Mueller Report = Gold LOL

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Re: Mueller Report = Gold LOL

Postby Masato » Sat May 18, 2019 2:03 pm

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Postby Masato » Sat May 18, 2019 5:05 pm

I also think sometimes my sarcasm/comedic style of discussing politics may often be misunderstood and (mis)taken literally.

Most of the folks here understand me well enough where I'm coming from, but maybe not so easy to tell when I'm joking or not

Same for a lot of folks here, we can make crass jokes on this forum but people don't necessarily always actually mean it. When I say the Mueller Report is gold for example, I meant honestly/mostly in regards to comedy and lulz. I'm watching from the outside, tossing half-empty beer cans over the fence laughing, what a media shitshow etc

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Postby Canuckster » Sat May 18, 2019 8:59 pm

SRBrant wrote:
Canuckster wrote:The minute you start throwing around anti semitic, you lose all credibility

As if to say that awareness of such an ancient cancer as antisemitism is somehow irrational?

OK, we're going to go hard into the paint here.

Antisemitism is nothing more than a label placed upon a broad swath of society in an effort to wring power, social sympathy and political agendas from society.

They've made a victim class out of themselves as if the wrongs suffered through history have nothing to do with them being caustic and detrimental to society.

People don't dislike jews because they're jews, people dislike jews because the vast amount of them believe they are God's chosen people and we are put on this earth to serve them.

They are racist to a level I've never seen in my lifetime all while crying antisemitism to whoever sticks their head up and makes an issue about it.

They are social manipulators and if they didn't control Congress and their military through subversion they would have been ousted from even more countries than Europe has thrown them out of throughout history. But I'm guessing if they were great guys and such a grand contributor to society throughout history that yeah, everyone wanted them out because they were Jewish and everyone was jealous of the fact.

Let's not forget why everyone hates Hitler because he believed they were the master race, now because they've convinced bible belt America that their religions are intertwined, the religious zealots on all sides get to feel good about the most racist exclusionary society on the planet.

People don't dislike jews because they're jews, I've met and know some, and am friends and don't dislike them at all, I have black, Asian, euro, middle east, friends from all over the world. If I don't like them its because they're a cunt not their religious affiliation.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Mon May 20, 2019 4:03 pm

^^ way to ruin my olive branch, Canuckster lol

That is likely to piss him off even more unfortunately.

I really worry we lost him, consumed by the media mind manipulation. He'd displaying classic MSM triggered emotional obsession, all focused on Trump. Not that Trump is not worthy of loathing and criticism, but to focus all that attention and energy along specific channels dictated to us by the MSM I think is paramount to giving over one's mind and soul to them, it really scares me, not healthy. The kid used to be so vibrant and creative

On another note, Canuckster I'm almost done this book its a relatively quick read and fascinating. If you're interested come borrow it.



I still think that the Zionist question and how it relates to MSM media and US politics and Middle East turmoil is an issue well worth shedding light on, I will continue to not shy away from it or be coerced into silence over irrational slanders and PC culture.

However, perhaps I put too much energy into it, letting a Zionist boogeyman rob me of my attention and brewing more negative energy in the same way the Trump Media train is doing to folks like our man SRBrant. Maybe he's right maybe I should check myself and perhaps let go of some of my fury and fear

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Postby Masato » Mon May 20, 2019 4:07 pm

We're getting off topic, lol

Is anyone keeping up with this Russia Collusion soap opera?

Are they STILL on it 24/7 on the MSM networks?? lol

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Postby Canuckster » Mon May 20, 2019 4:10 pm

I don't think staying vigilant and grounded in reality and calling people out on their bullshit is a bad thing. In the real world most people worth giving a damn about are capable of absorbing new or contradictory information without the kneejerk social programming kicking in.

Sorry but the jews are no more special than anyone else on the planet, we just let them keep getting away with thinking it because it's easier not to have to deal with the drama that comes along with that discussion.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Canuckster » Mon May 20, 2019 4:12 pm

Masato wrote:We're getting off topic, lol

Is anyone keeping up with this Russia Collusion soap opera?

Are they STILL on it 24/7 on the MSM networks?? lol

I was out in Quebec last week at our company's agm and my business partner had cnn on in the background in the hotel room for quite a while.

I'm astounded at what it's become. Hours of close up video of some guy bashing trump. All in a very calm soothing voice.

Just wow.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Mon May 20, 2019 4:23 pm

Canuckster wrote:
Masato wrote:We're getting off topic, lol

Is anyone keeping up with this Russia Collusion soap opera?

Are they STILL on it 24/7 on the MSM networks?? lol

I was out in Quebec last week at our company's agm and my business partner had cnn on in the background in the hotel room for quite a while.

I'm astounded at what it's become. Hours of close up video of some guy bashing trump. All in a very calm soothing voice.

Just wow.

Dude when I was in BC when my mom was passing I was staying with my Dad. He would turn on CNN for maybe an hour or 2 a day, and it was ALWAYS the same. It never fucking stopped. The whole channel was just constantly obsessed on Mueller report (even though it came back empty), Russian Collusion, hacking democracy, and filtering absolutely everything into a narrow stream of hate Trump hate Trump hate Trump hate Trump hate Trump hate Trump hate Trump hate Trump

Yet I could not find a single major established argument in all their ranting. It was all rhetoric and rumor and emotional vomit and accusations of things that should be EXPECTED with ANYONE in the White House, from Trump to Obama to Bush and beyond. Absolutely nothing new, but they go on as if its all so shocking and appaling and OMG what are we all going to do!?!?!? Chicken Little sky is falling freakout network, lol Zero news or attention on anything else, except sports lol

My Dad is very bright but I tried to explain to him how comically one-sided it all was... and he actually reacted in the same pre-programmed predictable triggered response, calling me a Trump-supporter and such, unable to get past the wall of programming to even begin listening. I gave up very quickly, but was frightfully aware that during a time of meaningful family importance, it could have EASILY ballooned into and emotional battle and torn us apart/divided us. That is the power of this media campaign, it creates a blind emotional rift between people who should otherwise be close and friendly. Its so dangerous man, its fucking people up. Master psy-op imo.

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Postby SRBrant » Fri May 31, 2019 6:45 am

Canuckster wrote:
SRBrant wrote:
Canuckster wrote:The minute you start throwing around anti semitic, you lose all credibility

As if to say that awareness of such an ancient cancer as antisemitism is somehow irrational?

OK, we're going to go hard into the paint here.

Antisemitism is nothing more than a label placed upon a broad swath of society in an effort to wring power, social sympathy and political agendas from society.

They've made a victim class out of themselves as if the wrongs suffered through history have nothing to do with them being caustic and detrimental to society.

People don't dislike jews because they're jews, people dislike jews because the vast amount of them believe they are God's chosen people and we are put on this earth to serve them.

They are racist to a level I've never seen in my lifetime all while crying antisemitism to whoever sticks their head up and makes an issue about it.

They are social manipulators and if they didn't control Congress and their military through subversion they would have been ousted from even more countries than Europe has thrown them out of throughout history. But I'm guessing if they were great guys and such a grand contributor to society throughout history that yeah, everyone wanted them out because they were Jewish and everyone was jealous of the fact.

Let's not forget why everyone hates Hitler because he believed they were the master race, now because they've convinced bible belt America that their religions are intertwined, the religious zealots on all sides get to feel good about the most racist exclusionary society on the planet.

People don't dislike jews because they're jews, I've met and know some, and am friends and don't dislike them at all, I have black, Asian, euro, middle east, friends from all over the world. If I don't like them its because they're a cunt not their religious affiliation.

"Antisemitism is nothing more than a label placed upon a broad swath of society in an effort to wring power, social sympathy and political agendas from society.

They've made a victim class out of themselves as if the wrongs suffered through history have nothing to do with them being caustic and detrimental to society."

Suffer and rot.

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Postby Masato » Fri May 31, 2019 5:10 pm

I told you that would piss him off Canuckster, lol

Dude is just not listening. Reacts with knee jerk emotion, not with ears and rationale. I have given up :(

I can;t speak for Canuckster but only for myself I've explained to him a million times this is never about a dig on all Jewish people as a whole (which is obviously absurd), but rather always at those few extremist groups who take their supremacist religious nuttery onto the world stage as an excuse to cause damage in the name of Jewry. The history and blood trails of these fanatics are real and traceable, and worth calling out as any evil fanatics in our world need to be called out whether Jewish, Muslim, Christian or Luciferian or whatever. When motherfuckers start wars and fund large-scale propaganda to back it, I have a problem with it but that has nothing to do with smearing and mindlessly hating millions of good folks who have fuck all to do with it.

I really don't know why SR has so much trouble seeing this differentiation, why he keeps reverting to 'antisemitism' as his retorts and refusing to see some tangible realities in our world

I don't personally even think the top of these extremists are Jewish to be honest, I suspect they are just using that as cover... but that's another topic :D

Don't know how a thread amount the Mueller Report spun into this again but oh well

Peace to you SRBrant

PS: back on topic I am seeing headlines that the investigation is still coming up empty but yet still numba one news :D

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