Media Propaganda

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Re: Media propoganda

Postby Masato » Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:07 pm

posted this in the Syria thread but had to post here too.


When will the people finally see it for what it is??? Lets hope soon

George Galloway calling for a massive investigation on the BBC for faking news in order to incite war.

Several references to past proven Fake Mainstream News events (Incubator Girl, etc) ... ack-syria/

BBC, CNN News Caught Staging FAKE News Chemical Attacks In Syria

What follows is shocking evidence that crisis actors, green screens, CGI, and paid propagandists are being used to fake worldwide events in order to scare people into giving up liberties and sending us into war.

To say this was shocking would be to put it lightly.
From video proof showing “dead soldiers” killed by “chemical weapons” walking around after they thought the videos stopped recording, to digitally altering sounds to add in “explosions” that never happened, this segment demonstrates some of the most damming evidence against the media ever shown on television.

In this brave segment, it’s shown that CNN, Fox news, MSNBC, BBC are all guilty and need to be exposed and punished.

CNN’s not innocent either. For months they used a Fake activist named Danny to justify war in Syria.

Like in the movie Wag The Dog mainstream news channels have been caught carrying dubious footage from Syria to cook up drama to legitimize military intervention

Some mainstream news channels have been recently caught carrying dubious footage from Syria. It fuels the debate over media’s role in legitimizing possible military intervention in the country.

‘Danny’ is a Syrian opposition activist who reports from Homs for CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya. He is attached to the opposition movement and regularly calls for military invasion of Syria. He’s identified as Danny Abdul Dayem, a 22-year-old British citizen of Syrian origin.

In a video leaked online, Danny appears to be falsifying a video broadcast for CNN. Prior to going on air, he requests colleagues to fire weapons to dramatize his Live report with Anderson Cooper. Though he denied any wrongdoings in an interview to CNN after the video went viral, his reliability as a verified news source was called into question.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:00 am

Project Veritas nails CNN Producer John Bonifield admitting on camera that there is no substance behind the Russian Hacking story (that has been going on for almost a full year now, lol)

Everyone using this to try to finally crash CNN's credibility.

And well deserved

Those who have been studying MSM with a critical eye have known this for years, but hopefully this will help wake up the masses who are too busy/lazy to look at and put together the evidence for themselves

FUCK CNN and all their inbred media cousins

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Postby Masato » Wed Jun 28, 2017 1:10 am

InfoWars claiming that an even more damning video on the topic is to be released tomorrow.. (?)

let's see ... t-for-cnn/

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Postby Redneck » Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:48 am

In light of the numerous examples cited in this thread, I don't think there can be any doubt that much of the mainstream media is blatantly reporting propaganda as news.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:53 pm

^ I don't even think this thread is 1/millionth of the actual scope of it. If we truly examined MSM every day, and had knowledge of what was actually happening in the world, I have no doubt we would find a staggering amount more lies, consistently. Except sports and local traffic etc, those things are factual. Except the weather, lol Chomsky did this for years before he sold out or was silenced, gave all kinds of examples of outright lies the MSM fabricated to sell war.

I watched the MSM 'cover' 9/11 as it happened, and I don't know if you can get any more transparent after that. It was SO clear they were ALL in bed together to sell one particular story it was farcical to watch. ALL of them had a very specific narrow version of events scripted out THE DAY OF THE EVENTS, and stuck to it at all cost. NONE OF THEM were doing any investigating, nor following the billion questions and leads available. Despite the internet fucking exploding, and thousands of people screaming 'investigate 9/11' behind them, they just laughed it off and pretended it wasn't there.

It was SO OBVIOUS, yet I felt the majority of people somehow continued to trust their news and listen to their anchors (why do they call them anchors?) every day to make them feel safer about what just happened.

Absolutely absurd. Since then I have been keeping a hard eye on them and am continually baffled how many times they are outright lying, lol And the pattern of lies and coverups is really consistent it doesn't take long to see the bigger narrative they are constantly pitching to you. They are the marketing wing of the evil empire, plain and simple. They sell us wars, feed us distractions, mislead us, hide major truths, and cover shit up as they are told.

I hate the MSM, and have long believed that it is absolutely obstacle #1 to take down if humanity is to ever get out of its mess. They are culpable and complicit in ALL the crimes committed by the elites and deep state. Once the masses no longer have an assumed 'official narrative' authority to dictate what is acceptable to think or discuss, the truth can finally start bubbling to the surface.

I don't know what will happen when there is no more authority on truth, of course it sounds chaotic and scary, but I am totally willing to continue in that direction until I feel that the grip on 'consensus' and defining acceptable debate is no longer in the hands of the few

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Postby Masato » Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:26 pm

7 Minutes of specific recent citings of proven fake news, lies, and misinformation by CNN:


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Postby Redneck » Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:24 am

Yeah, I had always suspected stuff, and knew about things like the Fed, and the Illuminati theory, but 9/11 really drove it home for me. It was all so obvious but most people just swallowed it and never even stopped for moment to say "hang on a second, WTF?".

Now it's just become ridiculous, but still people are swallowing it.

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Postby Masato » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:47 pm

This vid seems to be going somewhat viral right now...


These people are deplorable, reading anything off their teleprompters without having any idea what they are spewing

RECKLESS WHORES causing more damage than they will ever comprehend

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