Tell YOUR 'red pill' experience...

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Tell YOUR 'red pill' experience...

Postby Masato » Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:13 pm

So when did you take it?

What started it?
How far down the rabbit hole did you go?
What was your reaction? / how did it change you?
Where do you go from here?
How do you see life + the future?

I think this is becoming a common experience among more people everyday. Lets share experiences and insights... there is always much to discuss when meeting a fellow red piller.

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Postby KingOfAllFighting » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:01 pm

Red pill?

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Postby Masato » Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:21 pm

Its a reference to the Matrix, where Neo is offered a red pill to wake up and know the truth (but can never go back), or a blue pill where you stay asleep (and never wake up).

The connection is that of accumulation of non-mainstream information to the point where one's previous world view of reality becomes broken, and one simply can't go back again into believing old ways of thinking. This can be extremely liberating yet extremely disorienting at the same time. It is a personal interest of mine how different people handle the experience

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Postby KingOfAllFighting » Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:34 pm

Masato wrote:Its a reference to the Matrix, where Neo is offered a red pill to wake up and know the truth (but can never go back), or a blue pill where you stay asleep (and never wake up).

The connection is that of accumulation of non-mainstream information to the point where one's previous world view of reality becomes broken, and one simply can't go back again into believing old ways of thinking. This can be extremely liberating yet extremely disorienting at the same time. It is a personal interest of mine how different people handle the experience
Aw right, i've never actually watched the matrix :oops: That's why I was confused lol

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:40 am

KingOfAllFighting wrote:
Masato wrote:Its a reference to the Matrix, where Neo is offered a red pill to wake up and know the truth (but can never go back), or a blue pill where you stay asleep (and never wake up).

The connection is that of accumulation of non-mainstream information to the point where one's previous world view of reality becomes broken, and one simply can't go back again into believing old ways of thinking. This can be extremely liberating yet extremely disorienting at the same time. It is a personal interest of mine how different people handle the experience
Aw right, i've never actually watched the matrix :oops: That's why I was confused lol

go watch the matrix right now.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Garrbanzzo » Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:02 pm

I was in high school and realised that if I watched enough Jeopardy and learned some simple rules of standardised tests I could pass any multiple choice test.

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Postby Redneck » Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:16 am

My awakening was two fold I think.

I was awake in the early 90's to the whole control of the media from corporate owners that also controlled many other industries, and the Zionist conspiracy was big also, but I took it with a grain of salt and treated it a bit like bigfoot or the loch ness monster. I thought the theory was great but at the same time had seen nothing to show it was real.

Then 9/11 occurred and everything fell into place as I watched it unfold on TV. That was really the day that I swallowed the red pill I suppose.

Everything that unfolded after that only confirmed what I already knew.

And here we are today.

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Postby Masato » Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:40 pm

^ yeah at least you had some pre-context when 9/11 hit lol

I was thrown into the deep end without even knowing what water was. Before 9/11 I didn't own a television or computer, never read the paper and was completely outside the mainstream narrative. Had been for many years already, didn't know shit about it. Then 9/11 hit and I sudden;y realized I had no idea what was going on.

Media Control was the first thing I noticed... after virtually never having watched the news my whole life, suddenly I am watching tons and its clear as day the MSM are lying their ass off to sell a war-narrative. This was totally obvious to me, and totally reality-bending that others weren't seeing it.

I researched the shit out of 9/11 from day 1 almost obsessively, and the more I looked the more I saw how big the divide was between reality and the MSM reality.

And here we are today, lol

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:12 pm

I watched the live reporting from ground zero obsessively and felt straight away something wasn't right about it. There was a ticker running at the bottom of the screen on CNN listing the names of the casualties in the towers and my mind began looking for patterns as I obsessed over that ticker. A chilling detail emerged, and to this day I wish it hadn't. Among the list were many of the ethnicities one would expect to find working in NYC; Italians were the most prominent, followed by Irish names, Hispanic names were prevalent as well as apparently many undocumented Mexicans had worked in the restaurant atop one of the towers. But curiously absent from the list, day after day, were the names from that ethno-religious group most synonymous with New York City. And I mean completely absent. I also watched live as the steel structure of one tower in a flash turned white and crumbled down as if detonated by professional demolition experts.

Now I'm sure that list has long been doctored to reflect the rich diversity of backgrounds that make up the society there so it's no good trying to go fishing now for a casualty list; but I saw what I saw. And so it gradually donned on me that this was no ordinary terror attack. And the endless war that follows to this day, centered in the ever strategic Middle East serves to underscore that fact I think.

Anyway, that was 9-11 for me. But of course it was only the appetizer. It was Operation Iraqi Freedom and it's build up in 2002 that was my personal transformational experience. Here they were trying to sell the public on a war against a people and a culture that I has studied since the 1970s with a transparently bogus pretext and elementary school levels of 'expert analysis' churning out bald faced lies day after day as a the doomed fate of the world's eldest and most interesting country settled in. The utter frustration that I felt is difficult to convey. I must have seemed like a raving loony in those days to my friends a loved ones. "the boy is off his rocker' whispered everywhere behind my back as I railed impotently (truthfully and accurately I have to say) against this conspiracy to destroy ancient Mesopotamia.
el rey del mambo

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