Coughing up black shit...

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Coughing up black shit...

Postby Masato » Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:33 pm

Hey all

I normally don't get sick ever, and am generally in pretty good health (weight/diet etc - no meds, no problems)... but I have been smoking unfiltered cannabis joints chronically for about 20 years, save for maybe a few weeks per year when I take short breaks.

Anyways this last week I finally caught some kind of cold, so my chest and nose are all full of gunk and phlegm. This is nothing unusual except that when I cough up a big bunch of it and spit it out it is filled with all this black shit.

Am I just seeing it now because of my cold? Are there tests to see exactly how pink or how black my lungs are, or how much crap there may actually be?

I have heard stories of 100+ year old people who smoked a pack a cigarettes a day for their whole lives and are still going, I even know a person who smoked way more cigarettes for decades but the doctors said his lungs were fine. (I do NOT smoke cigarettes btw, just herbs)

Any opinions/experience? Its kind of freaking me out... :(

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Postby Winnson » Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:58 pm

I'd take a break until you're not coughing up black shit anymore man. That sounds pretty rough.

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Postby Masato » Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:00 pm

^^ OK Mr. Smart Guy... then what I supposed to do with all this fantastic weed I just scored?


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Postby Masato » Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:02 pm

My sister-in-law says its because I toke like a dragon.

She showed me how she smokes tighter joints, and very gently to only inhale the fine smoke. She also twists the ends up to make a little filter.

She says I roll way too loosely, and huff like a vacuum so all the ashes and burnt shit all gets sucked in along with the smoke. I think she may be right. I also smoke a lot of old grimy pipes etc

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Postby Benwahwah » Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:05 pm

Why not eat the weed instead of smoking it?

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Postby Masato » Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:11 pm

I am seriously contemplating a major change in my weed lifestyle.

This is the first time it has become a problem in any way, I've been feeling minor damage to my lungs for a while and considering a change. But this is like asking Batman not to wear black, lol. Would love to hear from people like Som who I heard has tackled a drinking habit etc, how people kick things. I'm playing with different scenarios & strategies how I might achieve this, its been a part of so many aspects of my life and self-perception, it is a really weird and heavy thing to consider that I might actually want to change. turning 40 really threw my head for a loop, lol so many new ideas and perspectives on life and myself

I have stopped before many times, when me and the missus were trying to conceive our first kid I stopped for like 8 months, and then after she was born I really thought I was done/stopped for like a year I think(?) but I always came back

Cold Turkey? Cut down? etc etc

I wonder if stopping would improve my conditioning for BJJ at all...

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Postby Masato » Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:12 pm

Just saw Ben's post, thanks bro

I was thinking of that. Or making tea or something? Make it more of a slower ritual rather than the fast sudden-gratification hits I'm used to.

But I don't know much about this, if its more expensive to use like this, what the potency is etc.

I've tried vaping, I don't really dig it

maybe it just time for a change. Like a new chapter in life. Like I said turning 40 really made me start to see a bunch of things differently, perhaps its just time to grow up past this phase, who knows? Maybe it will be good for me in more ways than just the way my lungs feel

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Postby Canuckster » Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:32 pm

Coughing up black shit ain't good. I would say use the bong if you don't like vaping, at least it traps the worst of the burnt shit.
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Postby Redneck » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:44 am

I have been experiencing similar, and maybe it's something to do with chemtrails but it's really only been an issue for me for the past few months.

I purchased a portable dry herb vape because I was told that it would eliminate any residue from smoking, but it just doesn't give the same hit as a joint, and you tend to vape like crazy asking yourself 'am I stoned?" 'is it working?'

This is the review of the Atmos Vicod, I'm not impressed with it though. I think that if you are going to switch to a vape, then it needs to be fucking huge.

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Postby Som-Pong » Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:03 am

Hmm, I honestly have no issues quitting weed cold turkey. Some days I don't smoke, it's rare though. Use filters bro.

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