Everythings An illusion - Write a book epsidode

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Everythings An illusion - Write a book epsidode

Postby robbstar » Mon May 09, 2016 1:39 pm

http://www.everythingsanillusion.com/po ... t-started/

A wee creative episode, where I try to motivate listeners into bringing there inner book into reality :)

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Postby Masato » Wed May 11, 2016 9:06 pm

Listened. Was great. Thank you.

It continually freaks me out how many similar paths & interests we follow... I too started writing my more ambitious story 16 years ago.

It has been a wonderful struggle of patience, breakthroughs, highs, and lows. I like your analogy of climbing a mountain. It really feels like that sometimes. Only every time I think I've reached the peak, I suddenly realize that there is another peak I didn't see before, and I still have a long way to go, lol

After 16 years I finally have a complete story down on paper, even a good many re-writes under my belt. But its still not 'done'. Then there's the issue of bringing life to it where it can be properly shared, which feels like a whole other challenge/mountain in itself.

Writing is indeed a weird process, teaches us a lot. Hopefully what we write is some kind of accurate mirror of one's self, that would never be clear enough to use without having done the writing (if that makes sense). Writing cleans the mirror, brings the reflection into focus

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Postby Masato » Wed May 11, 2016 9:39 pm

I also wonder a lot about folks who write LOTS of books, and how that works...

The story I've been writing as I've said has been a very slow journey of patient discovery, something really personal to me that I have a great desire to get just right. Sometimes I need to wait years in order to find the right piece of the puzzle with which I can move forward again. I will also admit to being so obsessed with this one story, that I can barely imagine even beginning to contemplate any other tale until I see this one through first. Not sure if this is truth, or an excuse lol

So how do these cats do it where they pump out many books in a much shorter time? Is it simply a matter of practice? Self-discipline? Or maybe these kind of books are less personal to the writer and can be written with less pressure somehow?

I often wonder if I would like being a writer, and if I could learn to do it faster etc. I really enjoy story, and ideas of myth etc. Art should be a reflection of our perspective of what it means to be human in our place and time, and I can think of no better medium to do this than creating a story.

Maybe I have the wrong job, lol though I do not know how to replace my income-generating doing anything else (yet)

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Postby robbstar » Fri May 13, 2016 8:05 am

Man , I see it. and I agree.

A long journey, and my end isn't even in sight hahah . I have long periods , and then boom , driving along I have the solution tot he next part, as if my subconscious is always working away on it. I again am obsessed by my own story and completing it , I hate watching scifi/fantasy /crime etc and going but what about? and that doesn't work and ..... So I am trying hard to make things work, make things link and make everything that is invented explainable if need be. And this takes time.

Doesn't help that because it is so big I most of the time take the easy rout to creativity which for me is podcasting, photography, photoshop, writing a smaller piece etc etc etc etc . Instead of tackling the beast head on !!

TV is maybe the place to pitch your scripts, they are getting some big budget of late !! And everyone is looking for the next Game of Thrones!!
Have you sent it away yet ? Have you had any reply's, acknowledgements?

I just sent my latest book on media, to an agent to see if it is something they would be willing to take on. Seems like the way to go if it is going to get onto the books of a major publisher.


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Postby penxv » Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:44 pm

robbstar wrote:http://www.everythingsanillusion.com/podcast/27-write-a-book-listen-in-and-get-started/

A wee creative episode, where I try to motivate listeners into bringing there inner book into reality :)

Listening to this episode presently.

I have a fight coming up on the 10th. If you plan on doing another episode before then, I'd be happy to join as a guest.

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Postby robbstar » Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:00 pm

Sorry for the late reply , been on holiday . I can record in the next few days and turn it around that day .
If your free.or if you wana fire on post fight and talk about everything and anything .
If you send me an email to [email protected] we can confirm a date, time zones etc.
Looking forward to it :)

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Postby penxv » Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:39 pm

Will do.

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