Huge Underwater 'Base' Discovered??

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Huge Underwater 'Base' Discovered??

Postby Masato » Wed May 28, 2014 11:20 am

Hey all

WTF ... iscovered/
A huge underwater entrance has been discovered at Malibu, CA coast at Point Dume not surprising UFO/USO researchers that have been looking for it over the last 40 years. The plateau structure is 1.35 miles x 2.45 miles wide, 6.66 miles from land and the entrance between the support pillars is 2745 feet wide and 630 feet tall. It also has what looks like a total nuclear bomb proof ceiling that is 500 feet thick.


The discovery was made by Maxwell, Dale Romero and Jimmy Church, host of FADE to BLACK on the Dark Matter Radio Network on Monday, May 12th 2014 and announced on Facebook, Twitter and Church’s radio program the following day. The underwater base has been a mystery for many years with hundreds of UFO/USO sightings and with photographs evidence. But the entrance of the base has remained elusive, until now.


The entrance can support nuclear sized submarines and massive UFO/USO activity and allow access to different military installations that are inside the US such as the China Lake Naval Base that is in the middle of the Mojave desert and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Hawthorne, NV between Las Vegas and Reno. In the photographs you can see its relation to the coastline, Los Angeles and its natural surroundings which to not match up with the structure itself…which is massive in scale. The support pillars to the entrance are over 600 feet tall. Malibu, California, is known the world over for its scenic beauty and as the playground of the rich and famous. Few people know that it is also the land of UFOs.

Apparently this can be seen on Google Earth - it these are fake images they made it onto the maps

Any further info/debunking would be great

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed May 28, 2014 11:25 am

- It's one ot The Hydra bases:


How they manage to do such of a big structure?
If it's true, it's really amazing
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Postby Luigi » Wed May 28, 2014 9:33 pm

looks like ridges in the sand with a shadow cast over it. They should go diving to get some better footage.

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Postby Envy337 » Thu May 29, 2014 2:00 pm

Depending on the depth, that was probably above seal level 20,000 or so years ago.

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Postby Flying Eye Angle » Thu May 29, 2014 10:21 pm

Hail Hydra

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