Trying to remember an old horror movie

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Trying to remember an old horror movie

Postby Luigi » Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:37 am

Somewhere in the range of 1999-2004 I was hanging out at my friends house and his dad was watching a horror movie. His dad left and we just went on the couch and started watching mid movie. It was the creepy type of horror movie like Alien but seemed to involve some psychological horror as well because a character had what seemed to be a halucination where they saw pale white bodies hanging like meat in a meat locker. I think one of the bodies started foaming at the mouth but it might be my memory mixing it up with Frodo from LotR 3. They came out of the halucination but basically it seemed like it was actually real and there was some kind of bad guys killing people. I remember finding it disturbing and I asked my friend what the movie was called and he said "8 legged freaks" which I am almost certainly sure was not the movie because looking it up now its a horror-comedy about CGI spiders going on a rampage in a town. But, at the time I just took his word for it and never checked the guide or anything, so now Im here wondering what it actually was. Any horror buffs here got any ideas?

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Edge Guerrero
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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:23 pm

- Whats decade the movie was made?
I usually search on imdb. Some-times takes me days to find the movie i want!
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Postby Luigi » Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:38 am

Pretty sure 90s or early 00s. The effects looked really good from what I remember.

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Postby Benwahwah » Wed Sep 25, 2019 6:56 am

The Matrix?

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Postby Luigi » Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:37 pm

Not the Matrix, I watched that one a few times then and knew it well.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:29 am

- Michael Chicklis and Lucy Liu did a movie togheter just like the one you describe!

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Postby Luigi » Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:55 am

Edge I just watched Rise: Blood Hunter. The end scene with the bodies really did match my description perfectly, but I know it wasnt the movie I saw those years ago because the bodies were upside down, while in my memories they are rightside up. Also its from 2007 so just a bit late.

I spoke with a friend of mine who went through a phase where he watched tons of horror movies, he suggested the movie Gothica. I watched the trailer and it seems pretty close. I will watch it soon.

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Postby Luigi » Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:14 am

Just watched Gothika, it wasnt it. Good movie though. I was going to look up psychological horror movies with hospital-like settings but there are probably 1000. The more I think about it the more my mind drifts to Alien, I think I will look up movies that ripped off Alien next. Looks like there are a ton though, a google search gives these suggestions: "The first movie, Alien (1979) “inspired” dozens of rip-offs such as Contamination (1980), Inseminoid (1981), Galaxy Of Terror (1981), The Intruder Within (1982), Forbidden World (1982), Parasite (1982), Xtro (1983), Creature (1985), Predator (1987), Leviathan (1989), Deep Star Six (1989), The Relic (1997), Event Horizon (1997), Harbinger Down (2015) and Life (2017). Alien’s first sequel Aliens (1986) also had its own rip-offs, but not that many. There were Xtro 2 in 1990, Carnosaur 2 in 1995, Pitch Black in 2000" and also Outland and Death Machine.

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