More Bono-NWO Shite

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More Bono-NWO Shite

Postby Masato » Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:35 pm

Bono NGO: African Migrants Full of ‘Youthful Energy’ Needed to Replace ‘Senile,’ Aging Europeans


Jamie Drummond, the Executive Director of ONE, Irish singer Bono’s so-called charity, was pushing mass immigration into Europe, especially from Africa, as its population of 1.2 billion people is expected to double by 2050. He claimed in the video that was recorded last year that Europeans needed an influx of migrants “to do stuff” because “we will be senile.” Meanwhile, ONE raises millions of dollars each year, yet spends very little money on the ground for the causes it ostensibly supports.

Bono's NGO 'ONE' aims to facilitate the immigration of Africa's doubling population into Europe:

HomeImmigrationBono NGO: African Migrants Full of ‘Youthful Energy’ Needed to Replace ‘Senile,’ Aging Europeans
Bono NGO: African Migrants Full of ‘Youthful Energy’ Needed to Replace ‘Senile,’ Aging Europeans

Jamie Drummond, the Executive Director of ONE, Irish singer Bono’s so-called charity, was pushing mass immigration into Europe, especially from Africa, as its population of 1.2 billion people is expected to double by 2050. He claimed in the video that was recorded last year that Europeans needed an influx of migrants “to do stuff” because “we will be senile.” Meanwhile, ONE raises millions of dollars each year, yet spends very little money on the ground for the causes it ostensibly supports.

Africa’s population is soon going to “double” and “whatever the circumstances” will mass migrate to Europe — “and that is a good thing,” according to the executive director of Bono’s “ONE” NGO.

“As Africa’s population doubles, a lot of them, whatever the circumstances, will be coming to Europe, as economic migrants or as refugees, they will be coming, many of them,” ONE co-founder Jamie Drummond told the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade and Defence last year. “And that is a good thing.”

“Because we will be senile,” Drummond said. “We will be senescent demographically. We’ll need their youthful energy to do stuff. So, that is just what the economic statistics tell you and the demographic data demands, you know, demography is destiny.”

He continued: “Europe and Africa are going to have a very close 21st century. The question is what kind of closeness will it be. And these kinds of investments through the aid program but also into people’s minds and ideas about who we are gives less succour to the xenophobes and populists who will otherwise do very well in the political climate over the next couple of decades if we don’t get this right, and I think we should all be quite worried quite frankly if we don’t make these investments and we don’t also make the investments not just in aid but in other policies like transparency.”

Bono said he was going to take part in the "radical act" of waving a EU flag during his tour in Berlin:

I'm told a rock band is at its best when it’s a little transgressive: when it pushes the bounds of so-called good taste, when it shocks, when it surprises. Well, U2 is kicking off its tour in Berlin this week, and we’ve just had one of our more provocative ideas: during the show we’re going to wave a big, bright, blue EU flag.

I’m guessing that even to a rock audience, waving an EU flag these days is either an annoyance, a bore, a kitsch reference to the Eurovision Song Contest but to some of us it has become a radical act. Europe, which for a long time triggered a yawn, today sparks a kitchen-table screaming match. Europe is the theatre of powerful, emotional, clashing forces that will shape our future. I say our future, because there is no way to deny that we are all in this boat together, in seas churned up by extreme weather and extremist politics.

Europe is a hard sell in Europe these days. This is true even though there has never been a better place to be born than in Europe during the last 50 years.[...]

As a European I feel proud thinking back to when Germans welcomed frightened Syrian refugees (I’d feel prouder had more countries stepped up) [...]

But all these achievements are under threat, because respect for diversity — the premise of the whole European system — is being challenged. [...]

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:36 pm

Here is one of the comments from the article that rang true:

It certainly isn't coincidence that those who preach open borders, mass immigration and want to force totalitarian "multiculturism" upon those who are worse affected, namely the working class indigenous populations, are multi millionaire champagne socialists who live in homogeneously white christian walled and gated communities, spewing their sanctimony and hypocrisy down upon the masses from their ivory towers.

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The Anti-Archon
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Postby The Anti-Archon » Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:02 pm


Bono and Bob Geldof - Saving Africa for 30+ Years While Lining Their Own Pockets! Do They Know It's Xmas Indeed!

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Beefsteak Charlie
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Postby Beefsteak Charlie » Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:08 am

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Beefsteak Charlie
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Postby Beefsteak Charlie » Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:45 pm

Bono’s sold his soul to the deep state long ago. U2’s been dead for decades.

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