Q Anon

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Re: Q Anon

Postby Masato » Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:03 pm

Finding lots of vids on the matter but most are long and poorly presented

There is TONS of this Q Anon material, not just a few cryptic posts. Q Anon goes on and on and on, dropping TONS of specific names and laying out dots to connect. Lots of photos, exposing all kinds of details. I can see why people are getting wrapped up in this, he is painting a massive detailed picture, if you want to follow all his dots it does seem to paint an amazing version of events, whether accurate or not

He is also currently going after Andersoon Cooper, lol which I am loving cuz I always hated that guy. Turns out he is the son of Gloria Vanderbuilt, who's name is among the richest families in the US and is into creepy occult artwork :D

Here is the coolest Q Anon quote I have seen so far:

"Their symbols will be their downfall"

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:26 am

Another interesting quote was Q Anon telling people to look at the WIVES of any individual in question, and what things are done in the wives' name

LOL how true

Presidents wives for instance have always completely creeped me out

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:28 am

Other posts are huge lists of coded messages and weird shit no one can make sense of. Really great little rabbit hole, some photos are convincing that they are WH insiders

However the tale sounds too good to be true, says its all imminent, nothing can stop it, the last brave stages of total cleansing, greenlight for full exposure coming soon, Saudi Shuffle all part of it etc. A very extreme version of things, like I said it sounds like Ben Fulford shit a decade ago but none of that ever came true

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:47 am

If its a troll (what is a LARP?), it is total genius

Q paints an incredibly detailed picture, with enough clues to suggest legitimacy and an incredibly stimulating and creative style of posting. Epic Insider, or the greatest disinfo shill ever lol

Oh yeah, another point was interesting was: 'Why is the Left so bad at memes?" odd question, don't know what he's implying but in the Q Anon world the left is mostly driven by lies and brainwashed and AI-generated and evil shit, and as a result I guess there is no truth or creative power behind their memes to make them effective

just thought it was a curious point

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Postby Masato » Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:58 am

Here is a fairly impressive Q Anon tale;

Apparently in one of his posts he typed out the entire Lord's Prayer (Our Father, who art in heaven, etc)

A few days (weeks?) later, the Pope announces a call to CHANGE THE LORD'S PRAYER!!

QAnon then posts some things like;

Future proves Past
Why did I post the Lord's Prayer earlier?
What version of the Lord's Prayer did I post?
Why is this relevant?

Many are saying that this is serious proof that this QAnon is indeed a high Q-level insider. Odds are very high. How would he have knowledge of the inside plans of the Pope/Vatican?? It all points to a scenario that is truly larger than life. What a mystery!


In the much-recited prayer, followers of the faith call on God to “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”.

Speaking to Italian broadcasters, the Pope argued this was incorrect.

He said: “It is not a good translation because it speaks of a God who induces temptation”

He added Christians in France had adapted the prayer to get around the issue.

Pope Francis said: “The French have modified the prayer to ‘do not let me fall into temptation’, because it is me who falls, not the Lord who tempts me to then see how I fall”.

https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/88 ... ristianity
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... rayer.html

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Postby Masato » Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:14 pm

short list if major events the QAnon apparently predicted or alluded to beforehand:

-Saudi Raids
-DoJ reopens #ClintonEmails Probe
-#Assange to be pardoned
-#McCabe FBI deputy stepping down
-30 congressman stepping down in 2018
-John Podesta effectively missing
-Podesta group dissolved
-Clinton Global Initiative shut down
-Comey fired
-Pope changing Lord's Prayer
-Helicopter crash @ Rothschild House
-Clinton House fire


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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:16 am

OK here is a crazy-long string of info and images that is supposed to tie together a whole string of current events into a Q-Anon type narrative


Have not read but for History's sake I am archiving it here for hindsight reference in case any of this starts to actually happen.

Trying to find a way to copy/paste the whole thing here, would be great to keep a hard copy of it but so far looks like I'd have to do it piece by piece (49 images) :(

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Postby Redneck » Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:02 am

Things are getting interesting in the US now. Trump's executive order to go after the black money of the Deep State has made the elite lose their minds. He basically 'trumped' them before they could initiate a counter offensive against Trump, and now they have no funding. Qanon has been sending subtle warnings to the likes of Soros and Clinton, that they'll be arrested if they don't back the fuck down. Gitmo has also been put back on the map with lots of high ranking staff going there to help establish it as the new prison for human rights abusers such as pedophile networks, human trafficking, slavery etc, (which is where the Deep State gets it's funding).

The leftist MSM has suddenly done a back flip on Trump, and has stopped slamming him for everything he does. CNN even admitted that the Russian hacking thing is bullshit. They are trying to distance themselves from the tainted elite, like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

The Saudi power struggle was assisted and pushed by Trump's admin because the previous leaders were criminals and involved in 9/11.

Lot's of shit going down, should be an interesting 2018

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Postby Redneck » Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:57 am

Q says that Tony Podesta, not John, is in custody.

Not sure if that's actually correct yet, but a quick Google news search for his name brings up some interesting recent reports.

During that same exchange on "Fox & Friends," Kilmeade suggested that Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton campaign head John Podesta and a former lobbyist for Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, should be a person of interest in the investigations, despite the fact that he has no connections to the Trump campaign. Jan 3rd 2018. https://www.salon.com/2018/01/03/new-ta ... too-black/

“Whatever happened to Podesta?,” the president asked during a wide-ranging New York Times interview published Thursday. “[T]hey closed their firm, they left in disgrace, the whole thing, and now you never heard of anything.”

Trump referenced the apparent scrutiny the Podesta Group is under by Mueller’s team for lobbying work it did in the U.S. on behalf of former Ukranian leader Viktor Yanukovych. The lobbying reportedly resembles the same activity former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was indicted for by the special counsel. 29th December 2017. http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/28/trump ... desta-yet/

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Postby Redneck » Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:17 am

The MSM is laughing at Trump for misspelling consequential as consensual, but according to Q Anon this was intentional, leaving the Q out of the word was the POTUS sending a message.



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