Kastle Khabib (Pixel Animation)

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Kastle Khabib (Pixel Animation)

Postby Jehannum » Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:49 am

although I am very grateful to those who took the time to comment, both here and on sherdog

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Postby Masato » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:22 pm

Jehannum wrote:16 likes on sherdog :P

I know likes aren't what we are after, but it's a decent measuring stick for the general success of our shoops, and mine bombed yet again.

I keep thinking that maybe if I do something even bigger and more advanced, it might break through that barrier of indifference, but from my first NGS entry to my second one there was a huge difference in the technical aspects of it, and I packed it with a lot of detail .. but still barely anyone liked them .. so I did the Kastle Khabib project which was totally different .. and got the same response.

I don't wanna shoop non-mma stuff but I am gonna start looking for other art communities to see what my options are. Reading Masato's "Sonnen Wars" and his comments about the lack of responses really tore me up today. I've just been and bought some beers which is a very rare occurence for me. Just need some damn escapism

This is the life of a true artist! LOL welcome to the club, bro

How many musicians out there have great passion and skills but have to scrounge to find people to hear their songs? Or spend all their $$ recording their own album but can't get anyone to distribute it? How many great painters or potters have to sit at tables every weekend trying to sell their wares, only to see hundreds of people pass by but not buy anything? How many fantastic stories and books have been written but people never discovered? How many have been written but never left the author's shelf?

I know a GREAT oil painter (I mean really great, genius levels, classically trained etc) that no one knows who the fuck he is and can't get jobs because nobody wants to commission for top quality original oil paints anymore. Thus he has to work shit graphic design gigs to pay his bills, which eats up all his painting time, lol Many many, great creative minds are not even recognized until they have already died

- 'Tis the struggle of creative folk!

I figure the journey is worth continuing and those who don't get discouraged but follow that mysterious desire to KEEP CREATING regardless will get their share some day some how. How many great bands didn't give a fuck in their early days? etc

Another thing to keep in mind is that I've heard from many that its damn near impossible to predict what will go viral and what will not (heard this from the creator of Reddit for example). Most of the things I've made that went most viral were things I put the least time in, lol go figure. Hollywood etc is obsessed with making things only based on predictions of what they think will be popular, and thus look at all the crud they produce! They may get the 'likes' but have contributed nothing with any heart or value. I am convinced that one major reason why Sonnen's War never took off was because I put a political statement/spin at the end. Perhaps if I just kept if as pure MMA jokes it would have gone farther, but FUCK THAT lol... I wanted to say something and I said it and am more proud of it than if I'd made it just fluff and a million more people saw it.

We MUST continue to follow our muse, no matter where it leads us. Sometimes we will be inspired to make something small, other times something grand, and everything in between. Reponses will likely vary the same way, and its not up to us. Those who follow their creative current to the end and bring it into focus are the only ones imo who ever create real masterpieces, eventually... hopefully... maybe not lol. But pursue nonetheless :D

I feel your pain bro but I really think its something that creative folks should come to understand and be OK with. In a way, I think once we pass that barrier we actually become better artists! Just keep being creative and making what you wanna make, this in itself I find is more than just healthy, its essential somehow

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Postby Masato » Sun Oct 30, 2016 4:00 pm

I keep suggesting to do more collaborations among the MMA shoop community... every time I've done this we made gold (MMA Bedtime Stories, Mix n Match Game, Comics of Chaos, and that RPG game that NEVER GOT FUCKIN MADE, lol

Let me know if you ever have a brainstorm, I know Empty Emp and EOW are usually down if we have a good idea. Our man Joe Mama is really cool to work with too for doing audio & voices

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Postby Jehannum » Sun Oct 30, 2016 5:53 pm

@Masato : yeah I need to stop whining, I may have been creating stuff for a decade or so, but I've only stepped it up in the last few years and it still doesn't compare to the progress guys like bigwaverider and giblert have made (they take a more educated approach to it) and of course real artists like yourself that have dedicated most of their life to it.

I am gonna make a proper post for Kastle Khabib on imgur though tomorrow, and see if it does any better than my GoT UFC 200 poster did. I expect a lot of negativity again so my hopes are set pretty low, though I'm sure waking up to a -240 score would make me .. very sad

Sonnen Wars
Actually I thought that political statement at the end was awesome, cause real life doesn't have spaceships and battles with people ripping off dozens of arms etc, so stepping back a bit and injecting some reality back into proceedings was perfect.

I've only done one comic strip (Big Trouble in Little Stockton) so I don't have a lot to reference, but I did use that kind of idea too, to end it, turning it from an all out street battle into a debate between fight fans on a forum that was broken up by the mods. It also helped explain why the MMA fighters featured in it remained Chinese rather than having their faces shooped.

I do wish I'd seen Sonnen Wars first, but perhaps it may also have deterred me with it's awesomeness :D Not sure if you noticed but I read through it all earlier today and replied to the thread, having never checked it out before.

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