Mainstream Media Jumping the Fucking Gun (Malaysia plane 2)

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Mainstream Media Jumping the Fucking Gun (Malaysia plane 2)

Postby Masato » Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:28 am

Hey all

I am utterly amazed at the sheer amount of unproven rumor, speculation, gossip, finger-pointing, war-mongering rhetoric, and absurdly unscientific babble coming from the mainstream media. It seems that FACTS are completely secondary to political opportunism.

Check your facts, folks. There are likely to be very few for some time.
All we know for certain right now is that there was a plane that crashed. (< written the day of breaking news)

Beware of those who start hurling accusations around without substantial evidence...

(meanwhile, in Gaza...)

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:45 pm

Masato wrote:Hey all

I am utterly amazed at the sheer amount of unproven rumor, speculation, gossip, finger-pointing, war-mongering rhetoric, and absurdly unscientific babble coming from the mainstream media. It seems that FACTS are completely secondary to political opportunism.

- Fact's are secundary. :mrgreen:

- Some times i think how much of what's is said to us, it's actually close to the truth.
Maybe alll our story if based more in mithys than facts, so in this case people from a thousand of years ago used to be more creative when creating mithys. :idea:
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Postby Masato » Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:09 pm

This is interesting:

A broadcast of Ukrainian STATE NEWS regarding the incident. (why its in english I don't know... maybe this is bunk?)

Watch how the script repeatedly refers to the video of the perpetrators supposedly taking credit for the attack, and over and over again calls opponents of the Western-backed government 'terrorists'.

Fascinating to witness the POWER of how 'news' is presented to the masses. It is a race of who can make the FIRST IMPRESSION on a population the fastest. If the news breaks the story, a good 80% of the people will believe it right away.

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Postby Daglord » Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:27 pm

just another reason why I love abby martin...

confronts what is the real issue (IMO) & calls out the media propaganda/war machine.


... that^ & she is easy on the eyes ;)

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:09 am

^^ When she was on the Joe Rogan podcast, she talked about what kind of porn she likes to watch. Very sexy, lol


Why was a passenger plane flying over war-torn air space to begin with?

According to this, all other airlines had been re-routing around that area for months, but this particular flight decided not to.

Even further, the source states that Malaysian Planes CONTINUE to have their routes diverted over war-zone air space - according to this report, Malaysian Airlines are now directing flights to fly over SYRIA:

"Having re-routed flights from eastern Ukraine in the aftermath of last week’s deadly tragedy, the company has chosen instead to divert some of its planes over airspace which is even more dangerous.

Data from Flight Radar 24 shows that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH4, an Airbus A380 flying from Kuala Lumpur to London, was diverted from its usual route over Ukraine in favor of passing over a country that is currently under siege by ISIS terrorists, some of whom are armed with U.S.-made Stinger missiles.

A U.S. intelligence report last month concluded that it “appears likely/probable” that ISIS insurgents are armed with shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles designed to bring down aircraft. According to estimates, ISIS now controls 35 per cent of Syrian territory.

A May 2013 Federal Aviation Administration notice “strongly discourages” US operators from flying over Syrian airspace.

Malaysia AIrlines’ decision is likely to spark a fresh wave of criticism given that the operator ignored a similar FAA warning dating back to April which prohibits US carriers from flying over Ukraine.

Questions have abounded as to why flight MH17 pilots decided to overfly eastern Ukraine when most other major airlines have avoided the airspace for months.

Data shows that MH17′s previous ten flight paths before the shoot down avoided eastern Ukraine entirely. MH17 pilots on the doomed airliner filed a flight path requesting to fly at 35,000 feet over Ukrainian territory, but were subsequently ordered by local air traffic control to lower their altitude to 33,000 feet to avoid other traffic.

Another facet to the mystery is that, according to Iranian defense expert Babak Taghvaee, flight MH17 may have been escorted by Ukrainian fighter jets."

WTF, man - it's as though someone has taken control of Malaysian airlines, and is using it to start false flags. Help me consider this - is it not plausible?

This is fucking crazy

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:40 pm

I am also wondering why is everyone so confident it was a missile, and not a bomb on the plane. If anyone can rule out the bomb scenario I would appreciate it, as for me right now this seems a very sensible possibility. Blow up a plane over disputed territory, and blame it on your enemy.

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Postby Envy337 » Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:34 pm

Crazy that they are flying over Syria! I agree with you, something is not right here.

I have to fly in September for training (S. Fla to Atlanta). I have high anxiety about flying, I would have rather make the drive.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:08 pm

^ are you afraid you'll be shot down? :)

I was never afraid of planes... my sister-in-law is terrified and I always used to tease her. Statistically it is ridiculously low that anything will happen. It's 1000x more dangerous just driving around in your car.

BUT - last time I flew I woke up like 3am in mid-flight, and suddenly comprehended where I was; in a steel tube, WAY the fuck up in the sky screaming through the darkness, and had a mild panic attack (which is not really typical for me at all)

Its an insane concept, man. Yet like I said, statistically it is actually very very safe.

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Postby Winnson » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:26 pm

Nothing screams false flag like MSM knowing all about what happened immediately.

When the networks know who did it, how they did it, and why they did it as soon as it happens, it's not because they're excellent at news. They suck at news.

They report what they're told to report.

We're never going to know what really happened probably, so whatever. But yeah, this whole thing screams false flag.

Another passenger plane just went down in Africa too. It's a lovely time to be flying tell you what.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:07 pm

Here is a vid that was reported @ BBC, but then TAKEN DOWN.


Because it contradicts the story the western media/politicians are giving. It corroborates exactly however the story that the Russians are explaining.

MILITARY JETS flying with the plane:

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