Yogananda Documentary Trailer

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Yogananda Documentary Trailer

Postby Masato » Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:24 pm

Hey all

New documentary coming out about a VERY interesting character known as Paramahansa Yogananda.

I have read his autobiography, it is an amazing tale. Very strange.

One could see him many ways... from cult-leader/swindler to a genuinely enlightened human being.

Personally I find his TEACHER a more interesting character, named Sri Yukteswar, who wrote a classic little book called "The Holy Science", & knew shit back in the 1800's about the body and cosmos what scientists are just beginning now to discover:

whatever your opinion, it revolutionized eastern wisdom in the west, and could be greatly responsible for the majority of our introduction to meditation and yoga.

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Postby Masato » Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:28 pm

The documentary seems kind of heavy to me, like they are trying to represent him as a true saviour.

IMO his life is fascinating enough to just to consider as it is, no need to embellish it with any bias. There is also the fact that whether Yogananda was the genuine article or not, that many 'New Age' concepts are being promoted these days with malevolent motives... would be interesting to research who is making the doc and what other content they produce.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:39 am

Masato wrote:The documentary seems kind of heavy to me, like they are trying to represent him as a true saviour.

IMO his life is fascinating enough to just to consider as it is, no need to embellish it with any bias. There is also the fact that whether Yogananda was the genuine article or not, that many 'New Age' concepts are being promoted these days with malevolent motives... would be interesting to research who is making the doc and what other content they produce.

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Postby Masato » Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:53 am

I remember in the autobiography, he tells a lot of stories of his youth that are simply outright miraculous. Yet the book has such a reputation and following, and I almost never hear people question these stories.

Was a big fan for a number of years, I really liked how he and his guru would put stories of Jesus in context/comparison with Yogic teachings. Much wonderful stuff...

But the far-fetched claims of his life, and the fact that all videos of him kind of creep me out rather than exude love as some others do has made me quite skeptical.

It would be interesting to research what kind of elite support if any was behind his campaign in the west, if it was helped at all by a leading hand setting the way to bring in New Age ideals

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Postby Flying Eye Angle » Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:55 am

Masato wrote:I remember in the autobiography, he tells a lot of stories of his youth that are simply outright miraculous. Yet the book has such a reputation and following, and I almost never hear people question these stories.

Was a big fan for a number of years, I really liked how he and his guru would put stories of Jesus in context/comparison with Yogic teachings. Much wonderful stuff...

But the far-fetched claims of his life, and the fact that all videos of him kind of creep me out rather than exude love as some others do has made me quite skeptical.

It would be interesting to research what kind of elite support if any was behind his campaign in the west, if it was helped at all by a leading hand setting the way to bring in New Age ideals

Gonna check out his book on audiobook through out the week at work. What were some of the harder to believe stuff that he has claimed. Will see if I can find some of videos of him on youtube. Could only find 2 short ones so far.

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Postby Masato » Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:12 am

He was before most cameras, I think there is only a few seconds of video, maybe some audio.

There is also a wealth of work that has come from his following. One favourite of mine is this book, which is supposed to be Yogananda's explanation of the Bhagavad Gita, transcribed by one of his students:


The Bhagavad Gita to any westerner is a bizarre book... but Yogananda explains each piece bit by bit in simple terms that is really quite astounding. Many comparisons to the words of Jesus so that westerners can relate.

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Postby Masato » Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:16 pm

I know someone who is DEEP into Yogananda's transcendental meditation practice - I can't decide if it really is some key to a tangible state of enlightenment, or a cult.

The 'Self-Realization Fellowship' is a huge organization today worldwide... sometimes I see it as very scary/cultish, but on the other hand I cannot deny some really beautiful spiritual moments I've had through paying attention to his teachings.

I suppose its the same for any religion, really

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