Zionism Thread

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Re: Zionism Thread

Postby Masato » Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:11 pm

Liz Truss admits to a cheering crowd that she is 'a huge Zionist'

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Postby Masato » Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:13 pm

Whole bunch of examples in the press of '6 Million Jews'... BEFORE WWII:

These all look original. Hardcore researcher, check it out:

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Postby Masato » Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:21 pm

Very interesting video by The Amazing Polly.

She points out the common understanding that when a person is traumatized, they enter a sort of state of disassociation, the psyche splits to some degree to protect itself.

That disassociated state of mind is ultra-ripe for implanting ideas, programming, etc. Such traumatized people are highly suggestible, and the implanted programming when done at this time can go deep into the subconscious, altering a person for life. Such programming can also up a trigger that can be activated much later, when the right trigger is imposed the programming/trauma/disassociation comes back.

Anyways, her theory is that this method has been done not only to individuals, but to MASSES of people in regard to the Holocaust.
She points out that the generation born enough years after WWII was not interested in festering any hate over it, were moving forward, but that active propaganda to traumatize the youth with Holocaust stories and antisemitic boogeymen was deliberately done to have a desired affect.
Huge government and privately funded organizations to take jewish youth by the hundreds through freaky trauma-brainwashing camps to enbolden their commitment to Zionistis fears and ideals.

Likewise, she suggests that trauma has also been implanted into non-jews, by showing them these horrors over and over again from a very young age at school and in the media, and then implanting a program where we react with emotional trauma every time anyone brings it up, so we are unable to think or talk about it rationally.

Super interesting, lots of facts and info to back up the idea.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:22 pm

What exactly is going on here, indeed?

https://www.gettyimages.com.au/detail/v ... 1063807202
Scenes from pageant "Romance of a People" -- baby sacrifice to idol Moloch
Scene in pageant "The Romance of a People" at Kingsbridge Armory with statue of false idol Moloch shooting out sparks as people below dance around pageant portraying 4000 years of Jewish history / priest before statue holding wrapped up baby aloft for sacrifice; he throws baby into statue, can hear cast screaming / people dance before Moloch / scene dancing and singing / pan looking down on dancers / Note: exact day not known-- production ran from 9/24-10/19/1933

Note the FLAGS at the start of the vid

Whether this is real, or some production for other purposes is almost irrelevant imo. It proves at some level that there is a significant link between Zionism with ancient Moloch/child sacrifice ritual

This supposedly 1933. What might have triggered such an event in 1933? "A new day dawns"..?

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Postby Masato » Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:13 pm

Is this translation accurate?

If its a fake, its a clever one because all the international words line up with the audio.

Wish we had a hebrew speaker here to confirm

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Postby Masato » Tue Aug 01, 2023 9:46 pm

"Based Jewish man, Paul Gottfried, explains the Jewish Supremacist war against Whites.

Once you finish watching this, everything will click."

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 02, 2023 4:33 pm

Interesting collection of points I found that support the theory that JFK was snuffed by Zionists:

For those of you who don't feel like watching a documentary, here are some bullet points connecting Israeli Mossad and Zionists to JFK's assassination:

• CIA narratives were being preempted by Zionists to keep eyes off Israel/Mossad. Jewish activist Alan Webermen wrote a book, Coup D’Etat in America, blaming the CIA, with the help of Richard Perle (Jew).

• Newsweek Journalist, Edward Jay Epstein (Jew), wrote a book mentioning an interview with George de Mohrenschildt, who stated he met Oswald, after being introduced to him by a CIA. Mohrenschildt was found dead after the interview; deemed a suicide. He wrote "Jews were after him," weeks before.

• Mark Lane (Levin, a Jew), blames FBI and CIA in his book Rush to Judgement.

• Israeli agents had every reason to blame CIA to cover Israel’s tracks. Oliver Stone’s (Jew) movie JFK was produced by Arnon Milchan (Jew), who is one of the most important Israeli agents ever fielded. There was not a single mention of Israeli involvement in the movie.

• The CIA narrative is contradictory; it argues that JFK's assassination was a false flag to invade Cuba, yet an invasion never happened.

• James Jesus Angleton was the Mossad liaison for the CIA, head of the CIA Israel office. He was a mole who help facilitated and cover up the entire operation.

• Lee Harvey Oswald, the supposed assassin, was killed by a mobster Jacob Leon Rubenstein (Jew), connected to known Mickey Cohen (Jew), of Yiddish Connection; connected to Bugsy Seigel (Jew), of Murder Inc, who was linked to Irgun Gang (Zionist terrorists).

• Rubenstein literally said he killed Oswald “For the Jews.”

• JFK’s trip to Dallas was sponsored by the Dallas Citizens Council, dominated Jewish business men like Julius Schepps, and 23 other Jewish big businessmen.

• Abraham Zapruder (Jew), who filmed the assassination—without even flinching when JFK was hit, as if he knew it was coming—sold the tape for $150k to Life Magazine. He, too, just happened to be a member of the Dallas Citizen's Council, and a clothing manufacturer whose HQ was in the Dallas Textile (Dal Text) building where a sniper’s nest was found.

• Sam Bloom (Jew) suggested to Dallas Police to move Oswald to county jail to give a good story, allowing Rubenstein the access he needed to kill him. Sam Bloom’s name, address, and telephone number were found in Rubenstein's home.

• The Warren Commission, which was created to investigate the JFK assassination, was full of JFK’s enemies and Jewish Zionists, like Arlen Specter (Jew). Arlen invented the retarded “magic bullet” theory.

• Israel had to get rid of JFK: Ben Gurion and JFK clashed over the Dimona nuclear plant, causing Ben Gurion to resign.

• JFK also supported UN Resolution 1994, which would allow the Palestinians to return.

• Kennedy also supported Nasser, Israel’s biggest enemy.

• Even after Ben Gurion resigned, JFK kept pressuring Israel for new inspections. The new Israeli Prime Minister, Levi Eskol, also delayed JFK’s requests, giving the Zionists more time to set their nefarious plan into motion.

• LBJ was involved and benefited from the assassinations. Johnson’s connection to the US Navy, allowed to have JFK's body stolen from the hospital to make a fraudulent autopsy.

• Lee Harvey Oswald was a former marine, recruited by the US Navy; he worked for Naval Intelligence.

• JFK wanted to drop LBJ due to massive corruption, after RFK’s DOJ implicated Fred Couth, Navy Secretary, and Bobby Baker, LBJ’s personal secretary, in a 7-billion fraud contract.

• LBJ was immoral and power-hungry; RFK suspected his involved in the coup. In several interviews and public appearances, even Rubenstein blamed the JFK assassination on LBJ.

• LBJ was always Israel’s man; his campaigns funded by Jews, namely Abraham Feinberg, who was a key financier in Dimona project.

• LBJ was most likely forced to be JFK’s VP, due to Hoover and the Jewish press that would spread rumors of womanizing. JFK never wanted him to be his VP.

• After JFK's death, LBJ turned American foreign policy heavily toward a pro-Israeli direction.

• There is evidence that LBJ was also Jewish through some familial connections; his aunt was also in the Zionist Organization of America.

• When the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel in 1967, LBJ did not allow it back up; in fact, he covered it up.

As you can see, there are too many "coincidences" to dismiss this all as an "anti-Semitic conspiracy theory." There are just too many "Jewish individuals" in the right places, at the right time, helped by Zionist traitors with connections to Israeli Mossad and the Jewish mafia.

And as more and more people catch on to this, the US Govt is now letting more "evidence" come out blaming the CIA, so the America people continue to believe it was an inside job, rather than our "greatest ally" doing what it has always been doing: destroying us from within.

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Postby theraskal » Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:33 pm

Masato and others may find this book to be a rather INTRIGUING read:


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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 02, 2023 9:31 pm

Whats the relation to Zionism?

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Postby theraskal » Wed Aug 02, 2023 10:40 pm

If I remember correctly, he was very Pro-Israel and is even honored with a Public Statue/Plaque there for his aid

and to be clear on the matter, I am not anti-Israel any more than I am pro-Israel.....it was a good read and he was an interesting character

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