Steve Forbes > FED: More it fails, more powerful it becomes

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Steve Forbes > FED: More it fails, more powerful it becomes

Postby Masato » Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:36 pm


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Postby Masato » Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:05 pm

He echoes the idea of returning to a 'gold standard' backed currency.

I used to like this idea but then I got thinking; who owns/has most of the gold? Wouldn't people just start fighting for gold?

There has been a LOT of stories about massive thefts of gold reserves throughout all the wars... even more far-fetched tales of gold being consistently sucked from the earth into the hands of the ruling class for millennia.

The more I think about it the more I think a gold standard might filter power into even FEWER hands...

The real solution is to stop thinking about money all together imo - we need to get creative and take unchartered steps.

This Forbes guy is creepy... but it is interesting that someone like him is talking about ending/changing the fed, and returning to what its ideal purpose is/was.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:01 pm

Masato wrote:He echoes the idea of returning to a 'gold standard' backed currency.

I used to like this idea but then I got thinking; who owns/has most of the gold? Wouldn't people just start fighting for gold?

There has been a LOT of stories about massive thefts of gold reserves throughout all the wars... even more far-fetched tales of gold being consistently sucked from the earth into the hands of the ruling class for millennia.

The more I think about it the more I think a gold standard might filter power into even FEWER hands...

[color=#000000]The real solution is to stop thinking about money all together imo - we need to get creative and take unchartered steps.
This Forbes guy is creepy... but it is interesting that someone like him is talking about ending/changing the fed, and returning to what its ideal purpose is/was.

- We got that simbolic valor to gold, because gold is rare, if we stoped doing this, people would probaly come with another rare metal like niobiium or some meteorite.
Before that we used sea shell or another simbol, people just love shinning things, and they love to do things for shinning things, or trade things for shinning things.

We need money or something that simbolizes money.

And you're right, there were wars because of gold, several asssassinates because of gold are part of the history of makind.

You ever tought how much the other animals laugh at us?
A dog or a cat are happy if they have a simple rock to play around.
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Postby Daglord » Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:15 pm

Masato wrote:The real solution is to stop thinking about money all together imo - we need to get creative and take unchartered steps.

too far gone for this^ IMO, but I can get on board w/it.

the zeitgeist movement is a good place to start IMO. they don't have it figured out, but a transition from a money-based economic system to a resource-based economy, with sustainable & ecological concepts, should be in the cards if @ all possible.

the way things are headed, towards a dystopian future, non-GMO seeds & clean water will become the new currency :|

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Postby Masato » Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:46 pm

Daglord, you ever listen to Charles Eisenstein?


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Postby Daglord » Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:19 pm

^ nope. never heard of him.

going to check out your thread now...

until we change the way money works, solutions to Peak Oil, food shortages, collapse and sustainability remain unreachable from a national or cultural level because it is simply more profitable to let people die and accelerate collapse through excessive consumption than it is to behave like a species that wishes to survive.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:45 pm

Sometimes I believe this 'collapse' (both resource-based and economic) is totally being manufactured/exaggerated in a hegelian dialectic sort of scheme;

They will continue to make things worse/more alarming, get us all on board out of fear, BREAK IT, and then offer the 'solution' while we are all panicking. We will beg them to establish a NWO.

It all seems so contrived sometimes, we watch it being turned up in the mainstream media, always looking for authorities to come up with the solution and fix it.

Eisenstein imo is outside the box, he is looking at things CREATIVELY, not fearfully. His ideas are good but only if people are willing to actually THINK and change the way they see things. His ideas seriously challenge the power-structure all together imo

Its like I was saying before - any REAL solution must come from a drastic shift in consciousness towards ideas that now would appear insane. We have to step right completely outside the box and think of NEW WAYS of existing, rather than perpetually tinkering with the old systems in futility.

Anything else I feel we are being led like a pied piper.

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:31 pm

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