Stuff that inspires you for life

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Stuff that inspires you for life

Postby Masato » Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:20 pm

Hey all

What can you share that inspires you? That makes you optimistic, that makes you strong? That makes you want to be greater, and want to do great things? What give you hope for the future, and lifts you up to see the best of life?

Here is a speech from Neil Gaiman I recently watched that inspired the fuck out of me. He's so right, you just have to find what makes you happy, no matter how odd, and do it. Make it. Believe in it, keep moving towards it and don't listen to doubters.

Anyways here it is... please share things you enjoy in maybe similar ways

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Postby =Darky » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:44 am

a gem from charlie chaplin =D

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Postby Luigi » Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:41 am

This one time I was in Jordan working with some colleagues and we decided to take a trip to Petra, which is an ancient site there with many megalithic reliefs and buildings. They show it in one of the Indiana Jones movies. Anyways, one of the main attractions is the monastery building which is an amazingly carved massive building in Petra that lies at the top of a long steep mountain path. The standard way people get to the top to see the monastery is to pay to ride in a donkey procession organized by the local Bedouin. Most rode the donkeys, but myself and one of my friends decided that we didn't need the donkeys and could climb the mountain path on our own.

What followed was a very lengthy trip up a very steep mountain in full sun exposure in the Arabian desert. We didn't have time to take breaks which made it more difficult. It wasn't long before my lungs and muscles felt like they were on fire and I considered giving up and walking down the mountain many times, but my friend refused to give up. The whole time he was breathing heavily and sweating profusely yet never stopped or took his eyes off the path. Even when the tribesmen rode by him on donkeys and were mocking him for how much he was exerting himself.

When we made it to the top what lay before us was the most incredible thing I had ever seen. The monastery in all its glory and off to the side a small kiosk where a man was selling water. To this day whenever I am faced with hardship and want to give up I remember my friend on the mountain and I feel like nothing should ever stop me.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:23 pm

- I love this cartoon

And this guy:



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Postby Masato » Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:46 pm

I never know if Edge is joking or not, lol

Rocky 1 still might be my all-time favorite flick
not so crazy for Supes

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Postby Luigi » Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:44 am

It often seems like he is pulling some subtle facetious shit but in reality I think its just Brazilianisms entering his English. I like it, mixes things up.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:23 pm

- No guys, Superman is really my favorite character and Christopher Reeves made me believe a man can fly, because all the good thing he did, and all the people he help, even after falling of the horse
I don't like Super because he is the strongest guy, or because he can fly, i like because he is the guy everyone jokes about, but is always there to help, like in that song of Three doors down

Today everyone wants a antihero badass character, but in the end of the day, just like in life, is the good guy that is the first to show to help you

And Rocky is that movie, that everyone can love, a movie about a average joe, a guys that isn't the best, that when life give him the opportunity, he is gonna fight till the end to go down on his feet
We can see lots of Rocky's in every way of life, the old father that abandone all his dreams to feed his children, the girl that helps his family, they're all fighters

And Spirit is a awesome cartoon.
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Postby Masato » Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:42 pm

calling it now: Edge is not brazilian


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Postby Edge Guerrero » Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:56 pm

Masato wrote:calling it now: Edge is not brazilian


- Why you say that?
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Postby =Darky » Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:10 pm

i agree about superman edge. he helps anyone with no thought of reward. true kindness and selflessness

i was not really a fan untill i got into the cartoons with the justice league characters. then i saw all star superman and it was amazing. its a metaphor for enlightenment i think

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