US (s)'election' chaos

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Re: US (s)'election' chaos

Postby Masato » Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:03 pm

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:03 pm

- We had our elections sunday too.
- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:32 pm

looking pretty sloppy, lol

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:42 pm

There's always shit going down with elections, Trump isn't going to be able to overturn that many states

America has decided they want a racist and the person who played a part in sending more black men to prison for weed than anyone in history, congrats Ya dumb fucks

I get it they hate trump and this was kind of like 2016 and people back trump because we hated Clinton, it sucks but I just hope enough of those who elected them did so because they hate trump rather than buying Biden bullshit

At least they can't get much passed due to the Republicans controlling the senate but then you see Lindsay Graham bumping fists with Harris yesterday and it makes me rethink that

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Sat Nov 21, 2020 6:02 am

el rey del mambo

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Postby Masato » Sat Nov 21, 2020 8:17 pm

Megaterio Llamas wrote:Image

lolol brilliant!! :D

here is a 7 part video thread. (click the thread for parts 2-7)
Haven't listened yet just archiving. If it's all just more smoke and mirrors I apologize.

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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:03 pm

This is the first concrete argument I've heard about the issue. So far its just been all threats and drums

I do NOT trust Giuliani (have many questions for him about 911), but I appreciate the information he brings in the video, even if he is lying about it lol

I watched the whole thing, it's basically a 30-minute cross-examination of all the questionable incidents that point to voter fraud, and how they are all the same consistently in at least 6 states where Biden came back from behind at the last minute by huge unexplainable margins.

He goes through a bunch of cases where;

- Biden was behind by hundreds of thousands of votes, when most of the ballots had been counted. Like losing badly in a hockey game with only 5 minutes left on the clock, etc

- In all these states, the comeback was achieved greatly via Mail-In Ballots. Huge numbers of mail in ballots came in at the last minute, apparently almost 100% votes for Biden. Biden's votes go STRAIGHT up in all these states at the last minute, putting him ahead. Mail-In Ballots according to Giuliani have been historically agreed to be the LEAST trustworthy form of voting

- In all these states, Republican voter watch or whatever you call them were blocked from observing the polls

- In all of these states, they had a grossly disproportionate number of absentee ballots/provisional ballots, way more than ever seen. This means that people were coming to the polls, and were told that they 'already voted', told that they had sent in the absentee ballot and therefor cannot vote. But the person says 'no I didn't', so there is a dispute and the voter can then mark a 'provisional ballot' etc. Giuliani says this happens, and maybe 1000 people or so might fall into this category and you could let it slide. But in these states (for example 17,000 in Pittsburgh, 20,000 in Philly, etc) they are way off the charts.

- In all of these states, they are filled with places where up to 350% more votes were collected than there were registered voters in that area.

He claims hard evidence for all of this.

Philidelphia Detroit/Michigan Wisconsin Georgia Nevada Pittsburgh and a bunch more. Giuliani says its also not a coincidence that ALL these places are OWNED by democrats. He argues that if these anomalies happened in states that were more evenly balanced, or even more neutral etc it would still be alarming. But they all happened in states that are run by large margins by Democrats

I may watch more of his episodes, this is super interesting if true

He rips specifically on George Soros, says he is the biggest funder of Dems, Antifa, BLM etc

At the end he gets a bit into DOMINION, the history and ownership of it. He claims it was a company that has a proven history of being made to support communist governments, and fraud their 'elections' in Venezuela and other places.

He says more on that in his next episode.

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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:41 pm

Masato wrote:
Megaterio Llamas wrote:Image

lolol brilliant!! :D

here is a 7 part video thread. (click the thread for parts 2-7)
Haven't listened yet just archiving. If it's all just more smoke and mirrors I apologize.

wow that account just got suspended - videos all removed.

If Biden secures presidency, US will have 100% state-run media on all fronts.

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:53 pm

interesting inside moment on the one side of this controversy;

from the Don himself;


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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:57 pm

el rey del mambo

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