Hawaii Flase Alarm

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Hawaii Flase Alarm

Postby Masato » Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:13 am

Hey I said I would stay away from forums but dayum this is interesting

Mistake? Real (but thwarted)? Test? Psy-Op?

very weird


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Postby Masato » Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:16 am

How did this work? Did everyone on the island get a text or something? from who?

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:19 am

Its from emergency services which is a government program i believe?

So wierd, don't know what to think about this

Honest first thought was there was a missle and it was shot down on route

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Postby Redneck » Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:44 am

They've been building the fear in Hawaii for a few months now.

When they announced that they'd reinstated a Nuclear attack public warning system, which basically just plays an air raid siren so everyone panics and tramples each other, I knew it was just the beginning of the fear tactics.

The US has dusted off the old cold war script, and North Korea has replaced Russia as the bogeyman who might nuke you at any tick of the clock.

They need to have a few false alarms every so often, just to keep the fear of attack at the front of people's thoughts.

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Postby Redneck » Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:47 am

Hawaii is preparing for a North Korean nuclear attack.

December 16, 2017

HONOLULU — For the first time in more than three decades, an ominous warning siren blared across Hawaii earlier this month — an alarm that one day could mean a nuclear missile is about to hit.

The siren, a Cold War relic brought back in the wake of new threats from North Korea, is the centerpiece of the most wide-ranging campaign in the U.S. to prepare for a nuclear strike. Over the last few months, state officials have aired TV ads warning Hawaiians to “get inside, stay inside” if an attack is imminent. They’ve also held meetings across the islands to educate residents on the danger.

Especially after North Korea’s latest missile test, some experts believe California and the Bay Area — one of the closest U.S. metro areas to Pyongyang after Honolulu — should follow Hawaii’s example. But so far the Golden State’s reaction has been starkly different.

“Hawaii feels like it’s on the front lines because it’s so close to North Korea, but these weapons have a pretty long reach,” said Alex Wellerstein, a professor who studies nuclear weapons at New Jersey’s Stevens Institute of Technology. In practical terms, he said, “Hawaii isn’t a whole lot closer than San Francisco.”

Indeed, Hawaii is about 4,600 miles from North Korea, compared to 5,450 miles for the City by the Bay.

Hawaii’s alarm was tested Dec. 1 following the regular tsunami siren and will be tested on the first business day of every month. It’s a wailing caterwaul, impossible to ignore, and sounds different from the single-tone tsunami warning. For many locals and tourists, the foreboding sound evoked an earlier era when American schoolchildren were taught to hide under their desks in case the Soviet Union launched a nuclear strike.

https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/12/16/ ... llow-suit/

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Postby Redneck » Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:49 am

1 following the regular tsunami siren and will be tested on the first business day of every month. It’s a wailing caterwaul, impossible to ignore, and sounds different from the single-tone tsunami warning. For many locals and tourists, the foreboding sound evoked an earlier era when American schoolchildren were taught to hide under their desks in case the Soviet Union launched a nuclear strike.

See, they will play the siren once a month to make sure you live on edge. They even admit that it evokes the Cold war, which is exactly the intention.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:53 am

Redneck wrote:
1 following the regular tsunami siren and will be tested on the first business day of every month. It’s a wailing caterwaul, impossible to ignore, and sounds different from the single-tone tsunami warning. For many locals and tourists, the foreboding sound evoked an earlier era when American schoolchildren were taught to hide under their desks in case the Soviet Union launched a nuclear strike.

See, they will play the siren once a month to make sure you live on edge. They even admit that it evokes the Cold war, which is exactly the intention.

Holy shit that's fucked up

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Postby Redneck » Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:00 am

I personally believe that the chance of nuclear war is a big fat zero.

It surprises me (although it shouldn't) that Alex Jones pushes this BS all the time. He's been predicting war with NK in February 2018. Anyone with half a clue can see that it's all just posturing and being done for a show.

I doubt that NK even has nukes, they supposedly launch missiles all the time but not one photo from a US spy satellite or blip on a radar screen?

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Postby Ethan Allen » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:40 am

"This was done to promote subconscious fear against Japan and Asians as a whole, by reminding them of Pearl Harbor."

- EY

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:23 pm

Apparently this just happened a couple days later. Again, government apologizes as a 'mistake'"

Japanese broadcaster apologizes after false missile alert

https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/01/16/asia ... ssion=true

Japanese national broadcaster NHK issued an on-air apology Tuesday after issuing an alert incorrectly claiming that North Korea had launched a ballistic missile.

The message, received by phone users with the NHK app installed on their devices, read: "NHK news alert. North Korea likely to have launched missile. The government J alert: evacuate inside the building or underground. "

The broadcaster apologized for the error, adding "the news alert sent earlier about NK missile was a mistake. No government J alert was issued." The mistake was corrected within minutes.

...keep in mind that is a CNN link.

PS: EY thinks he knows, but only thinks he knows. His suggestion is but 1 of many plausible possibilities, and a rather limited/vague/silly one at that imo. No way to be so certain, likely tons behind the story we will never see or understand. Locking into 1 version and deciding it as fact is what drove me crazy oer there. Thinking you know, KNOW ironically is what I couldn't hack anymore. Hey what do parachutes. umbrellas, and minds have in common? They only work when they are open! (drum/cymbal)

This is a weird trend though. How did the MSM spin the Hawaii warning? Was it a big focus? I've been out of the loop, doing a work/Rocky movie marathon! :D all the way to Creed


The false alert came on the same day as the US and Canada planned to host talks in Vancouver over the crisis on the Korean Peninsula after a year of missile tests and threats from the North.

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