The 9/11 Investigations

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The 9/11 Investigations

Postby Masato » Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:09 pm

^^^ watch the Rudy Giuliani one @ 6:00

He admits in his own words that he was foretold of WTC collapse. You hear the audio.

Then @ 7:25 someone asks him to elaborate on this statement and he outright denies it.

1:32 of the same vid is also some crazy footage of the mass-panic removal/destruction of evidence ASAP of the crime scene - dump trucks coming like a swarm to ship out the evidence

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Postby Daglord » Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:38 pm

He also flat out lied to the commission about first responders hearing the evac order when they didn't. reason being because he was reissued faulty radios after his no-bid contracted radios from Motorola failed.

Rudy is a POS. guy has a vested interest in Pharmaceuticals (Purdue Pharma) & private prisons (Greenberg Traurig). believes in being pro-active against terrorism & is basically ambassador to Israel (Adelson). he can't wait to be president (Trump) & is probably the last guy I would want in ANY position of influence.

watching now...

Giuliani Partners has been categorized by various media outlets as a lobbying entity capitalizing on Giuliani's name recognition. Clients of Giuliani Partners are required to sign confidentiality agreements, so they do not comment about the work they get done or the amount that they have paid for it. Giuliani himself has refused to talk about his clients, the work he did for them, the compensation he received from them, or any details about the company.

One of Giuliani Partners' clients during this time was Hank Asher, an admitted drug smuggler and millionaire founder of companies that perform electronic information gathering (datamining) on individuals. According to a shareholder in the company, Asher hired Giuliani for his "influence with the federal government to enable Mr. Asher to take an active role in Seisint as a chief executive officer despite the allegations about his drug dealing". Giuliani helped Asher's company get $12 million in government grants. After Asher's past was publicly revealed, he resigned from the company; Giuliani defended him to newspapers without mentioning that Asher was a paying client. After Asher's resignation, investors in Seisint looked into how much Giuliani Partners had been paid: $2 million a year in fees, a commission on sales of Seisint products, and 800,000 warrants for Seisint stock, which would prove valuable when Seisent was sold to Lexis Nexis for $775 million. One investor sued the board, claiming that Giuliani's contributions had not been worth the large amount paid. The Seisent database product that Giuliani Partners was to help market, the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange, was itself criticized on civil liberties grounds, and within two years the program had folded


Rudy Giuliani reemerges and says it’s time to start panicking again

After the September 11 terrorist attacks, Giuliani’s status rose exponentially. His crisis management skills were perhaps a bit overhyped, but you couldn’t deny that he took control of the situation and helped lead a city that was absolutely traumatized out of the rubble. He was picked by Time to be its Person of the Year in 2001 and dubbed “America’s Mayor” for his heroic response to the attacks — a name he tried unsuccessfully to upgrade to “America’s President” in 2008.

Giuliani’s reputation in 2016 couldn’t be more different than it was 15 years ago. Today, he’s turned into a Trump sycophant and a fear monger who sees an Islamic terrorist around every corner. “America’s Mayor” has morphed into a divisive politico who questions President Obama’s patriotism, wants to tag everyone who happens to be in a government database and screams like a maniac during a nationally televised convention speech. It’s the kind of behavior that leads people to write stories titled “What Happened to Rudy” and “Is Rudy Giuliani Losing His Mind?”

The answer to that last question is obvious: of course he hasn’t. The problem with Giuliani, as with Donald Trump and most of Trump’s surrogates on television, is that facts don’t matter anymore. His column this week in USA Today is a perfect illustration of the kind of trend we’ve seen throughout Trump’s campaign. Giuliani, like Trump, simplifies the terrorist threat as a disease that can only be treated by saying “radical Islamic terrorism” over and over again. And, he uses a distorted version of history to fit it into his political narrative.

Giuliani blames President Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s obsession with political correctness for the recent terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Orlando and New York. The Obama administration, he argues, is treating terrorism as a criminal activity rather than an act of war. Yet, Giuliani’s remedy to the terrorism disease is just as bad, if not more so: reverting to the George W. Bush days when America was on a never-ending war footing against bands of delusional religious zealots. What Giuliani describes as a “time for America to go on offense against radical Islamic terrorism at home and abroad” is a fancy way of saying “everybody panic!”

The remainder of Giuliani’s commentary is boilerplate stuff. His recommendation to boost cooperation and intelligence-sharing between the FBI and local police departments is a good one, but that’s really the only thing he has to offer other than bashing those weak-kneed liberal Democrats who care more about saying the right thing than keeping Americans safe (his interpretation, not mine).

Donald Trump presumably would kick all of these weak-kneed Democrats in the groin, say “the hell with political correctness,” and bolster America’s armed forces – all the while sending the military a blank check with instructions to eliminate every last terrorist that happened to take a potshot at America. The fact that terrorism cannot be eliminated, only diminished, is apparently over Giuliani’s head, as is the fact that President Bush’s way of doing things only made terrorism stronger.

But facts be damned. Vote Trump!

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Postby Daglord » Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:35 pm

September 11, 2001, shook the United States to the core, a country that had been nearly untouchable since its democratic inception. However, immediately following this horrific tragedy, another equally as impactful 'terrorist attack' occurred when weaponized anthrax was sent to multiple Congressman and journalists through the U.S. Postal Service.

Media Roots presents American Anthrax, a documentary comprised of news footage that establishes, by history's own narration, how everything you've been told about the Anthrax Attacks is a lie. Conceptualized, edited and produced by Robbie Martin, co-host of Media Roots Radio.

The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were both one-time events that happened in two prominent cities. Unlike 9/11, the Anthrax Attacks localized terrorism and spread fear to every corner of American life, where the simple act of getting your mail could prove to be fatal. Five people died as a result of breathing in the deadly anthrax spores, including postal workers and one NY Post reporter. Countless others were infected.

The Bush administration initially tried to link this 'second wave of terrorism' to al-Qaeda with zero proof. Once that talking point out-lived its usefulness, the official narrative began leaning towards Saddam Hussein and his mythological biological weapons program.

Establishment propagandists like John Mccaine and ABC news reporters intentionally spread disinformation to plant the seed in the public mind that the anthrax came from Iraq, which eventually lead to Colin Powell's infamous 2003 WMD speech at the UN. All the while, the U.S. government was fully aware that the anthrax did not come from an external source, because the strain showed tell-tale signs of being a specific anthrax strain that was weaponized and manufactured by the U.S. military.

Regardless, the idea of the Anthrax Attacks being executed by an external terrorist organization remained conventional wisdom the public was conditioned into believing in the aftermath of 9/11. Eventually, two men were accused of being the perpetrators behind the attacks, yet no charges were ever brought to either of them. The first accused individual, Steven Hatfill, ended up being rewarded a multimillion dollar settlement from the government for being wrongly accused before any evidence was presented against him. The subsequent accused individual, Bruce Ivins, allegedly committed suicide while the FBI was trying to break him into confessing.

Ultimately, the FBI asked the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to verify its evidence pointing to Ivins as the main suspect. Instead, the NAS concluded that the DNA in the anthrax sent in the mail was in fact not a match to the anthrax Ivins worked with. Before the National Academy of Sciences finished their independent investigation, the FBI rushed its preestablished conclusions about Ivins's guilt to the press, and the case was closed. To this day, the FBI has never commented on the many glaring contradictions in the official government narrative about the Anthrax Attacks.


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Postby Daglord » Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:00 pm

Dick Cheney And White House Took CIPRO, On 9/11, Before Anthrax Attacks?

Anthrax Threat Known, Suit Says

WASHINGTON — A conservative group is suing the Bush administration for access to documents surrounding last fall's anthrax attacks, saying that top officials may have known that the bioterrorist assault was coming.

Judicial Watch said Friday it has yet to receive documents from several agencies after filing requests under the Freedom of Information Act. The group says the documents will show who knew what and when they knew it.

Judicial Watch, which also has sued for documents about Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force, represents U.S. postal workers at the Brentwood mail-handling facility in Washington. Two workers from Brentwood died of inhalation anthrax before officials shut down the facility, which had handled anthrax-laden letters headed for Capitol Hill.

Larry Klayman, chairman of Judicial Watch, noted that administration officials said last fall that some White House staff had begun taking the antibiotic Cipro on Sept. 11, weeks before the anthrax attacks were made public.

"We believe that the White House knew or had reason to know that an anthrax attack was imminent or underway," Klayman said.

White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe denied the charge: "We did not know about the anthrax attacks. Period."

Johndroe said he didn't know with certainty why staffers were given Cipro but guessed it was "a precautionary measure in the early hours of Sept. 11 before the situation could be fully assessed." He said he has not seen the lawsuit and had no comment on whether the documents would be released.

Judicial Watch is suing the U.S. Postal Service, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the FBI, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases.


Judicial Watch is an American conservative, non-partisan watchdog group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to expose alleged misconduct by government officials. Founded in 1994, it has sued the administrations of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. Most of its lawsuits have been dismissed. As of October 2016 it was the plaintiff in more than 20 ongoing lawsuits involving Hillary Clinton.

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Postby Masato » Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:41 pm

Hey Dag, Happy New Year!

Good on ya for not letting this topic go... I never will. The cornerstone of all modern illusion imo

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Postby Masato » Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:46 am

Here is a cheeky piece on Dov Zakheim, who has already been mentioned in this thread as a major player/suspect behind 9/11: ... kheim.html

The Talented Mister Zakheim


Meet The Hon. Dov Zakheim, a man of many talents and accomplishments. Talmudic rabbi, devoted public servant, defence expert, aviation technology entrepreneur, dual-citizen, controller of trillions of dollars in defence expenditures, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. the International Institute for Strategic Studies and the United States Naval Institute. He is a three-time recipient of the Department of Defense's highest civilian award, the Distinguished Public Service Medal, as well as other awards for government and community service.

What a pentagon...I mean paragon. Like, he could have stayed making millions with various Israeli-owned technology companies but instead left it all for selfless Government service. Just like Dick Cheney, Robert Rubin and Donald Rumsfeldt. Devoted patriots one and all. Mind you, his times at the Pentagon were not without controversy, including the one in which no less than $3.2 trillion went missing. This is about the annual value of the total Federal Budget for the USA. Or to look at it another way, 200 times the annual Israeli Defence Budget of $16 billion.

I'm sure Dov was only itching to explain how it all went AWOL. And also the questions about his decision to flog off at knock-down prices a vast amount of 'surplus' military material to Israel, material which many believed in fact to be state of the art. In due course a specialised team of investigators was established which began accumulating a lot of incriminating evidence. But then a terrible thing happened. The very office where the evidence was stored and where the audit team was working was hit by a missile, whoops, I mean a plane, on September 11, 2001. Investigators and evidence were blown to smithereens.

Dov must have been devastated.

Before his time as Financial Controller at the Pentagon (he has no financial, audit or accounting qualifications) he'd been busy on the Project For The New American Century (PNAC). helping to author the policy paper Rebuilding America's Defenses. Excerpt: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolunionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor. ... "

If only he knew!

Interestingly, in between his stints of devoted public service at the Pentagon the Hon. Dov made a fortune as CEO of SPC International, the company which provides a “Flight Termination System” for the US military. The company describes it as “a fully redundant turnkey range safety and test system for remote control and flight termination of airborne test vehicles.” If only they'd had that at the time of the 9/11 attacks...they could have wrested control from the hands of the Cessna pilots who had hijacked them, and flown the planes to safety.

But wait! I've just checked and it seems that the technology had in fact been developed and operationally tested by Dov's company well before the 9/11 attacks. Imagine that!

Now some narrow-minded people have cast aspersions the Honourable Dov. And not just about financial shenanigans and glaring conflicts-of-interest. They point out the suspicious timing (the day before the 9/11 attacks) of the announcement of the missing $3.2 trillion, his being CEO of a company with flight interceptor capabilities, his knowledge of every nook and cranny in the Pentagon, the fact that the missile plane hit the very area of the Pentagon where the investigators and evidence were located, his call for 'a new Pearl Harbor', and that Rabbi Dov's beloved Talmud says some very naughty things about us gentiles. They have asked why the diligent intrepid investigative journalists in the MSM haven't applied their forensic skills (fine tuned over many years in their legendary search for the truth) to those issues

But so far there's been nothing. Nada. A deathly silence reigns. And The Hon. Dov lives the high life, wealthy and content, recipient of the nation's highest honours. Just like his friend Lucky Larry Silverstein.

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Postby Masato » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:35 am

Here is a compilation of Police Radio tapes and News reports discussing the van filled with explosives and 2 suspects in custody.

Police radio says the van had a mural of a plane diving into NYC exploding... and then we hear police audio that the van actually EXPLODED]]]

None of this was in the commission report, nor ever discussed on the news again, ever.

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Postby Masato » Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:05 pm

New video of a presentation made via the US Nation of Islam, looking at 9/11 as the catalyst for what they call a 'War on Islam'.

Presentations by Kevin Barrett, Richard Gage, and Christopher Bollyn. Props to these brave folk who continue to fight

I watched the first bot it is off to a good start. Referencing here for later:

Never let 9/11 go, in my strong opinion it is still the key/foundation to almost everything. No justice or truth can shine while this crime remains in darkness

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Postby Daglord » Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:35 pm

‘20th hijacker’ wants to testify at Guantánamo’s 9/11 trial


A review of filings on the Pentagon’s war-court website shows Moussaoui has at least three times written Army Col. James L. Pohl, the judge in the Sept. 11 mass-murder case with no trial date.

The first docketed letter arrived at war-court judiciary headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, on Nov. 12, 2015 in an envelope from the U.S. penitentiary. It had a Purple Heart postage stamp.

In that one he offers to testify about “the real 9/11 mastermind,” then names Saudi Prince Turki, Princess Haifa, and a man named Omar. A lightly redacted Jan. 29, 2016 letter mentions a possible interview with an attorney for KSM — the U.S. intelligence nickname for Khalid Sheik Mohammed, accused here as the Sept. 11 plot mastermind and awaiting a death-penalty tribunal.

Moussaoui, whose recent letter offered to testify in that case, wrote Pohl last year that he wants to “expose the Saudi Royal double game with UBL,” from Usama bin Laden, another U.S. intelligence acronym.

The Saudi Embassy has dismissed Moussaoui’s remarks on Saudi involvement in the 9/11 plot and the French-born U.S. prisoner as a “deranged criminal.”

In 2014, lawyers for a Sept. 11 victims group that is suing to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for whatever role it had in the attack interviewed Moussaoui in prison. Moussaoui mentioned that deposition in his letter to the Guantánamo judge. In it, Moussaoui describes his jihadi training, contact with bin Laden, and how in the ’90s he created a database of donors to al-Qaida or the jihad. Moussaoui said the donors included prominent Saudi citizens.

Princess Haifa is the wife of Bandar bin Sultan (Bandar Bush).

Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud:


Turki bin Faisal Al Saud (Arabic:تركي الفيصل) (born 15 February 1945), known also as Turki al-Faisal, is a member of the House of Saud, the Saudi Arabia royal family. He is one of the founders of the King Faisal Foundation and serves as chairman of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies.

From 1977 to 2001, Prince Turki was the director general of Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah, Saudi Arabia's intelligence agency, resigning the position on 1 September 2001, some ten days before the September 11 attacks in which 14 Saudi nationals hijacked commercial American airliners. Prince Turki subsequently served as ambassador to the Court of St. James's and the United States.

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Postby Daglord » Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:35 pm

Published on Aug 30, 2016
After 15 years of meticulous research and analysis into the events and theories surrounding 9/11, this is a collection of all the best facts and evidence proving who had the means, motive, and opportunity to commit the crimes we witnessed on September 11th, and who ought to be investigated if we ever hope to get to the bottom of it.

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