has used forests to tightly box in Palestinian communities to prevent expansion, leading to overcrowding and social tensions.

In Israel’s early years, officials transferred 13 percent of Israeli territory to the JNF so the organization could enforce residential segregation between Jewish and Palestinian citizens. The JNF’s charter specifically requires it to reserve all its land for Jews only.

Zionist ‘consensus’
Since its founding in 1901, the JNF has been strong-arming Palestinians off the land it controls – whether inside Israel or in the occupied territories, especially in East Jerusalem.

However until now, the JNF has successfully remained within the Zionist “consensus” by focusing public attention on its operations inside Israel. Its activities in the occupied territories have been concealed behind Himanuta.

Peace Now recently reported that, before the early 2000s, Himanuta had claimed ownership of at least 16,000 acres of West Bank land on which settlements were founded, including Itamar, Alfei Menashe, Einav, Kedumim and Givat Ze’ev.

Himanuta’s work has concentrated in particular on occupied East Jerusalem, where it has allied with an extremist settler organization, Elad. The pair are behind efforts to evict an extended Palestinian family, the Sumarins, from their home in Silwan, an area that has been aggressively targeted for takeover by armed settlers backed by the Israeli state.

Secret fund
After a long lull of activity, the JNF quietly revived its operations in the West Bank through Himanuta back in 2018.

Duvdevani’s predecessor, Daniel Atar, a Labor party appointee, set up a secret war chest, in the name of Himanuta, amounting to some $70 million. The money was disguised as funds for use in Jerusalem.

But it was actually used to “purchase” Palestinian land and properties – including through the use of forged documents – in the Jordan Valley, Jericho, Hebron and the Etzion bloc south of Bethlehem.

When the fund was exposed, Atar justified the move by citing the opinion of a retired senior judge that the JNF’s bylaws sanctioned it working in the occupied West Bank. That opinion referred to a memorandum of association from 1953 – long before Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem – that permitted the Fund’s operations “in any area subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of Israel”.

Atar thereby paved the way to Duvdevani’s current moves to change the JNF’s public policy towards the settlements.

Apartheid system
The real significance of the JNF’s latest decision is that it strips away the pretense that the Fund makes a distinction between land in Israel and the occupied territories.

It underlines the argument made in a report in January by Israel’s most prominent human rights group, B’Tselem, that Israel operates a single apartheid system inside Israel and the occupied territories.

The JNF is a linchpin of that system, helping to enforce superior rights for Jews over Palestinians across the entire region.

The decision is therefore likely to expose further the self-delusions of many Jews outside Israel. They have long claimed that Israel’s state ideology, Zionism, is an uncontroversial matter relating only to a supposed right by the Jewish people to self-determination on the lands of Palestinians. Further, they have claimed that anyone questioning this right must be antisemitic.

Now it will be difficult for self-identified Zionists to deny that their movement is complicit in violations of international law and that its key institutions, including the JNF, are carrying out war crimes.

End to ‘bluffing’
It is telling that many of the JNF’s leaders have been quick to note that the decision to establish a fund to confiscate Palestinian land for Jewish-only settlement will not depart from the Fund’s historic role. Duvdevani himself has argued that the JNF is simply continuing its traditional task of “redeeming” land.

Davidi Ben Zion, a settler who serves on the JNF’s board, similarly observed: “The JNF acted over the years to buy lands for the Jewish people in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank]. Even those who objected knew it was going on. The only difference is that we’ve finished with the bluffing.”

In other words, the JNF intends to stop pretending to Jews abroad that it is only engaged in non-controversial forestation and desert-reclamation projects. Rather, it is ready to go public with aggressive Judaization projects designed to dispossess Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Another board member, Yishai Merling, a 31-year-old activist from Netanyahu’s Likud party who lives in the settlement of Efrat, said after the vote: “We’re the new generation, we don’t work under the table.”

Image damaged
Those opposed to the move, from the so-called Zionist center and left, have objected less on principle than on the basis that the decision risks damaging the JNF’s image abroad and curtailing its ability to fundraise.

Mercaz Olami, the political arm of Conservative Judaism, warned last month in the run-up to the vote that a public change of policy could put the JNF “in a situation which potentially violates international law”.

It could also, “harm” Jewish communities in the 55 countries that have JNF fundraising branches, the group noted. “An irresponsible decision could severely damage [the JNF] KKL ability to continue operating in these countries.”

Charity probe
That already appears to be the case.

In an interview with the Haaretz newspaper, Russell Robinson, head of the JNF-USA, was keen to underscore that his donors’ money was no longer filling the coffers of the KKL-JNF, the JNF parent organization in Israel. Nonetheless, Haaretz reported, some of the JNF-USA’s own donations were also directly assisting the settlements.

JNF-Canada, meanwhile, is under investigation by Canadian tax authorities for funneling “charitable” donations to the Israeli military and the settlements.

In a letter on its website after last month’s vote, JNF-Canada sought to distance itself from the KKL-JNF. That included by rebranding its logo. A new agreement between the two would ensure JNF-Canada funds were not “co-mingled with KKL’s general accounts”, the letter said.

In the UK, a similar pressure group, Stop the JNF UK, has been ramping up the pressure on the UK government’s Charity Commission to act against the JNF-UK over its involvement in dispossessing Palestinians.

Immune to pressure
A predictable statement from the U.S. State Department reiterated the importance of avoiding “unilateral steps” and undercutting “efforts to advance a negotiated two-state solution.”

But the JNF, like the Israeli government, is long past worrying about international pressure to support negotiations or peacemaking. It is apparently no longer concerned either about the need to deceive its donors and foreign governments over its support for war crimes in the occupied territories.

The question now is whether the penny finally drops for Jews in the US, Canada and Europe – and whether, as a result, they refuse to continue dropping their figurative pennies into the JNF’s blue boxes.

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 17, 2021 6:51 pm

Perhaps an interesting site to browse through:


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Postby Masato » Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:49 pm

Stumbled on this, pretty interesting imo;

I don't know who David Goldberg is, but from what I see he predicted the past 2 years explicitly in 2019, then died.

He claims he knows this from classified documents and White House memos re; Project POGO and project ZEPHYR

Says too many people are waking up to zionism, and the reaction is to exterminate millions of people, crash the system, and install the NWO as soon as possible. He predicts the use of a global virus, says it will take place worldwide, says governments will all suddenly endorse a need for world government because of all the chaos they plan to make and people they plan to kill.

You can cut to 22:00 mark but the whole recording is shocking imo.

I'll look more to see if there is any other sources for a Project Pogo or Project Zephyr, but archiving this for now.

Among other things he says Trump is a total actor/character in the plan. Says the whole Trump scene was scripted, all favourable to Zionism from the start.

Promised him and his family a grand place in the new world order

Also he claims that truth about Zionism is getting out too fast and they can't stop it.

So instead they FEED IT to track who is aware/vocal and those people are priority for extermination. Eliminate everyone who knows

That's what he says anyways
like I said I don't know who this guy is lol

Just gotta bookmark this story for laterz

cliff notes;
David Goldberg supposedly was murdered on June 8. His “dead man’s switch” has been activated by this recording.
A White House “insider”, who he refers to as a male yet interviewed a female, supposedly gave Goldberg a trove of documents and memos which indicate that the Cabalists (the Chabad cult) fear the increasing awareness about Zionist plans for a tyrannical world government based in Israel.
Here are his main points:

1. The growing awareness of the Cabalist agenda for world government is a problem for Zionists. They have been shutting down some websites like The Ugly Truth. But, Goldberg says, they have initiated other web sites which actually tell the truth in order to identify people who subscribe. He speculates that Adam Green’s Know More News is one of these but he does not know for sure. [Discrediting Green makes sense for Goldman, a Jewish psyop.] Goldberg calls these “gatekeeper” sites. He says Alex Jones is an obvious example. This “T, T & ID” program is called “Project Pogo.” Ironically, his own recordings actually may be fulfilling this function.

2. The second program is called “Project Zyphr.” This involves exterminating American opposition to Zionist world tyranny. He predicts power blackouts and/or a world financial crash will be used as a cover to round up opposition. A flu-like virus may be used. He speculates that it will go down in the winter of 2020-2021 after Trump’s reelection which is guaranteed.

It makes sense. This is why the Demonrats are behaving so badly. To elect Trump.

This is why they are pushing gun control and the motive behind all the mass shootings. The latest shooting was on Saturday. They often hire the same people to stage these shootings. ( See my Twitter feed for @Zyntrax.)

Left-Right (globalist-nationalist, fascist-communist) collaboration is part of a coordinated attack on humanity just like World War Two, and all wars. (Hitler vs Stalin yada yada) Americans are being led down a garden path. Trump is the “Chosen One.”

All nation-states will be collapsed, Goldberg says. A world government and world currency will be presented as the only alternative to chaos.
Trump is totally on board. He has been promised the title “King of Israel” and his family will have the highest status.

Trump recently referred to himself, in the trade context, as “the Chosen One,”…the “King of Israel.” Trump has called for the death penalty for all antisemites. The Noahide Laws say that people who worship Christ and refuse to serve the Jews should be guillotined.

3. Trump has been a conscious agent of this conspiracy for years. The script — “Make America Great,” Build the Wall, etc. — was all drafted five years ago. The election indeed may have been hacked …by Israel. The Russian collusion is all diversion.

4. Goldberg says Trump’s speechwriter Stephen Miller, left, a Jew like Trump, is an ardent Zionist and plays a “big role” in the agenda.

5. Goldberg said he feared for his life. He sees black SUVs outside his residence which drive away when he approaches them.

He has given friends copies of all the documents. He doesn’t care if he dies because “this is getting serious”…it is reaching a “terrifying new level.”
He estimates 15 million will die but “it could be more.”
But everyone will be caught up in the blackouts and “financial meltdown.” There will be food shortages and other mayhem which will be used to justify the new world government.

“Trump loved the script,” Goldberg said. “He’ll be President. He’ll be able to do a lot of things he was already predisposed to do.”

See also Insider: Is Trump Family Cult Behind Coming Armageddon?


If Goldberg is correct, Trump is false opposition, a Judas Goat, or Pied Piper leading Americans to destruction, like Hitler did to Germans, while pretending to defend their interests. (Consider also Steve Bannon’s connection to the Zionist mouthpiece, Breitbart.)

full transcript;
Project Pogo and Project Zyphr
Identify and kill all those aware of the Zionist Crime Network — by the millions

by David Goldberg

8 June 2019 or earlier

(DG): Hello everyone, it's David Goldberg again. It's probably going to be one of my most important videos that I've done yet. We're going to discuss a couple of things, new things, that have come up. I have received classified documents from my White House insider and we also have some memos that I have referenced in the past, and I'm going to walk through everything that I've been deciphering and learning from these videos — excuse me — from the documents that I have received. So we'll get into this, the crux of it. I want just to introduce you right away what is it all about. This is it. This is what the documents reveal.

There are too many people waking up.There are too many Americans, more and more of them, that are suspicious of Israel, more and more Americans aware of Zionism. This has been around for decades and decades. You go back to the fifties, sixties… There's a lot of literature about Zionism and Judaism. It's not unusual, but the difference is today more and more people are waking up to it. It's been a real tipping point for you have… you always had maybe about half a percent of the population that was aware of Zionism, that did not like Jews and whatnot, but they were never a part of the mainstream. They were always dismissed as conspiracy theorists; they had no influence; so they were not really a threat.

But that has changed, and you know that has changed. Anyone paying attention knows that has changed. We have seen a big change in comment sections on YouTube. Many people make references to Zionism. It has become a part of the nomenclature through the influence of 8chan, 4chan, many, many websites and ultimately many many YouTube channels that have been speaking the truth very aggressively for many years but it has really gotten attention lately.

It is somewhat of a cumulative effect, a snowball effect where more and more people start to wake up to the truth and the facts, and it just expands, and people become more accepting of it and they start to say: "Okay, it's okay for me to look at the information; I'm not an anti-semite for looking at it." It really starts to click for people. So this has been a big change in the recent past few years.

What happened is that Israel, its agents, its propagandists have been paying very very close attention to this over the past few years. They know this is happening; they are very concerned about it. We're talking about 0.5 of percent of Americans who has some ideas of Zionism and they're against it and they understand it. That number, according to these documents, is now about… I saw two numbers: they said 15% and another one said 7%, but that is a very large number of Americans that are have woken up to what's going on with Israel, and Zionism, and the Israeli Lobby and its influence. They're unafraid to hate Israel. That number is very high and it makes them very concerned. This is much of what the classified documents talk about. We'll get into that the more.

I wanted to set it up for you to actually understand what this is really about, what I was given from the White House insider. The main part that you really need to know about is they have a plan for all of this, so I'm going to talk about that now.

There is discussion within these documents years ago to ban the YouTube channels, to shut it down, all of that, but they changed course. They made a decision to do something completely different, and they decided instead of censoring everything, to fund and promote gatekeeper channels, shill channels, to simply gather and collect all the open-minded people who are looking at the issue.

And they did shut down some of the legitimate channels and that has actually happened. If you're following some of that, you are aware that there have been channels that have been shut down, almost completely eliminated. Some of those channels are not a part of the original gatekeeper channels, they had no connection, they are truth-telling channels. Some of those they've eliminated, that they felt were a threat or that might be calling out the gatekeeper channels.

So, I'm just looking through some of the documents and see what I want to talk about next. One really interesting aspect of all this is that the gatekeeper channels and the shill channels, typically these would be disinfo channels. Disinfo channels, like Alex Jones for example, has been a long time disinfo Zionist channel, very, very active in deflecting people away from Zionism. Alex talks about everything but he never talks about Israel. So that is an active disinfo channel; it has been around forever.

What they created with these new gatekeeper channels is very truthful channels, they're very honest, they don't put out a lot of disinfo, they are actually legitimate and that is done to give them credibility among these people who are awake, who are waking up. That was very specifically done; the documents do talk about that.

I'm going to talk about what is the purpose of the whole operation and the purpose of this is to put out truthful channels to attract people to them. They call it "tag, track, and ID". It is a term used throughout the documents: TTID. It's something you want to remember; this is very common throughout these documents; they are referred to all the time. So what does that tell you? They want to tag, they want to track you, and they want to identify who you are. If you are watching these channels, if you are informed, if you're awake on these issues they want to tag you, they want to track you, and they want to know exactly who you are.

They want to know ... and it talks about the tracking people's IP addresses through YouTube. They have access to YouTube. They do know who you are, so this is discussed a lot in the documents I'm just looking for it right now.

And there are two projects, and it's very important to listen to this. Project Pogo is one of them, and project Zyphr. I will spell that one: "Z" "Y" "P "H" "R". Project Pogo and project Zyphr are the two projects that the classified documents are referring to, and each has a different role.

Project Pogo is about the YouTube gatekeepers, how they are all agents, they're all paid to put out truthful information so that they can tag, track and ID the people that are watching the videos and giving them likes, and giving them comments; they're tracking all of it. Project Zyphr is a different project and that's what I'll talk about in a bit.

That is the second stage here, that is coming up and that is the extermination. They're going to exterminate these people, whether it is: tagged them for anti-semitic speech, charge them with crimes, eliminate them completely, and this is where I'll talk about in the documents, where they talk about guillotines, viral attacks... targeted, how they're going to eliminate these people without too much suspicion, without too many people noticing, but here's the problem.

As I read the documents I can see… I have documents from four years ago, I have documents from two years ago, and then I have documents from three months ago; so there's a progression in the timeline as the projects change, and project Zyphr has changed.

In the beginning they have been talking about… they were talking a lot about: "Okay, we are going to infect these people with a virus that imitates the flu virus, or going to eliminate them in various ways that would not be suspicious."

In the documents I have now from three months ago they are saying the amount of people they have to eliminate is too large. It is too many. We are talking about millions of Americans and this is where we see their plans are changing and they are going to initiate something that is devastating and that is extremely frightening.

And based on what I can see in the documents we're talking about power outages along with a purge. They're gonna come in and they're going to take out your home and they're going to put you into a military vehicle or whatever, a van, and drive you away and place you into a camp. It is a very very big operation that they're planning. It is millions of Americans. They will do it under the cover of night, under the cover of blackness during one of these planned blackouts. The blackouts are based on documents I'm just looking at right now. They have a three day blackout; they have a nationwide blackout that last two days, and a lot of localized blackouts. So it is a whole series of blackouts that they're going to do and of course it will be blamed on all kinds of things; they might blame it on Iran — I've seen that mention on documents. They've already prepped people for this. They're going to be more blackouts. There are already predictive programming so we may see more of this as we go on. As far as I can tell from project Zyphr they are planning this next year, and the year after.

They are not done tagging, tracking, and identifying everyone; it looks like they're at about 78%. I looked in the documents and there were a couple of indications and how long, for how long, they feel the project is… They are 78% done but they're not completely done. It does take time to identify a YouTube account and then track it to the email that it was created with, and then the IP address, and then find out who created it. It does take them a lot of time to do that; it is not instant. It does take a lot of research because a lot of people create a YouTube account or an email address it and doesn't give any indication of who they are, an account name that doesn't have their full name on it, they don't use the real pictures, so it is a challenge for them. That's why that project has been going on for so long, but it is coming to a close.

In the next six months to a year it appears it is coming to a close, and that is when Project Zyphr will be initiated. So I have some notes here; I'm going to continue on and talk a little bit more about… Right… They've being tracked or they've being identified, that's the whole point. A lot of people have said: "Well, why are some of these YouTube channels allowed to exist? Why are they allowed to so openly talk about the truth?"

And some of you might know Adam Green of Know More News and there are a whole bunch of others and they're very, very open about Zionism and very honest about it, and they're telling the truth! I mean they're telling the truth; they're not hiding anything; they're not disinfo; they're not putting disinfo out there, but as far as I know they are part… I mean they're all part of this operation. I can't say specifically if Adam Green is a part of it or not, but I would assume possibly he is. He has probably been guaranteed a lot of money; he has probably been promised a lot of things; he has probably… He could be a Freemason, he could be a part of their operation, he could be an agent, I don't know, but I had no idea, this is total speculation on my part; I have no idea. All I know is this is part of the operation. What they want to do… his channel would fit into the M.O. [modus operandi]; it is an example I'm giving. He is there to tag, track, and ID. Not him specifically, but the people behind the operation who are doing all the research on all the people who are commenting and viewing, and liking.

They want to know who they are, they want to know where they live and they are going to eliminate them at a date in the future — completely eliminate them. This is going way beyond the idea of passing laws to ban speech which they've already doing; they've done it in America already but not very aggressively and we'll see more legislation of that nature.

But they want to completely eliminate these people because they do stand in the way of the agenda. There are too many people that are waking up. It is way too many for them to handle. They're starting to have an influence, and they're starting to change the conversation online. It is a great concern to Israel.

Something that the memos that I have received… I will talk a little bit about the memos. And memos are different from those classified documents. The memos are White House internal memos that discuss a wide range of things in terms of Trump's meeting with rabbis, discussions with Netanyahu over the phone. And one of the memos says that Donald Trump will have to declare himself king of Israel, publicly. This is part of the process for them. It doesn't… there's no strategic reason for it; it is symbolic for them. Trump is going to declare himself king of Israel at some point, I don't know how, but they're talking about in these memos over and over again. When he's gonna do it, why… why they want him to do it, which again is symbolic; it has no strategic purpose apparently. It is part of the process of what of the endgame basically is what I'm saying.

So we will see if that happens or not. It sounds ridiculous, I can't imagine him actually saying it, but maybe he will do something like that, we will look out for that in the coming months. Based on my reading of the classified documents and the memos, so much of what is going on is planned. They've given people the impression that Trump has brought chaos to politics but it's actually opposite; it has been planned.

Donald Trump's allegiance is to Israel. He's not only a Jew [1], he is a Freemason. They have promised him, his daughters, his sons, will enjoy very high-level ranking within the world government that they are forming, the capital of which will be Jerusalem. So that is why Trump is so dedicated to following the script, performing the way that he does; it appears to be very authentic to his followers.

Everything he's done, talking about the wall, to the fake news, was scripted from the beginning around 2014 and 2015. And according to some of the memos I'm reading, he loved it. They introduced all of this to him and he loved it. They told him the plan: "You're going to become President, you're going to say this, and this, and this". He loved it. He is already a little bit of a racist, he's already predisposed to some of this rhetoric, so he loved it. He jumped on board and they promised him great things especially for his family if he would have followed through on these things and simply follow the script and he does have leeway. He has leeway to say many things that he wants to say. He has a lot of fun doing this but he does have script writers and ...there's one of the script writers, I forgot his name, he's… he's a bald guy… I want to remember his name; it's important to say it. Um… well he is a big part of this, he writes a lot of the ... Trump's tweets, he crafts a lot of it. Oh… my God ... I want to look him up right now.

Well… Trump's speech writer… [DG does search on the web.] Steven Miller. Steven Miller has a big role in all of this; he's a dedicated Zionist; he has a lot to do with a lot of this. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, if you want to find out who's really behind it, Stephen Miller is a big part of it. So that is the whole of it; I want to get this video out; I want people to hear it. I want people to know what's going on.

I've had some strange things going on in my house. I've noticed black SUVs I mentioned it before; they're still there; I still see them every once in a while. The other day I went out to try to approach one, to confront them, like: "What are you doing here? I know you're here." And they drove off as I could ... right when I open the door and I look outside and I see them drive off. So I don't know, maybe it's just coincidence that they were leaving and they saw, I don't know, but it feel like they were very, very prepared to get out of there. So the next time I see them I'm going to confront them quickly, and make sure that they don't have time to get out of there before I have a chance to get down there and if they see me coming for them I will try again. But I have seen them mostly at night, I open a window, I look up the window and that is when I see them mostly; so I want to confront them; I'm tired of the harassment, I know they're watching me.

I assume I'm bugged. I assume there is somebody heaaring what I'm saying, but I don't care anymore. I have been given the documents; I have been tasked with this duty to get the information out and I'm going to do it in any way that I can. I have given my friends copies of all of these, I have stored them in different places, I have a dead-man switch in case something would happen to me. So I've done my best to prepare because I feel like this is getting very serious, I mean, the documents they shown me are terrifying.

The plan that they have in place. I would expect they have this plan of gatekeeping and cracking people, but they're going to take it to a new level with project Zyphr. They're going to take it to a new level; they're going to exterminate these people, one by one, through the blackouts. ... It says in the documents they plan to pick them up, they're just going to physically pick them up. They're also going to use all kinds of other means to eliminate them, not just the high-value targets are going to be picked up. The lower-value targets will be given viruses, targeted viruses that activate either right away or over time. They don't want it to be too obvious; ... a whole bunch of Americans get sick. Of course there will be official stories in the news media, okay, there's a flu outbreak which indicates to me this will probably happen in winter. Not this winter but possibly the winter of 2020 — 2021.

From what I'm reading from documents, that is the timeline. It is not specific but that is where I feel it's going to be because they want to do a flu outbreak and it will make sense in winter and people won't question it. They have to eliminate a lot of people and a lot of people ... high value targets. It's going to be so many people that disappear that people will ask questions so they have their cover stories and they're getting them ready and they got them in place.

If this were a few hundred thousand people they could do it but it is millions and millions of Americans that they want to eliminate. I think it's 15 million, based on what I'm reading in these documents and some of the numbers they've used which has not been totally specific about it but it looks like 15 million, but it could even be more; they want to eliminate them completely! Completely!

Because it's becoming a problem, and it has been a problem for a few years and this is their solution to it. In addition to that, they want the world government, they want all these plans to move forward. They cannot have opposition because the things that are going to happen can be very, very radical. You're going to see the disillusion of the United States of America, you're going to see world leaders and the media endorsing something that is so crazy, and that is the dissolution of the United States of America and the endorsement of a world government seated in Israel. A lot of Americans aren't going to accept that, but they have to eliminate the people who are going to call out what's really going on.

From my reading of the documents how they're going to roll all of this out and justify the dissolution of the United States, and many other countries as well, it appears their plan is to do all countries at once. It's going to be under the cover of financial collapse:

“Well, we have to do the world government, we're all going to die because the financial system is broken down.”

That is something that is talked about in the classified documents. That ultimately will be the cover story after they do the purge and eliminate the dissidents, the people who are woken up to Zionism.

There will be a total financial meltdown and they will say:
“Look we have to do the world government, we had to come together, we have to create this new currency; we have no choice. The chaos is too serious”.

It would be probably six months of complete financial chaos; food shortages, rising in crime, many, many people die; millions and millions of people will also die from this. And then they were justified and say: "Look we have to do the world government." So that is what's going on.

I'm about done; I'm going to do another video, I have more things are coming up. I have a lot more planned because there's more in the documents that I need to discuss. I'll be back with another video soon. Thank you for listening and I'll do more soon.

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Postby Masato » Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:59 pm



RED FLAG!!!! David Elias Goldberg was supposedly a journalist but google him. There is NOTHING. No other pictures. His image appears nowhere else on the Internet. No obituary. No funeral. There is no evidence this man actually existed. He is a “Fellow at the Jewish Center for Antisemitic Studies” which doesn’t exist. We are meant to discover all this.

Yet everything he says rings true. Think about it. Put out the truth and then discredit it. This may explain why the recording and this article are still up. Nothing to see here folks. Go back to sleep. (Dannielle Blumenthal was the first to raise this red flag.)

Goldberg is a Jewish psyop, probably ADL, but I still take his message seriously. There is a mountain of corroborating evidence, i.e. Trump’s subservience to Israel and Chabad, the Epstein connection and his recent remarks about being the “King of Israel” and “destroying” antisemites. We cannot be naive about the grave danger we face.

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