Trump's Coded Masonic Speech? (by Anti-Archon)

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Trump's Coded Masonic Speech? (by Anti-Archon)

Postby Masato » Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:21 pm

Hey all... our man Anti-Archon posted this in another thread:


...but I thought it was so interesting it deserved its own thread. Trump a Master Mason?

Extremely interesting. Lets make an archive here for any further evidence of Trump as related to Freemasonry.

Here are the posts:

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:21 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:The final part of his speech at the CIA is thinly veiled as to his intent, and every person in that room knew it. Let me pull out my decoder ring here:

"I will tell you, final time — although I will say it, when you let in your thousands of other people that have been trying to come in — because I am coming back — we’re going to have to get you a larger room. (Applause.) We may have to get you a larger room. You know? And maybe, maybe, it will be built by somebody that knows how to build, and we won’t have columns. (Laughter.) You understand that? (Applause.) We get rid of the columns."

First of all, he's a Master Mason and everyone in that room is a Mason. You don't get to be in the CIA without ascending at least a few degrees. What he is saying there is that HE is THE Master Mason, the one that "knows how to build".

Secondly, and more importantly, he is going to "get rid of the columns." The Fifth Columns that are destroying this nation, ya dig? The true-blooded patriotic members of the CIA in that room voraciously applaud that statement, because they know what's going on. They know the organization (and by proxy all the organizations the CIA controls - which is many) has been run by treasonous assholes since the days of H.W.

But Trump just told them he will give them backing and get rid of their columns. Now the idiotic media will call that "self-aggrandizement" and "pompous bluster". I read both of those in the WaPo and New York Times respectively (bleagh). But, what they fail to understand (or maybe they do and they are just doing whatever they can to launch a counter-offensive) Trump just declared war on them and all of the snakes embedded everywhere throughout the intelligence community.

This is an interesting time to be alive.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:37 pm

Thanks for the nod, Masato. Trump is an enigma and I'm not certain ultimately how this all plays out. I do know that anyone fighting the CIA and the globalists is better than what we've had as President for the past 25 years (all of which were CIA globalists). Of course, Bane fought the CIA in the beginning of that movie, too. Didn't make him any less of a bad guy.

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Postby penxv » Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:56 am

When people talk like this, it's like invoking a previous spell in order to build upon it. I don't trust him.

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Postby penxv » Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:16 am

He's definitely the most polarizing president in my lifetime.

People either really like him or really really don't. Having him as president is going to make the online discourse pretty insane, I think.

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:02 am

Going to?
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby penxv » Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:09 am

Just getting started, no? There's a lot of people mad online.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:15 pm

I believe Trump's presidency is the embodiment of The Shock Doctrine. Every single day he drops another bomb (or four) dominating the news cycle and making everyone's head spin. In the midst of this chaos, the real agenda unfolds while everyone laments that he doesn't know who Frederick Douglass is...that is an insane prospect I do not entertain in the least. The man knows what he is doing. He is trolling everyone with this shit. However, just because I think he's smarter than he is presenting himself to be doesn't make me any less uneasy. Quite the contrary. Like I said, I don't know his endgame or how this all plays out, but with each passing day I find it harder to imagine it playing out nonviolently.

It will either end in assassination or skirmishes with resistance movements in the streets. Either way it goes down will not be pretty. Doesn't know who Frederick Douglass is...Jesus Christ. What shit will he do next?

"Gandhi is someone who has made contributions and has been recognized more and more. He will help with bringing jobs back to America." For fuck sake.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:10 pm

Not as coded as his speech to the CIA, but then again sheriffs probably aren't as high up the Masonic ladder. Still, you can read between the lines here. He is basically saying that Obama was anti-cop and actively working against law enforcement. He is basically saying Rahm Emanuel's Chicago problem is a manufactured one. He is saying that drugs are pumped into our cities, gangs are created by the pushers and America as a whole is being torn apart because of it. The cops in that room know all too well that is the case. They also know not to poke too high up in the pecking order when it comes to drugs and gangs because eventually you'll reach someone on the inside who will retaliate. Trump just told them that is no longer the case. I hope he's not just blowing smoke.

This is a good example of the real Trump who delivers a cogent, coherent message to a room of people for an intended purpose. That is in stark contrast to the bumbleboob who dropped that Frederick Douglass soundbite last week. I maintain that the Frederick Douglass thing was done on purpose, probably to stir the race pot, dominate the news cycle and cause more shock and harm to the reeling left. Dude's a pimp-level troll. Maybe a 33rd degree Freemason, but a 99th level troll.

I continue to maintain optimism despite it all. I just really don't want war with Iran.

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Postby Masato » Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:59 pm

^ nice

listen @ 16:30 where he says; "Just Israel about how well walls work!" lol

The rest of it I found was a lot of empty politician talk. For example he's gonna get the drugs out of our communities? really? lol good luck with that

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