Som-Pong wrote:Playing Baldurs Gate 3. Love it, really hits my dnd nerd nerve.
- I loved the second one!
Som-Pong wrote:Playing Baldurs Gate 3. Love it, really hits my dnd nerd nerve.
Luigi wrote:I just played through Lunacy, a spooky 3D exploration game. All the games that came before and tried this were clunky, like Myst and Alone in the Dark. But this one is actually good. Made in 1996, this seems to be the year it started to click.
Luigi wrote:Im playing "Nights into Dreams" made by the Sonic Team and considered by many to be the best Saturn game. It is awesome, really innovative, and pushes the Saturn to its full power, but I dont think its the best game on the system.
Edge Guerrero wrote:Luigi wrote:Im playing "Nights into Dreams" made by the Sonic Team and considered by many to be the best Saturn game. It is awesome, really innovative, and pushes the Saturn to its full power, but I dont think its the best game on the system.
- Can you post?
Whats the best Saturn game?
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