Paul Joseph Watson Denies Any Jewish Influence of Media

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Re: Paul Joseph Watson Denies Any Jewish Influence of Media

Postby SRBrant » Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:03 am

Masato wrote:SRBrant, maybe you are not aware of this but most people on this board are hardcore global politics/history geeks, we've been studying, analyzing and discussing this stuff for years if not decades already on other forums and on our own

Obviously you don't have to agree with everything but you are actually in quite fortunate company if you'd like to expand your understandings of such things. Most here don't post out of opinions or emotional response to the latest news buzz... but from personal fascination and interest of the topics, and far more study than your average typical forum-posters. Megaterio Llamas might be older than any of us and knows a LOT.

Keep your mental guard up but imo take advantage of the kind of minds here, there some smart mofos on this tiny board

That does not excuse thinly-veiled antisemitism, which is a very special kind of spiritual corruption as well as bigotry. Open-mindedness is a good thing, yes, but if your mind is too open, then you are vulnerable to very dangerous ideas and toxic ideologies. If you're fascinated with global politics, then more power to you. Me? I'm more interested in who the gods are, where they live and how to earn their favor.

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:37 am

SRBrant wrote:
Masato wrote:SRBrant, maybe you are not aware of this but most people on this board are hardcore global politics/history geeks, we've been studying, analyzing and discussing this stuff for years if not decades already on other forums and on our own

Obviously you don't have to agree with everything but you are actually in quite fortunate company if you'd like to expand your understandings of such things. Most here don't post out of opinions or emotional response to the latest news buzz... but from personal fascination and interest of the topics, and far more study than your average typical forum-posters. Megaterio Llamas might be older than any of us and knows a LOT.

Keep your mental guard up but imo take advantage of the kind of minds here, there some smart mofos on this tiny board

That does not excuse thinly-veiled antisemitism, which is a very special kind of spiritual corruption as well as bigotry. Open-mindedness is a good thing, yes, but if your mind is too open, then you are vulnerable to very dangerous ideas and toxic ideologies. If you're fascinated with global politics, then more power to you. Me? I'm more interested in who the gods are, where they live and how to earn their favor.

You should be more specific in your objection to the discussion we're having here. Personal insults and blanket condemnations aren't good enough, you should at least take a stab at refuting some of the issues that have been raised here rather than just getting morally indignant, that's just boring. It's no good wagging your finger and yelling antisemite at people who are comfortable in the knowledge that they are not.

I do get the allure of turning inward though, the world can be an ugly place and the truth is sometimes only fit to be digested by the strongest of stomachs.
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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:16 pm

^ great, great posts by both of you 2

love it. Lots of truth in there.

Honestly I don't know why I keep coming back to trying to further understand the political nature of things... often I also turn inward and focus on my immediate reality/family/spiritual life, and when I do it is always great but I keep coming back. As Mega says it does churn your stomach, and as SR says it does result in some dangerous and toxic ideas. I am not a hateful person by any means I always try to love everyone/everything, but like the lyrics to a good song say; 'Its OK; allow yourself a little hate; hatred is not so bad when directed at injustice" Yet it is hate nonetheless. Injustice needs to be confronted but it does rot the soul the more one realizes how much out there exists...

What is the goal of filling up one's mind with the evils of the world? Can it ever be snuffed out? If not do we do this in vain? tough questions...

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:18 pm

The same could be said however for over-doing spiritual matters... in a way this too is playing with fire, and building realities for one's self that are very difficult to verify, and can also allow evil and toxicity to corrupt one's soul. It could be argued that many of the evils of global power and politics stems from this very same goal! lol

Be careful all of you, whatever your interests. Tread humbly, tread carefully, tread wisely.

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:20 pm

PS: Criticizing the specific actions of specific individuals does not = criticisms of masses of other people who have nothing to do with it.

'Antisemitism' is a flawed term/word in so many ways, I dismiss it.

Read Mega's linked article on the use of the term 'Anglo-Zionist', its very interesting.
I too don't see jewish people as any sort of 'race', thus impossible to hold the extremist views that are implied when people hurl the word 'antisemite' around. Criticism of actions should always be welcome, regardless of the perpetrators background, faith, race, or culture.

Even the roots of what a 'Semite' is or what it means to be Semitic is up for grabs. It is a fucked up phrase that degenerates any discussion imo

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:26 pm

Antisemitism is a catch all phrase designed specifically to ensnare people in a trap. Calling someone an anti semite automatically categorizes the person accused into a blanket statement by the accusers to essentially lump them in with nazis

The truth is that in this world, human beings of all types, religions, races, creeds and all others who land in between conspire against one another in an attempt to gain an advantage any way they can. That's a fact. Jews have been caught doing this for thousands of years which is why they keep getting kicked out of the countries they try to do it to.

I have no problem with jews, I have a problem with cunts, and there are a lot of cunts in this world who happen to be jewish who within their own religous dogma are given free reign to screw over the goyim as they see fit to benefit themselves.

Maybe you can't see it, maybe you just want to be ambivalent to the whole thing, I don't know, but facts are facts, cunts are cunts, jews conspire as well as numerous other types all over the world. I don't have to like them, or sit silently by because someone might cal me an anti semite for it.
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Postby SRBrant » Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:16 am

Masato, you can't possibly believe in these antisemitic canards!

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Postby penxv » Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:49 pm

Masato wrote:The same could be said however for over-doing spiritual matters... in a way this too is playing with fire, and building realities for one's self that are very difficult to verify, and can also allow evil and toxicity to corrupt one's soul. It could be argued that many of the evils of global power and politics stems from this very same goal! lol

Be careful all of you, whatever your interests. Tread humbly, tread carefully, tread wisely.

I see this a lot with yoga people. They have blinders on for troubling realities and are adept at wearing rose-colored glasses. They just choose not to focus on things that are objectively bad. It's like a defense mechanism.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:25 pm

SRBrant wrote:Masato, you can't possibly believe in these antisemitic canards!

That sounds awfully anti-canardic to me. You have something against canards? Just because that one shat on you one day doesn't mean they are all bad, lol

We're going in circles, bro. Nothing here posted here that is based on any 'belief', nor any sort over-arching hatred to any generalized groups of people... Go back and read carefully, Canuckster may have said it best. Don't stretch words out of context, and don't insult people as to adhering to any such nonsensical accusations. Also don't mistake anyone else's posts on this forum for being my own personal beliefs (what is posted in the Anarchy Zone by certain folks however I cannot defend, lol)

Take the blinders off, Canards are our friends (even though foxes have been known to dine on them)


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Postby Redneck » Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:39 am

Whilst I think it goes way beyond a Jewish conspiracy, it's becoming increasingly difficult to take PJW or Alex Jones seriously.

Ever since they stopped reporting on the real agenda behind the terror attacks, and started pushing the MSM official narrative that the attacks are all real, and it's 'those damn Muslims tryin to take our country', I became extremely cynical about them. 5 years ago, Infowars would have been looking for false flag evidence, and trying to expose the elite's tactic of 'problem, reaction, solution', but not anymore.

If Jones had made 9/11 road to tyranny in 2017 it would be about how George Soros funded Bin Laden and 19 goat herders to outsmart the world's only superpower.

Now that Alex Jones is saying that #pizzagate isn't real, I don't know how anyone in the truth research community can trust Infowars at all.

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