Watched 'The Circle' yesterday

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Re: Watched 'The Circle' yesterday

Postby Winnson » Wed May 17, 2017 4:15 pm

Trump live right now speaking at a Coast Guard commencement ceremony. That man is a true leader of men.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Wed May 17, 2017 7:01 pm

Benwahwah wrote:The fact is that in five years time most people will believe what a fool Trump was. He will be totally and utterly discredited. I hope and believe that there is only so much rubbish the American people will take. Look at this whole Russia leak.

MSM - Trump shared critical intelligence with Russia re: ISIS.
White House - Fuck NO! The Don would never do anything like that! Fake news.
Donald Trump via twitter - Fuck yeah I did bitches, and I'd do it again!
White House - Fucking A!

Trump has zero loyalty to any of his colleagues. He sells them out at the drop of a hat, and expects never ending loyalty devotion from them. That isn't strong leadership it is tyranny.

A tyrant isn't raked over the coals 20 different ways every day by the press in his own country. A tyrant rounds up dissidents for re-education camps and/or death squads. Quite the opposite, Trump is being neutered on a daily basis by the MSM who harps on any faux pas or perceived grievance he might make while inventing others out of whole cloth. Conversely, they spent the past 8 years fawning over Obama and doing their level best to present him in a good light despite his failings (Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Fake Osama Story, IRS Targeting, ObamaCare and its dreadful website, meddling in Libya, Ukraine and Syria, etc.)

Claims of tyranny are based on nothing. Everyone at SNL is free to mock him. The WaPo and NYT and CNN and HuffPo and BuzzFeed (seriously, when did that become a respected part of the press) are free to tear him a new one in 45 articles a day. This is not Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia or Saddam's Iraq. The comparisons are belicose hyperbole spewed by pampered fools with no idea how good they have it.

As for Trump's loyalty or lack thereof to his subordinates, he owes them nothing. He is in a fight for his life, literally and if McMaster (who was not his actual choice for National Security Advisor, they politically assassinated that guy) is upset that Trump took it upon himself to speak the truth, then he should fucking resign. Trump wanted to make it clear that it is his prerogative to share intelligence with another country, especially one who we should be coordinating efforts with in the eradication of ISIS, the fucked up problem McCain and Hillary cooked up in the Middle East. He is the POTUS and can make that call, no matter who at the WaPo gets their panties in a bunch over it.

Honestly, the mental gymnastics one has to go through to keep up with the endless news cycle narratives are exhausting. If anyone is being tyrannical in 2017, it is the media.

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Postby Winnson » Wed May 17, 2017 7:14 pm

The beauty of it is that Trump is playing the long game and having a ball doing it. How much credibility does MSM® have left? Not much.

He is giving them enough rope to hang themselves and encouraging them with his Tweets. They are taking the bait hook, line and sinker.

Here's a prediction: By the time Trump's re-election comes around, the MSM will be a shell of itself, and not important in the grand scheme of things at all. No more money to be made in that racket.

Screencap this and let's see, come 2020

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Postby Winnson » Wed May 17, 2017 7:30 pm

Save this image, and I promise, as I have done my whole life, that I won't say that I told you so, again. Kek

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Postby Winnson » Wed May 17, 2017 7:35 pm

I missed the last part. Ah well

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Postby superCalo » Thu May 18, 2017 1:18 am

I watched this last night and for such a big budget movie with elaborate multiple sets, a huge cast of actors & cutting edge cGi it still had its downpoints.

This is the type of thing you go see at a low budget serious non comedic improv amatuer theatre production to where they stand around, no costumes make up , props, direction, script required, they make it up as they go along the more experessive of the amatuer actors boldly use their body langauge, words & tone far beyond that of a normal person to show they are indeed serious about their craft which they are currently doing in a amatuer fashion, only because big productions that they have readings for don't recognise true talent anymore, they are all about looks rather than the emotive force of language & facial expression that this actor is able to give as a gift to you the audience.
The old guy who was a banker, he made me weep with this deep pathos , whatever that is, but he was able to convey that he was indeed a amatuer and the script if their was one, which I assume there actually was, was indeed contributed greatly too by him as a senior member of this fraternity, thus he showed the true meaning of mans inner fire, the fire that dare not burn out less in quench the spirit the holy light that guides an actor, an artist, a script writer, nay a poet to shout these words which are surely god given such is their unrelentingly merit to mankind.
The tears I cannot wipe away, nor the memory of this film, nor the run on sentences above, oh joy, joy, the circle is true art and for that the world should be grateful.

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Postby Winnson » Sat May 20, 2017 8:29 pm

I'm considering going to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy. I've gotten tremendous positive feedback from people that have seen it. They really seemed to enjoy it.

As a rule I hate sequels, but if people keep chirping, I might take the family to check it out.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sat May 20, 2017 9:40 pm

- Be a real Macho, and go watch movies like The secret life of Pet's or Zootopia!
Those hippies movies like The circle aren't entertaining.

Why waste your hard earned money on that?
- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sat May 20, 2017 9:44 pm

Winnson wrote:I'm considering going to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy. I've gotten tremendous positive feedback from people that have seen it. They really seemed to enjoy it.

As a rule I hate sequels, but if people keep chirping, I might take the family to check it out.

- Batista steal the show.
- I rent this space for advertising

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The Anti-Archon
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Postby The Anti-Archon » Mon May 22, 2017 6:49 pm

Winnson wrote:I'm considering going to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy. I've gotten tremendous positive feedback from people that have seen it. They really seemed to enjoy it.

As a rule I hate sequels, but if people keep chirping, I might take the family to check it out.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is legit. Whole family liked it. Fun, funny and entertaining. Seems like most movies should be like that, but most feel like they have literally taken a shit on my face. Fuck Hollywood. But Chris Pratt and Kurt Russell can stay.

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