Corbett Nails it re; Russiagate

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Corbett Nails it re; Russiagate

Postby Masato » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:55 pm

This is brilliant, lol

Corbett with the KO as usual.

Watch just the FIRST MINUTE of this vid, and let it sink in.

Dude totally admits that CIA meddles in foreign elections.

Basically Corbett is saying how utterly absurd this ENTIRE 'Russiagate' scandal is (no matter which side you believe), because of the simple hypocrisy that the US totally does everything they are freaking out about ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And not just by influencing social media algorhythms etc, but via far more direct and insidious means.

Even more basically, the idea that no one beyond borders ever does anything to sway voters or influence public opinion in politics is also absurd. How can the nation be so alarmed that foreign groups might have an interest in US politics? Interference in elections??? *gasp*! lol

Anyone taking this Russiagate issue seriously without putting it into relative context is living in an absurd child-like reality of the MSM that offers no escape for rational thought.

the real debacle of the conversation begins as Ingraham asks Former CIA chief James Woolsey, “Have we ever tried to meddle in other countries’ elections?“

He responds, surprisingly frankly, “Oh probably… but it was for the good of the system...”

To which Ingraham replies, “We don’t do that now though? We don’t mess around in other people’s elections?“

Prompting this extraordinary sentence from a former CIA chief…

“Well…hhhmmm, numm numm numm numm… only for a very good cause…in the interests of democracy.“

So just to clarify – yes, the CIA chief admitted that Democracy-spreading CIA meddles in the Democratic elections of other nations “in the interests of democracy.”

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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:55 pm

LOL @ 2:16

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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:04 pm

Corbett also makes a good point that most of the info that these 'Russian bots/hackers' are accused of spreading in order to influence the election was ACCURATE INFORMATION, lol

But even if its truth, even if its factual info... if it comes from Russia then you shouldn't listen to it and its illegal and worth going to war for

War on Truth indeed.

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