Did we just see a Coup in Venezuela?

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Rambo John J
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Re: Did we just see a Coup in Venezuela?

Postby Rambo John J » Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:42 am

resource grabbing 101?

I have no idea how to post images, video, or Gif content FYI...total newb bros

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Megaterio Llamas
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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Sat Mar 02, 2019 8:05 am

Rambo John J wrote:resource grabbing 101?

I have no idea how to post images, video, or Gif content FYI...total newb bros

John J, videos and pictures load with the help of the icons that appear at the top when you use the Full Editor & Preview option when you're posting.

For videos it's just the number/letter sequence that comes after the watch?v= at the end of the https//. You just put that puppy between the brackets right where the cursor is flashing. For pictures you need a hosting service like imgur or photobucket.
el rey del mambo

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Postby Masato » Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:23 am

Wow this is big, why am I not seeing this everywhere??

FULL AUDIO – Elliot Abrams DUPED into FULL CONFESSION of U.S War & Theft Plans for Venezuela
https://www.fort-russ.com/amp/2019/03/b ... venezuela/

In breaking news, Russian pranksters ‘Vovan and Lexus’ managed to get US Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams on the line, posing as President of Switzerland Ueli Maurer. The subject involves an invasion by the US in Venezuela and freezing of Maduro’s accounts. These pranksters operate highly effectively, and are known for similar ‘stunts’ which had profound geopolitical ramifications.

As such, it is possible that ‘Vovan and Lexus’ indeed operate as Russian media-intelligence sphere agents.

The details of the US plans are revealed in this ‘prank’, which reveals tremendous volumes on the US’ plans and how Abrams pitches and couches the theft of Venezuela’s oil and assets using the language of ‘protecting’ these assets from being stolen by Venezuela’s government.

^^ if this is a legit audio of Abrams it is very damning. Abrams openly admits:

- directly interfering with the elections
- openly freezing accounts and assets in the country
- creating a smooth highway between Guiado > the Venezuelan Central bank > US Federal Reserve > Switzerland
- the ability to directly influence the contents of Trump's speeches
- openly accessing/messing with/freezing personal accounts (illegally) of high profile individuals in Maduro's inner circle and military
- Abrams 'predicts' how many votes he will get at the Security Council 1 day before the voting
- Abrams admits that he wants to make the Venezuelan military nervous of US military invasion (even though he isn't planning it)
- discusses the possibility of using private Swiss mercenaries if needed as opposed to US military intervention

The first prankster even jokes about having one of Abrams' recent opponents in Congress killed, and Abrams just laughs.

Crystal clear audio.

Seems incriminating to me, no?

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Postby Masato » Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:45 pm

WAR Ben Swann

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Postby Rambo John J » Wed Apr 10, 2019 6:04 pm

Masato wrote:WAR Ben Swann

Ben is good
handsome SOB too

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:24 pm

Masato wrote:Wow this is big, why am I not seeing this everywhere??

FULL AUDIO – Elliot Abrams DUPED into FULL CONFESSION of U.S War & Theft Plans for Venezuela
https://www.fort-russ.com/amp/2019/03/b ... venezuela/

In breaking news, Russian pranksters ‘Vovan and Lexus’ managed to get US Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams on the line, posing as President of Switzerland Ueli Maurer. The subject involves an invasion by the US in Venezuela and freezing of Maduro’s accounts. These pranksters operate highly effectively, and are known for similar ‘stunts’ which had profound geopolitical ramifications.

As such, it is possible that ‘Vovan and Lexus’ indeed operate as Russian media-intelligence sphere agents.

The details of the US plans are revealed in this ‘prank’, which reveals tremendous volumes on the US’ plans and how Abrams pitches and couches the theft of Venezuela’s oil and assets using the language of ‘protecting’ these assets from being stolen by Venezuela’s government.

^^ if this is a legit audio of Abrams it is very damning. Abrams openly admits:

- directly interfering with the elections
- openly freezing accounts and assets in the country
- creating a smooth highway between Guiado > the Venezuelan Central bank > US Federal Reserve > Switzerland
- the ability to directly influence the contents of Trump's speeches
- openly accessing/messing with/freezing personal accounts (illegally) of high profile individuals in Maduro's inner circle and military
- Abrams 'predicts' how many votes he will get at the Security Council 1 day before the voting
- Abrams admits that he wants to make the Venezuelan military nervous of US military invasion (even though he isn't planning it)
- discusses the possibility of using private Swiss mercenaries if needed as opposed to US military intervention

The first prankster even jokes about having one of Abrams' recent opponents in Congress killed, and Abrams just laughs.

Crystal clear audio.

Seems incriminating to me, no?

Yeah, this was pretty good wasn't it :D
el rey del mambo

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Postby Masato » Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:19 pm

Billionaire Blackwater Founder Wants His Mercenaries in Venezuela to Topple Maduro: Report

https://www.newsweek.com/venezuela-erik ... stribution


Erik Prince, the billionaire founder of the infamous Blackwater security firm, has reportedly lobbied for thousands of his mercenaries to be deployed to Venezuela to break the stalemate that has settled between President Nicolás Maduro and his U.S.-backed rival, Juan Guaidó.

According to a Reuters report, Prince has been meeting with influential supporters of President Donald Trump and wealthy Venezuelans living in exile to build support for his plan, which would see up to 5,000 Spanish-speaking troops sent to the beleaguered South American nation at a cost of around $40 million.

According to two sources with knowledge of Prince’s pitch, the operation would begin with intelligence gathering and later develop into combat and stabilization missions. The idea is to create a “dynamic event” that would break the stalemate between the two opposing camps, one source told Reuters.

In January, Guaidó—the 35-year-old leader of the National Assembly, controlled by Maduro’s opponents—declared Maduro’s regime illegitimate and used a clause in the national constitution to declare himself interim president until new elections could be held. Guaidó and his supporters argued that Maduro’s victory in last year’s presidential election was invalid, citing opposition boycotts, voter suppression and electoral irregularities.

The U.S. and a host of South American and European nations have recognized Guaidó as the legitimate president and called on Maduro to cede power. But with the backing of the country’s powerful military as well as continued support from Russia, China and Cuba—among others—the leftist firebrand has remained in office.

Despite the efforts of President Donald Trump’s administration, the military has refused to abandon the dictator. According to Reuters, Prince now believes it is time to turn to private contractors to topple Maduro.

One of the sources said Prince’s mercenaries would consist of “Peruvians, Ecuadoreans, Colombians, Spanish speakers,” as the presence of such troops would be more acceptable than Americans. Guaido’s international supporters have been accused of engaging in imperialism in their efforts to force Maduro from office.

One source said that Prince had held meetings on the matter as recently as mid-April, though Guaidó's spokesperson, Edward Rodriguez, told Reuters the opposition had not spoken with him. An anonymous source said to be “familiar” with the White House’s thinking added that Trump’s administration would not support a plan of this nature.

Lital Leshem, the investor relations director at Prince’s private equity firm, Frontier Resource Group, had previously confirmed that Prince was working on a solution to the crisis in Venezuela, “just as he has a solution for many other places.”

However, spokesperson Marc Cohen told Newsweek that Prince “is not and has no plans to operate or implement an operation in Venezuela.”

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Postby Canuckster » Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:24 pm

And we spent how much $ trying to prove trump had Russia meddle in the elections?

Dear u.s government , this is why everyone hates you
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:38 pm

Venezuelan defense minister says army stands with President Maduro, denounces Guaido as traitor

https://www.rt.com/news/457900-defence- ... al-maduro/

Venezuela's defense forces stand behind President Nicolas Maduro, Defence Minister Vladimir Padrino has said, after opposition leader Juan Guaido claimed he had military backing in his attempt to oust the country's chief.

Writing on Twitter in reference to a video Guaido posted on his own feed, flanked by men in military uniform Padrino said: “The FANB [Venezuela Armed Forces] stands firm in defense of the National Constitution and its legitimate authorities. All the military units deployed in the eight Integral Defense Regions report normalcy in their barracks and military bases, under the command of their natural commanders.”

He added that the defense force “reject this coup movement that aims to fill the country with violence” and stated the “pseudo political leaders” fronting “this subversive movement have used troops and police with weapons of war on a public road in the city to create anxiety and terror”, calling them “cowards”.

He finished with a rousing “Always loyal, Traitors never!”

In his video, Guaido had said he was at the Caracas air base La Carlota, and Lopez said he had been freed by troops supporting Guaido.

"The national armed forces have taken the correct decision,and they are counting on the support of the Venezuelan people," Guaido said in the video.

Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez tweeted that Venezuela's government was confronting a small group of “military traitors” seeking to promote a coup.

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Postby Masato » Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:38 pm

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