Canada Truckers Convoy

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Re: Canada Truckers Convoy

Postby Masato » Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:23 pm

Edge Guerrero wrote:
Masato wrote:
Edge Guerrero wrote:- How is this thing going?

Seems all the people who didn't want the shot, still didn't get the shot.

Folks that believed that we don't deserve to be segregated, likely still believe we don't deserve to be segregated.

Some mandates have been lifted, but we are still not allowed on a plane. Vaxxed can fly without even testing now, which means even if they have covid they can still fly, but unvaxxed cannot even get in the airport.

My guess is that all the people supporting the convoy are still around, and still think/feel the same way. We are finding other ways to resist I suppose.

All those who went to Ottawa I don't think are going to forget or go back to TV sleep anytime soon. Masses awakened. We will see what thw NWO will do with us, or what we do with them.

- NY allowed some athletes to not take the Vax. Look up! I would post, but keep gettin error.

What error are you getting?
My web guy just went over everything, said it was all running well.

Let me know your issue I'll try to see if I can help.

See ya bro

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:07 pm

Masato wrote:
Edge Guerrero wrote:
Masato wrote:
Seems all the people who didn't want the shot, still didn't get the shot.

Folks that believed that we don't deserve to be segregated, likely still believe we don't deserve to be segregated.

Some mandates have been lifted, but we are still not allowed on a plane. Vaxxed can fly without even testing now, which means even if they have covid they can still fly, but unvaxxed cannot even get in the airport.

My guess is that all the people supporting the convoy are still around, and still think/feel the same way. We are finding other ways to resist I suppose.

All those who went to Ottawa I don't think are going to forget or go back to TV sleep anytime soon. Masses awakened. We will see what thw NWO will do with us, or what we do with them.

- NY allowed some athletes to not take the Vax. Look up! I would post, but keep gettin error.

What error are you getting?
My web guy just went over everything, said it was all running well.

Let me know your issue I'll try to see if I can help.

See ya bro

- The same as before. Now i can post again.
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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:09 pm

So Mrs Masato is starting to really feel that Freedom vibe, lol so she recently put up some Canada Flags on her car.

We woke up this morning to discover that someone had cut them off in the night.

Why would someone do this? How might they mis-interpret the flags to trigger them so deeply? What did they THINK they were a message of?
Trying to grapple with the thought process of such an act.

Maybe its just some soccer fans fearing our presence in the World Cup this year :D :D

Also my BJJ coach just came back from Cali, and told me his adventure trying to get there and back while unvaxxed;

A friend drove him to Buffalo airport, they went by car over the border.
They had to show their passports, but were only asked if they were vaccinated. He LIED, lol said YES. And they LET THEM THROUGH!!! lolol
He said he was prepared if they asked for the papers to maybe be turned away but he took his chance and scored.

On the way back he said was more difficult GETTING BACK INTO CANADA. Rules state that you need to have this government app on your phone that tracks your covid status and quarantining/contact tracing etc. He said he didn't have it/didn't want it. Also told them straight up he wasn't vaxxed and had no QR nor PCR.

They said if he downloaded the app and took a PCR test they would let him in. He refused, and asked if there was a fine they could give him instead to let him through. They were incredulous that he would rather pay the fine than simply download the app and get a PCR, but he held fast. The fine is somewhere like $6000, but my coach said he thinks he would never have to pay it and could challenge it easily later.

The Canadian border folks started to write the ticket but then said they would just give him a warning instead, and let him through. They said he had to go get a PCR and isolate and they would be calling him to check, but he's received no call yet and is back home properly with his family again.

So it IS possible for unvaxxed to leave Canada, but its a roll of the dice. Seems it varies depending on who you get at the border. Many keep advising if you get turned away just come back again later and keep trying until you get through as the restrictions are mostly not even laws yet and are so sketchy and unclear

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 29, 2022 6:30 pm

OK so supposedly there is a new convoy going to Ottawa this week, this time with MOTORCYCLES and whoever wants to join.

Ottawa police say they are prepared and will not put up with any sort of occupation of the streets like the Truckers Convoy.

Will keep an eye on this.
Wife wants to go, lol

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Postby Masato » Sun May 01, 2022 8:01 pm

Looking good out there.

I regret not going this time.
I hope it keeps up until all segregation/discrimination/apartheid is lifted completely (not just 'mostly', lol).

Maybe I'll go again next wave.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sun May 01, 2022 8:21 pm

Masato wrote:Looking good out there.

I regret not going this time.
I hope it keeps up until all segregation/discrimination/apartheid is lifted completely (not just 'mostly', lol).

Maybe I'll go again next wave.

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Postby Masato » Sun May 15, 2022 3:12 pm

Episodes coming and a full feature documentary:

Hope it's honest

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sun May 22, 2022 11:29 pm

Jail 'Freedom Convoy' organizer Tamara Lich again, Crown argues in heated hearing

OTTAWA — A Crown prosecutor argued on Thursday that Tamara Lich, an organizer of the "Freedom Convoy," breached her bail conditions by accepting an award for her leadership during the Ottawa protest.

A judge initially denied Lich bail after her arrest during the massive protest that overtook downtown Ottawa for more than three weeks in February, but she was released in March after a review of the court decision.

Lich and fellow protest organizer Chris Barber are jointly accused of mischief, obstructing police, counselling others to commit mischief and intimidation.

She was released with a long list of conditions, including a ban from all social media and an order not to "support anything related to the Freedom Convoy."

The Crown says Lich has violated one of her bail conditions by agreeing to accept a "freedom award" from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, a legal advocacy group that supported the protest.

The organization planned to honour her at a gala celebration for inspiring "Canadians to exercise their Charter rights and freedoms by participating actively in the democratic process," ]and leading the “Freedom Convoy” protest in Ottawa.

That protest evolved into a weeks-long demonstration that gridlocked the streets of Ottawa. The federal government eventually invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history in an effort to dislodge the participants.

"Ms. Lich has suffered for the cause of freedom by spending 18 days unjustly jailed, and exemplifies courage, determination and perseverance," the organization wrote in a statement on its website, which the Crown included in its notice of application.

Lich told the court she learned she won the award for her leadership role in the protest in an email on March 28, and responded that she'd be honoured to accept.

"You were supporting something related to the Freedom Convoy," Crown counsel Moiz Karimjee charged when Lich took the stand by video conference.

"Yeah, I guess so," Lich told the court, but said she didn't feel it was a breach of her conditions.

"I don't feel like that's what the recognition is for. I feel that the recognition is for inspiring Canadians to hold the government to account to the rule of law and to uphold their Charter rights."

She also told the court "there is no convoy anymore."

Karimjee argued in court that Lich should return to jail to wait for her trail.

The website said Lich would attend the award dinner in Toronto on June 16, if a review of her bail conditions would allow her to attend, as well as events in Vancouver and Calgary.

The Toronto event is expected to include a keynote address by columnist Rex Murphy.

Over the course of the arguments, the justice repeatedly admonished the Crown for his "decorum," until Karimjee made the extraordinary request for Ontario Superior Court Justice Kevin Phillips to recuse himself from the hearing.

"I frankly need to consider whether I need to bring a mistrial application given Your Honour's comments," Karimjee said before asking the judge to withdraw from the hearing, telling the court he was just doing his job.

"That request is denied," Phillips responded.

Despite the tense exchange between the Crown and the Justice Phillips, Lich appeared far more relaxed than during previous hearings, when she had sat up straight with her lands in her lap.

On Thursday, she appeared slouched in her chair with her arm hanging over the back, sucking on lozenges to ease a sore throat.

During the protest, Keith Wilson, a Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms lawyer, spoke on behalf of the convoy protesters at a news conference and described Lich as a client. He represented Lich and other members of the protest during civil proceedings in February that saw an injunction placed on the noise that protesters blasted from their trucks day and night in the early days of the demonstration.

"Tamara Lich ought to be detained," the Crown's notice of application concludes.

Lich's lawyer, Lawrence Greenspon, challenged the idea that the award gala was connected with the protest. He said the event doesn't appear to be a fundraiser for the protest movement.

Ottawa Sgt. Mahad Hassan told the court Lich wasn't arrested for the alleged breach, even though police felt they had the grounds, after a conversation with the Crown on May 3.

The police and the Crown decided to deal with the issue at the scheduled bail review hearing instead.

Meanwhile, Lich's lawyers plan to argue that her bail conditions are too restrictive and should be reconsidered.

Greenspon told the court Thursday that the social media ban imposed on Lich was unnecessarily broad and has had a huge impact on her life while she's been out of custody.

He said she wishes to be in contact with her 94-year-old grandmother by social media and communicate with her friends and family.

The hearing is expected to continue Friday.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 19, 2022.

Laura Osman, The Canadian Press
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Postby Masato » Mon May 23, 2022 11:42 pm

Free Tamara Lich!!!

She hurt no one. An absolute travesty what is happening to her

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Postby Masato » Tue Jun 07, 2022 12:53 pm


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