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Postby shankara » Sat May 12, 2018 11:25 am

It began with the shedding of blood. I'd already gone through “the Dark Night of The Soul”, escaped from the spiritual clutches of Aleister Crowley and found a genuine Teacher, a Shaman who used a mixture of two plants known as “AYAHUASCA” or “YAGE” to heal. I had a strong spiritual orientation, I knew right from wrong, and knowing this I became useful to the dark ones. Consciously practising evil is more use to them than simple slavery.

Blood can attract demons, the shedding of blood calls the dark forces, as I should have known. Shamans following the traditional indigenous disciplines prohibit menstruating women from being present at ceremonies, many other religions have similar taboos. I had also been told a story about a magician trying to invoke a spirit having cut himself shaving, and the spirit becoming angry. So one can only imagine what kind of energies the unjust shedding of the blood of another person invokes…

I had inflicted a serious injury on somebody and was bound to be going to prison. Disoriented I made contact with some of the intelligences that run things on this planet (the Mossad etc.). At this point I thought I was a danger to them, that I could threaten an uprising if imprisoned. Obviously I was deeply delusional.

Having run away from the place where I committed the act, I one day a few months later found myself in a town in the U.K., my homeland. A guy came up to me and invited me to a “party”, I went with him and found myself in an artists' studio. There were a middle-aged couple and a beautiful young woman there, as well as the guy who brought me.

They offered me wine, I was a drinker and so naturally I took it. Then the woman of the couple offered me Ecstasy crystals (mdma), which at first I refused. I hadn't taken chemical drugs for years and my Teacher was strongly against them.

After a while I was tipsy from the drink. She offered me the Ecstasy again and this time I accepted. After the chemical took effect, the guy who'd invited me sat down next to me while the others went to the other side of the room. He asked:

“What's the wisdom?”

I told him something which I’d learnt from Tibetan Buddhism, some magical words. The alcohol and the Ecstasy had acted as a truth serum, like in the C.I.A. experiments combining barbiturates and amphetamine.

Enjoying the high, and realising I was being initiated into something (though not entirely sure who exactly the people were), I asked for another dose, which they gave me. The initiation with the Ecstasy, I now understand to have converted the violence I had committed into an Illuminati Blood Sacrifice.

The morning arrived, we stepped out into the dawning day. As the guy who invited me and I left the studio, the guy from the older couple came outside with us. He asked "How old are you?", I told him my age and he said "You don't look more than 15 to me". I looked quite young but not that young. Number 15 is "The Devil" in the Tarot, or perhaps it was something else... Either way, when he spoke I felt something being transmitted to me, had a sudden feeling of presence. Evidently he was the boss, the higher in the hierarchy.

It was the guy who had invited me who was to be my contact. When we arrived back at his place, he stood in front of me, looking at me, and began to say things which didn't all seem to fit together but which gave me a feeling of great fear.

“My friend ----, he's a bit gay and a bit of a motherfucker... yeah, a bit gay and a bit of a motherfucker” (I felt like he was talking about me and any moment he'd reveal he was from the intelligence services sent to kill me)... “I was having visions of Jesus and Mohammed”... “The Mother...”… and other things, not all of which I remember, though I remember the feeling of tuning in with some cruel and shadowy intelligence, a force without love.

I was now programmed, he had programmed me with the help of the chemical. He gave me the address of a Tibetan Buddhist centre, a group who worship “Dorje Shugden” (considered to be a satanic force), then I went on my way.

Over the course of the next few days I saw him regularly. He invited me to a party at his friends', his birthday party in the same place I’d taken the Ecstasy, and we went to meditation classes at the Tibetan centre. The “normality” of his life, his many local friends and girlfriend, convinced me that he wasn't actually some kind of secret agent, he was one of the Dark Illuminati but he wasn't actually on anyone's payroll. Years later I even found him on the internet, he seemed to have a family and was using the same name he gave me.

Spiritually and psychologically I lost it completely at this point. I began masturbating regularly as a means of invoking demonic forces. I went insane, I was already pretty frayed but the programming pushed me off the deep end. I painted a picture of Jesus on the Cross which I placed in the toilet of the community I was living in with words written on it, something like “Piss On Ishvara” (a Hindu name of God which Tibetans consider to be a demon). I put documents through the door of the “Buddhist” centre calling for animal sacrifices in churches in order to prevent a possible nuclear war.

I meditated together with the programmer, and he played some guided meditations on the stereo to initiate me deeper into the dark mysteries. I also took some more Ecstasy on my own initiative.

A couple of weeks later he invited me to come abroad with him and I accepted. Somehow he had a thousand pounds in cash, despite the fact he was living on social welfare. This was the only thing I saw which suggested he might have some kind of intelligence contacts. We crossed the sea by boat and then wandered about, sleeping in cheap hotels the first couple of nights. I was normally very adept at surviving and living well while travelling, I'd always been able to find ways to get by even when travelling with no money, but now I was too crazy and he was clueless. He tried to get me to divine with “Angel Cards”, but an inner voice told me “the diviner shall be put to death” (I don't think that absolutely all of the Old Testament’s prohibitions are valid, but “Angel Cards” are a negative form of divination).

After three nights we found ourselves in a city, where we slept in different places after the police moved us on. He seemed concerned that we stayed together but the tent was pitched in a bad spot and too cramped for me. I awoke beneath a bush, right outside the city's cathedral. It was Sunday and I had the urge to go and hear Mass. I went and found him, he was putting the tent away, and invited him to come with me. He walked into the church but before the Mass started he said “No...” and walked swiftly out looking spooked.

Either he was a very dogmatic Tibetan Buddhist, or he was scared of the CHRIST, scared of any kind of positive spiritual force. Tibetan Buddhism, by the way, is generally considered to be a doctrine professed by black magicians, as in it's distorted form it is all about developing “Siddhi” or magical powers. Unfortunately it has degenerated so much as a teaching that it is very difficult, even for a sincere person, to exercise proper discrimination in practising it, for example to tell black magic mantras from positive ones.

That morning we split up finally, I went on to the place where he had planned to take me, a community of anarchists (having failed to find the route of the pilgrimage I had an urge to walk).

The next couple of months in that community were a blur of chaos. I was so completely insane that I couldn't even have a normal conversation with anyone. I interpreted everything anyone said as having strange and mysterious significance. My emails to the Mi5, the Mi6, the Mossad, became a daily occurrence. Now I hoped that maybe they could save me from my fate, maybe I could become one of them, kill for them perhaps if necessary. My communications were crazy stuff mostly, thinking I'd cracked some kind of code in Tibetan mantras. But I was also becoming genuinely dark, demanding that they physically attack the Teacher I was formerly involved with.

Did the intelligences know what I had done? Were they intentionally letting me spiral into paranoia because it would be useful to them?

I continued down the path of darkness and degeneration, was lucky not to have killed anyone in the state of utter madness I was in. I even sacrificed a cat, believing it would keep me out of prison. Finally I found myself in a squat in another country, having been effectively sent away from the community as I was simply too crazy for people to deal with. The squat was a truly horrific place, stuffy and claustrophobic, as horrible as a prison cell.

A couple of days later I was arrested, imprisoned and extradited. I'd reached a point where I barely even understood that prison was inevitable, I thought perhaps I would be shot or perhaps I'd become a secret agent, but not simply subject to a “normal” trial.

I was diagnosed with a mental illness by a psychiatric expert and imprisoned indefinitely for the safety of the public. Anti-psychotic drugs were obligatory, otherwise I could be in for a very long time. I could only go out when the doctors believed me to be no longer dangerous.

I continued practising the Satanism I had been initiated into, degenerating myself voluntarily. Things took on a new meaning, I understood what the pop songs on the music channel were about, I felt myself as a part of the dark armies. I continued and intensified my attacks on my former Teacher, claiming that he had brainwashed me etc., and also attacked anything related with the light, using any conversation with anyone as a kind of opportunity to invoke the diabolical forces.

It didn't seem to be working, until I was transferred to another prison. It was a lot nicer than the first one, and to my demonic delight the doctors there seemed to fall under my spell. They started to agree with what I was saying: “I was brainwashed by an evil cult”, “they gave me drugs” etc., and to push for me to be released.

What I was saying was true, except I was talking about the wrong people, confusing the Good with the Bad. My former Teacher, the Shaman, had shown me the deeper reality of things, had “washed my brain”, washing away foolishness with divine wisdom. In fact he had awakened me from my previously brainwashed state. He had used AYAHUASCA to heal me and bring me back into contact with Mother Nature.

It was this that I claimed to be “brainwashing”, “use of drugs” etc.

I didn't talk about the Satanic programming and the use of Ecstasy to effect it, the real Evil Cult which I was actually in - which had raped my mind with a neurotoxic chemical to attune me to the Evil Powers of Babylon.

I was blaspheming the light, attacking the good and justifying the dark. I suddenly became in favour of the oppression of the Palestinians etc., I intentionally inverted all my value systems and became intoxicated with the fire of Lucifer. I also claimed to be bisexual and to have fallen into crime through “sexual repression”, knowing that the degenerates would reward me for furthering their agenda.

I knew about Monarch and the ritual abuse aspect of it, tried to make myself comfortable with it, even masturbated over girls on TV too young for sex. In some Tibetan scriptures a girl of ten is considered to be old enough to practise “Karma Mudra” with, and I even convinced myself that the way to save the world would be to lower the age of consent to ten.

So I was sure that they were going to let me out of prison after a couple of years - but they didn't, the judiciary postponed it for a minimum of a year. This made me bitter, but it also made me start to realize that as the QURAN says:

“Satan promises them nothing but deceit”.

I was disillusioned, and developed the desire to turn back towards the LIGHT…

It wasn't easy to break the pattern of vice, but thankfully soon I had the opportunity to undergo some healing, with the help of GANJA which I have always found to be medicine for the soul. It showed me what I had become, and thanks to this I managed to get myself back on track. I took up spiritual disciplines again and started speaking in a way which was closer to the Truth. Overcoming physical vices is one thing, but mental vices like lying are also very hard to overcome, and when we lie to others we tend to lie to ourselves as well. “The Devil is the father of lies” and consciously lying with the intention of controlling others is black magic, even the very definition of black magic, because black magic is creating illusion to keep others under control.

I am still a very fallen person, but with the help of GOD I've arrived at a much better state than the one I was in, and will keep striving to make further spiritual progress.

At least I am now able to tell this tale... And whatever happens to me is in the hands of GOD.


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Postby SRBrant » Mon May 14, 2018 12:10 am

This is definitely fundamentalist propaganda.

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Postby Masato » Mon May 14, 2018 1:38 am

Shankara; is this really a personal story of yours?

Or copy/pasted from somewhere?


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Postby Canuckster » Mon May 14, 2018 2:26 am

SRBrant wrote:This is definitely fundamentalist propaganda.

you make numerous short blunt assertions in discussions on this board.

care to explain your position ?
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Canuckster » Mon May 14, 2018 2:28 am

copy pasta


he/she is a member on abovetopsecret
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby shankara » Mon May 14, 2018 10:42 am

Masato wrote:Shankara; is this really a personal story of yours?

Or copy/pasted from somewhere?


It's a real story.

Canuckster wrote:copy pasta


he/she is a member on abovetopsecret

I tried to join AboveTopSecret but they banned me for some reason.

SRBrant wrote:This is definitely fundamentalist propaganda.

I'm not an Evangelical or anything. Actually a sort of Hindu.

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Postby Canuckster » Mon May 14, 2018 11:57 am

I'm a member on Ats, but post very little and I refuse to use their site without an ad blocker so I can use the best full site features, are the posts on there by shankara by you?
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby shankara » Mon May 14, 2018 1:39 pm

Yeah, just a few and I think they deleted them now.

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Postby Masato » Mon May 14, 2018 2:15 pm

I just took a morning spliff and some time to read your post.

Shankara, is this really your tale? Or a work of fiction? Or some combination? Either way it's a fascinating read. If it is true testimony even moreso.

Sometimes I think one of the motivations for WAR... possibly even the prime reason, is to create bloodshed to appease the demonic forces. If your tale is true that even menstration or cutting one's self shaving has the potential to draw the attention of spirits and satiate them, can you imagine what a war zone is like? A buffet of pleasure and delight for such beings.

If an individual can make deals with such spirits by small sacrifice etc, can you imagine what deals can be made if you offer up real slaughter and destruction? These thoughts frighten me but I can't help suspect this is somehow involved in what runs the war machines on this earth.

I had never heard before that any denomination of Buddhism may be involved with such things... super interesting I will definitely keep my eyes open in this regard now. Much about Tibetan Buddhism that is mysterious, why they were destroyed, the fame of the Dalai Lama today, etc. Would love to learn more about this.

I liked how you describe that you could see what the pop music was about, and another line: "I intentionally inverted all my value systems ..." -This is fascinating. I too am starting to see that the INVERSION of value systems is some part of of the trick of things, you can find it many places in mainstream western culture, there are constant polarities being thrown at us.

Super curious about how when you gave over to this inversion it affected your perception of sexuality. Do you still consider yourself bisexual? I don't think of myself as homophobic but I do definitely sense some of this twisted inversion involved with the rampant promotion of sexual fluidity and 'anything goes' trends, almost to the point of making straight monogamous relations the taboo

Lots of food for thought friend. I am glad you are finding some peace and getting these things off your back. Ganja indeed is a purifier, very interesting to compare to ecstasy for example and the differences in the states of consciousness created by them. Also curious about the parts of the story involving ayahuasca, I have not done it but have heard many things. Though I must confess that as I am aging I'm starting to see that perhaps ANY drug, even ganja which I love may hold a small part of this problem you speak of, that the best way however difficult may be to shed ourselves (brainWASH) from as many vices and spirit-appeasing behaviors as possible

Thank you for this post, brings up many topics I think most worthy of discussing. Most people won't talk about it though, don't want to look crazy or say politically 'incorrect' ideas even though we have them. This forum was made to be an outlet for this, a place with safe company for truth and real ideas, unafraid to say what we usually STFU about in regular life

Great stuff man. Peace to you, seems you're moving in a good direction, keep going!

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Postby shankara » Mon May 14, 2018 4:26 pm

It's all a true story, I don't think making something like this up would be very good for humanity.

What you say about war is very pertinent given what's been going on in Palestine these last few weeks. Tomorrow is the "Nakba"...

Tibetan Buddhism is an interesting thing, perhaps at another time it was a very different thing, Buddha said that the Sangha would degenerate.

Yeah, inversion is in a way the root of it all. It's very easy to get caught up in believing that the bad can create good and so fall into some kind of Left-Hand Path Tantrism. I'm not sure if I actually reached the point of depolarizing sexually, though I know that debauchery can actually cause this. I was so caught up in it all that I think I almost believed I was no longer straight, got as far as telling my mother and father, they're not the type to be angry about something like that but my mother asked "Isn't that something against your beliefs?" (which probably in retrospect was part of what led me to sort myself out a bit). Anyway, I definitely knew that there is an agenda to promote abnormal sexuality, and so getting with that agenda...

Ganja really helped me but I'm not allowed to smoke right now due to my psychiatric condition, would risk going back to prison. Hence if I disappear that might be why. I think it's important to have respect for the spirit of the plant, the same with Ayahuasca. I've met one shaman who I actually trust and a lot of charlatans who think they're wiser than the actual indigenous.

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