Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of America

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Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of America

Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:35 pm

^ ^ ^ ^ Who Was Dan Mitrione?


Jim Jones grew up in Lynn, in southern Indiana. His father was an active member of the local Ku Klux Klan that infest that area. His friends found him a little strange, and he was interested in preaching the Bible and religious rituals. Perhaps more important was his boyhood friendship with Dan Mitrione, confirmed by local residents.


Dan Mitrione, Jones' friend, moved on to the CIA-financed International Police Academy, where police were trained in counter-insurgency and torture techniques from around the world. Jones, a poor, itinerant preacher, suddenly had money in 1961 for a trip to "minister" in Brazil, and he took his family with him. By this time, he had "adopted" Beikman, and eight children, both Black and white. His neighbors in Brazil distrusted him. He told them he worked with U.S. Navy Intelligence. His transportation and groceries were being provided by the U.S. Embassy as was the large house he lived in. His son, Stephan, commented that he made regular trips to Belo Horizonte, site of the CIA headquarters in Brazil. An American police advisor, working closely with the CIA at that point, Dan Mitrione was there as well. Mitrione had risen in the ranks quickly, and was busy training foreign police in torture and assassination methods. He was later kidnapped by Tupermaro guerillas in Uruguay, interrogated and murdered. Costa Gravas made a film about his death titled State of Siege. Jones returned to the United States in 1963, with $10,000 in his pocket. Recent articles indicate that Catholic clergy are complaining about CIA funding of other denominations for "ministry" in Brazil; perhaps Jones was an early example.


Dan Mitrione: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Mitrione


United States Agency for International Development: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Agency_for_International_Development

In situations where the U.S. is hostile to the government of a country, USAID may be asked to undertake programs that the government would not accept and thus to operate without the government's knowledge. This might include USAID support for opposition political movements that seek to remove the government. Such "political aid" is criticized by some as being incompatible with USAID's role as an assistance or cooperation agency and as exposing USAID staff worldwide to the suspicion of being covertly engaged in subversion. Similarly, USAID's participation in actions against foreign governments led by the U.S. military is criticized by some as inappropriate and as exposing USAID civilian staff to the dangers of military combat. However, such political aid and joint civilian-military programs are supported by others as necessary to support U.S. geopolitical interests and to build democracy.


Uruguay, 1964-1970 Torture: As American as Apple Pie

“The precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect.”

The words of an instructor in the art of torture. The words of Dan Mitrione, the head of the Office of Public Safety (OPS) mission in Montevideo.

Officially, OPS was a division of the Agency for International Development, but the director of OPS in Washington, Byron Engle, was an old CIA hand. His organization maintained a close working relationship with the CIA, and Agency officers often operated abroad under OPS cover, although Mitrione was not one of them.


The Murderous History of the USAID:

“In a number of countries, including Venezuela and Bolivia, USAID is acting more as an agency involved in covert action, like the CIA, than as an aid or development agency.”

Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic Policy & Research learned last week from the Associated Press that USAID (United States Agency for International Development) — the government agency which manages billions in overseas “humanitarian” aid programs — plotted to overthrow Cuba’s communist regime via a covertly-funded fake Twitter platform.


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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:45 pm




Before he was assassinated on a jungle airstrip in circumstances that triggered the Jonestown massacre, Congressman Leo Ryan had been a thorn in the side of the CIA. He leaked information on the CIA’s covert involvement in the Angola civil war. He was also co-sponsor of the Hughes-Ryan Amendment, which banned the CIA from undertaking covert operations without notifying Congress, and banned CIA paramilitary operations without Congressional approval.

Two months before the Jonestown tragedy, he had questioned the CIA about whether they were involved in mind control medical experiments on inmates at a Vacaville medical facility in California. Vacaville had housed Donald DeFreeze who went on to call himself “Cinque” and lead the criminal “revolutionary” group known as the Symbionese Liberation Army. According to investigative reporter Jack Anderson who published the article, “CIA May Have Inspired Cinque,” DeFreeze claimed that as a prisoner he was the victim of mind control experiments, and had vowed to another inmate that he would use the same techniques on others when he was out. The CIA did in fact carry out MK-ULTRA medical experiments at Vacaville, where DeFreeze was held. Inmates were reportedly drugged, harassed and confined in isolation, to determine “at what point individuals would “break” and follow orders blindly”.

In October 1978, a month before Jonestown, investigative reporter Jack Anderson published a syndicated column entitled “CIA May Have Inspired Cinque,” based on information that most likely had been leaked by Ryan or someone in his committee. The column detailed statements from one Clifford Jefferson, who claimed to have known DeFreeze while they were incarcerated together and to have participated in psychiatric experiments with various drugs, including mescaline, Quaalude and Artane. According to Jefferson, “DeFreeze stated that he had gone through the same tests and also knew of stress tests that were given to prisoners in which they were kept in solitary, harassed and annoyed until they would do anything asked of them to get out; then they were given these drugs and would become like robots.

“He [DeFreeze] said that when he got out, he would get a revolutionary group to kidnap some rich person. They would hold that person tied up in a dark place, keep him frightened and in fear of his life, then give him mescaline and other drugs, and the person would become a robot and do anything he was asked to do—including killing others. Although DeFreeze died in a 1974 shootout with Los Angeles police, CIA documents have since confirmed the agency did perform drug tests on inmates at Vacaville under its MK-Ultra program.

DeFreeze would later kidnap the wealthy heiress Patty Hearst, daughter of the renowned newspaper baron William Randolph Hearst. After going through brutal physical and psychological torture, she eventually took on the revolutionary group’s cause and joined them in robbing a bank armed with a semi-automatic firearm. When charges were brought against her, her defence was that she was brainwashed. Congressman Ryan had written to the President calling for Patty Hearst’s clemency. He apparently felt the US government’s covert mind control programs were in some way responsible for her bizarre descent into criminality.


After Congressman Ryan’s assassination in Guyana, his Amendment curtailing CIA covert operations was defeated.

Foul play was suspected.


They Murdered My Friend

Stephan Jones, the middle of Jim Jones’ three sons, also escaped death because he was outside the confines of the community. He was in Georgetown, at the Temple headquarters with the Jonestown basketball team. Stephan met Leo when he first arrived in Georgetown from Washington en route to Jonestown. “He was everything my father was not,” he recalls. “I liked him right away. Straight, forward, kind and courageous.”

On November 18 Stephan got a coded message telling him to “get revenge,” and knew something was terribly wrong. “My father was such a coward, we had been through this kind of situation so many times before. I couldn’t contemplate he would go through with it.” Then he adds, “It’s clear my father came up against an honorable man who wouldn’t bail out in the face of danger.”

RIP Leo Ryan


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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:55 pm


FBI Records Vault - Jonestown: https://vault.fbi.gov/Jonestown


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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:00 pm

another good listen: http://thoseconspiracyguys.com/jim-jones-and-the-jonestown-massacre/


Jim Jones and The Jonestown Massacre

On this Podcast we take a look at the largest cult killings of modern times and the man who made it happen, Jim Jones and The Jonestown Massacre. Born out of the socialist movement of 1960’s America this religious group soon gave way to conspiratorial prophecies and revolutionary societal change. The group was started and helmed by doomsday pastor Jim Jones and he took them from Indiana to California to Guyana, picking up admirers like Jane Fonda and Harvey Milk along the way. But it would all in in a tragedy that claimed the lives of over 900 people. We look at an event so shocking that it remains the definitive description of a modern religious cult and has managed to coin it’s own phrase in pop culture: "Don't drink the Kool-Aid!"

The People’s Temple

From the very beginning Jim Jones led a troubled and unconventional life. One where he was educated in important and useful lessons on the topics of segregation, disenfranchisement, fear of nuclear war and mistrust of governments. It was these lessons that would lead him to become the leader of the People’s Temple and would inform the sermons that garnered him unflinching support. And he would use this support to live out his own personal fantasies and sadistic nature. His desire for power only bettered by his cruel methods of control. We cover the life and mind of the charismatic chief of this group of allegedly brain washed Americans and the forces of corruption and control that both protected and projected the church they called The People’s Temple.

The CIA, Guyana & the "Kool-Aid"

But as political pressure and journalistic investigation threatened to tear the group apart they would make their ominous move to Guyana. And with the terrible tragedy that ensued the conspiracy theories began. Talk of MK Ultra techniques of mind control and programming. CIA connections in the Jonestown site and the personnel surrounding the hierarchy of the church. The talk of a staged event or ‘psy-op’ all part of long held nefarious scheme. We discuss dead congressmen and dead babies, all the mayhem, madness and mind control and some heavy CIA connections and coincidences to boot as we cover all the theories surronding Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre.


Jeannie Mills (July 2, 1939 – February 27, 1980), born Deanna Mertle, née Gustafson, was an early defector from the Peoples Temple cult, author of the book Six Years with God (A&W Publishers: New York, 1979), and co-founder of the Concerned Relatives of Peoples Temple Members organization.

She and her family joined the Peoples Temple in 1969; as Deanna and Elmer Mertle, she served as head of the Temple's publications office while her husband Al was the official photographer. They left the group with their five children in 1975 after Jones beat their daughter Linda 70 times with a paddle for a minor infraction. The family also changed their names to "Mills" to void the power of attorney they had given Jones.

After their defection, Mills published a memoir, Six Years with God: Life inside Rev. Jim Jones's Peoples Temple, established a center in Berkeley to deprogram ex-cultists, and persuaded Rep. Leo Ryan to undertake the fact-finding mission to Guyana that led to the Jonestown massacre and Ryan's death. She also co-founded the Concerned Relatives, a support group for Jonestown defectors and their families. The Mills family initially holed up with other defectors in the protective custody of a police SWAT team, but eventually decided to resume normal life.


Mills, along with her husband Al and their 15-year-old daughter Daphene, were murdered execution-style in their Berkeley home on February 26, 1980, just over a year after the Jonestown massacre. Their 17-year-old son Eddie was home at the time, but was left unharmed. There was no forced entry, and burglary was quickly ruled out as a motive. Eddie claimed he was unaware that the killings had taken place, even though police found gunshot residue on his hands.

The Mills murders raised the fear that Temple "hit squads" (ex-members who would "avenge" the Jonestown deaths) were involved. However, the theory was never substantiated. With no leads, the investigation was eventually shelved and the case went cold. In 2005, police re-interviewed several surviving members of the Mills family. On December 3, 2005, 43-year-old Eddie Mills was arrested at the San Francisco airport after returning to the U.S. for the first time in several years. However, the Alameda County District Attorney's Office declined to file charges, citing a lack of evidence. Eddie Mills returned to Japan, where he lives with his wife and two children. The murders remain unsolved.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:05 pm

Jim Jones' Sinister grip on San Francisco


** It was Burton ally Willie Brown – a rising force in California’s state capital — who first recognized that Jones’s organization could play a pivotal role in his friend George Moscone’s run for mayor.

** In the December runoff between Moscone and Barbagelata, Peoples Temple went even further to secure victory for its candidate & Jim Jones made sure that George Moscone never forgot his political debt to Peoples Temple. Temple insiders talked about how Mayor Moscone was one of the politicians under the control of “Father.”

Political leaders, aware of Jones’s ability to deliver — or manufacture — votes, lined up to pay tribute to the preacher. He worked his way into the good graces of officials high and low — most of them Democrats, since that was the party in power in California and San Francisco in the mid-1970s. But Jones was also happy to exchange mutually complimentary correspondence with the offices of Ronald Reagan and statesman Henry Kissinger.

During the 1976 presidential campaign, Jones wangled a private meeting with Jimmy Carter’s wife, Rosalynn, at the elegant Stanford Court Hotel on Nob Hill, arriving with a security contingent that was larger than her Secret Service squad. Later Jones accompanied Moscone and a group of Democratic dignitaries who climbed aboard vice presidential candidate Walter Mondale’s private jet when it touched down at San Francisco International Airport.

** Governor Jerry Brown sang the preacher’s praises. Congressman John Burton, Phil’s brother, lobbied the governor to appoint Jones to the high-profile board of regents, which oversaw California’s sprawling public university system. San Francisco Supervisor – now U.S. Senator — Dianne Feinstein accepted an invitation to lunch with Jones and to tour Peoples Temple.

** But no political figures were more gushing in their praise of Jones than Willie Brown and Harvey Milk, San Francisco’s rising tribune of gay freedom. Milk, a perennial candidate for office until he finally won a supervisor’s seat in 1977, aggressively sought Jones’s political blessing. “Our paths have crossed,” Milk wrote Jones during an earlier campaign for supervisor, in a letter filled with the kind of awed reverence that the cult leader demanded from his followers. “They will stay crossed. It is a fight that I will walk with you into . . . The first time I heard you, you made a statement: ‘Take one of us, and you must take all of us.’ Please add my name.”

Not content to hear dignitaries whisper flatteries into his ear, Jones staged a testimonial banquet in his own honor and demanded that politicians in his debt offer him public tribute. On the evening of September 25, 1976, the Peoples Temple headquarters on Geary Boulevard was converted into a formal dining hall with linen tablecloths and floral arrangements. At the head table sat Mayor Moscone, District Attorney Freitas, and Assemblyman Willie Brown, who acted as the evening’s exuberant master of ceremonies. As he introduced the man of the hour to the overflow audience, Brown reached new heights of shameless, ass-kissing puffery. “Let me present to you,” Brown roared, “a combination of Martin King, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein . . . Chairman Mao.” By the time Jones rose to tumultuous applause, he seemed likely to walk on water.

Interesting Note: just 9 days after the Jonestown Massacre, Dan White assassinates both Moscone and Milk. He was also targeting Brown & Carol Ruth Silver. 3 of 4 are Jones' biggest supporters.



After his disagreement with Milk over the proposed rehab center, White frequently clashed with Milk as well as other members of the board. On November 10, 1978, White resigned his seat as supervisor. The reasons he cited were his dissatisfaction with what he saw as the corrupt inner workings of San Francisco city politics, as well as the difficulty in making a living without a police officer's or firefighter's salary, jobs he could not hold legally while serving as a supervisor. White had opened a baked-potato stand at Pier 39, which failed to become profitable. He reversed his resignation on November 14, 1978 after his supporters lobbied him to seek appointment from George Moscone.

Moscone initially agreed to White's request, but later refused the appointment at the urging of Milk and others. On November 27, 1978, White visited San Francisco City Hall with the later-declared intention of killing not only Moscone and Milk, but also two other San Francisco politicians, California Assembly Speaker and later S.F. mayor Willie Brown, and Supervisor Carol Ruth Silver, both of whom he also blamed for lobbying Moscone not to re-appoint him. He arrived that day by climbing through a first-floor window on the side of City Hall carrying a .38 revolver and 10 rounds of ammunition. By entering the building through the window, White was able to avoid the recently installed metal detectors. After entering Moscone's office, White pleaded to be re-instated as supervisor, but Moscone said no. White then killed Moscone by shooting him in the shoulder and chest, and twice in the head. He then walked to the other side of City Hall to Milk's office, reloaded the gun, and fatally shot Milk five times, the final two shots fired with the gun's barrel touching Milk's skull, according to the medical examiner. White then fled City Hall, turning himself in at the San Francisco's Northern Police Station where he had been a police officer. While being interviewed by investigators, White recorded a tearful confession, stating, "I just shot him."


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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:15 pm



Walter Mondale, the same guy who was mentioned above flying Jim Jones around on his private jet in '76, served as Jimmy Carter's VP from 1977-1981.

in 1979 there was a foiled assassination attempt on President Carter by Raymond Lee Harvey, which would have put Mondale in office.

Raymond Lee Harvey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Lee_Harvey

Raymond Lee Harvey was an Ohio-born unemployed American drifter. He was arrested by the Secret Service after being found carrying a starter pistol with blank rounds, ten minutes before President Jimmy Carter was to give a speech at the Civic Center Mall in Los Angeles on May 5, 1979.

Although he had a history of mental illness, police investigated his claims that he was part of a four-man operation to assassinate the president. He claimed that he had been approached by three Latino men staying at the Alan Hotel who gave him the starter pistol, and asked him to shoot it into the ground to create a diversion, so they could then shoot the president from their hotel room during the distraction. According to Harvey, he fired seven blank rounds from the starter pistol on the hotel roof on the night of May 4, to test how much noise it would make. He then spent the night in a room taken by one of the men, whom he knew as "Julio", but who was later identified as a 21-year-old illegal Mexican alien who gave the name Osvaldo Espinoza Ortiz.. At the time of his arrest, Harvey had eight spent rounds in his pocket, as well as 70 unspent blank rounds for the gun.

The names "Lee Harvey" and "Osvaldo" (Osvaldo is the Spanish equivalent to "Oswald") drew comparisons to Lee Harvey Oswald who was, according to five government investigations, the assassin of President John F. Kennedy. This led conspiracy theorists to claim that the incident was set up to scare Carter into submission. Although originally dismissed as "a tale spun by an intoxicated man,"police investigating the claims found a room in the Alan Hotel rented under the name "Umberto Camacho," the name of an alleged conspirator given by Ortiz, containing a shotgun case and three unspent rounds of ammunition. The occupant had checked out of the hotel room the day of the alleged assassination attempt.


Reported Carter-Assassination Plot Given Credibility by New Evidence:

Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation said today that they had found support for he story told by Raymond Lee Harvey, who was arrested by the Secret Service when he was found carrying a starter pistol near the President.

Mr. Harvey, 35 years old, contended that he was supposed to have fired the harmless starter pistol into the ground at an appearance by Mr. Carter in Los Angeles last weekend, creating a “diversion” for the real assassins to shoot the President.

After his arrest about 50 feet from where Mr. Carter was speaking Saturday, Mr. Harvey told Secret Service agents that he was part of a four man plot to kill Mr. Carter.



The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

Inside the CIA, Carter and his CIA Director Stansfield Turner were blamed for firing many of the free-wheeling covert operatives from the Vietnam era, for ousting legendary spymaster Ted Shackley, and for failing to protect longtime U.S. allies (and friends of the CIA), such as Iran’s Shah and Nicaragua’s dictator Anastasio Somoza.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:30 pm

last word on Jonestown... from John Judge (RIP)

The Black Hole of Guyana: The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre

The ultimate victims of mind control at Jonestown are the American people. If we fail to look beyond the constructed images given us by the television and the press, then our consciousness is manipulated, just as well as the Jonestown victims' was. Facing nuclear annihilation, may see the current militarism of the Reagan policies, and military training itself, as the real "mass suicide cult." If the discrepancy between the truth of Jonestown and the official version can be so great, what other lies have we been told about major events?

History is precious. In a democracy, knowledge must be accessible for informed consent to function. Hiding or distorting history behind "national security" leaves the public as the final enemy of the government. Democratic process cannot operate on "need to know." Otherwise we live in the 1984 envisioned by Orwell's projections and we must heed his warning that those who control the past control the future.

The real tragedy of Jonestown is not only that it occurred, but that so few chose to ask themselves why or how, so few sought to find out the facts behind the bizarre tale used to explain away the death of more than 900 people, and that so many will continue to be blind to the grim reality of our intelligence agencies. In the long run, the truth will come out. Only our complicity in the deception continues to dishonor the dead.


You Know the Official Version

But Just Suppose It Didn't Happen That Way...

Who Was Jim Jones?

What Was Jonestown?

One Too Many Jonestowns

The Links to U.S. Intelligence Agencies

The Strange Connection to the Murder of Martin Luther King




In the last two years of his life, John Judge was working to realize the vision of a Museum of Hidden History with the incorporation of a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit in 2012. This was the work he was increasingly devoting his energies to that harkened back to what he had hoped to manifest by endeavoring to establish a Research Center and Library for the late great Mae Brussell in 1988-89. Work is proceeding on the Museum as John’s collection of books, papers, and other research collections that were previously donated to him are moved to the new Hidden History Center in Falls Church, Virginia. Along with cataloging and organizing John’s collection, a major redesign and expansion is in process for the Museum web site. As things develop they will be presented there. Your interest and support is greatly and gratefully appreciated.

Here’s to a most uncommon common man whose life and energies were devoted to urging this nation live up to its promise of liberty and justice for all and to caring for the earth and all its kin. John lived his life, and gave everything he had, to honor and serve Life’s needs.



Author of Judge for Yourself, a compendium of his research articles and lectures about covert operations, hidden history and assassinations, he co-founded the Committee for an Open Archives in 1989 to free the JFK and MLK assassination files. That organization joined with others to form the national Coalition on Political Assassinations in Washington, DC, following appointment of the JFK Assassination Records Review Board in 1994.

Judge promoted the release of 4 1/2 million pages of records on the JFK assassination, the largest release of classified documents to date. He continues working for a full release of the MLK records. His research unearthed startling information concerning Jonestown, programmed asssassins, post-war international fascism, Watergate and Contragate, the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, organized political crimes, and so-called “UFO’s”.

In these excerpts John discusses Mae Brussell; Presidential Assassination, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Lee-Harvey-Oswald, Don Norton, Sirhan-Sirhan, John Hinckley Jr. The Pentagon, Oliver North,The Neil Bush-Bob Marley connection, Helene Von Damm, Otto Von Bolschwing and the rise of Fascism in America.

Among the topics discussed here: Cults, Secret Societies, Mind Control, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, Prescott Bush, George HW Bush, CIA, DIA, Office of Naval Intelligence, William Cooper, Lyndon Larouche, L Ron Hubbard, Scientology, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Jose Delgado, Brain Implants, Lobotomy, EA 1729, BZ, Timothy Leary, Charles Manson, Jonestown Mass Murder, World Vision, EST-The Forum, Freemasonry, Waco, MOVE, The SLA and Patty Hearst, UFO - Military Disinformation and Abductions.


Coalition on Political Assassinations: A news conference was held to begin a conference on political assassinations which focuses on fully disclosing classified material pertaining to the assassinations of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr. Alcorn mentioned a recent disclosure that showed that the CIA overthrew a democratically elected government in Guatemala in the 1950s and an admission of a CIA assassination program which targeted political leaders. Mr. Alcorn said the CIA did not inform the Congress of this program and intimated that this proves that full disclosure on American assassinations has not yet been reached. Following prepared remarks, Mr. Alcorn, Mr. Smith and Mr. Melanson took questions.

COPA ended with the passing of John Judge in April 2014 & is now archived for historical and research purposes: http://archive.politicalassassinations.net/

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:35 pm

On the subject of political assassinations...

1975: Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention by the Church Committee & a Gerald Ford commission to investigate CIA activities within the US.


later that year Gerald Ford is the victim of 2 seperate assassination attempts.

one of the perps is Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, a follower of the Jim Jones-like Charles Manson & member of his cult. was Spahn ranch really much different than Jonestown? no shots were fired during this attempt. was this a warning to back off the investigation?

the other perp was Sara Jane Moore, a rumored FBI informant with links to the CA left (** The Jim Jones/People's Temple group ?), who's only motive was to "create chaos".


shortly after Ford's commission starts digging (& exposing) the MK Ultra program, there are 2 attempted assassinations on his life. both without a clear motive other than to "create chaos". both shooters having questionable backgrounds & connections with alphabet agencies. both would later escape prison.

a 45 Year old Mom and a Manson Girl both tried to kill Gerald Ford

In September of 1975, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme was on the front page of the New York Times: earlier that month, she had brandished a .45 caliber automatic pistol at President Gerald Ford, and now she had been judged competent to stand trial for the attempted assassination. Normally, this might have been above-the-fold news. But on that same day, the Times was profiling Sara Jane Moore—the other woman who had attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford that month.

It's a historical fact that many forget: Two women attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford, in the same month.

Both attempts had occurred in California, Fromme's in Sacramento, Moore's in San Francisco. Fromme had not fired a shot; Moore had, and it went wide. The two attempts were not connected to each other, but both women had been involved in the strange subcultures of 1970s California.

Fromme, 26 at the time, was a member of the Manson Family, and although she had not been implicated in the group's murders, she was one of Charlie Manson's oldest and most devoted supporters. Moore was older, 45, and she had immersed herself in the world of San Francisco's leftist political groups, in part out of a personal fascination and in part because the FBI had recruited her as an informant.


It's hard to outmatch a Manson Family member in a contest of unsettling personalities. And Fromme holds the distinction of being the first woman charged with the attempted assassination of a U.S. president. But between Ford's two would-be assassins, it's Moore who, ultimately, is the more mysterious and troubling figure.


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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:55 pm

Ford, Rockefeller, Bush, Colby & the CIA...


As George H.W. Bush had only won one election in his life, serving as a one term congressman, to name him vice-President did not seem to be a logical choice.

But there were considerations that had nothing to do with the Vice-Presidency, and everything to do with putting a stop to the Senate’s intention to begin hearings into the illegal activities, assassinations, and other crimes committed by the CIA—investigations that had been stimulated by Watergate. (** Jonestown, Leo Ryan, Hughes-Ryan Act, MK Ultra discovery, Iran-Contra, etc, IMO **)

William Colby, the new CIA director, as he was responsible for spilling the beans, would soon be shown the door. A replacement, a cover-up artist, would be needed to fill his leaky shoes.

President Ford faced two difficult choices, and one of his main concerns was covering up CIA malfeasance and its involvement in terrorist plots and political assassinations.

It was not so much a matter of which man to pick for which job. Rather, Bush and Rockefeller would require Senate confirmation, and both men were distrusted by various Senate factions. Some senators, such as Frank Church, were already grumbling about Bush, accusing him of being a fascist bent on installing a totalitarian government pay.’

Finally, Ford chose Rockefeller to be his vice-president. George Bush got the nod for the CIA post, in November, after the firing of CIA director William Colby because of his failure to contain the Senate and House investigations.

(** when Bush was picked to be director of the CIA, he testified to Congress that he had never worked for the CIA before in any capacity. seems like an odd appointment. What is interesting though is @ the time of the Bay of Pigs, he was living in Houston with his wife Barbara running Zapata Offshore Co. Coincidentally, the codename for the Bay of Pigs was 'Operation Zapata' and the 2 navy ships that were used and repainted so as to not be identified as US NAVY ships were renamed 'Houston' and 'Barbara'. All this was classified Top Secret and didn't come out until MUCH later **)

Bush was confirmed in December. However, whereas the choice of Rockefeller triggered applause from some quarters, especially the media, the choice of Bush provoked outrage.

Given that Bush-Walker family tentacles had spread throughout the CIA, like a cancer, Senator Church and others were convinced that if George W. Bush became the next director of the CIA, it would be bad for country.

“The wrong kind of guy at the wrong place at the worst possible time” - Nationally syndicated columnist, George Will

Despite these objections, and with the help of powerful business and banking interests, George Bush got the job in December of 1975.

Nelson Rockefeller—after extensive hearings into his wealth, and despite the fact that he had been discovered paying bribes to government officials, including Henry Kissinger—was sworn in as the 41 st vice president of the United States on Dec. 19,1974.

Rockefeller envisioned taking charge of domestic policies. Much to his chagrin, Rockefeller was immediately challenged and blocked at every turn by a formidable clique headed by Ford chief of staff Donald Rumsfeld and his aid, Dick Cheney.

Instead, Rockefeller (as well as Kissinger, Rumsfeld, and Cheney) would be used to head off the Senate investigation of the CIA—an investigation triggered by Watergate and a December 1974, article in the New York Times in which Seymour Hersh published an expose of the CIA and its violation of the CIA’s charter.


Family Jewels: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Jewels_(Central_Intelligence_Agency)

Investigative Journalist Seymour Hersch revealed some of the contents of the "Family Jewels" in a front-page NYT article in December 1974, in which he reported that:

The Central Intelligence Agency, directly violating its charter, conducted a massive, illegal domestic intelligence operation during the Nixon Administration against the antiwar movement and other dissident groups in the United States according to well-placed Government sources.

Seymour Hersch: Huge C.I.A. Operation Reported in U.S. Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years

**** archived PDF: http://cryptome.org/2013/06/hersh-nyt-74-1222.pdf

**** original story: http://goodtimesweb.org/covert-operations/2013/nyt-cia-operation-antiwar-forces-dec-22-1974.html

'Family Jewels' Full NSA Archive: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB222/


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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:01 pm

taking a closer look @ GHWB's claim that he was not involved with the CIA in any capacity until being named Director in 1976...

& In addition to the previously mentioned "Bay of Pigs' coincidences...

Bush’s tip to FBI - 11/22/63

A recently disclosed memo supports the conclusion that George H. W. Bush was in Dallas the day JFK was assassinated. FBI Special Agent Graham Kitchel wrote the memo to the FBI’s Houston bureau, dated Nov. 22, 1963, the day of the assassination.


The memo reads in the first paragraph: “At 1:45 p.m. Mr. GEORGE H. W. BUSH, President of the Zapata Off-Shore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas, residence 5525 Briar, Houston, telephonically furnished this following information to writer by a long distance telephone call from Tyler, Texas.”

Tyler is a small town about 100 miles east of Dallas.

In the second and third paragraphs, Graham discloses, “Bush stated that he wanted to be kept confidential but wanted to furnish hearsay that he recalled hearing in recount weeks, the day and source unknown.”

Graham then relates that Bush suspected a James Parrott, a student at the University of Texas, had been talking of assassinating JFK when the president came to Houston. The lead turned out to be inconsequential.

But in the last paragraph, Graham confirmed that Bush was going to be at the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel in Dallas on the day of the assassination, returning to his residence in Houston the next day.

Some researchers – noting the discrepancy that the Dallas Morning News claimed Bush would be at the Sheraton-Dallas on Thursday night, Nov. 21, 1963, while the Kitchel memo suggests Bush would be at the hotel on the night of the assassination – have speculated that Bush made the call to establish an alibi.

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1963, an advertisement under “Club Activities” was published in the Dallas Morning News stating that George Bush, president, Zapata Off-Shore Co., would be speaking for the American Association of Oilwell Drilling contractors at 6:30 p.m., the next day at the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel.

The advertisement places George H. W. Bush in Dallas the day before JFK was assassinated; there is no public record indicating when Bush left Dallas on that trip.


Russ Baker, author of the 2009 book “Family of Secrets,” observed: “In summary, then, Bush called in a pointless tip about an innocent fellow to an FBI agent whom he knew, and whom he knew could be counted on to file a report on this trip – out of what may have been hundreds of calls, some of them not even worthy of documenting, and, after a cursory investigation, the tip was confirmed as useless."

Baker has argued the real point of the call was “to establish for the record, if anyone asked, that Poppy Bush was not in Dallas when Kennedy was shot. By pointing to a seemingly harmless man who lived with his mother, Bush appeared to establish his own Pollyannaish ignorance of the larger plot.”

Hoover's Warning - 11/29/63

an FBI memo written by J. Edgar Hoover on Nov. 29, 1963, advised that the FBI office in Miami warned the Department of State on Nov. 23, 1963, one day after the assassination, that “some misguided anti-Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in U.S. policy, which is not true.”


In the last paragraph of the memo, Hoover noted that “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” furnished the background information contained in the report. Spokesmen for George H.W. Bush have said the reference might be to a different George Bush.

“George William Bush,” a person with a different middle name from the future president, was a CIA employee at the time of the JFK assassination.

However, George William Bush submitted a statement in a legal action before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia stating that he reviewed the memo in question and Hoover was not referring to him.

In his signed statement, George William Bush noted he had carefully reviewed the FBI memo written by the FBI director, dated Nov. 29, 1963. He stated he did not recognize the contents as information furnished to him orally or otherwise while he was at the CIA. Thus, he concluded, he was not the George Bush of the CIA referenced in the memo.

Mark Lane, in his 1991 book “Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the JFK Assassination,” noted that Joseph McBride, the journalist who found the memo, also tracked down George William Bush, who he described a a lower level researcher at the CIA. McBride said George William Bush also denied he was the person mentioned in the memo.

When the memo surfaced, the New York Times questioned Stephen Hart, then a spokesman for Vice President Bush, and asked when George H. W. Bush first joined the CIA. Hart replied that Bush denied any involvement with the CIA before President Ford named him director in 1975.

Was George H. W. Bush the “George Bush” in the memo? If so, what precisely was the relationship with the CIA? In 1963, was he a CIA agent or merely a CIA asset?


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