Do the Saudi Shuffle

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Do the Saudi Shuffle

Postby Masato » Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:47 pm

Hey all

Has anyone dug into WTF is happening in Saudi Arabia? I heard the top guy died, someone else is taking over, a bunch of mass arrests going on at top levels

I've been meaning to investigate but fuck the days are busy... if anyone has a jump on the situation please give us some cliffs, otherwise I'll try to post here in the next few days when I score some digging time







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Postby Canuckster » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:45 pm

So you think it was an accident trump went and visited the Saudis and made a spectacle and now this is happening?
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Sat Nov 18, 2017 2:41 am

^^ yeah that's why it turned my head

Some big shit just went down there, there seems to be some powergrab/shift going on. Saudi Arabia is a hidden key to a lot of shit imo, their roots in the British Empire and strange collusion with US and Israel is a piece of the puzzle often shrouded in shadow.

Life so busy but I really gotta look into this, lol brothers turning on each other for that top seat, its like the Godfather or some Shakespeare drama but way more scary

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Postby Canuckster » Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:12 am

Is this story legit, and if so, why isn't it on the news?
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:21 am

From my homie James Corbett:

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Postby Masato » Mon Dec 11, 2017 4:39 pm

OK you lazy CT fucks... y'all are missing a HUGE story here

This is some Godfather shit goin down right here only X a million, on acid.

^^ watch that vid FFS it is mindblowing.

It's being called: 'The Saudi Night of the Long Knives'

Here are the cliffs as I understand it:

So to catch up, Saudi King Abdullah, son of the founder of the House of Saud, recently died in 2015.

His son King Salman took his place, but gave it up to some other dude that was NOT his son, which breaks with tradition. Then in June of this year 2017, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the king's real son somehow takes the Crown.



On Nov 4 (same day as Lebanese PM resigns on Saudi TV coincidentally), this new Saudi Arabia’s King Salman throws a fancy conference to present 'NEOM', a proposal for a new super multi-billion dollar city in SA based on Renewable Energy and Artificial Intelligence.

11 PRINCES, Four ministers, and dozens of former ministers and prominent businessmen, various Billionaires etc are in attendance, all in the same hotel for the convention:

At the SAME TIME, the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, (MBS) launches and 'Anti-Corruption' drive, and literally HOURS LATER, WHILE THE EVENT IS TAKING PLACE, he cracks down on the Hotel and turns it into a prison, arresting and detaining 11 of his OWN Prince BROTHERS AND COUSINS + 500 other major Saudi players, grounding all their private jets and seizing something upwards of 800 billion dollars in bank accounts.

MBS takes control of both the Army and Police, and basically every other Ministry including full control of the OIL and BANKING of SA.

In a single epic sweep, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is suddenly and absolutely the single most powerful man in Saudi Arabia, all happening within a few days.

Total gangsta takeover. Dude controls everything now, including all the OIL, which is a cornerstone of the whole world's PetroDollar economy.

All this just shortly after Donald Trump and Jared Kushner's cozy visits...

This is a MAJOR shift of power that is not just news for people living in SA, but affects all kinds of things from World OIL control, PetroDollar dominance, relations with Trump and the US, geo-political relations with Israel, Iran, Syria etc.

Is it just coincidence that ALMOST IMMEDIATELY AFTER, Jerusalem is siezed as the new Israeli capital.


Y'all who wanna just say 'meh' and follow threads on what is the best chapstick are welcome to continue if you want.

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:26 pm

it's all a big coincidence
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:08 pm

More on the 500 Billion $$$ A.I. Clean-Energy city the new Saudi King is proposing to build

They are offering it as some global Utopia:

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Postby Masato » Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:08 pm

For those with the right eyes to see, please consider the LOGO for this new proposed paradise city:



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Postby Masato » Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:12 pm

what does the name 'NEOM' mean? Is it an arabic word?

Was not chosen arbitrarily I'd guess

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