What made you love MMA? Tell your story here

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What made you love MMA? Tell your story here

Postby HipsDontLie » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:21 am

I remember watching the old countdown show for UFC 83, during which they showed Matt Serra knocking out GSP over and over again. I was still involved in wrestling at the time, but honestly didn't know anything about MMA. I had watched some UFC unleasheds before this and really didn't understand the rules. I remember the fight where GSP tapped Matt Hughes and I honestly thought Hughes lost because he was pinned. I know right. Anyway after that I starting exploring old fights and fighters and have been a huge fan ever since. The Ultimate Fighter 7 was a big deal for me and it was the first one that I watched when it actually aired. I just thought that it was so cool how human all the fighters were. When Amir Sadollah got he's two armbars against CB, I ran around my room in just pure joy. Still the happiest I have ever been watching an MMA fight. I usually root for the wrestler and I don't really liked to see people get KOed because a understand a little bit about how the brain functions and concussions are a very bad thing. MMA is a close second to my favorite sport of wrestling.

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Postby shunsuke » Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:49 pm

One of my good friend had been asking me to watch Pride fights during the Wanderlei Domination. In 2002 i guess. Saying how did guy was a beast. I didn't care much. All i cared about at this time was girls.
Every day he was also asking me to join his gym to train Muay Thai. After my GF left me. I felt like shit and needed a boost, something to do to think about something else. so i started training Muay Thai and finally watched fights of Pride & Wanderlei Silva. I was blown away by the aggressivity he had. I was blown away by The spectacle of the Events. How big it was.
Beeing a Thai fighter i always prefered the stand up but The more i watched the more i learned about the ground game also. Then i started loving every aspect of MMA.
I started watching more fights and discovered Sakuraba. What i love about Japanese fighters is that even if they lack power, or aren't the best in their discipline, they always overcome it by tremendous heart.
That's the kind of fighters that inpires me. The only mma event i went to is Dynamite 2009 at Saitama. It was awesome a memorable moment.
Btw i love mma but love(d) K-1 more.

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Postby Garrbanzzo » Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:48 pm

HipsDontLie wrote:I remember watching the old countdown show for UFC 83, during which they showed Matt Serra knocking out GSP over and over again. I was still involved in wrestling at the time, but honestly didn't know anything about MMA. I had watched some UFC unleasheds before this and really didn't understand the rules. I remember the fight where GSP tapped Matt Hughes and I honestly thought Hughes lost because he was pinned. I know right. Anyway after that I starting exploring old fights and fighters and have been a huge fan ever since. The Ultimate Fighter 7 was a big deal for me and it was the first one that I watched when it actually aired. I just thought that it was so cool how human all the fighters were. When Amir Sadollah got he's two armbars against CB, I ran around my room in just pure joy. Still the happiest I have ever been watching an MMA fight. I usually root for the wrestler and I don't really liked to see people get KOed because a understand a little bit about how the brain functions and concussions are a very bad thing. MMA is a close second to my favorite sport of wrestling.

I was right there with you. That was the first TUF I watched from episode one. I remember Frank Mir trying to instil confidence in Amir to beat Gerald Harris. Then when UFC 116 happened I was able to mention that piece of trivia right before Harris KO slammed Dave Branch and impressing my friends.

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Postby jakedog » Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:10 am

here's a local 'cable' tv show that has shown the KiwiPride fights i was talking about a while ago

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