Have you heard of "The Octopus"?

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Re: Have you heard of "The Octopus"?

Postby Masato » Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:40 pm

This is incredible Daglord...!!! :shock: love your work as always

Will be on the hunt for a good morning off somewhere where I can sink my teeth into this... can't wait, this doesn't look like something that can be skimmed

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Postby Daglord » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:15 pm

Masato wrote:This is incredible Daglord...!!! :shock: love your work as always

Will be on the hunt for a good morning off somewhere where I can sink my teeth into this... can't wait, this doesn't look like something that can be skimmed

I have absolutely no idea where this goes, could be nowhere. but it's fascinating IMHO & kept coming up during Iran-Contra research. not really sure how any of this ties in. I know it sounds crazy.

& I respect anything Corbett touches.

should be interesting.

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Postby Daglord » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:20 pm

for later reading from the Altruistic World Online Library (ignore 'rape' in address)


The Last Days of Danny Casolaro

The Web Spinners
Larouchies To The Rescue
Looking For Danny
The Police Account
Curiouser & Curiouser
The Argument For Suicide


The Inslaw Affair: Investigative Report by the Committee on the Judiciary Together With Dissenting and Separate Views




• I. Summary
o A. INSLAW allegations
o B. Committee investigation
 1. Did the Department convert, steal or misappropriate the PROMIS software?
 2. Was there a high level conspiracy?
o C. Additional questions
o D. Evidence of possible coverup and obstruction
o E. Judge Bason's allegations against the Department
o F. Conclusion
• II. Committee Investigation, prior studies, hearings and subcommittee proceedings
• III. Conflicts between the Department and INSLAW result in the misappropriation of INSLAW's Enhanced PROMIS
o A. Project Manager Brewer: An inherent bias and potential conflict of interest
o B. Brewer and Videnieks threaten INSLAW
o C. INSLAW attempts to demonstrate enhancement ownership
o D. The Department misappropriated INSLAW's software
o E. INSLAW declares bankruptcy and pursues litigation
o F. District Court Judge William Bryant's decision on appeal of the Bankruptcy Court's ruling
Department's position against judge's decision is rebutted on appeal
o G. Appeals Court reverses INSLAW's victory on primarily jurisdictional grounds
o H. Department asserts erroneous position before DOTBCA
o I. Department encourages contract mediation while it hinders settlement
• IV. Significant questions remain unanswered about possible high level criminal conspiracy
o A. Allegations of conspiracy and intrigue continue to surround the INSLAW controversy
o B. Enhanced PROMIS may have been disseminated nationally and internationally
 1. Allegations that the Justice Department and Earl Brian conspired to distribute PROMIS
 2. Sworn statement of Michael Riconosciuto
 3. Other sources allege widespread distribution of INSLAW's Enhanced PROMIS
 4. Does the Government of Canada have the PROMIS software?
 5. Did the CIA assist in the sale of PROMIS?
 6. Allegations of PROMIS distribution to agencies within the Department
 7. Ronald LeGrand denies INSLAW's assertions
 8. the allegators
o C. Other important questions remain
 1. The death of Daniel Casolaro
 2. Possible connection between Earl Brian, Michael Riconosciuto, Robert Booth Nichols, and the Cabazon Indian Reservation
• V. Allegations of perjury, coverup, and retribution: A web of contradiction and deceit
o A. Judge Blackshear's recantation
o B. Judge Blackshear's statement to committee lacks credibility
o C. Committee analysis of attempt to assign Harry Jones to the INSLAW case
o D. Bason allegations against Blackshear not adequately considered
• VI. The Department has proven to be incapable of forthright investigation of the INSLAW matter
o A. Jensen failed to adequately investigate INSLAW's concerns
o B. OPR's INSLAW investigations are deficient
o C. GAO study of the Office of Professional Responsibility
o D. The Department did not seriously consider the need for an independent counsel
o E. Department's response to court findings of possible perjury
o F. INSLAW request for independent counsel
• VII. Top Department officials frustrated committee's investigation
o A. Department attempts to thwart committee inquiry
o B. Authorization and oversight hearings
o C. The Department reports key subpoenaed documents missing
o D. Department interferes with Michael Riconosciuto's sworn statement to the committee--refuses request to interview DEA agents
o E. Department official may have attempted to influence a key witness
• VIII. Judge Bason's allegations of Justice Department's improper influence on the judicial selection process
o A. Confidential memorandum
o B. Condition of the clerk's office under Judge Bason
o C. Department's attempts to have Bason removed from INSLAW case fail
• IX. Conclusion
• X. Findings
• XI. Recommendations
• Views: Dissenting views of Hon. Hamilton Fish, Jr., Hon. Carlos J. Moorhead, Hon. Henry J. Hyde, Hon. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Hon. Bill McCollum, Hon. George W. Gekas, Hon. Tom Campbell, Hon. Steven Schiff, Hon. Jim Ramstad, and Hon George Allen
• Separate dissenting views of Hon. Tom Campbell
• Notes
• Index


The BCCI Affair: A Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations

1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction and Summary of Investigation
3. The Origin and Early Years of BCCI
4. BCCI's Criminality
5. BCCI's Relationship with Foreign Governments, Central Banks, and International Organizations
6. BCCI in the United States - Initial Entry and FGB and NBG Takeovers
7. BCCI in the United States - Part Two: Acquisition, Consolidation, and Consequences
8. BCCI and Law Enforcement - The Justice Deparment and the US Customs Service
9. BCCI and Law Enforcement - District Attorney of New York
10. BCCI and Its Accountants
11. BCCI, The CIA and Foreign Intelligence
12. The Regulators
13. Clark Clifford and Robert Altman
14. Abu Dhabi: BCCI's Founding and Majority Stockholders
15. Mohammed Hammoud: BCCI's Flexible Frontman
16. BCCI And Georgia Politicians
17. BCCI's Lawyers and Lobbyists
18. Hill and Knowlton and BCCI's PR Campaign
19. Ed Rogers and Kamal Adham
20. BCCI and Kissinger Associates
21. Capcom: A Case Study of Money Laundering
22. Legislative and Policy Recommendations
23. Appendix - Matters For Further Investigation, Witnesses and Writs


The Last Circle

The following condensed version of The Last Circle was provided in October 1996 to a secret Investigative Committee comprised of Congress people, lawyers and former POW's at their request. I originally contacted Congresswoman Maxine Waters in Washington D.C. and offered information relative to CIA drug trafficking, but was told the information was too complex and would I mind putting the information into a newspaper story, get it published and send it to her office?

I agreed and contacted a local newspaper reporter who, after reading portions of the material, decided it needed to be reviewed by individuals who had special knowledge of CIA drug trafficking, arms shipments, and biological warfare weapons.

After a brief meeting with these individuals, former Special Forces soldiers from the Vietnam era, they asked for copies of the manuscript, guaranteed an immediate congressional inquiry, and advised me NOT to place the information on the Internet as they feared the information could be, in their words, "taken as just another anti-government conspiracy."

I condensed the manuscript into the attached treatise, covering information relative to THEIR focus, and sent it to them along with key documents. Shortly afterward, they re-contacted me and set up elaborate security measures to insure my safety. As of this writing, I've had no need to institute those measures.

I'll be honest, I started to read this^ (Last Circle) last night & it seemed a bit out there.

rampant corruption out in the open, cops being killed & raped, a car full of explosives smashing into the Queen's motorcade during her visit, illegal gun-running, mysterious witness deaths & Federal agents all over a small town in CA...

So I did a little searching :shock:

A head-on car crash Saturday killed three Secret Service agents

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, Calif. March 5 (UPI) -- -- A head-on car crash Saturday killed three Secret Service agents assigned to protect Queen Elizabeth II as the royal party headed into the snowy Sierra for the weekend.

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Postby Daglord » Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:50 pm

This truly might be "The Octopus" ... with arms that reach to 9/11... and beyond?

PTECH, 9/11, and USA-SAUDI TERROR - Part I
PROMIS Connections to Cheney Control of 9/11 Attacks Confirmed
by Jamey Hecht
With research assistance by Michael Kane and editorial comment by Michael C. Ruppert


[Few have grasped the overall long-term significance of the saga of PROMIS software and what it has become. When I reported on it in October 2000, after meeting with and assisting members of the RCMP's National Security Staff I was aware that - in terms of secret technologies - PROMIS and its evolutions were the lynchpin of every new military, scientific and financial advance being pursued by the US government and corporate sector. PROMIS progeny have become the "operating system" underlying data management and data mining for every major technology under development in all arenas of technological advance from medicine, to finance, to surveillance, to battlefield Command, Control and Communications or C3.

In the long ordeal to secure a publisher for Crossing the Rubicon, my agent and I went through a number of publishers who expressed keen interest in the book. The problem was that almost every one we dealt with came back to us and said, "We'd like to publish the book but we need for you to remove certain things." By a great margin, it was our chapter on PROMIS and my many subsequent references to it that appeared to be public enemy number one for mainstream publishers (most owned by multi-national corporations).

By definition, PROMIS progeny are the backbone of a current DoD plan to develop a "Godlike" view of all human (or battlefield) activity from space. They are also inherently a part of the data processing being envisioned for advanced space weapons requiring machines to think as they share data in virtual real time. MIT in a recent scientific publication titled "Space Weapons: Crossing the US Rubicon"(a possible tip of the hat to my book) described a number of capabilities to which FTW referred in our October 2000 story on PROMIS, including a statement that space is "the ultimate high ground."


The MIT article also contains a reference to one of the greatest fears expressed by all who wonder what hidden technologies might be making the Neocons so brazen in their attempts at bullying the world into submission: "On the other hand, the prospect of weapons in orbit-poised to strike anywhere on the globe at any time-has elicited vigorous opposition, both in the United States and abroad."45 The Neocons have placed their faith in technologies we have only begun to evaluate and discuss, and this is an area needing much additional research by authentic journalists.

Iran is a much more industrialized and automated nation than the ruin and rubble of Iraq. What if Donald Rumsfeld believed that he could use computers through the Internet to turn off all of the power generating stations supplying Tehran? What if Dick Cheney could shut down all of the computerized pumping, pipeline, refining and chemical technology used to keep Iran's oil flowing to the rest of the world? This is how the American, British and Israeli elites (including corporations) think and how they plan.

that^ last part. prophetic. (great watch) STUXNET: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuxnet

In the wrong hands, such a program could have disastrous political and financial implications. From The Wilderness has published several stories about PROMIS software, the robust datamining program whose theft by the Justice Department has occasioned decades of international legal and illegal maneuvering. PROMIS is also the subject of a chapter in Crossing The Rubicon, because it took on geopolitical importance when a group of criminals connected to US intelligence modified PROMIS and sold it to foreign intelligence agencies in multiple countries as far back as the early 80s. There, it acted as a back door through which intelligence agencies stole proprietary and national-security information from those countries and dumped it into US computers. That was before artificial intelligence. In the twenty years since PROMIS was developed, artificial intelligence (AI) has potentiated such datamining programs in astonishing ways.

Half of Crossing The Rubicon is about 9/11; the other half is about the surrounding system of deep political alliances, terrorism, narcotraffic, money laundering, bank fraud, and information technology (PROMIS) that made it possible.


The Story of PROMIS

Only the legends of Excalibur, the sword of invincible power, and the Holy Grail, the chalice from which Christ took his wine at the Last Supper begin to approach the mysterious aura that have evolved in the world of secret intelligence around a computer software program named PROMIS. Created in the 1970s by former National Security Agency (NSA) programmer and engineer Bill Hamilton, now President of Washington, D.C.'s Inslaw Corporation, PROMIS (Prosecutor's Management Information System) crossed a threshold in the evolution of computer programming.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:15 pm


USA-247: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA-247

USA-247, also known as NRO Launch 39 or NROL-39, is an American reconnaissance satellite, operated by the National Reconnaissance Office. The USA-247 launch received a relatively high level of press coverage due to the mission's choice of logo, which depicts an octopus sitting astride the globe with the motto "Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach". The logo was extensively criticized in light of the 2013 surveillance disclosures.


Launched in 2013, it has been identified as a Topaz radar imaging satellite, developed as part of the Future Imagery Architecture program, to replace the earlier Onyx spacecraft.

USA-247 was launched by United Launch Alliance using an Atlas V carrier rocket flying in the 501 configuration, along with twelve CubeSats being carried as secondary payloads. Five of the CubeSats were a part of NASA ELaNa II manifest. Space Launch Complex 3E at the Vandenberg Air Force Base was used to conduct the launch, which took place at 07:14:30 UTC on 6 December 2013 (23:14 local time on 5 December). Identified as NRO Launch 39, it marked the forty-third flight of an Atlas V. The rocket used had been named Belle, and had tail number AV-042.

Mission Logo


The mission's official logo was a monstrous octopus with its massive arms wrapped around the world, accompanied by the motto "Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach". This image was widely deemed controversial in light of the 2013 Global surveillance disclosures.

A spokesperson for the NRO explained:

"NROL-39 is represented by the octopus, a versatile, adaptable, and highly intelligent creature. Emblematically, enemies of the United States can be reached no matter where they choose to hide. 'Nothing is beyond our reach' defines this mission and the value it brings to our nation and the warfighters it supports, who serve valiantly all over the globe, protecting our nation."


After the Director of National Intelligence announced the launch on Twitter, the image was criticized as "tone-deaf" to the political climate caused by the 2013 surveillance disclosures.

I feel like, at this point, our intelligence community is pretty much even owning the fact that they are getting nefarious. Last week, the National Reconnaissance Office launched this spy satellite into orbit; And the logo they chose for their spy rocket—this is real—a giant octopus sucking the face off North America.


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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:01 pm

Still haven't found the time to have a sit with this yet, but for now I noticed the illustration for this ridiculous Economist article (seriously dumb, lol read it if you dare) portraying Putin as an Octopus:



PS: saw some Michael Ruppert in there, Dag... I like that dude I will listen to his stuff no problem.

Didn't he get killed?

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Postby Daglord » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:25 pm

Masato wrote:Still haven't found the time to have a sit with this yet, but for now I noticed the illustration for this ridiculous Economist article (seriously dumb, lol read it if you dare) portraying Putin as an Octopus:



PS: saw some Michael Ruppert in there, Dag... I like that dude I will listen to his stuff no problem.

Didn't he get killed?

suicide, but I have my doubts.

Mike was a good guy. RIP.

just started Crossing the Rubicon again to go back over PROMIS.

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Postby Daglord » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:30 pm

Received this the night of April 12th, 2014.

Mike shot himself a few hours later, during the early morning hours of April 13th after signing off 'the lifeboat hour' (didn't sound suicidal). was pretty fucked up.


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Postby Shahanshah » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:39 pm

Daglord wrote:Received this the night of April 12th, 2014.

Mike shot himself a few hours later, during the early morning hours of April 13th after signing off 'the lifeboat hour' (didn't sound suicidal). was pretty fucked up.


SMH I should have browsed this place before joining. Look its the EY dropout crew including the head clown (who got clowned by EY) Faglord.

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Postby Shahanshah » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:41 pm

You should have packed up your CT bag and given up after EY DISMANTLED you on the Sandy Hook thread over and over again.

IIRC youre a white American who lives on the East coast, you are whats wrong with our race and the very type that is leading us to our demise.

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