Suspected False Flag/Manchurian Events in USA

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Vid of Suspected False Flag/Manchurian Events in USA

Postby Masato » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:13 pm

Daglord absolutely rocking this thread :shock:

Hope its getting the views it deserves, dude's putting some hard work into this

Thank you man, this is a valuable archive for many years to come

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Postby Daglord » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:20 pm

this is just really fucking weird. investigation reportedly over there, but fuck. talk about contaminating a crime scene. I can see how this could come back to haunt the investigation.

it's been less than 48 hours, I have never seen anything like this.

Journalists storm San Bernardino shooters' apartment after landlord pries open door


In a surreal scene, a swarm of local and national media entered the apartment where Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik lived after the landlord tore off a piece of plywood that was blocking the door.


News outlets, including MSNBC, BBC, CBS News and CNN, broadcast live scenes as reporters toting cameras and microphones pushed through the open door and reported from inside the apartment.


One MSNBC reporter was seen examining items left on the suspects' desk, at one point picking up a child-rearing book. CNN journalists described seeing licenses, social security cards and shredded documents inside the residence. A group of photographers zeroed in on a pile of papers that were laid out on a bed.


It appeared that members of the public were inside the apartment as well. One man lingered holding a large soda. A child was seen wandering throughout the home. Another opened the refrigerator and peered inside.

When Mashable reached out to the FBI while the scene was simultaneously unfolding on live television, a spokesperson seemed shocked when asked if the public was allowed to enter the apartment.

"I do not believe so, but I can check," she said around 9:30 a.m. PT. "My understanding is it is still an ongoing investigation."

An hour later, Lourdes Arocho, spokesperson for the FBI Los Angeles field office, told Mashable: "The search is over at that location." When pressed for further comment, she repeated the statement and referred to a press conference scheduled for 11 a.m. PT.

A man named Doyle Miller, who identified himself as the landlord, told CBS News that he didn't intend to let the press into the apartment. When he opened the door, "they rushed," he said.



"CNN, like many other news organizations, was granted access to the home by the landlord. We made a conscious editorial decision not to show close-up footage of any material that could be considered sensitive or identifiable, such as photos or ID cards."


Dylan Byers✔

CNN’s @StephanieElam says she’s seen “passports, drivers licenses, social security cards…”

Is there a reason police didn’t take those?
11:37 AM - 4 Dec 2015

passports, DLs & SS cards left behind?? dafuq is going on here??

I can think of a few conspiratorial reasons why this would happen, but NOT ONE good reason why it should.

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:43 pm

That's shady as fuck. That's doing nothing more than contaminating public opinion. Who's to say it's even really his place or anything.

Fuckin shenanigans
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Postby Daglord » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:35 pm

sure is. occam's razor? someone slipped the landlord some cash, but that doesn't explain the feds disinterest in the place in less than 48 hours.

I have to believe if that was a legit base of operations as they are claiming, they would have someone sitting on all corners of watching that place like a honeypot. also that they would have seized the driver's license, ss card, passport, etc. seems kind of important imho. pictures of them with friends, CPU equipment, various documents all left scattered around the house.

granted, there will be no trial as both perps are dead. but there were (are) numerous reports of additional suspects being linked to that house.


maybe this is still a honeypot & they are sitting on the house to see what it attracts. doubt it, but plausible.

a couple of unsubstantiated, unconfirmed rumors:

the woman who is being identified as the wife is not who we think she is. it's been 2-3 days & we still haven't gotten a picture of her yet, just a silhouette. could this have been to sell her identity to the public as perp #2? first pic we receive of her is the DL from this? they obviously had it & syed's DL has been all over the net.

along with that^ rumor, is one that if we knew the ID of the real wife (assailant), it would cause national security problems. take that with a grain of salt, but remember the saudis of 9/11. I will also add that the name we hear now is completely different than the name I heard @ the onset of this :|

I will also return to swap those pics for smaller ones. they were the only pics available @ the time. shit fucks with my OCD.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:35 pm

Daglord wrote:sure is. occam's razor? someone slipped the landlord some cash, but that doesn't explain the feds disinterest in the place in less than 48 hours.


I have to believe if that was a legit base of operations as they are claiming, they would have someone sitting on all corners of watching that place like a honeypot. also that they would have seized the driver's license, ss card, passport, etc. seems kind of important imho. pictures of them with friends, CPU equipment, various documents all left scattered around the house.

granted, there will be no trial as both perps are dead. but there were (are) numerous reports of additional suspects being linked to that house.


maybe this is still a honeypot & they are sitting on the house to see what it attracts. doubt it, but plausible.

a couple of unsubstantiated, unconfirmed rumors:

the woman who is being identified as the wife is not who we think she is. it's been 2-3 days & we still haven't gotten a picture of her yet, just a silhouette. could this have been to sell her identity to the public as perp #2? first pic we receive of her is the DL from this? they obviously had it & syed's DL has been all over the net.

along with that^ rumor, is one that if we knew the ID of the real wife (assailant), it would cause national security problems. take that with a grain of salt, but remember the saudis of 9/11. I will also add that the name we hear now is completely different than the name I heard @ the onset of this :|

I will also return to swap those pics for smaller ones. they were the only pics available @ the time. shit fucks with my OCD.
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Postby Daglord » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:47 pm

Retired NYPD Detective is "Baffled" by Lack of Fingerprint Dusting at Crime Scene

if you have ever been to, or studied, a crime scene; they don't clean that shit up when finished.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:13 am

Daglord wrote:Retired NYPD Detective is "Baffled" by Lack of Fingerprint Dusting at Crime Scene

if you have ever been to, or studied, a crime scene; they don't clean that shit up when finished.

- They try to keep the crime scene for a long time.
I never studied a crime scene, but years reading Batman has teach-me a thing or two about it.
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Postby Daglord » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:41 pm

Interesting theory floating around that having video of a christmas party massacre was the final motivator (I still believe someone set this off earlier than planned). several eye witness reports include the shooter (or shooters') wearing a go-pro, but police later denied that. but on the list of items seized from their vehicle?

go-pro packaging.


once again, we are being lied to. could be nothing, but this was a car rented 3 days earlier so it's not like they had a bunch of trash laying around from weeks or months before. the go-pro was part of this imo. unless, of course, you want to believe that the witnesses were mistaken & the finding of go-pro packaging in their vehicle is all coincidence.

why would they deny it? cause someone to relax enough that maybe they would upload it? hoping they strike while the iron is hot (& while the FBI has their stingrays circling SB?). or do they have the footage and are sparing us of it "for national security reasons".

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Postby Daglord » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:57 pm

very interesting theory that is trying to make sense of that media fiasco yesterday. it does seem to fall in line with this house being a honeypot of sorts. you decide.


***** another tinfoil thought... maybe that media fiasco yesterday was orchestrated & forced the feds to FINALLY release the wifes' picture^^^^?

I’m calling this “The Ziiggii Theory” because early on contributor Ziiggii was instrumental in showing how the FBI and USMS (US Marshals) were using Stingray Flights in/around the San Bernadino area during the terrorist attack.

Victims of the terror attack reported seeing the shooters with a Go-Pro camera during the shooting/massacre.

When questioned by media at a press conference the local LEO spokesperson said “no Go-Pro” camera’s were recovered at the point of final disposition – the shootout at the SUV.

However, the Go-Pro angle is confirmed within this seemingly innocuous article from the LA Times:

….”Other seemingly more mundane items removed from the home included Christmas lights, an iPhone, a bank receipt, audio cassettes and a notebook with foreign language writing. From a black Lexus parked nearby the agents took shooting targets, a U-Haul receipt, packaging for a Go Pro camera, legal documents and other items.

The weapons invoices came from Cheaper Than Dirt and, but the document left at the home did not say what purchases the invoices were for”….. (link)

It would be obtuse to think a victim would be mistaken -with such specificity- to note a camera being used during the massacre, and then accept as coincidental packaging for such a camera was found in the terrorist’s vehicle at the residence.

So if we accept the witness, and we accept the police statement about the final contents at the SUV shootout, then where’s the camera?

Further – when you consider there is approximately a three hour unaccounted for window between the attack at the Inland Regional Center and the SUV chase that led to the shootout, there’s more than a strong possibility Syed and Tashfeen went somewhere – possibly met with a co-conspirator [terror cell member(s)] for a debrief and/or hand off of the camera footage.

Question: Was footage of a Christmas party massacre part of the “motive”?

The first arriving officer stated the venue was surreal in part because it was decorated for Christmas with a Christmas Tree, Christmas Decorations and festive holiday adornments.

Was this an intended backdrop scene for propaganda purposes? All part of the visual for carnage ? ISIS (writ large) has shown a great propensity for using media to promote their terror campaign.

Also, when you take the action of the FBI into consideration, and you accept the FBI is not a bunch of bumbling idiots – ie. everything is done for a purpose, then why would the FBI even publicly state they have retrieved Syed and Tashfeen’s cell phones? Let alone allow the media to enter the home of the terrorists and begin broadcasting the contents therein.

My hunch, knowing the tracking that Ziiggii has put into the Stingray Flights, is that the FBI is trying to spur other members into visible “concern chatter” in an effort to identify who they are, and where they are.

This isn't pc to point out but --> "The inland Empire" (Orange county Ca east all way to Redlands) has a huge Muslim population.
6:21 PM - 2 Dec 2015^tfw

When you compare FBI press conferences, and the information they are releasing, with DHS FBI/USMS Stingray Flights (aircraft) you find specific geographic areas being a focus of attention. This has been going on for several days. Here’s another example from today’s presser:


Simultaneous to the media broadcasting the contents of the townhouse, and simultaneous with the press conference highlighting the FBI was in possession of their “crushed cell phones”, yet able to “recover data” we see stingray flights TODAY over/near the Mosque where Syed Farook and Tashfeen Farook were reportedly to be in attendance.

SUMMARY: ♦ The FBI found Go-Pro camera packaging. ♦ Shooting witnesses say terrorist were using Go-Pro. ♦ Yet no camera(s) found at scene of final disposition (SUV shootout).

So where did the camera(s) go? Did they deliver to someone?

What were Syed/Tashfeen doing in the three hours between the initial attack at IRC and the SUV shootout?

A reasonable assumption would be Syed and Tashfeen met with some other member(s) of their “group”, gave them footage (cameras) then debriefed and took off. Mission accomplished!

They would be armed, prepped and ready for any further opportune encounters, but the essential element of their jihad mission complete.

Footage of a CHRISTmas massacre would be ideological gold for ISIS propaganda this time of year. These are modern terrorists striking fear into the heart of the infidels at their most holy of times, Christmas.

Obviously any cohort(s) can’t activate the footage while remaining “in country”, because immediately that would prove there are more active terrorists involved and the west coast would go into “full lock down” (transport hub) to locate them. It also needs to be given some editing and enhancement for promotional value. Just a hunch.

It could be they are supportive sleeper agent(s) currently laying low, playing normal, waiting to exit the country before we’ll see anything – and the FBI is trying to kick them to act now – force them to act or take action, or attempt to hasten their timeline.

That’s why the FBI is trying to stimulate chatter – force them to action – force them to expose themselves – force them to attempt escape….


FBI is behind mysterious ‘Dirtbox’ spy planes that can masquerade as cell towers

Reports last year revealed that U.S. law enforcement agencies might have special aircraft at their disposal that masquerade as cell phone towers and collect data from the unsuspecting citizens as it flies. New information on the matter reveals that the FBI is indeed behind the planes, and it uses more than a dozen fake companies to conceal its air support missions, which include these “Stingray” cell phone-spying equipment.

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Postby Daglord » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:00 pm

unless she is describing the SWAT team's arrival (which is entirely possible), again, where is the 3rd suspect?

Witness describes the San Bernardino shooting

we saw 3 men dressed in black, military attire with vests on, holding assault rifles...

are you certain you saw 3 men?

yeah, their skin tone was white, they looked like they had an athletic build, they appeared to be tall...

IIRC, there was not a firefight @ the IRC. perps were gone when SWAT arrived. if she heard shots being fired, one has to believe she is describing the shooters. as far as skin tone, not sure how she could tell if they were decked out in full military attire & "couldn't see their face". quoted verbatim.

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