Pilot project?

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Pilot project?

Postby Masato » Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:52 pm

Chuck wrote:Good points M. I'm willing to go all out on a pilot as well. The long haul would certainly be more realistic if we had backing.
One thing that does come to mind is perhaps a kickstarter project.
We do have a fairly significant following on Sherdog, would people pay to help us get this off the ground?
We could offer them bonuses for certain $ amount donations.
Cartoon cameo in a skit for a 100 bucks.
Personalised Shoops/gifs of their request for $50
Autographed Cels by the creators for $25 (plus all the shipping)
Producer Credit in the credits, Cartoon Cameo, Personalized gif and autographed Cel for $500
I'm just lobbing numbers and reward ideas out there.

Is their any validity to something like this?


Hey Chuck, I missed that post, sorry

That is a great idea.

I would guess we should write a script first, & find out;

- how many peope would be willing to commit
- which parts of the script would be assigned to which people
- how much time each person think they would need to get it done
- and how much $$ that time would be worth to each person to justify the hours

That would give us an idea as to how much to stake the kickstarter goal at.

Kickstarters need a video showing who you are and the project - the more you can show up front the better. I think we have TONS enough to explain who we are and what can be done with funding.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:55 pm

Any ideas what we could call the show?

Obviously I would vote for 'The Masato Toys Show' :D but am open to ideas

I created the name 'New F7 Crew' back when this forum started in order to share the spotlight and create a more collaborative title, but maybe its not so catchy

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Postby Chuck » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:25 pm

Masato wrote:Any ideas what we could call the show?

Obviously I would vote for 'The Masato Toys Show' :D but am open to ideas

I created the name 'New F7 Crew' back when this forum started in order to share the spotlight and create a more collaborative title, but maybe its not so catchy

King White? :D We could have Dana in the crown as a recurring villain/narrator.

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Postby penxv » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:03 pm

I think when it comes to a variety/comedy type of show and really storytelling in general, it's better to work with universal principles/concepts and to avoid popular cultural references. UFC/MMA being EXTREMELY niche in popular culture wouldn't be likely to catch on. Also, if you're going to try to make money you can write off using any images/likenesses controlled by Zuffa.

Lampooning or praising Justin Beiber is a lot more controversial and intriguing culture-wise than anything that could be drawn from UFC... and still there's a huge chunk of the population that has no idea who he is or why anything about him would be funny.

If you're going to use a character from the world of mma for comedy, you can do no better than DQ (keeping his name out for SEO purposes). Mental health issues, jail, mma fighting/boxing, ND football, down n out reality, potential miraculous healing powers, there are a lot of themes to work with. Plus, he wants the attention.

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Postby BobbyD963 » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:06 pm

I'm quite fond of "Bobby's Big Beautiful Bonanza"

Honestly I think The Masato Toys Show would be great, however I also think the name needs to represent MMA so when a person hears or reads the title of our show they will instantly know it is affiliated with MMA.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:10 pm

How does TTTH get away with all his MMA names and likenesses? I see he has a disclaimer at the top of each episode... could it be that simple?

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Postby penxv » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:14 pm

I bunch of jokes about how Dana White is an asshole or about how cool your favorite fighter is are not going to catch on in a meaningful way outside of the small niche that will already follow you because there is zero cool MMA popular culture outside of the fan made stuff you're all familiar with.

MMA has to be a thing on the side and not a focus because people that actually care about it are so few in number and are not "tastemakers" culturally. You have to pander to normal people a little bit.

I think Masato Toys Show is a good name.

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Postby BobbyD963 » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:18 pm

Then lets keep the focus on sex, directly or indirectly, kid friendly or adults only, sex sells.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:19 pm

Thanks penxv, interesting perspectives.

Widening the topic content would indeed open up a lot more creativity (would love to take some political jabs :D ), but it also dumps us into a much bigger sea of competition. No one is doing this in MMA yet... we could be pioneers. IMO our little gang is perhaps the best in the online MMA world, which is a pretty big claim already if you think about it. In many situations for business its good advice to specifiy, to have a clear demographic and product that is quick to understand and differentiates itself from anything else

Your ideas are worth considering though... stepping outside MMA is scary but also opens a helluva lot up if we make a decent product.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:21 pm

If anyone wants to flip this whole thing and make an animated Political/Conspiracy comedy show I am IN 1000% :D

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