Atlantis Found!?!?? (best yet)

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Atlantis Found!?!?? (best yet)

Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:49 pm

Hey all... this rocked my world.

I've been looking into the myth of Atlantis for a long time and nothing has floored me like this.


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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:00 pm

Detailed records of Atlantis are found in Plato's writings the 'Critias' and the 'Timaeus'. It is described IN DETAIL, and even details where Plato got his info from.
(but I am no expert on Plato)


Plato describes the relative location, the specific size of the city, the shape and design of the city, the surrounding geography, as well as details of its destruction. Here is what we know:

1. Plato states that Atlantis was located beyond (west of) the Pillars of Hercules, the name given to the Strait of Gibraltar linking the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean. West of Egypt, close to what would have been the coast of the Atlantic Ocean:


2. He described the city as being made of 'Centric Circles of Water and Land'.


Here are some images people have made of what it might have looked like, based on his descriptions:





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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:04 pm

Plato describes that the city was 'sheltered from the north', and had 'Mountains that flowed with Rivers'



Plato also describes its destruction, saying that when it 'sank', became an 'Impassible barrier of MUD'.


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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:11 pm

OK so here is where my mind was blown:

There is an anomaly in the Sahara of Africa called the RICHAT STRUCTURE:



It is so big that it was only discovered after humans were able to view the Sahara from Space.

Here is what it looks like from the ground... unrecognizable as anything unusual:

However, once we entered the Space Age and could view earth from satellites, we discovered that it looks like THIS:

It was thus named the 'Eye of the Sahara'.

THERE IS NO OFFICIAL EXPLANATION FOR ITS GEOLOGICAL SHAPE OR STRUCTURE. Some have theories, but it is yet to be understood completely, and there are NO OTHER SITES ON THE PLANET that resemble it.

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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:13 pm

The structure sows RINGS OF RAISED EARTH, in an almost perfect circle. In this manner it matches Plato's description almost perfectly:


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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:28 pm

The Richat Structure has MOUNTAINS TO THE NORTH, with CLEAR evidence that there were once many RIVERS flowing from them, just as Plato describes. One can only visualize that in its day these mountains were likely lush and green, with waterfalls and clean rivers flowing directly into the location:


Plato also describes that to the south, it opened up to the Atlantic, where the ships could enter. Satellite views also show such an opening oppsite the northern mountains, though now the coastline is significantly farther west:


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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:29 pm

What's more, the SIZE of the Richat Structure has been calculated to match Plato's measurements

Plato describes the measurements in terms of a length called a STADIA. He uses Stadia to describe several aspects of Atlantis, from the overall landmass of the kingdom, to some precise measurements of the city itself.

The source I found argues that he calculates the city to be 127 Stadia, which turns out to be approximately 24 Kilometers:


*NOTE: I have found conflicting info on this.

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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:33 pm

Plato describes the destruction of Atlantis to be that of a GIGANTIC MUDSLIDE, an earthquake causing a flood that washed it all away, sinking it under an 'Impassible barrier of MUD'.

When viewing the surrounding Sahara around the Richat Structure, this is exactly what it looks like... a massive mudslide that washed down over the Richat from the mountains down emptying into the Atlantic:


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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:44 pm

Another detail that supports the theory that the Richat Structure is the site of Atlantis is the surrounding Rocks. Plato says the rocks around Atlantis were Red, White, and Black.

Some more supporting anomalies:

1. The DOGON tribes live nearby, who have an unexplainable detailed knowledge of the star SIRIUS, including that it is a binary star among other details that cannot be known without advanced telescopes and equipment. The Dogon talk of 'Fish Gods', while the God of Atlantis was Poseidon. I have read extensively on the myth of Poseidon, it fits quite nicely with it all

2. Some man made artifacts have been found around the Richat Structure

3. Plato describes elephants being plentiful around Atlantis, and indeed bones of Elephants have been found in the area

4. The area around the Richat is littered with seashells and other evidence indicating it was once under sea water. Even mainstream scientists believe the coast of the Atlantic was indeed much farther east than it is today, possibly reaching as far as the Richat Structure

4. Plato describes clean spring water flowing from the center of Atlantis. Some evidence at the Richat Structure also support this.

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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:45 pm

Here is the video that hooked me:

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