Donald Trump: establishment trojan horse?

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Donald Trump: establishment trojan horse?

Postby Daglord » Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:05 pm

for motherfucking later. Part 1 was tits. how does this relate to Trump? he is the perfect puppet, already filling his cabinet & deferring to the "deep state".

the illusion of choice & a facade of change, especially concerning this year because of Trump. IMO, he destroyed any chance we had for change by duping the masses he is anti-establishment. the people were pissed & now being pacified by the "pied piper". do they not realize they are voting in the likes of Giuliani & the hawks mentioned in this thread? how did a celebrity, with a Hawkish VP & deferring to the Military Industrial Complex & CIA, work out last time? notice how these DOD lifers switch teams seamlessly, without any regard to republican or democrat? idiocracy.


get familiar with the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC):

As used in this directive, “covert operations” are understood to be all activities (except as noted herein) which are conducted or sponsored by this Government against hostile foreign states or groups or in support of friendly foreign states or groups but which are so planned and executed that any US Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the US Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them. Specifically, such operations shall include any covert activities related to: propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world. Such operations shall not include armed conflict by recognized military forces, espionage, counter-espionage, and cover and deception for military operations.


Counter-Intelligence is a 5 part series that explores in-depth, the vast, sprawling and secret National Security State that operates throughout the United States--and indeed the world. The series examines the foundations of the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex, charting through to the myriad consequences in today's world where secret intelligence organisations continue to hijack governments, manipulate elections and commit heinous crimes against humanity--all under the cloak of "National Security". In the wake of the continued revelations of the NSA PRISM program, this series is now more important than ever to provide a solid historical context to the workings of the rapacious and ever-expanding National Security State...

Part 1 (of 5) -- The Company

This first episode lays out the structure of the modern intelligence agency, using the evolution of the CIA and the creation of the concept of 'plausible deniability' to show how the continued rapacious spread of the clandestine National Security State has been built up over time, to the complex network it is today. Examples of previous operations by secret agencies show election tampering; assassinations; the setting up of NGO's and front companies for 'economic hit-men'; creation of mercenary groups and paramilitaries; the clandestine modern military-intelligence bureaucracy, including JSOC and NSA; as well as illustrating the emergence of The Panopticon--the vast National Security surveillance network. This network is more powerful than even governments--with examples in Australia showing how Gough Whitlam is expelled for wanting to shut down Pine Gap and other top secret US military bases...

Part 2 (of 5) -- The Deep State

The Iran-Contra affair provides the public with their first glimpse of the secret National Security State, leading on from the Watergate scandal in the 1970s. This episode examines the history of organised crime networks--Mafia's and gangs--to show the close relationship between them and secret intelligence agencies, as well as the creation of paramilitaries tied to executive arms of the United States government. With these criminal networks trafficking drugs and weapons, the programme goes on to investigate how the 'War on Drugs' was instigated to actually serve as further protection of the established criminal networks--the perfect cover for more intervention around all parts of the globe, though especially throughout South America. The subsequent attacks on whistleblowers are also documented...

Part 3 (of 5) -- The Strategy of Tension

The Strategy of Tension examines the history of false flag operations used for war, propaganda and psychological operations--or 'psy-ops'. Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio are examples used to illustrate the nature of clandestine operation planning and execution; as well as shedding light on the intent and extent to which the National Security apparatus manipulates events and manufactures outcomes to suit its goals. This programme also looks at the issues that spin off from the history of false flag operations--such as how conspiracy theories are used to discredit inquiry and investigative journalism; and also how the cultural preconditions around dismissing false flag operations serve to protect their continuation and 'plausible deniability'...

Part 4 (of 5) -- Necrophilous

This episode investigates how torture and extensive demonstrative violence have been used as tools throughout clandestine operations, intelligence gathering and also outright war. Recent examples covered are the abuses by the United States military in Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay, as well as the workings of covert operations involving torture and organised violence. Also discussed are attitudes towards civilian casualties in modern war, as well as recent framing conditions of propaganda such as Islamophobia--the driving force behind warmongering and mainstream media manipulation.

Part 5 (of 5) -- Drone Nation

On New Years Eve 2011, Barack Obama signs into law (without much opposition) the NDEAA Act--a law that allows the government to detain its own citizens without charge indefinitely, and even murder its own citizens without due process. Case in point was the assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen in 2011. This new law then leads to further secret drone strikes throughout Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq directed by Obama and institutions such as the CIA. What direction are we heading in from here?

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Postby Masato » Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:24 pm

Thank you again Dag for this amazing thread and wealth of info. I have gone through it several times it is some really fantastic work.

The more I see and contemplate the more I really believe Trump and Hillary are in collusion. Either he is there strictly to make Hillary appear more electable (totally working), or he is a legit candidate that will play the 'bad-guy' role once again to move shit forward like GWB did, after which we will get another wolf in white-knight clothes like Obama or Trudeau to appease us all again.

No way is he any real threat to the major pillars of the establishment (Big Banks, Israel, War-machine etc).

This is a very craftily scripted 'election', people scrambling everywhere like chickens with their heads cut off, grasping to some shred of belief that the whole thing is somehow magically still legit and that Hillary is the 'best choice'.

WTF is wrong with people, how many times do they have to be suckered into this shit before they start to see it for what it is? So many people everywhere I otherwise would think are smart voting for Hillary like they think its a good thing :(

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Postby Daglord » Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:25 am

for contrast...

you have to question your own beliefs. the one thing I come back to is the fact that the Bush/Bolton/Giuliani/Gingrich/Adelson types, along with almost every alphabet agency, have NO LOVE for the Pauls & vice versa. Same with the Clintons. Ron himself said it was never about winning the presidency, he knew he didn't have much of a chance, it was about changing how people think. I'm not sure anyone has done that more in recent history. he put a real scare into the Military Industrial Complex IMHO. check out the last vid for sure. It warns of an upcoming battle for the future of the GOP & mentions "doves (Rand) vs Hawks". It sounds like they new there was a war coming from the Libertarian-leaning republicans (Rand, Amash, etc)... enter Trump - a fake anti-establishment candidate advised by people like Giuliani & backed by the Military Industrial Complex, to throw shade on the real threats to the deep state & pacify everyone that's pissed about it.

John Bolton: "anyone but Ron Paul"

Ron Paul has a isolationist foreign policy. As Bolton pointed out the enemies of this nation are not going to leave us alone, they never have and they never will. What a isolationist foreign policy does is invite the enemies of this country to American soil to wage war against us here at home, just like on 9/11.


March 2012: Billionaire Sheldon Adelson Says He Might Give $100M To Newt Gingrich Or Other Republican


Is that fair? “I’m against very wealthy ­people attempting to or influencing elections,” he shrugs. “But as long as it’s doable I’m going to do it. Because I know that guys like Soros have been doing it for years, if not decades. And they stay below the radar by creating a network of corporations to funnel their money. I have my own philosophy and I’m not ashamed of it. I gave the money because there is no other legal way to do it. I don’t want to go through ten different corporations to hide my name. I’m proud of what I do and I’m not looking to escape recognition.”

So with Gingrich looking increasingly unviable, does that mean he’ll throw his largess behind another candidate? “If Ron Paul is chosen I certainly wouldn’t do that.” What about front-runner Mitt Romney? “I don’t want to say. Newspapers said I had two meetings with Romney and Gingrich [on Feb. 3], which is untrue. Most of what is being said about me in this current brouhaha is just not true. I know Romney; I like him. I know Santorum; I like him. … The likelihood is that I’m going to be supportive of whoever the candidate is. I just haven’t decided that yet and will wait to see what happens.”

Israel creates a super PAC to attack Ron Paul

And, on a side note, this video exposes how American supporters of Israel such as Sheldon Adelson pay politicians like Newt Gingrich to attack Ron Paul because he doesn't support Israel. Now we know why Gingrich called Paul's foreign policy "dangerous."


With his outspoken views against foreign aid and a muscular foreign policy, Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul was less-than-enthused by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on the Iranian nuclear threat.

The Rand Paul clap gap: Why the GOP is afraid to have a real debate about foreign policy

As Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress on Tuesday ended, cameras panned around the chamber and focused on a few important senators who were giving the Israeli prime minister a standing ovation. For a few seconds they landed on Rand Paul and that's when people lost their minds. You see, Paul wasn't clapping enthusiastically enough. It was a clap gap! How did he fail to catch the clap as it spread through Congress?

Everyone knows that Paul's presence in the GOP Senate conference and possibly on the 2016 campaign trail means that the Republican Party may soon have a fight about foreign policy. Paul's father was a relentless — and sometimes wild — critic of American foreign policy; Paul the son is trying to chart a course that combines his father's preference for caution with a more mature sense of realism.

* Rand Paul is caught on a radio show calling out the Cheney for "spreading freedom" by torturing people.
* Rand Paul calls Dick Cheney a war profiteer & says he pushed for the Iraq war so Haliburton would profit.
* Dick Cheney & Adelson named specifically attacking Rand & he's called a "dove among hawks".
* Rand Paul was called the Republican front-runner calling Iraq a disaster & Matthews predicted there was a revolution or war coming against the hawks of the party.


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Postby Redneck » Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:36 am

It sounds like they new there was a war coming from the Libertarian-leaning republicans (Rand, Amash, etc)... enter Trump - a fake anti-establishment candidate advised by people like Giuliani & backed by the Military Industrial Complex, to throw shade on the real threats to the deep state & pacify everyone that's pissed about it.

I don't doubt this at all, however I do think that Trump has been allowed to prosper and to play the role, but he doesn't know that he's their patsy. He is trying to win. Call me naive, but this election has gotten way too down and dirty for them to have been in complete collusion. Neither person will walk away from this with the same reputation they had prior to the election, both have been permanently scarred from this and the American election circus has become even more of a laughing stock on the world stage than it already was.

It just seems to me that if there was true collusion, and that Trump knew he was just there to be Hillary's bitch like another Bernie Sanders, we'd be seeing a different contest.

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Postby Daglord » Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:07 am

Masato wrote:Thank you again Dag for this amazing thread and wealth of info. I have gone through it several times it is some really fantastic work.

no problem brother. it's all over the place @ times, like a journal. it's how I think.

The more I see and contemplate the more I really believe Trump and Hillary are in collusion. Either he is there strictly to make Hillary appear more electable (totally working), or he is a legit candidate that will play the 'bad-guy' role once again to move shit forward like GWB did, after which we will get another wolf in white-knight clothes like Obama or Trudeau to appease us all again.

I'm back & forth on this, was convinced he was @ first. lately though, he has brought to light some very uncomfortable shit for both her & Bill so I waver. maybe he can't stop himself or went rogue after he already agreed? maybe it's all part of the new plan (see below - NSA & the DNC). that said, If he is a plant, he wouldn't even have to know it IMO. all it would take is that phone call from Bill (they both deny) to stroke his ego & plant the seed. I think most of us agree only Trump can make Hillary seem electable @ this point. it's a weird situation for sure & the podesta drop proves they pushed the media to promote Trump.

he may have hurt his brand with some people (myself included), but he gained quite the cult following. after all this is over, TrumpTV will be the new Infowars :roll:

No way is he any real threat to the major pillars of the establishment (Big Banks, Israel, War-machine etc).

agree 1000%

This is a very craftily scripted 'election', people scrambling everywhere like chickens with their heads cut off, grasping to some shred of belief that the whole thing is somehow magically still legit and that Hillary is the 'best choice'.

I've been thinking it was to pacify the masses that were pissed off @ "the establishment" by Trump winning, but don't think he will now. he can't seem to get out of his own way (lending credence to the Hillary collusion theory). I still think the deep state (using that now instead of establishment) is on his side. maybe it's deeper than we thought. Hillary set up to come crashing down, media bashing Trump to make him look anti-establishment because they know they've been discredited (but still giving him billion$ in air time), & the MIC/NSA/CIA waiting in the shadows to go back to Bush-era Imperialism :shock:

check this vid out: Judge Nap (someone I have never found to be a bullshitter) & William Binney (1st NSA whistleblower, didn't get the celeb treatment like Snowden) claiming the NSA are the ones hacking & leaking the DNC info, NOT the Russians. why would they do that? the NSA (& now I would assume the MIC) don't want Hillary elected. maybe she pissed off the wrong people, burned the wrong bridges or they're tired of the server/email/classified bullshit & feel she can't be trusted.

maybe more war & clandestine operations would be an easier sell under the guise of "making America great again" & having a celebrity playing the role of the people's President while the VP handles affairs? I'm not seeing much difference between Reagan/Bush/the MIC & a Trump(Giuliani)/Pence presidency, both backed by the MIC & CIA.

Judge Napolitano's Chambers: Judge Andrew Napolitano explains why the NSA, not the Russian government, is to blame for hacking the DNC email servers

If not familiar with Judge Nap, he's a Libertarian constitutionalist. calls bullshit on both parties.

Speech That Got Judge Napolitano Fired From Fox News!

Asking questions as Judge Andrew Napolitano did in a recent broadcast on his now cancelled daily show may very well be the reason behind his recent dismissal from Fox. Though specific details are hard to come by because the Judge has yet to give any interviews on the matter, it's believed that his refusal to bow to commonly manufactured media narratives is among one of several key reasons he is no longer with the network.

The following 5-Minute Speech that Got Napolitano Fired from Fox News is one that should not only be forwarded and shared with every single man, woman and child in this country, but taught and expounded upon in every social studies, civics and government class from first grade through college.

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Postby Daglord » Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:07 am

Redneck wrote:
It sounds like they new there was a war coming from the Libertarian-leaning republicans (Rand, Amash, etc)... enter Trump - a fake anti-establishment candidate advised by people like Giuliani & backed by the Military Industrial Complex, to throw shade on the real threats to the deep state & pacify everyone that's pissed about it.

I don't doubt this at all, however I do think that Trump has been allowed to prosper and to play the role, but he doesn't know that he's their patsy. He is trying to win. Call me naive, but this election has gotten way too down and dirty for them to have been in complete collusion. Neither person will walk away from this with the same reputation they had prior to the election, both have been permanently scarred from this and the American election circus has become even more of a laughing stock on the world stage than it already was.

It just seems to me that if there was true collusion, and that Trump knew he was just there to be Hillary's bitch like another Bernie Sanders, we'd be seeing a different contest.

I agree. @ first I thought he was in on it, because every time he would get a bump in the polls he would do something stupid to piss of someone & Clinton would benefit. but there has been a lot of dirty laundry aired, I can't believe anymore that the Clintons would be OK with this (unless he went rogue). either way, I do think he is a trojan horse of some sort for the deep state, evolved from the establishment. the establishment, IMHO, is nothing more than the actors sent to give us the illusion of choice on the big things like foreign policy, but keep us fighting over social issues like gay marriage & abortion.

with either Clinton or Trump the deep state wins IMO. I'm wondering more & more if Clinton isn't a sacrificial lamb now to restore faith in the democracy/voting process. republicans & democrats. red vs. blue. cubs vs cardinals. it will be interesting to see who wins, but I still think it will be Hillary. I could be wrong. I imagine the deep state could get away with all kinds of shit with Trump @ the helm too. Trump is telling us he is going to do it & it's cool. MAGA. I can't imagine anyone else not suffering serious blowback after saying some of the shit he has been saying on the campaign trail ("close up the internet", "freedom of speech foolish", "record all our calls", etc - not "grab em by the pussy", that's some ridiculous, distracting shit). Rand was the only one who called him out on it.

If it's true the NSA is responsible for hacking & leaking the DNC, it's a game changer & might just prove Trump is a deep state puppet (or at least their choice). Seymour Hersh wrote a investigative piece about the Obama administration being @ odds with the Pentagon, posted here somewhere. maybe they want to clean house & start anew with a Trump/Pence (Giuliani, Bolton, Sessions, Christie, Woosley, etc) administration? perfect time to do it & restore people's (false) faith in the system, while squashing any real threat to the MIC by the Libertarian-leaning republicans making noise in the party. Trump was still trying to help Rand lose his senate seat after he dropped the presidential race, to a liberal millionaire businessman (sound familiar?). no reason for that, unless he is working with (or pandering to) the deep state.

they were shook after Ron Paul 2012 & weren't going to be able to label Rand a "kook" as easily as they did his father.


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Postby Redneck » Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:49 am

Allan Watt the CT guy, (not the New Age Guru Alan Watts) who's work I have a lot of respect for, always talked about the 'People's Champion' that the establishment happily put forth and nurtured as the voice of discontent and of the little man. He used examples such as Ross Perot and even Ron Paul. He believed that they were willing players, but I believe that they do not necessarily have to be willing in order to play their role to perfection. Trump is obviously playing this role, and the establishment is allowing him, whether he knows it or not. He represents the voice of the disgruntled middle class American, and the conservatives who want to see a return to traditional values in America. By giving him this voice it creates an illusion of choice, and that the voice of the everyman is being heard. By defeating him in a close contest, the aim is to put those concerns to rest, and to make everyone think that they had their say, but democracy won out and they weren't successful.

This worked fine in the past, and guys like Perot probably were genuine and thought they had a chance, only to be crushed as planned before he became a major threat. But perhaps the manipulators underestimated Trump, maybe they thought he was an easy person to discredit when the time came, so they let him do his thing. Maybe they also underestimated his ego, and his desire to win, which is something that is easily seen in his personal history. Whether or not he went rogue, or he was just far more aggressive than they anticipated is yet to be determined, but I think that what we have seen in the debates, and what we have seen him saying at his rallies about the corrupt establishment is genuine. I've been researching geopolitics and the NWO agenda for a good 25 years, actually more but I don't want to sound too old ;) and I've also been a businessman for as long, and I believe that I can tell when someone is bullshitting or acting from the heart, and Trump hits none of my BS detectors. He's a selfish man who wants this for himself, his family, and to change some elements of the system. It would be the ultimate feather in the cap for a guy like Trump. That is why I don't see him being a willing patsy for Hillary, he's way too proud to ever agree to that.

I will add this, not that I'm comparing the men at all, apart from the size of their egos ;)

Do you think Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin or Vladimer Putin would have happily reneged on becoming a leader and agree to take a public ass whooping by a female politician, just to receive some sort of financial reward, or the opportunity to have a media outlet?

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Postby Redneck » Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:19 am

pretty powerful speech.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:35 pm

Redneck wrote:Allan Watt the CT guy, (not the New Age Guru Alan Watts) who's work I have a lot of respect for, always talked about the 'People's Champion' that the establishment happily put forth and nurtured as the voice of discontent and of the little man. He used examples such as Ross Perot and even Ron Paul. He believed that they were willing players, but I believe that they do not necessarily have to be willing in order to play their role to perfection. Trump is obviously playing this role, and the establishment is allowing him, whether he knows it or not. He represents the voice of the disgruntled middle class American, and the conservatives who want to see a return to traditional values in America. By giving him this voice it creates an illusion of choice, and that the voice of the everyman is being heard. By defeating him in a close contest, the aim is to put those concerns to rest, and to make everyone think that they had their say, but democracy won out and they weren't successful.

good points. my problem with Trump being the "people's champion" is that he is promising everything the people have been fighting against the last few years. that is the part I still fail to understand. It's discouraging (on a personal level) when I think of all the gains made from 2012 to now. fighting the patriot act, ending torture & false detainment, exposing the NSA, cutting back on foreign aid & a dramatic shift in foreign policy thinking (at least IMO) by getting the neocons out.

& now comes Trump... being advised by the likes of Rudy Giuliani, championing (& deferring to) the Military Industrial Complex & DOD, wanting to reauthorize the patriot act, expand the NSA, censor free speech, bring back waterboarding (or worse) & promising to "bomb the shit out 'em"... & people calling him anti-establishment.

IMHO, that^ sounds all to convenient for the "deep state" & not "for the people". I'm not sure he is being set up to fail anymore, some people go full retard for him & don't even really listen to what he says. no one seems to care about his complete disregard for liberty (here & abroad) or love for hawkish neocons. he looks to be the perfect pacifier/steam valve & I think people are too blinded by Hillary hate to see it.

as for the Pauls & Controlled opposition, it's a good question one has to entertain. I just don't see anything in Ron or Rand that supports it though. from the people they work with, their voting record, interviews over the years, always consistent with liberty & a restrained government. Ron Paul has done more to pull back the curtain on the relationship between the alphabet agencies, the Fed Reserve & big government to the masses than anyone in recent history (IMO) & he has been doing it for years. check out some vids in this thread of him calling out Bush & the CIA for drug-running, or the Fed Reserve & Wall St. in the mid 80s. you can't fake that consistency IMO. Rand has only been a senator for 3-4 years (?) & was doing pretty well before that. considering Trump's donations to the Clintons, Harry Reid, Pelosi, and friendships with people like Giuliani, Christie, Mnuchin, etc, I think one can make a pretty solid argument that Rand is more of an outsider than Trump, even being a senator. Hawks on both teams hate him, most of the Clinton & Trump team hate him. that's gotta mean something.

this year was almost 2012 all over again with Trump playing the part of Giuliani, promising a police state & military muscle in fear of Islamic terrorism, while Rand was Ron-like in warning of the dangers of regime change, funding "moderate" rebels & blowback.

there is also a huge difference in how the media treated both. ignored is much worse than attacked, especially when everyone knows the people are looking for an anti-establishment candidate. All the negative media coverage did, IMO, was feed Trump's fire.

This worked fine in the past, and guys like Perot probably were genuine and thought they had a chance, only to be crushed as planned before he became a major threat. But perhaps the manipulators underestimated Trump, maybe they thought he was an easy person to discredit when the time came, so they let him do his thing. Maybe they also underestimated his ego, and his desire to win, which is something that is easily seen in his personal history. Whether or not he went rogue, or he was just far more aggressive than they anticipated is yet to be determined, but I think that what we have seen in the debates, and what we have seen him saying at his rallies about the corrupt establishment is genuine. I've been researching geopolitics and the NWO agenda for a good 25 years, actually more but I don't want to sound too old ;) and I've also been a businessman for as long, and I believe that I can tell when someone is bullshitting or acting from the heart, and Trump hits none of my BS detectors. He's a selfish man who wants this for himself, his family, and to change some elements of the system. It would be the ultimate feather in the cap for a guy like Trump. That is why I don't see him being a willing patsy for Hillary, he's way too proud to ever agree to that.

yeah, that's kind of my point. 'establishment trojan horse' may have been the wrong title, 'deep state trojan horse' s probably more accurate. maybe they are letting him do his thing to sell the people on him being anti-establishment? IMO, the current establishment may change, but the deep state won't under Trump. It may even grow stronger. all a Trump presidency will do is replace a George Soros with Sheldon Adelson, a Sec Clinton with Sec Bolton, Giuliani with Huma Abedin, etc. the face of the establishment may change, but the deep state doesn't skip a beat.

that's what pisses me off the most. the country was trending libertarian, until Trump's new brand of authoritarianism, & the deep state does not want that. One thing I will say with 100% certainty about Ron or Rand, they would never have someone like Giuliani, Christie, Sessions, etc anywhere near positions of influence.

Do you think Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin or Vladimer Putin would have happily reneged on becoming a leader and agree to take a public ass whooping by a female politician, just to receive some sort of financial reward, or the opportunity to have a media outlet?

I don't know, but I don't see Trump in any of those men. I think Trump is doing this to market himself (win or lose) & is the perfect pacifier for the deep state, even moreso than Reagan. I honestly don't believe he has any great vision, most of his points are written by someone else & he flips on them on occasion. I'm starting to believe the NSA is leaking DNC info because they are done with Hillary & American Imperialism will be a much easier sell under Trump & MAGA (Reagan/Bush 2.0).

I think people like Giuliani & Gingrich are the real power brokers (even moreso than Trump) being put in charge. it looks like another pseudo-celeb in charge while the real work is done by the VP, MIC & CIA. IMO, it was very telling when Trump promised to make Kasich "the most powerful VP in history" & shortly after Pence starts praising Dick Cheney, saying he will model his Vice Presidency after him.

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Postby Masato » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:52 pm

Redneck wrote:pretty powerful speech.

heh, not bad

Might almost make me a Trump supporter

If he really is an Establisment Trojan Horse, they are cutting it pretty close to the line

Time will tell if a Trump Presidency does any of this. I remember a somewhat watered down version of that speech coming from Obama when he first ran, no?

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