Sexual Freedom vs Debauchery

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Sexual Freedom vs Debauchery

Postby Masato » Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:38 pm

Hey all

Here is an interesting debate:


On one hand it could be argued that everyone should be free to be who they are, do what they want, and who is anyone else to say otherwise? People who may be gay or some spectrum of gender etc are all born human beings and making their way through life as best they can like anyone else... What authority can dictate morality, and who is not guilty of some sexual kinks to varying degrees? Who dares to draw a line?

On the other hand, if you take this attitude too far and say all is fine, I fear that sexual perversion is a part of humanity that can turn us into beasts, degrade us to depravity, not only as individuals but as a society.

Take for example maybe the most extreme case of this, Berlin in the 1930's and 40's. Supposedly sexual liberation was at its PEAK, and any and every sort of taste was celebrated. No shame, plenty of pride, people out of the closet everywhere. A liberal Leftist's utopia! A paradise for those beyond the narrow 'norms' of sexuality! Right?

Now what the Nazis did by cleaning it all out is usually portrayed as ruthless, fascist, authoritarian measures of the most terrifying levels. Imagine the audacity to decide the morals for a nation! The gall to say that only a narrow tolerance of sexual activity is 'allowed', and persecution of so many people, artists, etc!

Yet is there not a strange but perhaps naive notion that such an act may have some value on a larger scale...? That taking a stand against immorality and filth as a whole, and attempting to raise the public consciousness to higher levels of functioning may be what is needed in desperate times?

I see American entertainment getting more and more disgusting... I think that Shape of Water film won a bunch of Oscars and its basically a bestiality flick disguised as an art film lol. Violence and sexual gratuity are everywhere, kids have access to any porn imaginable, even mainstream TV has gone softcore. The LGBT movement has been great for letting sexually-odd folk have some dignity but imo it has gone beyond and is now encouraging people to embrace whatever kinks they want and flaunt and be proud of it no matter how perverse.

How would anyone who dares speak against this be seen in the modern public eye?

Seriously, watch this vid it displays the issue to absolute extremes, really lays it out:

Fascinating bit of History that actually happened not too long ago

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:43 pm

for example, lol:


It's evolution, ain't nothing new
There's nothing taboo about a sex stew
Just add salt or Gérard Depardieu
French treasure

Drag queen, drag king
Just do what feels right
You're a tall pansexual
Flirty wood sprite

Sex how you want
It's your goddamn right

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:46 pm

at what point does 'Sexual Freedom' infringe on the pedophilia question?

Wonder how much of that was going down in Berlin... ?


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Postby Masato » Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:48 pm

For instance I was recently at a friend's and we watched Sacha Baron Cohen's recent movie 'The Brothers Grimsby'

I respected Cohen because I think his Ali G and Borat content is quite brilliant (though I wonder if Borat was a distraction from what is actually happening in Khazakstan, lol)... so I watched. My friend likes comedy movies so what the hell.

My god, it was atrocious. Funny I suppose, but in light of the theme of this thread it was terrifying.

On and on, jokes about things getting shoved up someon's ass. Over and over. Comedically explicit scene where 2 brothers have to suck poison out of the other's nutsack (this scene went on for like 5 minutes, lol)

And another scene where the 2 characters climb INSIDE A COW's vagina, only to be fucked from the inside by a group of other cows. The scene goes on for like TEN minutes, showing a graphic huge cow cock thrusting into the cow, bashing the dude's face and eventually covering them in cow jizz. This is all shown graphically.

Now how the FUCK does that get made? How the FUCK do those FX and props get made and people spend millions on this crap, and how the FUCK does it get played in theatres all over the western world?? This was no small budget film, it was a major production with top-quality special FX, action scenes etc.

But the story SUCKED, like really sucked, it was horrific, and all you were left with are nauseating memories of graphic and filthy perverted rectal-penetrations, incest and bestiality.

Was really disturbing that such a film passes for light comedy in the mainstream entertainment world. Seriously disturbing. What sort of culture are we building? If this passes today, where will be be in another 10 years? 20?

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Postby Luigi » Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:25 am

The logical solution is the Russian solution: allow full rights to degeneracy but harshly punish propaganda that encourages it. Its like how we all have the right to smoke, but because smoking is a social burden on health care cigarette companies cant run ads.

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Postby Winnson » Fri Mar 16, 2018 1:39 pm

The sex stuff always gets really weird at the end of civilizations, as the powers that be try to take away the power of the family. People would kill and die for their families. Our glorious leaders would prefer we just did it for them.

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Postby SRBrant » Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:11 pm

The line between sexual liberty and depravity is whether or not the activities actually hurt anyone.

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Postby Masato » Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:27 pm

SRBrant wrote:The line between sexual liberty and depravity is whether or not the activities actually hurt anyone.

Good call. I would tend to agree, but might also argue that if you are hurting yourself it can also turn into depravity. Hurting yourself maybe not just physically, but letting the mind become primal or perverted, doing a disservice to the great minds and potentials we are given.

I keep noticing how many kids shows revolve around sexual premises... just a few days ago my son was watching some cartoon that looked like it was aimed at young kids but the whole storyline was about a female character lusting after a boy to kiss him. What does it do to us as a species when we are conditioned to always have this on the forefront of attention? Advertising certainly knows we are vulnerable when presented with sexy imagery, its been used for decades.

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Postby Masato » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:05 pm

From some research I've gathered, it would seem that the very powerful elite class and occultists take sexual energy/power very seriously, it is at the heart of Magick rituals etc. There is some power there that the common folk do not understand.

Then there is also the work of Wilhelm Reich, who also argued that properly harnessed and understood sexual energy had all sorts of positive healing powers etc, but he was locked up and his research burned. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=181&p

Sometimes I seriously wonder if this power in humans is being constantly and expertly twisted, weakened, and perverted specifically to keep us all weak and malleable, that from cradle to grave we are manipulated by a sexual agenda that is actually backward from our optimal state. Hollywood seems hell-bent on putting it into everything they make and constantly stretching the boundaries of what they can get in our heads as early as possible.

You can have a whole private club where people all willingly agree to shove stuff up their asses all night, just cause 'no one is getting hurt' doesn't mean its a healthy thing to do, lol. Then they have a parade about it and if you don't get up and cheer you're a Nazi lol

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Postby SRBrant » Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:16 pm

Masato wrote:
SRBrant wrote:The line between sexual liberty and depravity is whether or not the activities actually hurt anyone.

Good call. I would tend to agree, but might also argue that if you are hurting yourself it can also turn into depravity. Hurting yourself maybe not just physically, but letting the mind become primal or perverted, doing a disservice to the great minds and potentials we are given.

I keep noticing how many kids shows revolve around sexual premises... just a few days ago my son was watching some cartoon that looked like it was aimed at young kids but the whole storyline was about a female character lusting after a boy to kiss him. What does it do to us as a species when we are conditioned to always have this on the forefront of attention? Advertising certainly knows we are vulnerable when presented with sexy imagery, its been used for decades.

You're starting to sound like a fundamentalist parent. Many shows have that just so that adults find them funny in a way that would fly over kids' heads.

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