Orange Sunshine Documentary

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Orange Sunshine Documentary

Postby Masato » Sun Oct 28, 2018 4:44 am

Good doc I found about one of the top LSD makers/dealers in the peak of the hippy generation
Tripping, Surfing, living by the beach, love and life.

Magical time, sometimes I wish I was born a little earlier to have experienced those years I think I would have liked it.

One good story of a great surfer who while on the Orange Sunshine, he lit a joint, bombed out and caught a wave, rode the barrel, popped out the other side and surfed back into shore with the joint still lit, lol :D

If you got the guts to wade through the popups, the link will play: ... wxroDXRnxd


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Postby Masato » Sun Oct 28, 2018 4:45 am

I found on Youtube but it's embedded in a sub-screen:

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Postby shankara » Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:56 am

From what I understand Timothy Leary was CIA and the acid was kind of a way of creating "controlled opposition".

From my own experience with acid it's like "the Lord giveth and he taketh away". I mean, I've had trips which gave me a real insight into reality but also destroyed some of my basic sanity so that the insight into reality costs a lot of work to convert into anything actually helpful. For example I had a bad trip which gave me a heavy revelation about reality but because the revelation was kind of one-sided I ended up getting into some heavy black magic stuff ("the great beast" Aleister Crowley).

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Postby Masato » Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:07 pm

Bless you shankara, I wish we had more posters like you on the forum

(This place has strayed far from what I intended it to be, lol But so does doing too much LSD :D )

I have some similar thoughts, when I was younger I was also convinced like the people in the documentary profess that LSD really can show a person a glimpse of enlightenment, see 'reality' more clearly for what it really is, understand our own souls etc... open up the 'doors of perception' as Aldous Huxley described. The idea proposed by the 'Brotherhood' in the film that getting millions of hits out into the world would change the total consciousness was a bold attempt, lol

But now later in life I think perhaps the results were over-exaggerated, and that taking it too far is more destructive than helpful. Very little that is actually useful when a person tries to integrate back into the 'real world' etc. In fact in some ways it makes it even harder. Is this a reflection of the drug itself? Or the nature of the 'real world'?

Also interesting stuff about Leary being CIA, that is worthy of its own discussion.

IMO there was some truth to the hippy movement and the onset of psychedelics... to a degree I think people WERE waking up in mass numbers, seeing the war in Vietnam for what it really was, snapping out of the TV hypnosis. I do think this was a threat to establishment control/mind control and for sure they had to subvert it/steer it in a new direction that they were able to control. How they did that makes for some fascinating tales (Laurel Canyon, etc)

Where/how on that timeline Leary fits in is an interesting exploration for sure. Whether he was directly aware of his role, or simply being used I don't know. Same goes for his friends and colleagues, guys like Robert Anton Wilson or Ram Dass, etc

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Postby shankara » Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:26 am

Yage (Ayahuasca) is better. Just drink it with a shaman who follows the traditional disciplines (e.g. plant rather than chemical DMT, no menstruating women). I've drunk with Shamans like this and neo-Shamans who ignore the rules and trust me the experience is way different. Acid in comparison seems hollow and fake.

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Postby Masato » Tue Oct 30, 2018 5:23 pm

shankara wrote:Yage (Ayahuasca) is better. Just drink it with a shaman who follows the traditional disciplines (e.g. plant rather than chemical DMT, no menstruating women). I've drunk with Shamans like this and neo-Shamans who ignore the rules and trust me the experience is way different. Acid in comparison seems hollow and fake.

Yes I'm curious about Ayahuasca too, though if I do it won't likely be till later in life. I'm in a prime stage of life right now where its best to stay as clean as I can (kids, family etc).

I do think that LSD is similar in that environment, company, and state-of-mind going in makes all the difference. If you take it in an uncomfortable environment, with weird people, or in a negative mood, you will surely have a bad experience. Reversely if you take it in an idyllic setting under the right conditions, and are in an optimal state of mind/soul for such a trip the results can be quite spectacular. Its not the drug itself that brings the goods, its what you bring to it.

Would love to hear more about your Shamanic experiences someday

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Postby shankara » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:52 am

In a sense Ayahuasca is actually cleansing, it makes you vomit or shit and purge all nasty energies from your system. The experience is a lot more earthy than acid, it can be horrible and terrifying but in a way which is healing. Shamans say that the effect comes from the spirit of the plant, not simply from chemicals.

Maybe I'll post about one of my shamanic experiences in more detail sometime.

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Postby Masato » Thu Nov 01, 2018 4:08 pm

shankara wrote:Shamans say that the effect comes from the spirit of the plant, not simply from chemicals.

I always found it interesting that Ayahuasca is suppesedly a combination of 2 separate elements from the jungle, each of which on their own do NOT produce any psychoactive effects; only when you put them together. So how did the shamans figure out to put them together? Legend is that the nature spirits or whatever instructed them to. This is very cool imo

The legend of LSD is that is was formed by accident

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Postby shankara » Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:47 pm

They say that the Banisteriopsis vine is "the Power" and the Psychotria is "the Light"

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:28 pm

shankara wrote:From what I understand Timothy Leary was CIA and the acid was kind of a way of creating "controlled opposition".

From my own experience with acid it's like "the Lord giveth and he taketh away". I mean, I've had trips which gave me a real insight into reality but also destroyed some of my basic sanity so that the insight into reality costs a lot of work to convert into anything actually helpful. For example I had a bad trip which gave me a heavy revelation about reality but because the revelation was kind of one-sided I ended up getting into some heavy black magic stuff ("the great beast" Aleister Crowley).

You sound like somebody who would understand and benefit from a dmt trip

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