The 9/11 Investigations

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The 9/11 Investigations

Postby Daglord » Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:00 pm

new video out today. haven't watched yet, but I'm a fan of brendan hunt's other work. I searched 9/11, nine eleven & september 11. nothing. so it's a new thread to dump.

should be interesting:

9/11 Files - The Real Hijackers (Part One)

Published on Jul 10, 2015
GUILTY OF MASS MURDER: Larry Silverstein, Marvin Bush, L. Paul Bremer, Donald Rumsfeld, Rudy Giuliani, Dov Zakheim, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and that slimy little fuck Bill Clinton. They have hijacked the US. More of these sickening criminals will be exposed in Part Two, coming soon...

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Postby Daglord » Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:23 pm

also new: 9/11 Files - Osama bin Laden Footage (Compilation)

Published on Jun 30, 2015
Brendan Hunt (xrayultra) presents all of the Osama bin Laden footage currently available online. The clips are ordered chronologically by date of release. Analysis of the videos from 2002 onwards indicate probable fraud. Both US President Bush and Obama benefitted enormously from the perpetuation of the bin Laden myth.

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Postby Daglord » Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:35 pm

also new: 9/11 Files - Dancing Israelis, Mossad Foreknowledge

Published on Jun 24, 2015
This compilation includes clips from the following documentaries: 9/11 Missing Links, The 9/11 Conspiracies (2004), Protocols of Zion (2005). Also included is a video from Ry Dawson's channel which breaks down the whole van situation, and clips from Fox News and Democracy Now which detail Israeli foreknowledge. Lastly there is an AFP interview with the police officer who arrested the men in question.

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Postby Masato » Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:30 pm

Rock it, Daglord

If you watch before I get to it let me know if there is really anything new or not

9/11 must come out one day, I refuse to let it die in human memory as it stands

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Postby What » Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:52 pm

Osama Bin Mossad

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Postby Masato » Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:49 am

watched the 1st half of the 1st vid in the thread

nothing new but indeed some of the best stuff carefully selected. I thought a lot of the firefighter/Guiliani stuff was a bit weak though. What do you expect from that guy?

Firefighters are true naive heroes

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Postby Daglord » Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:35 pm

^ watching first vid now, I've already seen plenty of the "dancing Israelis". finished the osama vid. some pretty crazy footage in there.

IMHO, any 9/11 investigation NEEDS to start here. no speculation, no assumptions. hard, tangible facts. all responsibly sourced & provable in a court of law. this was one of the very first "conspiracy" book I bought. It should be on everyone's bookshelf (It was on osama's). mike ruppert was a genius when it came to research & connecting the dots of current events. this is THE definitive book of 9/11.

RIP TRACKER. their silence speaks volumes 8-)


“Crossing the Rubicon” and its unanswered questions about 9-11 has never been remotely examined or discussed by mainstream media or the United States government. While the United States government has spent a lot of time and money easily debunking the claims of the so-called 9-11 Truth movement; and while the History Channel and Popular Mechanics went to great effort to debunk the 9-11 Truth movement; all that the press and the government have done with “Crossing the Rubicon” is to ignore it.

I stepped away from the Babel of 9-11 Truth more than five years ago. If the mainstream press wants to take me on over a book I wrote and which remains unchallenged after five years then I am and always have been prepared (and eager) for that. That book has sold around 100,000 copies and is in the Harvard Business School library. It has 1,000 footnotes; none of which have ever been challenged..

Published on Aug 20, 2014
Mike Ruppert a former LA Police Dept narcotics officer with a presentation at Portland State University. Mike,who revealed CIA involvement in drug trafficking,reveals the real reason behind the attacks of 911.(2004). This is a must see presentation,jam packed with information.


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Postby Daglord » Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:35 pm

you're welcome. PDF:


Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil by Michael C. Ruppert is a detective story that gets to the innermost core of the 9/11 attacks. It places 9/11 at the center of a desperate new America, created by specific, named individuals in preparation for Peak Oil: an economic crisis like nothing the world has ever seen.

The attacks of September 11th, 2001 were accomplished through an amazing orchestration of logistics and personnel. Crossing the Rubicon discovers and identifies the key suspects and persons of interest — finding some of them in the highest echelons of American government — by showing how they acted in concert to guarantee that the attacks occurred and produced the desired result.

In describing the contents of the book he has spent two and a half years researching and writing Ruppert said: “In my new book I will be making several key points:

1. I will name Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superseding any orders being issued by the NMCC [National Military Command Center], or the White House Situation Room.

2. I will establish conclusively that in May of 2001, by presidential order, Richard Cheney was put in direct command and control of all wargame and field exercise training and scheduling through several agencies, especially FEMA. This also extended to all of the conflicting and overlapping NORAD drills on that day.

3. I will also demonstrate that the TRIPOD II exercise being set up on Sept. 10th in Manhattan was directly connected to Cheney’s role.

4. I will also prove conclusively that a number of public officials, at the national and New York City levels, including then Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, were aware that Flight 175 was en route to lower Manhattan for 20 minutes and did nothing to order the evacuation of or warn the occupants of the South Tower. One military officer was forced to leave his post in the middle of the attacks and place a private call to his brother — who worked at the WTC — warning him to get out. That was because no other part of the system was taking action.

5. I will also show that the Israeli and British governments acted as partners with the highest levels of the American government to help in the preparation and, very possibly, the actual execution of the attacks.”

“There is more reason to be afraid of not facing the evidence in this book than of facing what is in it.

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Postby Daglord » Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:45 pm

maybe the best doc on 9/11 imho. 5 hours.

September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)

Published on Jan 11, 2014

"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" is a 5 hour documentary that summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11. All the most important issues in the debate are presented in full detail, showing both the positions of those who reject the official version, the 9/11 Truth Movement, and the positions of those who support it, called "the debunkers." You can be the judge.


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Postby Daglord » Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:55 pm


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