Does anyone else get the feeling.....

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Does anyone else get the feeling.....

Postby glenrod » Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:42 pm

That we are all going to experience a catastrophic global event in our lifetime?. I have been paranoid about this stuff my whole life and I remember falling for the nostradamus bullshit predictions and Y2K and the likes...but something feels different now, I didn't believe the world would end in 2012, I felt like I had pretty much matured past the point of accepting the fantastic as a logical outcome, but there are some really scary things happening in the world right now and I have rediscovered the paranoia that proved to be false in the past. Tell me, am I just being paranoid, or are the ingredients there for a life changing shit-storm of WW3 proportions?

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Postby Masato » Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:15 am

I feel it too brah, but it could go either way...

I think we are on a thin edge of either:

a) the NWO makes their final move, using all kinds of false flags and destruction to implement their goals, or

b) the NWO is finally exposed, shut down and defeated, and humanity evolves into the next age

I don't think it will be any natural disaster... but the collapse of the dollar (whether intentional or not) is surely on its way, there will be much shifting of power in the next few decades. It is all in the hands or either the deceivers, or the waking up of humanity.

That being said, I always say that fear is a useless and self-destructive thing. It does nothing good, and only spirals downward into darkness. LOVE is always the answer, no matter what the situation (though this can be hard to do). I like to think that if any of this is true, that I am blessed to be living in such adventurous times, and feel like I have been given a role to play in it and must help to the best of my ability to spread love and positive energy throughout the changes.

I like to remain optimistic not that major changes won't happen (for I feel they are necessary right now, we have to change or perish), but that the human spirit will be able to overcome it and handle the changes well, and without too much catastrophe.

I am fully prepared to give up a lot of shit, if the system shuts down etc, well I'm going to die anyways, so better put on my adventure hoodie and make it an epic life!

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Postby Luigi » Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:39 am

The biggest potential shitstorms atm are America invading Iran or mass immigration causing riots(its facing huge backlash in Europe).

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Postby JonahsGrin93 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:31 pm

You're right to have that feeling, and accurately attribute it to being conditioned. We have been and continue to be psychologically conditioned for a massive catastrophic event. Alien doomsday scenarios being portrayed in everything from comic books to music and television. Every year some author pens a book about nuclear wars. Christians beat the apocalypse over our heads while maniac extremists hold whole nations under captivity.
But perhaps it in not only Hollywood which imposes this doomsday idea in our minds, what if nature it self is sending us subtle warnings that go unheeded. Perhaps there will be a catastrophic event and perhaps it will not come from a nuke, but rather from mother nature as she weeds out the weeds and replenishes the earth with fertile minds.

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Postby Masato » Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:06 am

^^ GREAT post Jonahsgrin93...

Fear is a control weapon. Also note that in almost all media portrayals of such an event, it is the PRESIDENT or MILITARY that is involved in saving everyone.

IMO this is to keep a 'nanny-state' mentality where we continue to forgive/support the government because we think we need them for our own safety/existence. It is a way of making the bad guys into good guys in our minds

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Postby JonahsGrin93 » Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:39 pm

Fear is the biggest trick that the bad guys have, it is at the root of every movement that propagates negativity.
Fear is the first emotion that we feel, imagine how terrorfying the moment of birth must have been. Our whole lifes are molded by fear, we are afraid of ending up like the crazy drunk homeless guy downtown, so we work.
We are afraid of death so we exersice, afraid of failure so we either obsess over our task to the point that it intrudes upon our respective lifes, or we simply do not put in the effort.
The powers to be they are fully aware of this so they use it to their advantage.
Lucky for us, what has been considered "human nature" may actually not be natural at all.

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:20 am

^ great post JonahsGrin93...

Its all about FEAR vs LOVE

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:46 pm

- Fear is also a mechanism of protection and a hormonal reaction.
The side of mechanism of protection is largely manipulated, some fears are necessary because we are stupid( like fear of puting our hand is a fireplace), others fears are planted with the intention of educate us, like if you aren't a good boy the boogyeman is come to get you.

Several fears are inducted in your minds as a way to manipulate us, makes us do with other peoples want us to do.
Some fears are made to be faced, others are made to be studed and questioned.
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Postby Masato » Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:56 am

^ great post Edge.

Indeed we must learn to differentiate fears that are artificial and implanted into us via media, and fears that are real and natural to us as individuals that must be addressed and understood/overcome.

Either way, to face them is key to health and personal evolution.

I remember when I was kid I had a re-curring nightmare where I was being chased by something, but my feet were heavy and I couldn't run. It was horrible and I had it for years. Then one night in the dream, I turned around to see what was chasing me and saw that there was nothing there. I never had the dream again

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:53 am

Masato wrote:Either way, to face them is key to health and personal evolution.

I remember when I was kid I had a re-curring nightmare where I was being chased by something, but my feet were heavy and I couldn't run. It was horrible and I had it for years. Then one night in the dream, I turned around to see what was chasing me and saw that there was nothing there. I never had the dream again

- Used to happen to me to, i used to dream that i was chase by cows or bulls, and to scape i used to climb to hight places.
Sometimes were bears chasin me.
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