Donald Trump: establishment trojan horse?

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Donald Trump: establishment trojan horse?

Postby Benwahwah » Tue May 17, 2016 2:07 pm

Daglord is killing it with the Trump stuff. Thanks for doing this man, you are an actual 'researcher' rather than the stolen 'opinion pieces' that are posted on other sites we all know. I love the fact that you back everything up with sources.

I don't want to derail this thread, but I read a fascinating article on a website called Medium that completely rips apart Bernie Sanders. I admit I was drinking the kool-aid a bit on the Bern, but this has really opened my eyes.

It is a hell of a long read, but the article is exceptional at looking at Sanders' major weaknesses.

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Postby Daglord » Tue May 17, 2016 9:05 pm

^ ^ ^ ^ great read! I was hooked. I had heard many economists had a problem with Bernie's proposals, but never really in a way that I could understand so easily. that stuff is mostly over my head, but basing it on unprecedented (& impossible) growth?

& derail away brother. I already have. no reason this only has to be about Trump, it was just so obvious (IMO) I had to say something. I still cannot understand Trump's appeal to the more intelligent (& there are a lot, not just the "poorly educated" who he admittedly loves). I get the (misguided IMO) 'protest' vote, but I will always disagree that he is "anti-establishment" until proven otherwise. His positions are a big government's wet dream.

I must add, I like Bernie. After Rand dropped, he was the only genuine, sincere candidate left IMO. I really do believe he cares about people & wants the best for them, it's a damn shame they are giving him the Ron Paul treatment, but wow that article shed some light on his ineffectiveness. really makes you think.

before reading this article, I thought a Rand Paul / Bernie Sanders Presidential debate would have been TITS. big government vs. small government, free market vs. democratic socialism & I wouldn't have my concerns about foreign policy or civil liberties. IIRC, Sanders does have a voting record favorable to the constitution & non-interventionist foreign policy (besides voting for the Iraq War, I think he flips on Assad too - not sure).

this thread could be titled election 2016 for all I care. a look at anti-establishment-ism & what the establishment does to protect it's status.

1) could they possibly plant an "anti-establishment" candidate to either divide the protest vote?

I tend to believe that these guys are pretty sharp & would know having Mitt Romney come out against Trump would only feed the fire. could this be by design? if they really wanted to #nevertrump, I imagine the best thing they could have done was endorse him & work behind the scenes. not be so open about it. when someone is running an anti-establishment campaign, having the establishment come out strongly & publicly against you seems pretty ridiculous right?

2) can you even get to the presidency without bowing to the establishment in some way? (this seems to be the Trump defense right now, ignoring Trump's own words & that Giuliani & Co. have been there the whole time behind the scenes).

3) what the hell is the establishment? @ this point, it's becoming like the terms "illuminati" or "NWO". watered down & overused. seriously, when I hear someone tell me it was "the Illuminati", they might as well be saying "the boogeyman".

again, fantastic article. I've spent so much time on the GOP side, haven't really looked elsewhere. thanks for that!

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Postby Daglord » Wed May 18, 2016 1:35 am

I, for one, feel an audit of the Federal Reserve is long overdue.

Something Ron Paul was a champion for, felt very strongly about & was a cornerstone of his campaign - in fact, he wanted to end the Fed. Ron Paul:End the Fed signs were everywhere. anyway, Nevada was a big Ron Paul state, & immediately before the Nevada caucus, Roger Stone goes on infowars & says that Trump wants to audit the Fed. on caucus day Trump tweets it, but it was more of a shot @ cruz for missing the vote (though he sponsored the bill) than anything else IMO. Trump hasn't mentioned it since.

Remember now, Trump himself never said he wanted to audit the Fed. It was Roger Stone who said he thinks Trump would be up for it & that he would pass it along. the next day, Trump tweets it (before NV) & never mentions it again. "anti-establishment" pandering 101. something Roger Stone admittedly specializes in :roll:

Trump Insider: Trump Will AUDIT THE FED

During Friday’s appearance on the Alex Jones Show, Trump insider Roger Stone was asked if Trump would call for an audit, and Stone said that he thought so but would pass the message along to the Trump campaign.

“He’s not a big fan of the Fed,” Stone pointed out. “He is scaring the central bankers; he is scaring the Washington/Wall Street/D.C. consultant/lobbyist class.”

“He’s deeply suspicious of the Fed and I think he is open-minded about the Fed… I’d suspect you’d get an audit of the Fed [with Trump].”

then this, coming from someone who filed bankruptcy four times...

US will never default on debt 'because you print the money' – Trump

In an attempt to clarify his stance regarding potential default on national debt payments, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that, in the US, "you never have to default because you print the money." Responding to questions over recent comments indicating that as president, he would renegotiate US national debt rather than pay creditors in full — which could spur a global financial shock — Trump said the notion that he would default on national debt is "crazy."

"People said I want to go and buy debt and default on debt, and I mean, these people are crazy. This is the United States government," Trump told CNN on Monday "First of all, you never have to default because you print the money, I hate to tell you, OK?" Late last week, Trump said that as president, he would "borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal." He added, "And if the economy was good, it was good. So, therefore, you can't lose."

Does that really sound like someone who wants to audit the Fed?


GOOD NEWS. Thomas Massie has been putting in work & today The House passed HR24 "Ron Paul's audit the Fed". Thanks to Congressman Massie.

House Oversight Committee Passes Audit the Fed (May 17, 2016)


“I applaud the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for voting for this important legislation. I'd also like to thank Representative Thomas Massie for his leadership on this issue,” said Mr. Singleton. “I urge Speaker Paul Ryan to swiftly bring Audit the Fed to the floor for a full vote so that the American people can finally know what the Federal Reserve is doing to our money and our economy.

“Campaign for Liberty will continue to push to pass legislation in both the House and the Senate calling for a full audit of the Federal Reserve,” Mr. Singleton concluded.

Ron Paul: Federal Reserve Printing Money Out of Thin Air = Legalized Fraud, Parts 1-4 (Oct 18, 2009)

"what we have is politicians, through their central bank, are able to spend what they want & they can print the money that they need to make up the difference. this is very dangerous. one of the biggest problems is that it encourages big government, they don't have to pay the bills".

sound familiar? Is Trump really against, or a threat, to the Federal Reserve?

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Postby Daglord » Wed May 18, 2016 4:50 pm

The Devil is in the details. compare & contrast.

Ron Paul 2012 Anthem

* save our constitutional rights.
* start a revolution & break down illegal institutions.
* we don't want no war no more, bring our boys home to our shore.
* we don't want big government or the bilderburg group that pays for it.
* Federal ID, police state
* Patriot Act took our liberties, & there's no judge & no jury.
* tapping our phones, breaking down doors
* work 3 jobs & bring home no pay, because the IRS takes it all away

Ron Paul! Save our constitutional rights
Ron Paul! We're not gonna give up the fight
Ron Paul! Start a revolution
and break down illegal institutions

We don't want no war no more
bring our boys home to our shore
We don't want big government
Or the Bilderberg group that pays for it

The Federal ID means a police state
and Mr. Jefferson's rolling in his grave
when our names turn to numbers like 666
according to the gospel on implantable chips


The Patriot Act took our liberties
now there's no judge and no jury
Tapping our phones, breaking down our doors
waging on the people a civil war!
We work 3 jobs and bring home no pay
'cause The IRS takes it all away
we struggle, we slave, to pay the rent
Soooo... Ron Paul for President!


(Ron Paul speaks)

Trump Jam 2016

* Cowardice? are you serious?
* when freedom rings - answer the call
* freedom's on our shoulders
* Enemies of freedom face the music
* come on boys - take 'em down!
* deal from strength or get CRUSHED every time
* Over here... USA! Over there... USA!
* we have to stand up tall & answer freedom's call
* Ameri-tude... USA!

Cowardice! Are you serious?
Apologies for freedom — I can’t handle this!
When freedom rings —answer the call!
On your feet! Stand up tall!
Freedom’s on our shoulders.


Enemies of freedom
Face the music
Come on, boys—take ‘em down!
President Donald Trump knows how, To make America great
Deal from strength or get crushed every time…

Over here… USA!
Over there… USA!
Freedom and liberty everywhere…
Oh, say can you see, It’s not so easy
But we have to stand up tall and answer freedom’s call

We’re the land of the free and the brave… USA… USA!
The stars and stripes are flying
Let’s celebrate our freedom
Inspire, proudly, freedom to the world

Ameri-tude… USA!
American pride… USA!
It’s attitude, it’s who we are
Stand up tall…

We’re the red, white, and blue
Fiercely free, that’s who!
Our colors don’t run, no sirree…
Over here… USA!
Over there… USA!
Freedom and liberty everywhere…
Oh, say can you see
It’s not so easy
But we have to stand up tall and answer freedom’s call!

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Postby Daglord » Wed May 18, 2016 11:07 pm

Examining, for a minute, that Trump is/was a Clinton (or establishment) plant.

anything is possible. If anyone can make Hillary likeable, it's someone like Trump... & either way, the establishment wins.


Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid

Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men. Four Trump allies and one Clinton associate familiar with the exchange said that Clinton encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party and offered his own views of the political landscape.

Clinton’s personal office in New York confirmed that the call occurred in late May, but an aide to Clinton said the 2016 race was never specifically discussed and that it was only a casual chat.

The talk with Clinton — the spouse of the Democratic presidential front-runner and one of his party’s preeminent political strategists — came just weeks before Trump jumped into the GOP race and surged to the front of the crowded Republican field. The revelation of the call comes as many Republicans have begun criticizing Trump for his ties to Democrats, including past financial donations to the Clintons and their charitable foundation.


Trump denies Bill Clinton talked him into running (video)

Donald Trump said Friday that a phone call he had with former President Bill Clinton had no bearing on his decision to seek the White House, despite coming several weeks before he kicked off his bid.

"My mind was already totally made up. I was already running, essentially," Trump told CNN's Don Lemon on "CNN Tonight," saying Clinton would have no interest in a Trump run because the magnate was "Hillary's worst nightmare." "We didn't really discuss it," Trump said. Trump's comments come several days after The Washington Post reported that Clinton called Trump in late May, encouraging the real estate mogul to "to play a larger role in the Republican Party."

The Post also said Clinton encouraged Trump's thinking and gave advice about how he could make inroads in the Republican Party.

But Trump disputed the Post's reporting of the call in the interview with Lemon. "I've known them over the years and I haven't spoken to him in a long time," Trump said of his thinking at the time, adding that he thought Clinton "was upset" to learn of Trump's plans.


Bill Clinton denies calling up Trump and asking him to run

Former President Bill Clinton says that he never rang up Donald Trump, asking him to make a run for the White House. "Did you call Donald Trump and ask him to run for president of the United States?" Stephen Colbert asked during an interview with Clinton on "The Late Show" Tuesday night.

"No. No," the former president said, to which Colbert responded: "Because that would be pretty smart, man." Clinton's response: "Yeah. Yeah, I get credit for doing a lot of things I didn't do like that." "His daughter told my daughter that he had tried to call me, and I didn't get the message. So, I simply called him back," Clinton explained. "And I don't know whether he had ever intended to discuss this with me or not, and this has happened to you before, I bet, I think by the time I got him back, he had forgotten why he called me in the first place, probably."

Brent Budowsky: Is Trump a Clinton plant?
Trump has a history. He has donated substantial money, to his credit, to the Clinton Foundation. He was an important supporter of Hillary Clinton for president in 2008, and was a notable donor to her campaign that year. In the past Trump has offered very high praise for the former secretary of State — especially when he was supporting and helping to fund her presidential campaign in 2008.

To his great credit, Trump has long been a supporter of single-payer healthcare, and at various times has raved about the excellent healthcare provided by single-payer plans in two nations at the forefront of this cause. He has offered high praise for the Canadian system, and earlier this year offered similarly high praise for the single-payer system in Scotland.

The Wall Street Journal recently ran a story naming a number of Democrats in Congress to whom Trump has donated campaign money in support, most notably the next Senate Democratic leader, New York Sen. Charles Schumer. Democrats were also delighted when Trump made campaign donations in support of Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, the current Senate Democratic leader, and Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), a stalwart in the House of Representatives. I would be remiss in not including two other names on The Wall Street Journal list of Democrats who were beneficiaries of campaign donations from Trump: The late and great Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), and former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.).

Trump praises Hillary Clinton, dismisses Benghazi

Donald Trump thinks the Clintons are terrific people, he likes them both very much. He thinks Hillary Clinton is above anybody else & defends her performance as secretary of state.


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Postby Daglord » Thu May 19, 2016 9:35 pm

a brief recap of who's conducting the "anti-establishment" Trump train so far...

The Money:


Sheldon Adelson - Big money lobbyist, Owner of the Israeli daily newspaper 'Israel Hayom'. his most important issue when considering which candidates to support in U.S. elections is "the safety of Israel". this guy is the money behind "the establishment". ANTI-marijuana, medical or otherwise. just like Christie, Sessions & Giuliani. spends big money demonizing it. $100 million dollar donor to Trump's campaign :shock:

Republican donor Adelson and Trump may be aligning on Israel

"Sheldon and I have been friends for a long time. He is an amazing man. I am the only one who doesn't need his money. But I would love his support." On the subject of Israel, Trump added, "Sheldon knows that nobody will be more loyal to Israel than Donald Trump."


Steve Mnuchin - former Goldman Sachs partner, Wall Street executive, Clinton donor & Soros' money man. named trump's national finance chairman immediately after Cruz dropped out. “I was there at the beginning when he decided to run for president, and I’ve been a supporter and quiet adviser behind the scenes to him,” he explained :roll:

Donald Trump’s Pick for Fund-Raiser Is Rife With Contradictions

Wall Street has been agog since last Thursday, when Donald Trump announced that Steven Mnuchin — who made his fortune at Goldman Sachs, worked for a firm funded by George Soros, and donated to Hillary Clinton — would be responsible for helping him raise $1 billion for Republicans and his own campaign.

His foreign policy "Advisors":


Henry Kissenger - do I really have to?

Lets talk about Henry KISSENGER


Richard Haas - CFR president & Trilateral commission member. Bush guy. Bilderberg attendee. advising trump on national security & already vetted him ;)

Trump Already Surrounding Himself With Establishment Men

Trump has named as top National Security Advisor, the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass. For those who don't know, The Council on Foreign Relations literally is an establishment institution. You can't get more establishment than the CFR.

The 'Lobbyists' / Hatchet-men:


Paul Manafort - consultant, lobbyist, stooge. ford, bush, mccain, bush. his firm is listed among the top 5 lobbying on behalf of human rights abusers :twisted:

Trump's new right-hand man has history of controversial clients and deals

For almost four decades, Donald Trump’s newly installed senior campaign adviser, Paul Manafort, has managed to juggle two different worlds: well known during US election season as a shrewd and tough political operative, he also boasts a hefty résumé as a consultant to or lobbyist for controversial foreign leaders and oligarchs with unsavory reputations.


Roger Stone - Ctard & political hack. stooge, lobbyist, etc. bullshit artist. Alex Jones connection. IMO, he is probably the reason 'the national enquirer' & 'infowars' is playing such a prominent role this election :twisted:

see previous posts.

Consultant Roger Stone, self-admitted "hit man for the GOP" who helped George W. Bush prevail in the 2000 Florida recount, tells The Daily Beast that he wishes he hadn’t.

His rumored Cabinet:


Rudy Giuliani - thinks both the patriot act & Iraq/Afghanistan wars were "very good for us". plans to keep America safe include "going on the offense" in a "long war". doesn't feel the president should need congressional approval for war & that we should be bombing at the president's discretion. thinks Obama should have been bombing Syria from day one. dropped the ball on 9/11. rumored to be Trump's main advisor. staunch supporter of Israel. eyed for director homeland security & leading his 'terrorism advisory committee' :shock:

Rudy Giuliani: Who Needs Congress?

But how about Giuliani’s bluntness? What about the complete disregard for the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law? The President has unlimited power to declare war, Giuliani says. Why? Because Bush did it, and Clinton did it, and heck, even Obama himself did it. Once the Executive usurps such powers, what’s the point in going backwards? Why follow the law?


Chris Christie - again, where to begin? you can kiss your privacy goodbye, expect a police state & forget about marijuana legalization. held up medical marijuana in his state for so long, people started leaving for CO. supports federal raids on legal medical marijuana dispenseries. supports a 'no-fly zone' over Syria & wants Assad gone. as Rand Paul called him, "Your WW3 candidate". rumored to be Trump's Attorney General :shock:

Chris Christie actually wants to expand the NSA’s spying powers

Sen. Rand Paul and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie traded barbs Thursday night over the National Security Agency's bulk collection of U.S. phone records. The most notable moment occurs about a minute and a half into the video, when Christie doesn't merely defend the NSA's powers, he argues for their expansion.


Jeff Sessions - votes yes on patriot act. votes yes on unconstitutional wiretapping (consistent with trump's views on the 4th amendment). thinks "good people don't smoke marijuana". another war-mongering hawk who continually votes no in limiting the president's power & in favor of the Iraq war. named chairman of trump's national security committee :shock:

BREAKING Trump Names Sen. Jeff Sessions Chairman of His National Security Advisory Committee

Donald Trump just announced Senator Jeff Sessions, who has advised him on issues such as trade and immigration and endorsed Trump on Sunday in Alabama, will serve as Chairman of Trump’s National Security Advisory Committee, a committee that will provide counsel to Trump on foreign policy and homeland security.

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Postby Daglord » Tue May 24, 2016 1:05 pm

Sen. Bob Corker meets with Donald Trump


Sen. Bob Corker continued to shrug off speculation that he might be Donald Trump's vice presidential pick on Monday, saying that he has no reason to believe that he is being considered as a possible running mate. The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee met with Trump for an hour and a half at Trump Tower. He's the highest-ranking elected official to make a trip to visit the presumptive Republican nominee on his home turf.

Bob Corker.

the same guy who called the NSA "shockingly small" & proposes that it needs to be "ramped up hugely" :shock:

Corker calls NSA surveillance program shockingly small

"It's almost malpractice," Corker said at a breakfast for reporters hosted by The Christian Science Monitor. "That's the best word I can use to describe the amount of data that is being collected." Corker, who said the NSA's data collection needs to be "ramped up hugely", was reacting to a closed-door briefing that national security officials held Tuesday to brief senators on federal surveillance programs. That briefing was organized by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who is seeking to renew the NSA's surveillance program without changes.

the same guy who introduced the bill (along with Menendez) that encouraged & authorized the arming of Syrian Rebels (who would later become ISIS) :twisted:

Rand Paul and the Menendez-Corker Bill to Arm Syrian Rebels

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) blasted members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Tuesday, which voted overwhelmingly to arm elements of the Syrian opposition in a bill co-sponsored by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN). “This is an important moment,” Paul said, addressing his Senate colleagues. “You will be funding, today, the allies of al Qaeda. It’s an irony you cannot overcome.”

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Postby robbstar » Tue May 24, 2016 1:14 pm

Lord of the dag

I am always looking for mighty fine content for my podcast - if you are free in a few weeks time and are up for taking the EAI listeners through a roller coaster journey of all things Trojan Trump, then I would be most keen to have you on :) BTW Great thread, very interesting and in depth , hats off.

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Postby Daglord » Fri May 27, 2016 2:45 pm

robbstar wrote:Lord of the dag

I am always looking for mighty fine content for my podcast - if you are free in a few weeks time and are up for taking the EAI listeners through a roller coaster journey of all things Trojan Trump, then I would be most keen to have you on :) BTW Great thread, very interesting and in depth , hats off.

thanks brother! anytime. love the show & the page.

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Postby Daglord » Fri May 27, 2016 2:47 pm


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