Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

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Re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Postby Vutulaki » Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:31 pm

Shinkicker wrote:Maybe I should have a bowl before I start my research.

I think you should, you should smoke before reading what Im about to post next.

youll be in good company


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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:37 pm

Shinkicker here's a snippet

""this universe that we know, began in almost absolute simplicity, and it has been getting more complex for about fifteen billion years. In another billion years it will be still more complex than it is now. In five billion, in ten billion -- it is always getting more complex. It is moving toward...something. It is moving toward some kind of ultimate complexity. We might not get there. An atom of hydrogen might not get there, or a leaf, or a man, or a planet might not get there, to that ultimate complexity. But we are all moving towards it -- everything in the universe is moving towards it. And that final complexity, that thing we are all moving to, is what I choose to call God. If you don't like that word, God, call it the Ultimate Complexity. Whatever you call it, the whole universe is moving toward it."

Quantum physistist tend to agree, the same quantum physicist who shit all over islam, christianity and im sure behind closed doors judaism

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:44 pm

Ill try and come back and type a transcript of what this guy is saying so you guys can understand, he fucking nails a lot. IM just way too stoned to do it not. which reminds me..

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:49 pm

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:50 pm

Amazing.. Vutu showing some rare true colors, lol

As I said my wife is reading that Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and its weird they claim that because they've meditated so much they say they've isolated the 'soul' part of us, and have studied death and tended to the dying etc for so long that they have thus been able to consciously transcend death and come back to report. Would be a bit weird imo if it were ALL bullshit and worthless mumbo jumbo, but then again who knows they are only human after all.

Personally, I see some form of reincarnation as perfectly sensible, both intellectually and intuitively. It offers an explanation for SO many questions about life, where there are few alternative answers:

Why we are born the way we are? - Siblings born to the same parents and same environments can be vastly different.
Why some people seem to have innate passions and genius for certain things? - Its as if they've done it before...
Why we seem to 'know' certain people in life, while everyone else seems a stranger? -My wife and I have a strange story of 'recognizing' each other, I cannot explain it as anything but...
Why is there such degree of unfairness of human lives at birth? - A Christian view offers no explanation for why some are born into suffering/others are not, etc

Vutu's 'Complexity' theory has parallels to many of the ways I like to think about things; in my personal intuition, 'Reality' is more dream-like and un-physical than it is physical. Matter is a PRODUCT of consciousness, and not the other way around. First there is consciousness (collective and individual), and this creates ideas, and the ideas manifest into physical form. When it is done with it, it fades from the material world to make room for new ideas. This world is like a playground, anything imagined can be experienced, for good or for naught.

I also had a serious mushroom trip once where I felt I 'saw' into death, and it was very much like this, like waking up from a dream and remembering your true self etc. It made me extremely happy and I have since had no fear of dying, I would even say a longing for it even though I am happy here in the body.

I had another psychedelic trip once where it felt like I was being shown all my lifetimes in a quick series of flashes. From the most previous to the oldest, they flashed before my eyes, I would see my face from each incarnation, and all familiar feelings and colors etc. This is nothing too significant, as I have a strong imagination (especially on psychedelics, lol) and can often conjure stories and fantasies in my mind's eye... but the catch for me was the EMOTIONAL content; each life was a flood of emotion, like remembering things really dear and precious, people, homes, feelings. I remember overflowing with emotion, one vision after the next. And it really didn't feel the same as when I 'create' things in my mind, this was more like a ride or film being shown to me, I was a passive viewer not the creator of what I saw, it came to me whether I wanted it or not. Eventually the visions got more and more vague, until they were just colors, swirling clouds etc. Then it ended, and I REMEMBERED NOTHING, lol. Like nothing, as soon as it was done it was done and gone.

Looking forward to more of Vutu's insights here, got that Buddhism vs Hinduism vid bookmarked w/ priority, looks great

Of course like Vutu said these are all speculations

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Postby Masato » Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:51 pm

Canuckster just owned this thread, lol

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Postby Shinkicker » Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:32 pm

Vutulaki wrote:
Shinkicker wrote:
I don't have any misguided optimism that I will ever understand it. But reincarnation has came up in conversations for me like 5 times in as many weeks. It has sparked my interests. And I had a weird experience with my nephew when he was a toddler. I guess it could have been some inherent instinct but reincarnation immediately came to mind at the time, and I had no real knowledge of it except the basics.

I want to explore, what is the soul made up of? Is it a ball of energy? How does it leave/travel? I wonder if anyone has ever did a watch with a thermal lens or something to see if something leaves the body when you die. What are the theories. Apparently some reincarnate, some don't. Who does? Who don't? Where does your soul supposedly go if you don't?

I also believe that I had an out of body experience when I was 7. I never told anyone until about 2 months ago. Right about the time that reincarnation started popping up in conversations. AND, I found a charm with a Buddha head on it in my shopping bag a couple of weeks ago. I didn't buy it and it had no store tag attached.

How about that for strange?

Well to answer your question about what the soul is made of and whether say in your example anyone has studied it through a thermal lens my personal answer is that its made of no matter which exists in the universe we know IE does not contain carbon nor any of the base elements that were created by the explosion of the stars via the process of nucleosynthesis.

I guess my answer is Im not sure but if the soul is made of anything that can be known to us it would be identifiable and measurable but I dont think it is nor does it matter.

As for some reincarnating and others not I dont agree with whoever came up with that, I think all living things from microorganisms through to human beings and everything in between die and are reborn at some stage.

I cant comment on out of body experiences, I dont know anything about that bit have no reason to doubt you experienced it.

The Buddha head probably means nothing and sure as fuck has nothing to do with the soul. Buddhism is about the realization of non self, the antidote to hinduisms Atman or self/soul whatever but hey if you think it was a stroke of luck hold onto it as it will probably subconsciously have positive effects on you at a cognitive, just like prayer does in the Indian faiths but deep down they know god doesnt give a fuck about their bullshit ramblings and incense burning..

Anyway in Hinduism the soul is everlasting transcends earthly states IE we carry our soul forward through infinite lifetimes but in Buddhism the soul is ever changing just like everything that exists.

You strike me as someone who should read up on the ultimate complexity. Have you read Shantaram? if not youve probably not heard of it so here it is in my next post.

Hopefully my answer has confused you further, none of this is meant to make sense IMHO

Sorry, random thoughts. Damn you, cookie. Did a few random projects, too. Dammit, anyway, thanks for sharing that. I may come back to a few things you said that I haven't decided what they mean in my head.

Do you mean Shantaram the novel? The one Johnny Depp wants to produce the movie? Peter Weir, director, pulled out of that project. I'd love to hear his reasons.
I had never heard of it but will have it in print by next week. I called my aunt who loves Books about India, Africa, etc. I'm sure she is on the internet as we speak reading about it.

Soul matter is unknown.
Well maybe if I start studying it every time I'm reincarnated, I'll be the one to figure it out. :D

Do you think it's a calling?

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Postby Masato » Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:36 pm

My main creative ambition in life is a trilogy of feature screenplays I've written about a character over 3 successive incarnations... remembering the past, connecting our roots with our present state, and clearing karmic debts, etc

I definitely don't feel this is my first time around

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Postby Shinkicker » Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:40 pm

Masato wrote:Amazing.. Vutu showing some rare true colors, lol


Great read. :)

I have recently met someone who said that they are quite sure that they knew me in a different life. I was shocked.

But I can't help but admit that I was drawn to this person and immediately felt comfortable and safe, which is rare for me.

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Postby Shinkicker » Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:41 pm

Masato wrote:My main creative ambition in life is a trilogy of feature screenplays I've written about a character over 3 successive incarnations... remembering the past, connecting our roots with our present state, and clearing karmic debts, etc

I definitely don't feel this is my first time around

Written as in past tense? Are you trying to publish? I would definitely read.

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