10 Days off Herbs

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Re: 10 Days off Herbs

Postby Masato » Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:07 pm

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Postby Luigi » Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:20 pm

Masato wrote:Its been 1 month!!

A friend who is a trained hypnotist believes a theory that it takes 21 days for the brain to build new patterns and/or switch off old ones. I'm a week past that now. Doing really well, I don't really crave it anymore at all and feel great. There is a little voice that pops up sometimes askin for a hit, but its getting littler and quieter.

Last night I did my first all-nighter workshift, something I was worried about as I used to smoke as fuel to get through those nights but you know it really wasn't much different. In fact a lot of things are not much different. I even still have 4 spliffs sitting in my closet to prove I'm actually doing it and not just abstaining because I don't have anything to smoke.

I am more productive though, simply because I get bored and feel a need to keep active, where as before if I didn't have anything pressing to do I'd enjoy a spliff and chill out.

My dreams are REALLY strong though, some nights too strong, they feel so real and often wake me up because they are so intense

BJJ has improved this is for sure. I'm learning faster, have way more cardio out there, suddenly feel like I can operate on a different level.

So weird, I honestly did not see this coming, thought I would be chronic forever but here I am

The no porn brotherhood uses the same rule: you have to do 1 month no fap before you are allowed to imagination fap.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:30 pm

So after falling off dat wagon, my sister-in law bought me one of these for Christmas:

a PAX-2:


It took a while to get used to it, I didn't think I'd like it but I think this might be the middle-ground I was looking for. It works GREAT. Tiny bits of herb and it lasts me way longer than a spliff. A more productive high. Doesn't impede my energy levels for BJJ. Lungs feel way better.

I got the silver one. They are really tiny and feel great to use



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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:54 pm

I've been considering getting something like that for a while too. I might just go with the concentrate cartridge system and forget about flowers....
el rey del mambo

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Postby Joe Mama » Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:46 pm

Sup again fellas :)

To chime into this thread (what a way back eh?)

Ive been a HUGE advocate of Vaping over combustion for YEARS. I was a mod at Fuckcombustion for a good long time and can go on and on and on of the benefits of vaping vs smoking.

Ironically, its been over a year since I last used cannabis.
But I still hold my knowledgebase and steadfast belief in it!

Oh and to anyone with a vape - save your ABV (already been vaped) that shit makes bangin' edibles ;)

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:27 am

Joe Mama wrote:LOL
Sup again fellas :)

To chime into this thread (what a way back eh?)

Ive been a HUGE advocate of Vaping over combustion for YEARS. I was a mod at Fuckcombustion for a good long time and can go on and on and on of the benefits of vaping vs smoking.

Ironically, its been over a year since I last used cannabis.
But I still hold my knowledgebase and steadfast belief in it!

Oh and to anyone with a vape - save your ABV (already been vaped) that shit makes bangin' edibles ;)

Hey Joe Mama great to see you here again

A year, eh? Would be curious how/why that went, in relation to the thread and all

Vapes are great but I still don't feel I get quite the same results, the same sort of high

Teach me O brother!!

For those of you who may not know, Joe Mama did the narrator voice for this project we made together and another guy:


I am making some more vids for a professional project (not under Masato Toys brand) and reached out to him for his skillz again.

Are you doing any MMA shows lately?

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Postby Joe Mama » Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:57 pm

Masato wrote:
Joe Mama wrote:LOL
Sup again fellas :)

To chime into this thread (what a way back eh?)

Ive been a HUGE advocate of Vaping over combustion for YEARS. I was a mod at Fuckcombustion for a good long time and can go on and on and on of the benefits of vaping vs smoking.

Ironically, its been over a year since I last used cannabis.
But I still hold my knowledgebase and steadfast belief in it!

Oh and to anyone with a vape - save your ABV (already been vaped) that shit makes bangin' edibles ;)

Hey Joe Mama great to see you here again

A year, eh? Would be curious how/why that went, in relation to the thread and all

Vapes are great but I still don't feel I get quite the same results, the same sort of high

Teach me O brother!!

For those of you who may not know, Joe Mama did the narrator voice for this project we made together and another guy:


I am making some more vids for a professional project (not under Masato Toys brand) and reached out to him for his skillz again.

Are you doing any MMA shows lately?

Yeah, vapes are great but give you the 'lower temp' CBDs and CBNs that are achieved (but destroyed) via combustion.
Hence why you feel the 'head-y high' as opposed to the 'couch lock' that you get when smoking. Again, when vaping those same higher temp CBD/CBNs are still present in your ABV (vape poo) and make GREAT edibles. Its like a 2 for one but yeah... Vaping was quite a transition and definitely different...

That said, a year out of it and its almost like its nothing now. I will say the first few weeks were kind of 'meh' to put it best. But I had my mind made up and that made it easier. I think one of the harder parts of it was the company that I kept, and kind of my motivation for leaving that lifestyle in the first place. I got tired of being the 'smartest stoner in the room' and got tired of being hounded for my end product instead of my know how (do it yourself bitches!) But all in all I *may* find myself going back one day, but right now the time isn't right. Legislation is slow, and not having to fly under the radar continually is one less stressor. :)

As far as the MMA gig - yep. Still going strong. Not as consistent and wholly busy as it once was, but Ive been with the same promoter for over 8 years now and we just did a show a couple of days ago. Im starting to get to the point though of where I want more. More gigs, bigger exposure, a bigger audience.
Ive always carried the mindset that these gigs are never about me. I hardly ever jump in for the winners photos or have ring card girls on my side - my 'me' moments are when Im roaring the name of a fighter and getting him/her excited to go to battle. Or getting the audience excited about fighter X or whatnot. *That* is my moment. *That* is my job. *That* is my focus.

Im itching for a bigger platform to be able to share that with.
And it *will* happen. Maybe just not the way Im expecting of when Im expecting it ;)
Always trudging forward.

Looking forward to how I can help your projects Masato.
Ive been saying for years that you need to be getting paid for your talents. Its about time brother!

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Postby Masato » Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:54 pm

So the missus wants to get this mortgage insurance policy, looks like I'm gonna have to clean the system out for a blood test so as not to risk getting wrongly classified as a smoker or any major health risk.

I'm lookin at 3 weeks dry to flush the THC out.

Anyone with experience doing this is helpful. ie; does vaping or edibles collect in the bloodstream the same way as smoking? How to get levels down low or zero asap

I did the same things many years ago, stayed dry for a few weeks to score zero THC. They came and took the blood test, and afterwards I celebrated with a big fatty in the forest, then they called back right away to say there was something wrong and they had to come do the test again right away, lol

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:39 pm

Sweat lodge
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Sat Mar 16, 2019 7:11 pm

Ha! Apparently they don't need any medical checks/underwriting for this policy, they are happy to take my money no questions asked.

No need to go dry after all.

This is good and bad, lol

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