Random rant about stuff in my life

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Re: Random rant about stuff in my life

Postby Vutulaki » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:26 pm

Canuckster wrote:If your goal is fat loss, diet is key, however, depending on your heritage and genetics, may not be sustainable long term. Your body is always trying to achieve a balance in the midst of what ever your trying to do to it.

Okay what's this balance shit you keep talking about? explain that lets do this step by step, I cant even annialiate you because youre not making any sense to begin with, all I can do is make fun of you and I dont want to do that bro

Canuckster wrote:If your body type doesn't naturally support a 12 percent bodyfat type, you can get there, it just takes discipline and a major lifestyle change that you have to stick to in order to make it happen. Few people have this ability long term.

I agree with this, this is true, stating the fucking obvious but true. At least youre not hellbent on fucking the kid up here. Slow clap.

Canuckster wrote:If you want to reduce body fat, cut the carbs, all of them,especially refined, but keep a balance of resistance training and cardio along with intermittent fasting will yield the results you want, eat real food, nothing processed, lots of veggies, lots of fats(yes lots of fats) your body and brain need them. Once your body has no carbs to burn for energy, it must turn to burning your fat stores, this is what the current keto craze is and is legit.

hang on is weight training a form of resistance training?

IMF is simply a manner in which to control your calorie intake by narrowing the intake window, the IMF and keto approaches have NOTHING in common in the sense that one is concerned with timing and the other in what you actually consume (basically high protein and fat atkins bullshit for keto). You are overlapping two entirely different things.

Canuckster wrote:The thing with vutu is, he's an abo, his body is hardwired to keep bodyfat at a minimum due to his location. Africans and abos have naturally low bodyfat due to the higher climate temps

The genetic predisposition of warm climate people to store less fat (I dont know if this is actually proven) is incumbent upon THEIR DIET.

Here are the most obese nations on earth

1. Cook Islands
2. Palau
3. Nauru
4. Samoa
5. Tonga

Africans? yep they are lean as fuck in Africa, transport them to the US and 75% of them are obese. They are twice as likely to be overweight than their "cold climate" white neighbours. Both groups eat like absolute shit.

Abos? they hold East Indian levels of muscle mass n average these days and its not cause theyre all vegetarians either. Skinny arms and legs and fat guts right around the country EXCEPT! in the far north where they still consume high protein diets and their sugar/fat intake is limit due to lack of access.

Canuckster wrote:white people with a northern European background have a harder time typically due to their genetic makeup, their body wants to naturally store fat to deal with colder climates

Koreans and Northern Chinese seem fat to you? lol

There are a fuckton of fat Koreans but nowhere near the levels of Sally-Anne and Taniqua, Northern Chinese Im not too sure about but ill rest my hat on this point without checking knowing ill be right.

Canuckster wrote:If you think about the way ufc fighters cut weight by drinking tons of water leading up to their final weight cut it will make sense as the body is adapting to get rid of the excess water and then at the end you take advantage of its adaptation to shed water weight as your body doesn't make the switch fast enough

Whats the relevance of this to the rest of your largely irrelevant points? not being a cunt just cant work it out.

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:49 pm

Vutulaki wrote:
Canuckster wrote:If your goal is fat loss, diet is key, however, depending on your heritage and genetics, may not be sustainable long term. Your body is always trying to achieve a balance in the midst of what ever your trying to do to it.

Okay what's this balance shit you keep talking about? explain that lets do this step by step, I cant even annialiate you because youre not making any sense to begin with, all I can do is make fun of you and I dont want to do that bro

Canuckster wrote:If your body type doesn't naturally support a 12 percent bodyfat type, you can get there, it just takes discipline and a major lifestyle change that you have to stick to in order to make it happen. Few people have this ability long term.

I agree with this, this is true, stating the fucking obvious but true. At least youre not hellbent on fucking the kid up here. Slow clap.

Canuckster wrote:If you want to reduce body fat, cut the carbs, all of them,especially refined, but keep a balance of resistance training and cardio along with intermittent fasting will yield the results you want, eat real food, nothing processed, lots of veggies, lots of fats(yes lots of fats) your body and brain need them. Once your body has no carbs to burn for energy, it must turn to burning your fat stores, this is what the current keto craze is and is legit.

hang on is weight training a form of resistance training?

IMF is simply a manner in which to control your calorie intake by narrowing the intake window, the IMF and keto approaches have NOTHING in common in the sense that one is concerned with timing and the other in what you actually consume (basically high protein and fat atkins bullshit for keto). You are overlapping two entirely different things.

Canuckster wrote:The thing with vutu is, he's an abo, his body is hardwired to keep bodyfat at a minimum due to his location. Africans and abos have naturally low bodyfat due to the higher climate temps

The genetic predisposition of warm climate people to store less fat (I dont know if this is actually proven) is incumbent upon THEIR DIET.

Here are the most obese nations on earth

1. Cook Islands
2. Palau
3. Nauru
4. Samoa
5. Tonga

Africans? yep they are lean as fuck in Africa, transport them to the US and 75% of them are obese. They are twice as likely to be overweight than their "cold climate" white neighbours. Both groups eat like absolute shit.

Abos? they hold East Indian levels of muscle mass n average these days and its not cause theyre all vegetarians either. Skinny arms and legs and fat guts right around the country EXCEPT! in the far north where they still consume high protein diets and their sugar/fat intake is limit due to lack of access.

Canuckster wrote:white people with a northern European background have a harder time typically due to their genetic makeup, their body wants to naturally store fat to deal with colder climates

Koreans and Northern Chinese seem fat to you? lol

There are a fuckton of fat Koreans but nowhere near the levels of Sally-Anne and Taniqua, Northern Chinese Im not too sure about but ill rest my hat on this point without checking knowing ill be right.

Canuckster wrote:If you think about the way ufc fighters cut weight by drinking tons of water leading up to their final weight cut it will make sense as the body is adapting to get rid of the excess water and then at the end you take advantage of its adaptation to shed water weight as your body doesn't make the switch fast enough

Whats the relevance of this to the rest of your largely irrelevant points? not being a cunt just cant work it out.

I'll get to your points later, I don't have time right now, but in your own way, you;re kind of answering your own questions, also I don't think you can help being a cunt so no offense taken.
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Postby Canuckster » Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:27 pm

You're a fucking idiot if you think genetics don't play a role in metabolic function.

Just as an example.

I'm not going to drag this on so you can get your jollies,

Luigi can do what he wants, I just offered my advice from my perspective.

It must be rough living in your world of absolutes.
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Postby Vutulaki » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:41 pm

Luigi is not going to follow your advice, youre all over the place.

Keto, IMF, water cutting!

One fucking fat distribution study based on a grand total of 708 middle aged women! (Which actually proved my point if you bothered to read your own article.)

Weightlifting doesnt assist with weight loss BUT you need a balance of cardio and resistance training (not to be confused with weight lifting)

Etc etc ad nauseum

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Postby Diet Butcher » Sat Mar 31, 2018 3:39 pm

lol @ you fat fucks. I lift and trane and eat whatever the fuck I want and I'm shredded. No soy chink FTW.

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Postby Som-Pong » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:04 am

I don't lift and I'd break most men.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:31 pm

- 14% isnt fat. I used to be 24% at 93 kg! Condt see my feet!(I mean weenie ).

Weight lifting does make you lose-body fat. You juts need to spend more calorie than you consume.

Several Bodybuilders do have bad gass tank and endurance. The open weight guys at least because the massive consume of steroids, theres the law of dimishing returns, and today you dont even need to do much training to lose weight if youre a bodybuilder. Theres drugs to do that. Isnt their training that isnt beneficial for endurance, actually hight reps are good for muscle endurance. Theres is a point where taking to much test for example is detrimental for your performance. Abnd bodybuilders take trenbolone, a drug that does kills you cardio. A drug that may causes alzheimer:



I used to be some years ago at the same place youre now Luigi! Barally had energy to train, and wasnt trining what i liked that is martial arts. The diference is that laboral works like painting or laying bricks have good pay here on Florianópolis. I dont know how is whres you live, but i did enter this are, used to be a security-guard before, the thing is i love painting houses. Maybe you can find a thing you like and make some extra money.

On the weight loss, i got from 93 to 77 in 6 monts when i got out of the hole i was, and bounced back to a still fat 84, only when i discoveredy i was lactose intolerant that i lost real weight, got to 74 now i am 78 and feel good. i agree with Canuskter, diet is important, because we are a little diferent, i love eating bread with banana for example, but sadly my stomach cant tolarate more than a little here a there o a get real sick.

In martial arts for example, you cant work your body simetrically like you do on weight lifting, i do thrown som much more kicks with the left leg than the right on a sparring, same with punchs, or how manny sweepts and finishs tryes we do favorating a side on jiu-jitsu for example.

I agree with Vutu; Weight-lifting is a good habit, doesnt take to much time, and the gains stay with you.
I prefer cardio and martial arts over weights , but my body would be broken if wast for weight lifting and lucky.

Weight lifting, stretching and cardio are a must in having a healthy body on the old age.
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Postby Canuckster » Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:50 pm

So now that the dust has settled, let me clarify,

Using weightlifting as your primary fitness regime will indeed help you lose weight,if you're a fatass, muscle burns calories, and activity and calorie expenditure will make you lose weight.

If like luigi states, he's at a plateau for bodyfat, from 14-12% this is a different matter. Dietary and additional energy expenditure are needed. You are going to want to shock your system out of its current state with workout changeups and additional calorie burn. This is where cardio will come in, if your heart is trained to be efficient at cardio it will be easier to burn more calories as you can start pushing your pace harder at whatever you do.
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Postby Luigi » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:58 pm

Bit of an update for you guys:

I was reading a blog post on waning motivation from one of my favorite fighters and they mentioned that every 2 months or so they totally crash, sleep for 30 hours, then take it easy in training for the next two days then jump back into it. With that in mind and the other considerations in this thread, I made the jump to 1500 cals, went 2 days with zero training at all for recovery, and now I have resumed training but only for 30 mins a day. The results so have have been good but its only been a few days so its too early to read much into it. I still feel a bit worn out but definitely better than before. I am hoping to hit a mental second wind and push hard soon.

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Postby Vutulaki » Mon Apr 02, 2018 1:26 am

Canuckster wrote:So now that the dust has settled, let me clarify,

Using weightlifting as your primary fitness regime will indeed help you lose weight,if you're a fatass, muscle burns calories, and activity and calorie expenditure will make you lose weight.

If like luigi states, he's at a plateau for bodyfat, from 14-12% this is a different matter. Dietary and additional energy expenditure are needed. You are going to want to shock your system out of its current state with workout changeups and additional calorie burn. This is where cardio will come in, if your heart is trained to be efficient at cardio it will be easier to burn more calories as you can start pushing your pace harder at whatever you do.

VTFU, well said, Canuck droppin the science here bitches.

Canadia represent!

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