Suspected False Flag/Manchurian Events in USA

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Suspected False Flag/Manchurian Events in USA

Postby Masato » Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:06 pm

Hey all

Daglord posted this in his Aurora thread (which is A++, btw).. but it was so interesting I thought it deserved its own thread.

Don't let the title fool you, this is not just about James Holmes/Aurora - its a brief synopsis of several scenarios that the filmmaker argues could be potential false flags or manchurian candidate situations.

In all events, the mainstream media floows the same pattern; run with the official narrative as gospel, don't ask any other questions, close the case asap.

Good little cliffnote-type overview. I think this was pre-Sandy Hook

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Postby Daglord » Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:12 am

^ thanks man. yeah, that's a good one. before sandy hook. watched it for the first time a few days ago. part 2 in particular was eye opening.

Published on Dec 3, 2012
My latest video expose is not for the faint-hearted. Not that it's brimming with dirty words, but instead reveals some of the nastiest dealings by our ruling class. This expose goes far beyond the shooting in Aurora, so that the viewer can see the event for what it is more clearly.

In Chapter One - The Problem, I attempt to explain the environment that has led to the Aurora shooting and the massive wall of secrecy and authority that stands to prevent our understanding of the event or prosecution of the perpetrators.

In Chapter Two - Staged Events, I draw parallels between the theater shooting and other "Staged Events" including Joe Stack, Oklahoma Bombing, Underwear Bomber, Stephen Ivens Affair, 9/11, D.C. Sniper and Arizona Shooting. None of these event profiles should be considered authoritative or complete, but all provide a unique insight to newly awakening researchers and veteran independent researchers alike.

In Chapter Three - The Aurora Event, I walk the viewer through the fabricated account of events and focus attention on the conflicting and ill-fitting evidence.

you have prob seen the following vid in one of the 10 other threads I dropped it in. lol. In case you haven't, it's related more to this thread than any.

7 minutes that should have went viral imo, but never did.

"Ben Swann Full Disclosure looks at eyewittness accounts from the scenes of the colorado theater shooting, the wisconsin sikh temple shooting and the connecticut elementary school shooting that indicate more than one shooter may have been involved in all three shootings"

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Postby Daglord » Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:35 am

could they all be related? connected? a string of terror attacks? odd similarities. lone gunman. it's over. nothing to see here.

one of the researchers who contributed to that 'Batman shooting: behind the cloak' was Thomas Brinkley/Michael Cravey. he worked very closely with Peter Klein @ TNN on aurora. there is a very odd story surrounding him & his death. If you get a chance, check out this thread.

he was one of the very first youtube conspiracy video guys. maybe the guy all these disinfo guys now are based on. but cravey/brinkley was legit. he didn’t talk about crisis actors, etc. he broke down crime scene photos, 911 calls & early TV interviews. he also seemed a little nuts, so there is also that. he made a very compelling case though connecting the aurora shooting with sikh temple & a spa shooting in WI shortly after. he claimed that batman & sikh done by the same people, spa shooting was in retaliation for the them. clean up operation. holmes patsied. sikh “lone gunman” dead.

he also claims to have blown the aurora op open; suffering constant harassment & gang stalking because of it. Infiltrators of forums & social media groups started fucking with him IRL. possibly even leading to his demise in a best buy parking lot. It’s a fascinating story imo. one we can all prob relate to in one way or another. normal guy. GLP poster. conspiracy theorist. independent researcher. did he really manage to name the right names & piss off the wrong people? or was it all in his head & the paranoia broke him?

he was shot & killed by police in a very bizarre story I broke down in that thread.

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Postby Daglord » Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:15 am

sounds a bit out there, but allow me my tin foil hat for a minute.

it's not that crazy to consider when you come across articles like this:

Man with ammo, 'strange writings' detained at Sikh temple

Oak Creek - A Maryland man who walked into the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin with ammunition and written references to a mass shooting in Colorado sipped tea with temple members before being detained by police, a temple spokesman said Thursday. Police searched and questioned the man and released him after determining he intended no harm, according to Kulwant Singh Dhaliwal.

The incident occurred Sunday, almost three months after gunman Wade Michael Page killed six temple members and wounded three others before being shot by a police officer. Page then fatally shot himself. According to a police report on the Sunday incident from which the man's identity was redacted:

Officers were called to the temple shortly after 8:30 a.m.

The man told police he had driven to the temple after seeing a newscast about the shootings and wanted to pray with temple members. He also said he was writing a book and wanted to talk to people at the temple. Officers searched the man's backpack and found "a large amount of zip ties and a roll of duct tape" and a notebook containing "strange writings" about the mass shooting in Aurora, Colo., in July, and a piece of crime scene tape collected from that crime scene.

The report didn't say how officers knew the crime scene tape was from Aurora. In the man's vehicle, the report said, officers found more zip ties and duct tape, several boxes of 9mm ammunition, gun cleaning supplies and an empty case from a Glock 9mm. The report said the FBI was called and the man surrendered his ammunition.

According to Dhaliwal, members who noticed the man carrying a backpack and walking toward the temple's dining room told him he had to remove his shoes before entering. The man complied and entered the room. There, he drank tea while telling members he was working on a book. According to Dhaliwal, the man said he had also visited the Azana Salon & Spa in Brookfield, where on Oct. 21 gunman Radcliffe Haughton killed three employees, including his estranged wife, and wounded four others before fatally shooting himself. Because of the temple shootings and because the man was unfamiliar, temple members called police as a precaution, Dhaliwal said.

"Everyone has always been welcome to come and pray with us and share a meal," Dhaliwal said. "Now we are obviously extra vigilant."

Police later told temple members the man was from Maryland and that they also found $4,000 in cash in his possession, the proceeds from the sale of two guns, Dhaliwal said.

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Postby Daglord » Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:05 pm

because the RA needs more music... & Megadeth

Mustaine: Obama Staged Aurora, Sikh Temple Shootings


DENVER (CBS Denver) – Dave Mustaine, the lead vocalist and guitarist for the band Megadeth, told an audience of fans that President Barack Obama staged both the Aurora movie theater shooting and the Sikh temple shooting in a bid to pass anti-gun legislation.

A YouTube video, uploaded by the user Sataniccarebear666 on Aug. 9, starts with Mustaine dealing with a member of the audience who threw a shoe onstage during a concert in Singapore. After jokingly chastising the fan – and making a reference to incest – Mustaine thanked the crowd for coming to the Aug. 7 show and praised the country of Singapore before his speech turned political.

“Back in my country, my president is trying to pass a gun ban, so he’s staging all of these murders,” he said. “Like the ‘Fast and Furious’ thing down at the border, in Aurora, Colo., all the people that were killed there, and now the beautiful people at the Sikh temple.”

The incidents Mustaine referenced are the Fast and Furious sting operation involving Mexican drug cartels and legal domestic dealers, the July 20 shooting at a movie theater in Aurora during a premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises,” and the Aug. 5 shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis. He added, after pausing to shake his head, “…I don’t know where I’m going to live if America keeps going the way it’s going because it looks like it’s turning into Nazi America.”

Mustaine has said in the past that Megadeth’s name is representative of the “annihilation of power,” according to the band’s Wikipedia page. Earlier this year, Mustaine had publicly supported former GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum, though he hesitated to call his support an endorsement.

The incident in Singapore has been evocative of musician Ted Nugent’s rants against the Obama administration. During an interview, he told a conservative radio show host that he would either be “dead or in jail” by next year if Obama won the election on Nov. 6.

You take a mortal man...
And put him in control...
Watch him become a god...
Watch people's heads a'roll.

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Postby Daglord » Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:07 pm

Published on Dec 17, 2012
Almost a year before the recent highly publicized mass shootings began occurring, Barack Obama sat down with Wolf Blitzer and predicted that these shootings would begin. How would he have been able to know that certain individual deranged or ideological hateful persons would begin staging massacres? How?

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Postby Daglord » Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:11 pm

4 later. this looks good (Dailymotion link):

Witnesses Describe Multiple Shooters @ Aurora, Sandy Hook, Santa Barbara, Sikh Temple & the Norwegian Youth Camp.

Many people are questioning the official narratives around recent "high-profile" mass shootings. But why? Since 2012, there has been a flurry of "high-profile" mass shootings in the United States and Obama predicted the threat one year before it started. In nearly a dozen cases (and growing) witnesses described multiple shooters instead of lone wolf gunmen.

another one?

Published on May 24, 2014
by Brendan Hunt/X-Ray Ultra: As many of you have heard there was a "planned mass killing" which took place near the University of Santa Barbara. Immediately we started getting sold the Lone Wolf shooter story again, but knowing what I do about incidents like the alleged massacres at Aurora, Sandy Hook, the Sikh temple, LAX, Santa Monica etc. I was fairly certain that there would be evidence that all was not right with the official narrative. Honestly, I didn't have to go looking very far. The very first news video link that I clicked had an eye witness saying that there were TWO people in the car which fired the shots. Yet the same tired old "crazed gun nut" story is being trotted out by the media and authorities without question. When will enough be enough? When is the American public going to hold the mainstream media accountable for their disgraceful journalism? I really don't know.

Seven Dead, Several Hospitalized in Isla Vista Shootings

Multiple witnesses say they saw two people inside the suspect's vehicle, however, during the press conference, Sheriff Brown would neither confirm nor deny whether there was a passenger in the car.

* Xavier Mozejewski told NewsChannel 3 reporter Victoria Sanchez that he witnessed some of the violence and described it as an "old western shoot-out."

* Michael Vitak, a student from the Czech Republic, told Sanchez what he witnessed: "Guys in a BMW. Maybe they were trying to prove they're tough," Vitak said during a live televised interview. Vitak saw them shooting at two girls; one was shot dead, the other was critically hurt.

* One woman identified as Sierra told Sanchez she was approached by two men in a black BMW. The driver flashed a small black handgun and asked '"Hey, what's up?"'

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Postby Daglord » Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:57 pm

The FBI Creates, Then "Foils" Terror Plots - False Flags Exposed By Judge Napolitano

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Postby Daglord » Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:58 pm

7,800 Veterans sue CIA/DOD/Army for experimentation including ‘septal implants’ to control will and human behavior


An ongoing lawsuit by American veterans reveals a series of secret experiments conducted in the 50s and 60s at Edgewood Arsenal and Ft. Detrick, Maryland, experiments that included ‘septal implants’ meant to control human behavior and will. Other experiments involved the testing of chemical and biological substances such as sarin nerve gas, LSD, and PCP. Considering the rash of ‘lone-gunman’ shootings of late, I thought it important to bring up this matter, especially the mind control aspect of these experiments. Is it possible that the technology is such now that a simple, tiny, RFID chip can be slipped surreptitiously into a persons drink or food, thereby gaining control over that persons will? If so, it would easily explain the recent outbreak of ‘lone-gunman’ shootings.

76 page document that covers the lawsuit in detail. It is quite shocking: - updates and court documents/records regarding this lawsuit:

Video: Japan develops ‘remote control human’ technology in 2007:

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Postby Daglord » Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:50 pm

assuming this is the 'false flag' thread... probably one of the best modern day examples IMO.

crazy story. flushed straight down the memory hole.

Uploaded on Dec 14, 2010
Dan Rather reports that the FBI ran a fake terror drill with a real bomb that was commission by the FBI to an Egyptian informant.

Uploaded on Apr 9, 2011
Terrorist truck bomb attempts to topple one of the WTC towers

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