Find a racist Trump quote

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Re: Find a racist Trump quote

Postby Masato » Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:59 pm

As far as Presidents go (whom I find all to be nasty vile creatures by definition), I do kind of like his style to be honest. I appreciate his candidness, its fresh to see someone talking from the hip with some sense of humor, as opposed to the ultra-fake evil script-reading bullshit artists we've had previously.

I WAS sort of a fan at the beginning, certainly happy he won over Killary... I liked his opposition to all the globalist crap, but his failure to go after the Clintons/Podestas like he said he would was a great disappointment, and the way he's cozied up to Israel and has adopted all their policies and war-agendas in the ME pretty much killed whatever shreds of faith I had in him. For the same reason he double-backed on 9/11... yet ANOTHER presidency that is locked in to continue the Great Lie of that event. Not even sure he's really so anti-globalist anymore really, the deeper we go into his presidency the more I think most of what made him appealing was just a schtick to rile up the voters and create division. Time will tell, I kind of hope he wins another term just to see what he can do with enough time

He's still entertaining though, I'll give him that lol (see: MarioKart trending :D )

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Postby shankara » Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:46 pm

Isn't it weird that the poor, reacting against the (admittedly hateful) establishment politicians elect a guy so rich he couldn't have the slightest understanding of what their lives are like? So far as I understand he claims to be a self-made man but actually his father was quite rich. They elect him thinking he's on their side and he gives tax cuts to the corporations who are screwing them.

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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:05 am

evil-kungfool wrote:

That’s maybe the closest example I’ve seen. Very interesting, good find thanks

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Postby Masato » Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:12 am

evil-kungfool wrote:^ Where is the lie?

Fair question, lol

‘Some are smart, some aren’t!’

Is this really so controversial?

Whether this is attributed to genes or environment is a different question. The whole nature vs nurture stuff etc.

I suppose one could interpret these quotes as racial if you wanted to, most of them imo he was just pointing out some obvious common sense. Hard to argue with really. The nature vs nurture question is the only thing debatable there, and even the most academic and unbiased scientists today will tell you that this question has not been properly answered. Is it really racist to believe that genetics have an influence on outcome? If so there are a whole lot of industries out there that should be equally swarmed and shamed by hordes of SJWs and MSM lol.

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Thu Sep 20, 2018 5:56 am

You don't want to get Masato in trouble do you SR? We have seen people that have admitted liking Trump lose their jobs and become subject to public shaming of various sorts these days. Lives have been ruined. And Masato has a brood of hungry little Masatos to look after, how would you feel if you were responsible for such a tragedy SR? A brotherly Kitsune at that. Just imagine it...
el rey del mambo

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Postby Som-Pong » Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:01 am

Intelligence is mostly genetic, nurture has very little bearing on it. HEIL TRUMP

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Postby Luigi » Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:09 am

Masato wrote:Turn of your TV SR, FFS lol

What is this status-quo knee-jerk reaction in everyone these days where everyone has to be labelled pro-Trump or anti-Trump? If you don't hate on everything about him, you're suddenly pro-Trump (and therefore a racist sexist bigot and literally a Nazi)? The whole issue has got people polarizing to the point of not even thinking anymore :(

This whole thing started when I was talking to one of my US clients on the phone, he was telling me a story about "...when Trump said all those racist things..." -I was thinking to myself 'what racist things'? What exactly was he referring to? But I didn't want to get into it on a business call. But he said it so matter-of-factly, as if everyone knew and heard them, like it was just a fact. I otherwise respect the guy, think he's pretty smart but that comment got me curious.

I still can't find what he was referring to.

And just to make things redundantly clear... no SR I am not 'pro-Trump'. But neither am I an MSM-swallowing fool who will get triggered every time I hear about him and assume everything related to him MUST be 100% racist, sexist, or stupid. To be honest, I watched a few vids looking for the quotes titled 'Stupid, racist, sexist things Trump Says Compilation' or something like that and ironically found almost all the clips of what he was saying to be reasonably sensible. Its like people have been brainwashed to have filters on their ears where no matter what he says they hear it as stupid

I'm tellin ya, the anti-trump propaganda train has made people stop listening or thinking for themselves

I feel ya. My dad is plugged into the MSM and talks about Trump like he is a hillbilly retard. Did everyone forget he is a well educated wildly successful businessman from NY? lol And no, having a rich dad doesnt invalidate his accomplishments. I knew a guy in HS who was the biggest deadbeat loser because his dad was rich and he knew he would always have the basics.

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Postby Masato » Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:13 pm

^^ Yeah

I am starting to think its a mass group-think phenomenon. Like Mega pointed out, people get ruined/publicly shamed/lose their jobs etc over not joining the herd mentality in collectively hating Trump, so no one dares to step out of the 'everyone's doing it' circle. Its been programmed by the MSM to such an extreme degree that people unconsciously are terrified to go against it even a little, so everyone is jumping in even though they don't really know why. I bet Trump could say perfectly logical truths and people would STILL scoff and mentally decide that it was racist or stupid. And don't you dare say otherwise. I honestly think 95% of those who hate him can't even articulate why. They just say he's stupid, or racist, or bigoted, or a loser etc but I seriously doubt any of them could give specific examples of what leads them to such an extreme opinion.

What's worse is that as Mega pointed out, if you don't go along with the group think even for a second, the triggered reactions are so out of proportion, people will literally HATE you. Women will HATE you. You will get kicked out of schools. People will think you're a racist Nazi White Supremacist just for not following that hate-herd and *gasp* thinking for yourself and actually listening to the guy or seeing if any of his policies might make any sense.

And those that can actually point out any policies they don't like, well I honestly wonder how many of them were not done under previous presidencies. Wars/foreign policy is the same, corruption is the same, sure there's the whole wall thing but its not like previous admins didn't also have strict border control or immigration policies. Its not like kids weren't detained at the border before Trump etc etc

Honestly its getting to the point where I am tempted to start challenging people, not to argue but just ask them frankly if they have any specific reasons why they have caught the bandwagon fever to hate him so much, more than other presidents. If they can, then I know I'm dealing with someone intelligent, god knows I am not suggesting to support the guy but c'mon at least have some concrete reasons why not

The 'Grab em by the pussy' comment was a good one though, lol but Bill Clinton was a womanizer too, and they cheered for his wife just fine, lol Bush Jr had male prostitutes shipped into the White House and nobody fucking cared

Its kind of scary, to be honest. I was at a family picnic a while back and once Trump's name came up, EVERYONE just scoffed and rolled their eyes and commented what an idiot he is but I really bet no one could give me a solid set of specific examples why or what sets him apart as a president than any others. Where was this public outrage when Bush Jr was in the Oval Office?

With Obama we had the exact opposite; the MSM conditioned everyone to fucking worship the guy, he could do no wrong everyone loved him to death but again I bet 95% of the masses couldn't tell you exactly why or what he was specifically doing to earn that level of group-think ass licking

MSM is strong, yo

Still amazed how most people don't see through it and recognize there is such a clear unanimous bias about it all.

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Postby Benwahwah » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:59 am

I absolutely hate Trump. Here are a few reasons:

1. He is full of shit; he constantly lies about EVERYTHING, from locking Hillary up, draining the swamp, and everything being the biggest and best ever. To complain about the MSM propaganda is laughable compared to the shit that Trump spews.

2. I hate the fact he has no filter, he is obnoxious and I find it distasteful. Plus he starts giving rally speeches at the stupidest times, I don't forget when he went into full speech mode at the fucking Boy Scouts of America Camp? What in the actual fuck?!?!?

3. He is dangerous, do you remember him telling his audiences that he would pay any legal fees if they attacked protestors at his rallies? I sure as hell do.

4. He flips on people, either they are the greatest ever, or stupid pieces of shit he tried to give a chance to. Any other President would fire people and leave it at that.

5. Nobody seems to keep a job for long with him, they are either fired or quit. This should speak volumes about his Presidency.

Those are off the top of my head, apart from the first point where I accept all politicians lie (Trump just does it more than anyone else), I don't remember any other presidents acting in this way.

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Postby Masato » Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:36 am

Benwahwah wrote:I absolutely hate Trump. Here are a few reasons:

1. He is full of shit; he constantly lies about EVERYTHING, from locking Hillary up, draining the swamp, and everything being the biggest and best ever. To complain about the MSM propaganda is laughable compared to the shit that Trump spews.

2. I hate the fact he has no filter, he is obnoxious and I find it distasteful. Plus he starts giving rally speeches at the stupidest times, I don't forget when he went into full speech mode at the fucking Boy Scouts of America Camp? What in the actual fuck?!?!?

3. He is dangerous, do you remember him telling his audiences that he would pay any legal fees if they attacked protestors at his rallies? I sure as hell do.

4. He flips on people, either they are the greatest ever, or stupid pieces of shit he tried to give a chance to. Any other President would fire people and leave it at that.

5. Nobody seems to keep a job for long with him, they are either fired or quit. This should speak volumes about his Presidency.

Those are off the top of my head, apart from the first point where I accept all politicians lie (Trump just does it more than anyone else), I don't remember any other presidents acting in this way.

Getting better!

1. All presidents lie like motherfuckers. Obama lied every time he opened his yap hole. This should be expected and no reason for any exceptional hate of Trump.

2. Obnoxious and distasteful yes I agree. On the other hand I personally prefer it to the script-reading phoniness of other presidents who are just as nasty but try to fake a diplomatic persona. At least he displays a shred of genuine personality while Obama, Blair, Cameron Trudeau etc are/were just fake as fuck

3. LOL that was a good one :D Agreed that was kind of scary but badass at the same time. You wanna talk dangerous though lets talk about Foreign policy dropping bombs and building mercenary killing forces all over the world - again, nothing unique to Trump, Obama dropped bombs like a maniac, and Bush Jr unleashed the War on Terror

4. Same as #1, politicians by definition pretty much flip-flop on anything at the drop of a hat. Nothing out of the ordinary here

5. Fair point. A lot of firings imo have been results of the Dems and MSM doing everything they can to discredit his cabinet

All good reasons but again IMO pretty loose and nothing really specific nor especially unique about him over any other political leader, save for maybe #2

Again just to reiterate I'm no Trump supporter, I hate all presidents... just suggesting that the mass-trigger-hate for him by people who don't even normally follow politics is particularly overblown beyond objectivity and IMO mostly the result of MSM brainwashing. If the MSM was on his side they could just as easily convince everyone he is a genius and just the right man for the job etc like they did with Obama and the same people that bought that pitch for Killary would lap it up.

Nice to see you around Benwahwah! How's life?

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