Oh Canada

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Re: Oh Canada

Postby Vutulaki » Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:53 pm

Winnson wrote:There's only so far you can push before people start fighting back. When they can take away your kids because you don't respect their gender choices and have pedophiles writing early sex-ed curriculum, things are going to come to a head, or Canada is completely dead. Political correctness was getting out of control when I left, just before 9/11. Now Canada is full blown Liberal insane.

Canadian and other western men are being turned into cucks by the left which is a political movement these things come in ebbs and flows the pendulum shall swing the other way once non east asian men get tired of it.

East Asian men on the other hand are genetically cucks to the tune of 90%+

I can remember back in high school when we had a significant east asian presence here EVERY single time you saw a young man acting like that Korean dude in that vid it was an east asian.

They would scream like women at the girlfriends for talking to some roundeye or in one case looking at a group of us because we were cat calling her (not his GF's fault she just wanted to see where the noise was coming from.

The little bitch and his mates didnt have the balls to say shit to us but we heard him screaming at her like a woman while his friends tried to seperate them. It would have been his mates trying to separate him and one of us had it been any other race.

White guys just wouldnt give a fuck, brown guys would deal with it quietly after at least confronting the offending group, arabs would have called 7,000 relatives to get involved, islanders such as myself wouldnt have even had to deal with it in the first place.

Try ogling a hot asian wife in front of her husband next time, youll see that in 100% of cases hubby will pretend to not notice even if his wife does.

I did this last week while shirtless at aldi (just finished my jog-its summer now) even his 12ish son noticed me staring at his asian milf mother but when little Kevin Lee looked to his dad, uppa was doing his best to pretend to be reading the aldi catalogue (Im 3m away looking his wife up and down dribbling in lust) haha his son learned a valuable lesson that day which is that other men have right of passage between our mother's, sister's, daughter's legs and aint a fucking thing we can go especially when there is a 100kg black canibal or white viking involved. Its just the natural order of things.. This is how the universe wants things to be.

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:15 am

Jesus Christ this is just getting sad, supply and demand eh?


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Postby Canuckster » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:31 am

I'm not quite sure where you're going with this, unless you're already there and are just beating a dead horse.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:05 am

Canuckster wrote:I'm not quite sure where you're going with this, unless you're already there and are just beating a dead horse.

You know man I like you, youre one of the good guys but youre not the intended audience for this stuff but since you kinda asked my point in my reply to Winnson is that the western non asian man is being cucked yes but its due to a political movement and not due to undersized testes like it is with most slant males.

With Non east asian males (NEAM) acting like cucks is a mental health issue, with EAM's its an inherent personality trait.

You live in Canada (the subject of this thread), have you ever seen an EAM that was "one of the boys?" In my entire life Ive not not even western raised ones. Viets and Flips yes, EAM not a single one.

Do you think its a coincidence that while being a minority in the west they account for the majority of friendzone memes?

White males are being cucked too but its due to conditioning and white guilt, that situation will wright itself in time there is hope for you guys.

EAM's have been cucked since their ancestors first crossed the central asian plains. Your bum buddy EY says that feminism doesnt work in East Asia, ROR go type "Korean couple fight" into youtube. In not ONE of the vids does the gook have a spine, their K-beast GF is always the masculine authority figure in the relationship.

What about the video of the HK bitchass kneeling win public while his GF beats him?

ROR! 333!

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:13 am

ROR now watch this

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:21 am

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:36 am



I cant possibly make this any clearer for you Holly, you have been brainwashed over at Emily's place.

To think your ancestors once ruled the world... sad sad sad

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:15 am

Lol, you made your point on this long ago, and it may appear on the surface that you are correct, but I don't study the topic enough to find out as it's not of much interest to me.

Now, that being said, let me ask again, why are you beating a dead horse with this? To torment your arch nemesis EY?
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:41 am

Canuckster wrote:
Now, that being said, let me ask again, why are you beating a dead horse with this? To torment your arch nemesis EY?

Correct except she's not my "arch nemesis", I know for a fact she lurks here and I know for a fact it kills her when I dismantle her bullshit by countering her points here.

Why dont you put me on ignore so my posts cant hurt you anymore..?

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Feb 20, 2018 6:25 am

why so sensitive, I just asked a question. I have no reason to put you on ignore.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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