Random rant about stuff in my life

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Random rant about stuff in my life

Postby Luigi » Wed Mar 28, 2018 6:01 am

Hey guys, I have been having some challenges in life lately and I thought it might help to rant about them on the internet. I am generally an optimistic guy, but recently my resolve has been challenged. My job kinda sucks, Im grateful to have it but it is far from perfect and it wears on you. I have been applying to other jobs a lot lately and I finally got an interview for a great job today. I should be happy, the interview even went well, but I can't shake the feeling that I wont get it and Im just wasting my time and gas money. Its getting harder to pay my rent and I am starting to consider gambling on fights to support myself. On another front, my goal of losing weight continues to elude me. I eat 1600 calories (mostly healthy) a day and work out for an hour 6 days a week, but its just not enough. All the sweating has also given me my first acne breakout since I was 17 or so. The next logical step is to drop to 1500 cals, but Im hungry, pimpley, and my whole body hurts, and I don't know if Im ready for that yet. I could take a break from working out and just eat less, but I dont want my muscles to atrophy. Part of me just wants to have fun, but what am I going to do? Drink beer with friends? It will just make me gain weight. Play video games? It makes me feel like Im wasting my time and when I do I always get my ass kicked by Battletoads. I want to be productive, like maybe I could come up with some different way of making money. But I have no idea what. Anyways, rant over.

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Postby Vutulaki » Wed Mar 28, 2018 6:12 am

I dont know enough about you like what you do and where you live to help on the job front but I can probably help on the weightloss side.

What are you current BW, goal BW, age, training history, training regime and sample typical daily meal plan looking like?

Lastly Id steer clear of gambling as a side gig.

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Postby Diet Butcher » Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:41 am

Research intermittent fasting or time restricted eating. Its a gamechanger. Watch the Dr. Ronda Patrick clip about it on JRE.

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Postby Luigi » Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:56 am

Vutulaki wrote:I dont know enough about you like what you do and where you live to help on the job front but I can probably help on the weightloss side.

What are you current BW, goal BW, age, training history, training regime and sample typical daily meal plan looking like?

Lastly Id steer clear of gambling as a side gig.

Im currently 175 lbs, 14% body fat, my goal is 12% body fat, which will probably be about 160-165 lbs, Im in my 20s. Training history, I played sports as a kid, started working out in grade 10, I worked out a lot in gr 11-12 then fell off pretty hard during university, then rededicated myself to working out about 8 months ago and started going hard(5-7 days a week) 3-4 months ago.

Training regiment: Mostly weight lifting, an hour a day, 6 days a week. I do "push, pull, legs" x2 then a rest day. So for example Monday: chest, triceps, shoulders. Tuesday: back, biceps. Wednesday: legs, cardio. Thursday: chest, triceps, shoulders. Friday: back, biceps. Saturday: legs. Sunday: rest.

Typical meal plan: breakfast: low sugar oatmeal, a banana, a handful of almonds. Lunch: a sandwich on whole grain high fibre bread, typically with spinach and meat in it. Dinner: A small portion of meat, some veggies and sometimes rice. On saturdays I typically add in a slice of pizza and a few beers with my friends, just so I dont get any urges to go crazy and binge eat.

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Postby Luigi » Wed Mar 28, 2018 9:03 am

Diet Butcher wrote:Research intermittent fasting or time restricted eating. Its a gamechanger. Watch the Dr. Ronda Patrick clip about it on JRE.

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I saw that podcast and it was awesome. I always eat in a 12 hour window now. It hasnt helped me lose weight, but it has done wonders for my sleep troubles, which messed me up since I was a kid but are basically a non-issue now. Her advice is also why I dont eat any refined sugar at all and have very little refined carbs.

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Postby Vutulaki » Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:07 pm

Luigi wrote:Im currently 175 lbs, 14% body fat, my goal is 12% body fat, which will probably be about 160-165 lbs, Im in my 20s.

Okay Im kinda doing eleventy billion things at once while trying to cook dinner at ten to midnight.

First work out your TDEE or total daily energy expenditure

Use this https://tdeecalculator.net/

You will have to adjust as the weeks go on because everyone is different and those calculators are based on a bunch of assumptions based on averages for want of a more in depth explanation.

Aim for about 300-500 cals short of your of your TDEE if you want to drop weight quick.

Ill be back later to discuss why I think it isnt a good idea for someone your age and size. Ultimately its your call but I dont think youll dissagree with my position on this, at least not in principle.

Luigi wrote:Training history, I played sports as a kid, started working out in grade 10, I worked out a lot in gr 11-12 then fell off pretty hard during university, then rededicated myself to working out about 8 months ago and started going hard(5-7 days a week) 3-4 months ago.

Cool you havent had much time off really, at your age youll bounce back. Dont ever stop training. I read about guys in their early 30's falling to shit picking up lifting (heavy) after a long lay off. Ive never had more than 6-8 months out of the gym and thats when my kids were toddlers, I get my prime shape (but not strength) back in weeks. I dont have great genetics so Id say its the constant training. Do the same IMHO

Luigi wrote:Training regiment: Mostly weight lifting, an hour a day, 6 days a week. I do "push, pull, legs" x2 then a rest day. So for example Monday: chest, triceps, shoulders. Tuesday: back, biceps. Wednesday: legs, cardio. Thursday: chest, triceps, shoulders. Friday: back, biceps. Saturday: legs. Sunday: rest.

Push, pull, legs is a legit approach normally employed by gym bros and "power builders". Im writing my program right now after a month and a half of following the PHUL method which is not too unlike push, pull, legs. I reckon you should throw in some cardio training and get a heart rate monitor to do it properly. Do you want to try my program for a few months? Ill share it once Ive finished writing it and had it critiqued.

Luigi wrote:Typical meal plan: breakfast: low sugar oatmeal, a banana, a handful of almonds. Lunch: a sandwich on whole grain high fibre bread, typically with spinach and meat in it. Dinner: A small portion of meat, some veggies and sometimes rice. On saturdays I typically add in a slice of pizza and a few beers with my friends, just so I dont get any urges to go crazy and binge eat.

See my first response, what do you LIKE eating? as in any particular cuisine? like spicy food? I ask cause I like spicy food regardless of where its from and if I cook spicy shit I can stick to my macros easily. Find what you like and put together a meal plan that fits your macros which in turn should fit within the parameters of my first response.

Gotta go check my lamb curry :)

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:39 pm

honest thread, thanks Luigi you have good company here!

175lbs and you're worried about weight? are you like 3 feet tall? lol Exercise 6 days a week? You eat well?? Seems like you're already doing much better than most! I don't see the concern? Why don't you do kickboxing or BJJ? Lifting weights doesn't seem to me a very good way to stay healthy and fit. Plus martial arts is way more fun/motivating imo

As for work, this I understand. I have been freelance for 15 years and my industry has been getting progressively slower over the past 6-7 years. All the other artists and rep houses saying the same thing. I've been hanging on, the wife picks up a lot of slack with her work, but for example I have not worked now in almost 2 weeks, going through a dry spell and its getting really uncomfortable. Waiting for the phone to ring is nice for a few days but sucks ass when it goes any longer. Also not sure what to do about that, so yeah I can relate. I am currently playing with starting a new business idea, but I have to admit its motivated out of some fear than any real passion or excitement. This bugs me. My other option is a 1/million shot at getting my dream film projects going but this is really quite impossible would take a miracle to happen and very scary to invest any significant time/money into... Really don't know what else to do though so I feel ya there bro for sure.

Acne imo has a lot to do with stress. Then we stress about the acne and its a self perpetuating cycle, lol

Do you smoke weed?

Life is a trip, man. We all have to find some way to make money while balancing health and pleasure, responsibility with enjoyment. Having kids/dependents makes everything even crazier. There is no way out, and yes sometimes this can feel claustrophobic and scary

What can I say but that we must keep going forward, and do our best to think positively/optimistically? There is no security, no guarantees, no one knows what tomorrow will bring, so do right today and have faith you are on a truthful and honest path! There is an element of trust to life, some faith. If we feel we are on a genuine path, then what can we do but follow it with some pride and believe we are doing right? My strategy is always to have a few things (maybe even just 1) that we KNOW is RIGHT... something you KNOW is true, or something you know is in the right direction, some passion we have to move towards, etc etc, and use that as your compass. As long as we are honoring those few things that settle our souls, even if we are only stumblingly moving towards them, I think it can be assured we are doing right. Its when we throw our loves and passions aside for logic, security etc that I think people really go wrong, that shit cannot be maintained long. Fear fucks everything up, I am sure of this. Reversely, faith and optimism bring wonders.

Alan Watts and Joseph Campbell always said 'follow your bliss', and I think its totally true. We don't have to drop everything and go all-in for it, but as long as we keep it in front of us and use it as a guide/keep moving in that direction fast or slow, I really do think the rest will follow.

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:41 pm

Rocky music helps too :D

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Postby Vutulaki » Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:47 pm

Masato wrote: Lifting weights doesn't seem to me a very good way to stay healthy and fit.

While the above is a pile of horseshit (sorry Mas it is, have a think about it)

Masato wrote:Plus martial arts is way more fun/motivating imo

This I agree with 100%, unless you join a hardcore gym (which comes with its own set of challenges especially with your goals) the friendships you make in a combat gym are second to none.

I made great friends playing rugby for 20 years from the juniors right through to my late 20's who came and went, the friends I made through boxing, KB/MT and MMA have lasted the test of time. Its a special kinda person that turns up to those gyms night after night. You gel with them more than the guy in the next cage trying to up his 1RM IMO

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:25 pm

^ Yeah I have found tremendous value in finding something you really like doing and making that a priority in life, even when the other parts look bleak.

Playing sports, martial arts, maybe music, or some project you want to make etc... I'm just figuring this out now in my 40's to be honest that these are not 'extracurricular' things, they are food and medicine like any other, we need them. Developing ourselves, enjoying real things we love (not video games, etc) without guilt makes us happier, healthier, gives us peace of mind and clarity etc.

IMHO, all the practical stuff in life seems to start working better when the personal stuff is working better. Not the other way around. In fact the reverse is also true, when we are scattered spiritually, the physical life starts getting out of sync.

I hate to say it but this kind of stuff is where religion can sometimes play a strong hand. Like it or not, if someone has some sort of faith, even a shadowy one, it can do wonders for getting our souls back on track.

Even if you aren't religious in any definitive sense of the word, sometimes just swallowing your pride and go to a church for 20 minutes can do wonders. Come out a new person.

We can't do all this shit on our own I've come to figure

Don't know what Vutu is on about guys at night in the gym and gel

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