Lifedrawing With Masato

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Re: Lifedrawing With Masato

Postby What » Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:51 pm

Masato putting in the work, prolific and talented brother. Thanks for sharing

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:43 pm

Thanks man

I went to another studio yesterday and have been totally inspired, like epiphany levels. The guy that hosts the sessions has been doing them weekly for like 10+ years and is a fuckin MASTER. I mean like the best I've ever seen with my own eyes, blew me away.

He says he hates short poses and they busted right into long poses which totally threw me off usually I need time to warm up. But dude proceeded to knock of some of the most amazing drawings I've ever seen right there.

Totally changed my whole idea of what lifedrawing could be all about. I was trained to do all short poses, gestural, no more than 25 minutes etc. But this guy says he hates short poses and is all about taking time to make these truly amazing realistic renderings. Next week is 3 hours on ONE POSE, which I have never ever seen or done.

I was thrown right off my game, did not draw well, but he shared his list of models with me which was great. He had a fantstic studio with all the proper set up. Mine is so ghetto, lol I need to pick it up :D

I'll post some pics maybe have a pretty busy week

In any case it lit a fire under my ass even more than what was already there. I really want to get good at this, I'm pumped to dedicate myself for the next 10-20 years or more to really becoming as best at it as I can, I don't know why I am just super excited about it, couldn't stop thinking about it and the dude's drawings all day yesterday

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Postby Masato » Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:08 pm

Some from last night. Super cool model, traveling hippy chick from BC

Not gonna post the nudes from Sunday because they are all fucked, lol

5 min:

25 min:

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:04 pm

Fell off the wagon hardcore for a few weeks... was drawing shitty, had some boring/ugly models, had to cancel a few classes, etc... also was kind of bummed out about a few things.

Since then picked myself up and inspired again to continue. The parallels to BJJ are becoming more clear, its all about dedication and practice, time spent on the mats. Picking yourself up again, having good days and bad days and powering through for the slow long-term results

Had fun last Wednesday, all my drawings ended up looking like Kron Gracie, lol

These are all 10-15 minute poses:



I had an idea though: ... many models that do nude figuredrawing modelling are honestly often a bit weird and basically not always so attractive. This is fine because its fun to draw all kinds of different characters, but this may sound shallow but I do have a growing craving to draw more physically-proportioned/beautiful people. I thought maybe since we don't draw full nudes (models are always sparsely clothed), maybe I could start scouting for fitness models etc. It would be amazing to have some models with really clear muscle definition and beautiful shapes

This guy from last Wednesday was pretty good but it just made me wonder more how cool it would be to have a real fitness model that is cut to hell to draw. I don't think I've ever had that to be honest its weird.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:11 pm

Been neglecting this thread

So 2 nights ago I started my 10-week summer session. I pumped up the marketing this time because drop-ins were getting slim and I was paying the models out of my own pocket most nights... this round I made people pay up-front for the 10 weeks, gave them a good deal. I got enough to cover all the model fees plus a bit so I am stoked. a solid lineup of models all summer. Plus there is only 1 of my younger students that signed up, the rest I think wanted a summer break so its all adults now which is great. Some of them are pretty good

Here's a few from last Monday. Next week is oof but we pick up again in July. I really hope to get a lot better this summer, it really is like jiu-jitsu, you need to put in the time, be aware of what you need to work on/holes in your game, etc. Once a week is not enough to really peak but it should be enough to improve. I'll keep posting, see if it might show some improvement

These are all no more than 15 minute poses or less:


This one turned out well but I cut off the feet, lol




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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:31 am

This was a good 2-minute capture, was feeling good for the short poses last night. Fucked up the longer poses at the end though a bit

He was pretending a snake was crawling up his leg. I didn't have time to draw the snake, lol


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Postby robbstar » Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:47 pm

Inspired - this thread is amazing - I am off to google a local class :)

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:29 am

^Great!! :D

Be careful though, some certain types get the bug and become hooked.

How can I help??

All I can say up front is that it is VERY much like jiu-jitsu, like stepping on the mats for the first few times. You know what I'm talking about... life-drawing (you might also find it under 'figure drawing') is a very slow thing to learn, like BJJ its a matter of accumulating hours and repetition and, if we can find it, consistency. Only then, slowly after much patience and humility, it starts to come together. We have good nights and bad nights, times where we make fast progress and slumps that we have to push through. And, also like BJJ, the better we get, the more we realize how much deeper there still is to go, lol

Or maybe I'm making too big a deal out of it and you just wanna go draw. Maybe you'll get a great lookin nude woman to model for you. That's always a perk of the study :D

Here are some more from that last session, was feeling good, starting to loosen up.
The most recent session however I sucked, nothing to show for. looking forward to next week





this was the pose of the night, lol:

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:16 pm

Some from last night:

These are all 15 minutes. Not really drawing the way I wanted but a few good things happening here. Much like my BJJ game lately, lol




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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:29 pm

Next week is a new female model I have not drawn before. Don't know what she looks like but comes highly recommended, everyone says she is one of the best.

Looking forward to it

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